Could gzip compression cause data corruption? - compression

I'm trying to come up with a solution to compress few petabytes of data I have which will be stored in AWS S3. I was thinking of using gzip compression and was wondering if compression could corrupt data. I tried searching but was not able to find any specific instances where gzip compression actually corrupted the data such that it was no longer recoverable.
I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for such question, but do I need to verify if data was correctly compressed? Also, any specific examples/data points would help.

I would not recommend using gzip directly on a large block of data in one shot.
Many times I have compressed entire drives using something similar to
dd if=/dev/sda conv=sync,noerror | gzip > /media/backup/sda.gz
and the data was unusable when I tried to restore it. I have reverted to not using compression

gzip is constantly being used all around the world and has gathered a very strong reputation for reliability. But no software is perfect. Nor is any hardware, nor is S3. Whether you need to verify the data ultimately depends on your needs, but I think a hard disk failure is more likely than a gzip corruption at this point.

GZIP compression, like just about any other commonly-used data compression algorithm, is lossless. That means when you decompress the compressed data, you get back an exact copy of the original (and not something kinda sorta maybe like it, like JPEG does for images or MP3 for audio).
As long as you use a well-known program (like, say, gzip) to do the compression, are running on reliable hardware, and don't have malware on your machine, the chances of compression introducing data corruption are basically nil.

If you care about this data, then I would recommend compressing it, and the comparing the decompression of that with the original before deleting the original. This checks for a bunch of possible problems, such as memory errors, mass storage errors, cpu errors, transmission errors, as well as the least likely of all of these, a gzip bug.
Something like gzip -dc < petabytes.gz | cmp - petabytes in Unix would be a way to do it without having to store the original data again.
Also if loss of some of the data would still leave much of the remaining data useful, I would break it up into pieces so that if one part is lost, the rest is recoverable. Any part of a gzip file requires all of what precedes it to be available and correct in order to decompress that part.


Is innodb compression compatible with full text search and is the memory compressed too?

I wan't to know if full text search can be used in compressed innodb tables, and if the compression will reduce both memory and disk usage or only disk, and i there is a performance impact using the compression.
"Compatibility" is easily answered by trying in a tiny table. I think it is compatible because the data is uncompressed whenever it comes into the buffer_pool.
"Compressed" is likely to save disk space, but the numbers I have heard are only 2x. Ordinary text usually compresses 3x, but InnoDB has headers, etc, that are not compressed. (JPG does not compress.)
As for reducing memory (buffer_pool) -- It is likely to consume extra memory because both the compressed and uncompressed copies of the data are in memory at least some of the time.
A reference: , plus pages around it.
My opinion is that InnoDB's compressed is rarely useful. Instead, I recommend compressing and decompressing individual columns in the client, thereby offloading that CPU task from the server. But that would not work for FULLTEXT, so maybe it would be useful for your application.

Recompressing Compressed Files

Can you keep sending the output of BZip2 (or any compression software) back through the compression process over and over again to make the output files smaller and smaller? Can you compress a file using one software (BZip2) that was already compressed using another method (Snappy)?
No and no. (For lossless compression.)
If the original file was extremely redundant, like megabytes of nothing but zeros, then the first, and maybe the second recompression will result in compression. But at some point there will be no gain from recompression, and instead a small increase in file size. For normal files, the first recompression will result in no gain.
This is true regardless of how you might mix lossless compressors.

Streaming File Delta Encoding/Decoding

Here's the problem - I want to generate the delta of a binary file (> 1 MB in size) on a server and send the delta to a memory-constrained (low on RAM and no dynamic memory) embedded device over HTTP. Deltas are preferred (as opposed to sending the full binary file from the server) because of the high cost involved in transmitting data over the wire.
Trouble is, the embedded device cannot decode deltas and create the contents of the new file in memory. I have looked into various binary delta encoding/decoding algorithms like bsdiff, VCDiff etc. but was unable to find libraries that supported streaming.
Perhaps, rather than asking if there are suitable libraries out there, are there alternate approaches I can take that will still solve the original problem (send minimal data over the wire)? Although it would certainly help if there are suitable delta libraries out there that support streaming decode (written in C or C++ without using dynamic memory).
Maintain a copy on the server of the current file as held by the embedded device. When you want to send an update, XOR the new version of the file with the old version and compress the resultant stream with any sensible compressor. (Algorithms which allow high-cost encoding to allow low-cost decoding would be particularly helpful here.) Send the compressed stream to the embedded device, which reads the stream, decompresses it on the fly and XORs directly (a copy of) the target file.
If your updates are such that the file content changes little over time and retains a fixed structure, the XOR stream will be predominantly zeroes, and will compress extremely well: number of bytes transmitted will be small, effort to decompress will be low, memory requirements on the embedded device will be minimal. The further your model is from these assumptions, the less this approach will gain you.
Since you said the delta could be arbitrarily random (from zero delta to a completely different file), compression of the delta may be a lost cause. Lossless compression of random binary data is theoretically impossible. Also, since the embedded device has limited memory anyway, using a sophisticated -and therefore computationally expensive- library for compression/decompression of the occasional "simple" delta will probably be infeasible.
I would recommend simply sending the new file to the device in raw byte format, and overwriting the existing old file.
As Kevin mentioned, compressing random data should not be your goal. A few more comments about the type of data your working with would be helpful. Context is key in compression.
You used the term image which makes it sound like the classic video codec challenge. If you've ever seen weird video aliasing effects that impact the portion of the frame that has changed, and then suddenly everything clears up. You've likely witnessed the notion of a key frame along with a series of delta frames. Where the delta frames were not properly applied.
In this model, the server decides what's cheaper:
complete key frame
delta commands
The delta commands are communicated as a series of write instructions that can overlay the clients existing buffer.
Example Format:
[Address][Length][Repeat][Delta Payload]
[Address][Length][Repeat][Delta Payload]
[Address][Length][Repeat][Delta Payload]
There are likely a variety of methods for computing these delta commands. A brute force method would be:
Perform Smith Waterman between two images.
Compress the resulting transform into delta commands.

Multi-part gzip file random access (in Java)

This may fall in the realm of "not really feasible" or "not really worth the effort" but here goes.
I'm trying to randomly access records stored inside a multi-part gzip file. Specifically, the files I'm interested in are compressed Heretrix Arc files. (In case you aren't familiar with multi-part gzip files, the gzip spec allows multiple gzip streams to be concatenated in a single gzip file. They do not share any dictionary information, it is simple binary appending.)
I'm thinking it should be possible to do this by seeking to a certain offset within the file, then scan for the gzip magic header bytes (i.e. 0x1f8b, as per the RFC), and attempt to read the gzip stream from the following bytes. The problem with this approach is that those same bytes can appear inside the actual data as well, so seeking for those bytes can lead to an invalid position to start reading a gzip stream from. Is there a better way to handle random access, given that the record offsets aren't known a priori?
The BGZF file format, compatible with GZIP was developped by the biologists.
(...) The advantage of
BGZF over conventional gzip is that
BGZF allows for seeking without having
to scan through the entire file up to
the position being sought.
In , have a look at BlockCompressedOutputStream and
The design of GZIP, as you have realized, is not friendly to random access.
You can do as you describe, and then if you run into an error in the decompressor, conclude that the signature you found was actually compressed data.
If you finish decompressing, then it's easy to verify the validity of the stream just decompressed, via the CRC32.
If the files are not so big, you might consider just de-compressing all of the entries in series, and retaining the offsets of the signatures so as to build a directory. As you decompress, dump the bytes to a bit bucket. At that point you will have generated a directory, and you can then support random access based on filename, date, or other metadata.
This will be reasonably fast for files below 100k. Just as a guess, if you had 10 files of around 100k each, it would probably be done in 2s on a modern CPU. This is what I mean by "pretty fast". But only you know the perf requirements of your application .
Do you have a GZipInputStream class? If so you are half-way there.

How to concat two or more gzip files/streams

I want to concat two or more gzip streams without recompressing them.
I mean I have A compressed to A.gz and B to B.gz, I want to compress them to single gzip (A+B).gz without compressing once again, using C or C++.
Several notes:
Even you can just concat two files and gunzip would know how to deal with them, most of programs would not be able to deal with two chunks.
I had seen once an example of code that does this just by decompression of the files and then manipulating original and this significantly faster then normal re-compression, but still requires O(n) CPU operation.
Unfortunaly I can't found this example I had found once (concatenation using decompression only), if someone can point it I would be greatful.
Note: it is not duplicate of this because proposed solution is not fits my needs.
Clearification edit:
I want to concate several compressed HTML pices and send them to browser as one page, as per request: "Accept-Encoding: gzip", with respnse "Content-Encoding: gzip"
If the stream is concated as simple as cat a.gz b.gz >ab.gz, Gecko (firefox) and KHTML web engines gets only first part (a); IE6 does not display anything and Google Chrome displays first part (a) correctly and the second part (b) as garbage (does not decompress at all).
Only Opera handles this well.
So I need to create a single gzip stream of several chunks and send them without re-compressing.
Update: I had found gzjoin.c in the examples of zlib, it does it using only decompression. The problem is that decompression is still slower them simple memcpy.
It is still faster 4 times then fastest gzip compression. But it is not enough.
What I need is to find the data I need to save together with gzip file in order to
not run decompression procedure, and how do I find this data during compression.
Look at the RFC1951 and RFC1952
The format is simply a suites of members, each composed of three parts, an header, data and a trailer. The data part is itself a set of chunks with each chunks having an header and data part.
To simulate the effect of gzipping the result of the concatenation of two (or more files), you simply have to adjust the headers (there is a last chunk flag for instance) and trailer correctly and copying the data parts.
There is a problem, the trailer has a CRC32 of the uncompressed data and I'm not sure if this one is easy to compute when you know the CRC of the parts.
Edit: the comments in the gzjoin.c file you found imply that, while it is possible to compute the CRC32 without decompressing the data, there are other things which need the decompression.
The gzip manual says that two gzip files can be concatenated as you attempted.
So it appears that the other tools may be broken. As seen in this bug report.
Apart from filing a bug report with each one of the browser makers, and hoping they comply, perhaps your program can cache the most common concatenations of the required data.
As others have mentioned you may be able to perform surgery:
And this requires a CRC-32 of the final uncompressed file. The required size of the uncompressed file can be easily calculated by adding the lengths of the individual sub-files.
In the bottom of the last link, there is code for calculating a running crc-32 named update_crc.
Calculating the crc on the uncompressed files each time your process is run, is probably cheaper than the gzip algorithm itself.
It seems that the original compression of the individual files is done by you. It also seems that the desired result (concatenation of several pieces) is small enough to be sent to a web browser in one page. In that case your efficiency concerns seem to be unwarranted.
Please note that (1) the gzjoin.c approach is highly likely to be the best answer that you could get to your question as stated (2) it is complicated microsurgery performed by one of the gzip originators and may not have been subject to extensive stress testing.
Please consider a boring understandable reliable approach: storing the original pieces UNcompressed, then select required pieces, and concatenate and compress them. Note that the compression ratio may be better than that obtained by glueing together small compressed pieces.
If taring them is not out of the question (since the linked cat solution isn't viable for you):
tar cf A_B.gz.tar A.gz B.gz
Then, to get them back:
tar xf A_B.gz.tar