Let‘s assume we develop a custom low level transport for gRPC. How can we “plug it” into the gRPC c++ API so that we can use it for a Channel?
I'm working on a doc that will soon appear at https://github.com/grpc/grpc/ but here's a preview:
gRPC transports plug in below the core API (one level below the C++ API). You can write your transport in C or C++ though; currently all the transports are nominally written in C++ though they are idiomatically C. The existing transports are:
Among these, the in-process is likely the easiest to understand, though arguably also the least similar to a "real" sockets-based transport.
In the gRPC core implementation, a fundamental struct is the grpc_transport_stream_op_batch which represents a collection of stream operations sent to a transport. The ops in a batch can include:
Client: initate an RPC
Server: supply response headers
Client: get response headers
Server: accept an RPC
send_message (zero or more) : send a data buffer
recv_message (zero or more) : receive a data buffer
Client: half-close indicating that no more messages will be coming
Server: full-close providing final status for the RPC
recv_trailing_metadata: get final status for the RPC
Server extra: This op shouldn't actually be considered complete until the server has also sent trailing metadata to provide the other side with final status
cancel_stream: Attempt to cancel an RPC
collect_stats: Get stats
One or more of these ops are grouped into a batch. Applications can start all of a call's ops in a single batch, or they can split them up into multiple batches. Results of each batch are returned asynchronously via a completion queue.
Internally, we use callbacks to indicate completion. The surface layer creates a callback when starting a new batch and sends it down the filter stack along with the batch. The transport must invoke this callback when the batch is complete, and then the surface layer returns an event to the application via the completion queue. Each batch can have up to 3 callbacks:
recv_initial_metadata_ready (called by the transport when the recv_initial_metadata op is complete)
recv_message_ready (called by the transport when the recv_message op is complete)
on_complete (called by the transport when the entire batch is complete)
The transport's job is to sequence and interpret various possible interleavings of the basic stream ops. For example, a sample timeline of batches would be:
Client send_initial_metadata: Initiate an RPC with a path (method) and authority
Server receive_initial_metadata: accept an RPC
Client send_message: Supply the input proto for the RPC
Server receive_message: Get the input proto from the RPC
Client send_trailing_metadata: This is a half-close indicating that the client will not be sending any more messages
Server receive_trailing_metadata: The server sees this from the client and knows that it will not get any more messages. This won't complete yet though, as described above.
Server send_initial_metadata, send_message, send_trailing_metadata: A batch can contain multiple ops, and this batch provides the RPC response headers, response content, and status. Note that sending the trailing metadata will also complete the server's receive of trailing metadata.
Client recv_initial_metadata: The number of ops in one side of the batch has no relation with the number of ops on the other side of the batch. In this case, the client is just collecting the response headers.
Client recv_message, recv_trailing_metadata: Get the data response and status
In addition to these basic stream ops, the transport must handle cancellations of a stream at any time and pass their effects to the other side. The transport must perform operations like pings and statistics that are used to shape transport-level characteristics like flow control (see, for example, their use in the HTTP/2 transport).
Regarding C++ API: Most of the existing custom transports are done by creating their own credentials C++ types and use those to enable the new transport.
I have already gone through the client library provided by google in the below doc. The given client library is just to poll the message from PubSub, But it will not poll continuously until we create the Unbounded Source Connector.
Since the source connector I'm trying to build is Unbounded source,For that I need to take care of Checkpoint Marker, implement PubSub reader, PubSub split source and implement ACK and NACK logic and I believe it will take a good amount to time to create my own Unbounded source connector. Right now PubSubIO(Beam api) only supports asynchronous pull. So is there any way I can just implement ACK n NACK logic logic on top of PubSubIO api provided by Apache Beam. Is there any kind of already developed api which is more suitable for this kind of use-cases.
With synchronous pull, you can acknowledge the intended message and NACK the consumed message in case of any parsing failure.
The feature that you expect doesn't exist, and should not exist.
The current behavior, the async pull, get the message and as soon as the message is persisted (in the worker or sink in the pipeline, the first of both), the message is ACK.
In your case, you expect to ACK manually the message according with the pipeline processing. However, you are limited to 10 minutes to ACK your messages with PubSub. Imagine if you build a pipeline with windows of 15 minutes (or more). You need to wait the end of the processing of the windows to ACK the messages; impossible!
The correct design, in your case, is to manage your errors in your pipeline.
Is it possible to ensure that a message was successfully delivered to an Event Hub when sending it with the log-to-eventhub policy in API Management?
Edit: In our solution we cannot allow any request to proceed if a message was not delivered to the Event Hub. As far as I can tell the log-to-eventhub policy doesn't check for this.
Welcome to Stackoveflow!
Note: Once the data has been passed to an Event Hub, it is persisted and will wait for Event Hub consumers to process it. The Event Hub does not care how it is processed; it just cares about making sure the message will be successfully delivered.
For more details, refer “Why send to an Azure Event Hub?”.
Hope this helps.
Event Hubs is built on top of Service Bus. According to the Service Bus documentation,
Using any of the supported Service Bus API clients, send operations into Service Bus are always explicitly settled, meaning that the API operation waits for an acceptance result from Service Bus to arrive, and then completes the send operation.
If the message is rejected by Service Bus, the rejection contains an error indicator and text with a "tracking-id" inside of it. The rejection also includes information about whether the operation can be retried with any expectation of success. In the client, this information is turned into an exception and raised to the caller of the send operation. If the message has been accepted, the operation silently completes.
When using the AMQP protocol, which is the exclusive protocol for the .NET Standard client and the Java client and which is an option for the .NET Framework client, message transfers and settlements are pipelined and completely asynchronous, and it is recommended that you use the asynchronous programming model API variants.
A sender can put several messages on the wire in rapid succession without having to wait for each message to be acknowledged, as would otherwise be the case with the SBMP protocol or with HTTP 1.1. Those asynchronous send operations complete as the respective messages are accepted and stored, on partitioned entities or when send operation to different entities overlap. The completions might also occur out of the original send order.
I think this means the SDK is getting a receipt for each message.
This theory is further aided by the RetryPolicy Class used in the ClientEntity.RetryPolicy Property of the EventHubSender Class.
In the API Management section on logging-to-eventhub, there is also a section on retry intervals. Below that are sections on modifying the return response or taking action on certain status codes.
Once the status codes of a failed logging attempt are known, you can modify the policies to take action on failed logging attempts.
With ActorPublisher deprecated in favor of GraphStage, it looks as though I have to give up my actor-managed state for GraphStateLogic-managed state. But with the actor managed state I was able to mutate state by sending arbitrary messages to my actor and with GraphStateLogic I don't see how to do that.
So previously if I wanted to create a Source to expose data that is made available via HTTP request/response, then with ActorPublisher demand was communicated to my actor by Request messages to which I could react by kicking off an HTTP request in the background and send responses to my actor so I could send its contents downstream.
It is not obvious how to do this with a GraphStageLogic instance if I cannot send it arbitrary messages. Demand is communicated by OnPull() to which I can react by kicking off an HTTP request in the background. But then when the response comes in, how do I safely mutate the GraphStateLogic's state?
(aside: just in case it matters, I'm using Akka.Net, but I believe this applies to the whole Akka streams model. I assume the solution in Akka is also the solution in Akka.Net. I also assume that ActorPublisher will also be deprecated in Akka.Net eventually even though it is not at the moment.)
I believe that the question is referring to "asynchronous side-channels" and is discussed here:
Using asynchronous side-channels
In order to receive asynchronous events that are not arriving as stream elements (for example a completion of a future or a callback from a 3rd party API) one must acquire a AsyncCallback by calling getAsyncCallback() from the stage logic. The method getAsyncCallback takes as a parameter a callback that will be called once the asynchronous event fires.
I have a service which accepts HTTP requests from a customer site. The service then sends an HTTP request to a transactional email provider with information provided in the initial request to the service. The workflow looks like this:
CustomerSite ⟷ EmailService ⟷ TransactionEmailProvider
I can think of two possibilities for handling requests so that errors from the TransactionalEmailProvider can be reported to the CustomerSite.
The EmailService immediately sends an asynchronous request to
TransactionalEmailProvider when it receives a request from a
CustomerSite. The EmailService immediately responds to the
CustomerSite with a success code if the request was properly
formed. If a failure happened when sending a request to the
TransactionalEmailProvider, the EmailService sends a failure
notification using a POST request back to the EmailService using a
webhook implementation.
The EmailService sends a request to the TransactionalEmailProvider, and awaits a response before responding to the CustomerSite request with either a success or a failure.
Right now I'm implementing the first version because I don't want the responsiveness of the EmailService to be dependent on the responsiveness of the TransactionalEmailProvider.
Is this a reasonable way to process HTTP requests that are dependent upon a second level of HTTP requests? Are there situations in which one would be preferred over the other?
Is this a reasonable way to process HTTP requests that are dependent upon a second level of HTTP requests? Are there situations in which one would be preferred over the other?
It really depends on the system requirements, it depends on how you want to behave in case of failure of some of its components or under varying workload.
If you want your system to be reactive or scalable you should use asynchronous requests whenever possible. For this your system should be message driven. You could read more about reactive system here. This seems like your first option.
If you want a simpler system then use synchronous/blocking requests, like your option no. 2
i have wrote a Text Message Sender Program via JMS with C++ following.
tibems_status status = TIBEMS_OK;
status = tibemsMsgProducer_SendToDestination(
m_tMsg );
Suppose status == 0, this means only that Function has worked succesfull. It doesn't mean that my Text Message was sent succesfull
How can I ensure that my Message was sent succesfull? Should I get a ID or Acknowledge from JMS Queue back?
It depends on the Message Delivery Mode.
When a PERSISTENT message is sent, the tibemsMsgProducer_SendToDestination call will wait for the EMS server to reply with a confirmation.
When a NON_PERSISTENT message is sent, the tibemsMsgProducer_SendToDestination call may or may not wait for a confirmation depending on if authorization is enabled and the npsend_check_mode setting. See the EMS docs (linked above) for specific details.
Lastly, when a RELIABLE_DELIVERY message is sent, the tibemsMsgProducer_SendToDestination call does not wait for a confirmation and will only fail if the connection to the EMS server is lost.
However, even in the situations where a confirmation is sent, this is only confirmation that the EMS server has received the message. It does not confirm that the message was received and processed by the message consumer. EMS Monitoring Messages can be used to determine if the message was acknowledged by the consumer.
The message monitoring topics are in the form $sys.monitor.<D>.<E>.<destination>, where <D> matches Q|q|T|t, <E> matches s|r|a|p|\* and <destination> is the name of the destination. For instance to monitor for message acknowledgment for the queue named beterman, your program would subscribe to $sys.monitor.q.a.beterman (or $sys.monitor.Q.a.beterman if you want a copy of the message that was acknowledged).
The monitoring messages contain many properties, including the msg_id, source_name and target_name. You can use that information to correlate it back to the message you sent.
Otherwise, the simpler option is to use a tibemsMsgRequestor instead of a tibemsMsgProducer. tibemsMsgRequestor_Request will send the message and wait for a reply from the recipient. In this case you are best to use RELIABLE_DELIVERY and NO_ACKNOWLEDGE to remove all the confirmation and acknowledgement messages between the producer and the EMS server and the EMS server and the consumer.
However, if you do go down the tibemsMsgRequestor route, then you may also want to consider simply using a HTTP request instead, with a load balancer in place of the EMS server. Architecturally there isn't much difference between the two options (EMS uses persistent TCP connections, HTTP doesn't)
Producer -> EMS Server -> ConsumerA
-> ConsumerB
Client -> Load Balancer -> ServerA
-> ServerB
But with HTTP you have clear semantics for each of the methods. GET is safe (does not change state), PUT and DELETE are idempotent (multiple identical requests should have the same effect as a single request), and POST is non-idempotent (it causes a change in server state each time it is performed), etc. You also have well defined status codes. If you're using tibemsMsgRequestor you'll need to create bespoke semantics and response status, which will require extra effort to create, maintain and to train the other developers in your team on.
Also, it far easier to find developers with HTTP skills than EMS skills and it's far easier to find information HTTP that EMS, so the tibemsMsgRequestor option will make recruiting more difficult and problem solving issues more difficult.
Because of this HTTP is a better option IMO, for request-reply or for when you want to ensure that that the message sent was processed successfully.