Store BasicBlock/Instruction into metadata - llvm

I'm writing an LLVM pass that analyses program and selects several basic blocks. I would like to store a list of selected blocks (BasicBlock*) into global metadata (and read back in subsequent passes). (There will be multiple BB lists, so I don't want to add metadata to BBs / terminator instructions.)
expected output:
!42 = !{BB1*, BB2*, ...}
I have found this related question, but I'm not able to convert a BasicBlock or an Instruction (e.g. a BB terminator) such that it is "correctly" saved in the metadata. One possible workaround is to save two strings – function name and BB name, but I would like to have a more robust solution.


RocksDb: Multiple values per key (c++)

RocksDb: Multiple values per key (c++)
what i am trying to do
I am trying to adapt my simple blockchain implementation to save the blockchain to the hard drive periodically and so i looked info different db solutions. i decided to use RocksDb due to its ease of use and good documentation & examples. i read through the documentation and could not figure out how to adapt it to my use case.
i have a class Block
class Block {
string PrevHash;
blockheader header; // The header of the block
uint32_t index; // height of this block
std::vector<tx_data> transactions; // All transactions in the block in a vector
std::string hash; // The hash of the block
uint64_t timestamp; // The timestamp this block was created by the node
std::string data; // Extra data that can be appended to blocks (for example text or a smart contract)
// - The larger this feild the higher the fee and the max size is defined in config.h
which contains a few variables and a vector of a struct tx_data. i want to load this data into a rocksdb database.
what i have tried
after google failed to return any results on storing multiple values with one keypair i decided i would have to just enclose each block data in 0xa1 at the beginning then at the end 0x2a
but decided there was surely a simpler way. I tried looking at the code used by turtlecoin, a currency that uses rocksdb for its database but the code there is practically indecipherable, i have heard about serialization but there seems to be little info out there on it.
perhaps i am misunderstanding the use of a DB?
You need to serialization it. Serialization is the process of taking a structured set of data and making it into one string, number or vector of bytes that can then be de-serialized later on back into that struct. One method would be to take the hash of the block and use it as the key in the db then crate a new struct which does not contain the hash. Then write a function that takes a Block struct and a path and constructs a BlockNoHash struct and saves it. Then another function to read a block from a hash and spit out a Block Struct. Very basically you could split each field with a charector which will never occur in the data (eg ` or |), though this means if one piece of the data is corrupted then you cant get any of the other data
There are two related questions here.
One is: how do you store complex data -- more than just a simple integer or string -- within a key-value store like RocksDB. As Leo says, you need to serialize them.
Rather than writing your own code, the typical easier way is to use a framework like Protobuf or Thrift to generate code to translate between your in-memory structures and a flat bytes representation suitable to store in a database (or send over the network.)
A related question, from the title: how do you store multiple values per key?
There are two main options:
Use a compound key, that distinguishes the various values. By walking a key prefix you can find all the values in a set of related keys. This is better if the values get very large or if you want to find and update them independently.
Or, make the value for a single key actually be a compound object that includes several inner values. This is easiest if you always want to fetch all the sub-values in a single operation.

Selectively loading elements from jld file in Julia

I saved an object named results in Julia with the JLDpackage writing
#save "res.jld" results
The object resultsis a
81-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Float64,Array{Array{Array{Int64,1},1},1},Array{Array{Array{Int64,1},1},1},Array{Int64,1}},1}
where each element has 5 elements: Int64, Float64, Array{Array{Array{Int64,1},1},1}, Array{Array{Array{Int64,1},1},1} and Array{Int64,1}.
How can I have access to the first 2 elements of each element (the Int64and the Float64) without loading the whole file, because it requires a large amount of memory. I want to avoid #load "res.jld"because it's too heavy.
What you are looking for isn't quite possible I'm afraid. There is hyperslabbing and it is also partially supported by JLD (simple example here). It will allow you to read in each element one by one. However, it doesn't enable you to only load only the first two components of each element.
Nonetheless, iterating over each element one by one might be still useful as you can avoid loading the full dataset into memory (hence you could process a dataset that is too large to be kept in memory). It probably isn't faster than loading the full dataset (if you can) though.
Creating some (simplified) fake data and saving it to disk
using JLD
results = [(i, Float64(i), rand(3)) for i in 1:1000];
#save "res.jld" results
Basically, what I was describing above would look like this
jldopen("res.jld") do f
for k in 1:length(f["results"])
f["results"][k][1][1:2] # read k-th element and extract first two components.

Storing values of arbitrary type

I want to store arbitrary key value pairs. For example,
{:foo "bar" ; string
:n 12 ; long
:p 1.2 ; float
In datomic, I'd like to store it as something like:
[{:kv/key "foo"
:kv/value "bar"}
{:kv/key "n"
:kv/value 12}
{:kv/key "p"
:kv/value 1.2}]
The problem is :kv/value can only have one type in datomic. A solution is to to split :kv/value into :kv/value-string, :kv/value-long, :kv/value-float, etc. It comes with its own issues like making sure only one value attribute is used at a time. Suggestions?
If you could give more details on your specific use-case it might be easier to figure out the best answer. At this point it is a bit of a mystery why you may want to have an attribute that can sometimes be a string, sometimes an int, etc.
From what you've said so far, your only real answer it to have different attributes like value-string etc. This is like in a SQL DB you have only 1 type per table column and would need different columns to store a string, integer, etc.
As your problem shows, any tool (such as a DB) is designed with certain assumptions. In this case the DB assumes that each "column" (attribute in Datomic) is always of the same type. The DB also assumes that you will (usually) want to have data in all columns/attrs for each record/entity.
In your problem you are contradicting both of these assumptions. While you can still use the DB to store information, you will have to write custom functions to ensure only 1 attribute (value-string, value-int, etc) is in use at one time. You probably want custom insertion functions like "insert-str-val", "insert-int-val", etc, as well as custom read functions "read-str-val" etc al. It might be also a good idea to have a validation function that could accept any record/entity and verify that exactly one-and-only-one "type" was in use at any given time.
You can emulate a key-value store with heterogenous values by making :kv/key a :db.unique/identity attribute, and by making :kv/value either bytes-typed or string-typed and encoding the values in the format you like (e.g fressian / nippy for :db.types/bytes, edn / json for :db.types/string). I advise that you set :db/index to false for :kv/value in this case.
you will have limited query power, as the values will not be indexed and will need to be de-serialized for each query.
If you want to run transaction functions which read or write the values (e.g for data migrations), you should make your encoding / decoding library available to the Transactor as well.
If the values are large (say, over 20kb), don't store them in Datomic; use a complementary storage service like AWS S3 and store a URL.

Stata : generate/replace alternatives?

I use Stata since several years now, along with other languages like R.
Stata is great, but there is one thing that annoys me : the generate/replace behaviour, and especially the "... already defined" error.
It means that if we want to run a piece of code twice, if this piece of code contains the definition of a variable, this definition needs 2 lines :
capture drop foo
generate foo = ...
While it takes just one line in other languages such as R.
So is there another way to define variables that combines "generate" and "replace" in one command ?
I am unaware of any way to do this directly. Further, as #Roberto's comment implies, there are reasons simply issuing a generate command will not overwrite (see: replace) the contents of a variable.
To be able to do this while maintaining data integrity, you would need to issue two separate commands as your question points out (explicitly dropping the existing variable before generating the new one) - I see this as method in which Stata forces the user to be clear about his/her intentions.
It might be noted that Stata is not alone in this regard. SQL Server, for example, requires the user drop an existing table before creating a table with the same name (in the same database), does not allow multiple columns with the same name in a table, etc. and all for good reason.
However, if you are really set on being able to issue a one-liner in Stata to do what you desire, you could write a very simple program. The following should get you started:
program mkvar
version 13
syntax anything=exp [if] [in]
capture confirm variable `anything'
if !_rc {
drop `anything'
generate `anything' `exp' `if' `in'
You then would naturally save the program to mkvar.ado in a directory that Stata would find (i.e., C:\ado\personal\ on Windows. If you are unsure, type sysdir), and call it using:
mkvar newvar=expression [if] [in]
Now, I haven't tested the above code much so you may have to do a bit of de-bugging, but it has worked fine in the examples I've tried.
On a closing note, I'd advise you to exercise caution when doing this - certainly you will want to be vigilant with regard to altering your data, retain a copy of your raw data while a do file manipulates the data in memory, etc.

A way to retrieve data by address (c++)

Using c++, is it possible to store data to a file, and retrieve that data by address for quicker access? I want to get around having to parse or iterate large files of data, with the ability to gain direct access to a subset of that data. In your answers, it does not matter how the data is stored; whatever works best with the answer you have.
Yes. Assuming you're using iostreams, you can use tellg and tellp to retrieve the current get and put (i.e., read and write) locations respectively. You can later feed the same value back to seekg or seekp to get back to the same location (again, for reading or writing respectively).
You can use these to (for one example) create an index into a file. Before writing each record to your primary data file, you'd use tellp to retrieve the current location. Then you'd store the data to the data file, and save the value tellp returned into the index file. Depending on what sort of index you want, that might just contain a series of locations, so you can seek directly to record #N in the data file (even if the records are of different sizes).
Alternatively, you might store the data for some key field in the index file. For example, you might have a main data file with a set of records about people. Then you might build a number of indices into that, one with last names and a location for each, another with birthdays and a location for each, and so on, so you can search by name or birthday (or do an intersection between them to support things like people older than 18 with a last name starting with "M", "N" or "O").