How do i bind a react component to the database state? - django

I want to bind the state of a react component to a backend server running on Django. What i am trying to achieve is an ajax call that constantly updates the state of the component, however, constantly making an api call after every couple of seconds might have an impact on the performance of the application and hence, i am looking for a better way to achieve the same.

You've got two possible solutions -- polling and websockets. Polling means making a call at a specified interval asking what's changed. That's easy, but as you said, can be inefficient. Websockets involve the server sending push notifications to the browser saying when something changes.
This site gives an introduction on how to use websockets for what you want. It's better, but more complicated to implement.
You'll have to make a judgment call about traffic -- if your traffic could handle a polling call every five seconds from every user, that's the much easier option. If not, websockets it is.


why using messaging queue in web applications

When developing my web application using Django, I faced a problem, when I call some functions locally they work correctly, but once i call them over HTTP request they are not executed.
I asked around and i was told to execute them asynchronously outside the request response cycle using celery and a messaging queue server, it worked well, but still I don't understand why i have to execute some tasks asynchronously even when i don't have race condition and there's only one client calling the web service.
This is a big black spot for me because I make it work without really knowing how.
Can anyone explain it to me?
The two main benefits I know of for queue-based systems are:
One, a response can be given to the client without having to wait for work to be done. This lets pages load faster and clients spend less time waiting.
Second, a queue gives you a central location for scheduled jobs that multiple workers can draw from. If a certain component of your application can't keep up with the amount of work there is to do (or if it fails for some reason), you can have other instances of that component doing the work, and there is a single place where all of the work that needs to be done can be found.

Django node.js

I am trying to make a realtime messaging application. There will be 2 distinct server(node.js and django) and when a user sends message to another user message will be stored in database than node.js will send a message to receiver like "You have new Message!". For that i am planing to call url which node.js serve. So node.js and django will interact each other. And what is best way send message to specifig client ? (I keep clients with their id's in a assosicative array.)
what do you think about that? is it efficent or do you suggest better way to do this ?
Now that I understand more about what you're trying to do, here my answer, just keep in mind that this only reflects my opinion, and I bet that many others would argue about it.
It all matter on how much traffic you expect to have in your application. If it's not a high traffic application, then efficiency in run-time is insignificant when compared to that of the development, and so choose the technology you feel most comfortable with.
If though you do aim for high traffic application, then I believe that this setup is not a good one.
First of all while http based communication between servers might seem comfortable, you are dealing with the overhead of http over tcp (since http is based on tcp). And so regular tcp sockets scale better, but on the other hand if you write the sockets server in python than you can run it from the same process as the django and then just use it as an object from django (you're entering the realm of threads here). But that's problematic if you have a few web instances, again depends on how much traffic you expect.
As for your choice for implementing the messaging server, I've never tested node.js but I believe that in benchmark tests it won't compare for something written in erlang or Java NIO. For example: JAVA AIO (NIO.2) VS NODEJS

How to make a superfast webserver for "check for updates"?

Which is the best approach for creating a fast response in case a client application asks webserver for "check for updates".
Skype for example takes about 1 second to answer. How to achieve the same?
I assume you are running one or more web servers and one or more back-end servers (with business logic).
One possible approach that I have seen: keep a change counter in webserver and when the back-end state changes, let the business logic notify all webservers with new change counter value.
Each web browser polls regularly the webserver for counter value and compares the value to the previous value. In case old_value != new_value, the web browser goes and asks the webserver for new content.
This allows the regular polling to be super-fast (1ms) and cheap. And only if something has really changed the browser will ask for more resource-expensive content generation.
The other option would be to use some asynchronous HTTP magic (cometd) but the approach outlined above is simpler, more understandable and easier to troubleshoot.
The simple approach is to just have a flat text or XML file on the server, containing the details of the most recent version. The client app fetches it via http GET, compares the version, and reacts accordingly. The http server is simply returning a small file, which is what http servers are designed to do. You should be able to handle hundreds of requests per second this way.
Use a large, distributed systems, depending on the number of your users. Put your web server(s) closer to clients, avoiding longer latencies. Use cluster and load balancing software to enhance performance. Use reverse proxies to cache data.
But is is really important that a "check for updates" is that fast? You can also check in a background thread. I would improve performance for other tasks.

Windows Phone: Updating backend datastore (via web service) while keeping UI very responsive

I am developing a Windows Phone app where users can update a list. Each update, delete, add etc need to be stored in a database that sits behind a web service. As well as ensuring all the operations made on the phone end up in the cloud, I need to make sure the app is really responsive and the user doesn’t feel any lag time whatsoever.
What’s the best design to use here? Each check box change, each text box edit fires a new thread to contact the web service? Locally store a list of things that need to be updated then send to the server in batch every so often (what about the back button)? Am I missing another even easier implementation?
Thanks in advance,
Data updates to your web service are going to take some time to execute, so in terms of providing the very best responsiveness to the user your best approach would be to fire these off on a background thread.
If updates not taking place (until your app resumes) due to a back press is a concern for your app then you can increase the frequency of sending these updates off.
Storing data locally would be a good idea following each change to make sure nothing is lost since you don't know if your app will get interrupted such as by a phone call.
You are able to intercept the back button which would allow you to handle notifying the user of pending updates being processed or requesting confirmation to defer transmission (say in the case of poor performing network location). Perhaps a visual queue in your UI would be helpful to indicate pending requests in your storage queue.
You may want to give some thought to the overall frequency of data updates in a typical usage scenario for your application and how intensely this would utilise the network connection. Depending on this you may want to balance frequency of updates with potential power consumption.
This may guide you on whether to fire updates off of field level changes, a timer when the queue isn't empty, and/or manipulating a different row of data among other possibilities.
General efficiency guidance with mobile network communications is to have larger and less frequent transmissions rather than a "chatty" or frequent transmissions pattern, however this is up to you to decide what is most applicable for your application.
You might want to look into something similar to REST or SOAP.
Each update, delete, add would send a request to the web service. After the request is fulfilled, the web service sends a message back to the Phone application.
Since you want to keep this simple on the Phone application, you would send a URL to the web service, and the web service would respond with a simple message you can easily parse.
Something like this:
With a reply of:
Update 10345 successful
The id number is just an incrementing sequence to identify the request / response pair.
There is the Microsoft Sync Framework recently released and discussed some weeks back on DotNetRocks. I must admit I didnt consider this till I read your comment.
I've not looked into the sync framework's dependencies and thus capability for running on the wp7 platform as yet, but it's probably worth checking out.
Here's a link to the framework.
And a link to Carl and Richard's show with Lev Novik, an architect on the project if you're interested in some background info. It was quite an interesting show.

How can I simulate a hung web service?

I'm trying to test out modes of failure for software that interacts with a web service, and I've already had reported issues where problems occur if the software doesn't get a timely response (e.g., it's waiting a minute or longer). I'd like to simulate this so that I can track down and fix issues myself, but unplugging the network connection doesn't do the trick, because it returns immediately with no route found.
What I'd like to know is, is there a simple way I can make a CGI script that accepts a connection but just sits there, keeping the connection alive for several minutes, without doing a while (true) {} type of loop?
How about letting the script sleep for some (very long) time?
I don't know what language you are using for your scripting, but in .net you could do something like Thread.Sleep(6000);
HTTP Fiddler is excellent for this sort of thing. You can simulate slow connections and, if you want, get it to "break" when a request comes in so you can similate a response that never returns.
Go get it from here...
You will have to idle in some way since if your CGI script returns the connection will get closed.
If your network equipment supports throttling you might want to limit outgoing traffic to something ridiculously low.