How to set up Cognito federation signup and login without app integration - amazon-web-services

I am trying to setup user signup and login with a Cognito user pool, Facebook and Google. I have been able to create a signup page (by following this guide) with the app integration in Cognito but would like to host the signup page along with the rest of my app. This answer has been somewhat helpful but lacks detail. I can't really find any good examples or documentation.

You can try to do so using the authorize endpoint but it looks like this may not be possible completely. First time app authorizations seem to require the built-in UI. See my answer to a similar question here.


AWS Cognito federated user login not allowing to sign in as different user after log out

I am able to logout and login but there is 1 particular scenario which I am not able to achieve.
User logs in using federated social login (Google), using hosted UI directly.
Now the user clicks on logout it directs it to AWS Cognito logout URL
it logs out the user success and successfully redirects the user to logout page as mentioned in URL.
Now when the user tries to log in again by a different account, he is forced to use his previous google login only.
I want to have such functionality that user can log out and log in again if he wants then he can log in with the same account or with different depend on choice.
The important point to note is I can't use AWS-Amplify or any javascript framework, only plain javascript.
The reason you are always forced to log in with the same user seems to be that the /logout? endpoint only logs out the user on Cognito, but Cognito does not communicate to Google that it should log you out of your device. Thus, every time you sign back in and the Google Authentication screen is launched Google still remembers the device and sees that you're still logged in. As a result, the redirect URI is triggered without you ever being prompted to choose a new account.
I'm running into the same issues on a React Native project, but have yet to find any evidence that Cognito offers an endpoint to force it to also sign you out of the Identity provider (i.e. Google).
PS: Here's another stackoverflow discussion with more info: AWS Cognito - How to force select account when signing in with Google
One of the responses in that thread mentions calling Google's logout endpoint directly as part of the signout flow. It's definitely not pretty, but since you're using plain Javascript it might be a sufficient solution.
If you find a cleaner solution please make sure to share it, as I'd be interested to hear what you find :)
Well, I got it working but I don't think so its an issue but a kind of behaviour that every developer should know who is trying to integrate google login in the there application. Here are the few scenarios I am have checked and their respective behaviour.
My AWS Cognito Login URL
My AWS Cognito Log out URL
By using the above URL when I log out, I don't get logged out from chrome browser.
This behaviour is an issue for many people
So when your chrome browser has only 1 account logged in, at that time AWS Cognito google login won't redirect to a page where you can select the different user, because you have only single user through which it gets logged indirectly.
Found out how we can show multiple logins:- So if you want another user to log in then he needs to first sign in chrome browser, and when he clicks on google login from the website at that time he will be able to select user, as in chrome we have now 2 users logged in google, from where he can select which user want to use for access.
I won't be accepting this as an answer because it's not how everyone want this behaviour, will wait for few days if someone can suggest better way.
I think so, for now, we have to go with this.

Django Google Login with React Frontend

This question may be super simple but I've been googling for a while now and haven't found an exact solution.
I'm trying to implement a Google Login using React for the frontend and Django for the backend.
How exactly would I do this? I have seen solutions where a token is sent over to the backend which then retrieves the necessary information from the Google API and either creates or retrieves a user from the database based on the token. However, this seemed to be based on JWT and I was wondering if it is possible to implement the same with the simple Django Auth Token?
Maybe I'm just really blind but I really wasn't able to find a suitable solution.
Thanks for your help!
I was actually working on this a few moments ago, after many fails in the past. It's quite a headache really trying to find a solution that works with React. I have however managed to easily setup google login on the React front end side with This should be the first step you will need to take.
After that you will need to setup social login on the Django backend using django_allauth. Basically, the idea is once a user logs in via google or to be precise, clicks on the Login With Google button on the front end, a google access_token will be retrieved from Google and saved in local storage together with some other data. Only the access_token is of interest here. So you will then need to take this access_token and send it to the Django backend via a Rest API of a view that you will have setup. That will get the google user data saved in the database under social accounts, ultimately login them in the application. Everything from then on should continue as per your normal logins with email and username. That is if using JWT, a jwt token will be returned from the backend which you hopefully should be able to save in local storage. In my React app, I authenticate against this token, so as long as I have the token in local storage, a user is logged in.
Pratik Singh Chauhan does a good job explaining this in his Part 1 tutorial here -> and Part 2 here ->
UPDATE: June 2022
Since Google is now moving to (GIS) Google Identity Services sign-in SDK, this method, although it works is now deprecated.
Here is a good link to help you setup react login with the new google GIS.
There are 2 methods you can use depending on your workflow, implicit or authorization. To maintain a similar workflow that the above code achieved, implicit workflow is the one that can give you both access_token and refresh_token that you will send to your backend api.
Here is another link with sample code for both workflows.
Note you will need to use #react-oauth/google to configure the Google workflows in your code.
Refer to this:

My website have only login with facebook feature, can I submit it for app review?

I made a website using Django.
The only way to log into it is the facebook login.
When I had to submit my app for review in the facebook developer console. They are asking me testing id and password. Since the only way to login is facebook, and it won't work till they test.
And they are asking how to open this website for testing. It's kind of a loop.
Is there another way out?
I don't want to use other ways of logging in (is in accordance with my idea)
I believe you can test your app with your own login credentials according to Facebook:
You do not need to submit your app if it will only be used in
Development Mode by you or someone with a role on your app. Any
account listed in the Roles tab in your App Dashboard, such as admins,
developers, and testers, can use all permissions but will only be able
to access their own data, that of test users, and test pages belonging
to them.
You can use any of these accounts to test your app and create a
See this similar answer.

Request additional permissions only for specific users in Meteor

I have an application allowing users to sign in using their Facebook and Twitter accounts. I only need a very basic information like their email address and full name. Everything works fine and as planned.
requestPermissions: {
facebook: ['email'],
github: ['user:email']
But, now I need to implement a feature posting to a Facebook page and Twitter on behalf of the admin users only. So, I need to get additional permissions from specific users only.
Admin users are eligible to manage our page at Facebook. The app needs to request additional permissions to be able to post to the page. I wan't to keep those basic permissions for regular users.
How can I accomplish that?
One way you can do is,
If you know that logged in user is Admin, put the re-authenticate button in user-dashboard (or somewhere which makes sense) that will do authentication user of user for whatever permissions as required by application.
This will basically do, oauth with social service like usual and upon completion you will get aceess code and against this code get the re-newed access token from social service. (This is normal , how you basically do the oauth manually) Now, use this access token to post to social services.
For this, you will need to use node modules such as for facebook -fb_graph , for twitter- twiiter
Hope this helps

Authenticate Facebook users in Cakephp 3x

I have used PHP SDK-4 for Facebook login in CakePHP 3 (beta version) which works fine.Now, I'm in need to fetch user data based on FB login and authenticate users. Am trying with Cake's Auth component. Initially, while trying to Auth users,
Got Error: Session was already started as we require session_start() for Facebook login. 1- Tried with enter link description here, and sessions [session_write_close()] etc..still it did not work. Could I get some shot on best way to authenticate users with Facebook login in site?
CakePHPs sessions are lazy started, that is, they are being started once your try to access the session in some way, and in case the session was started manually in beforehand, you'll receive that error, see Session::start().
You can easily workaround this by manually starting the session via CakePHP. The session object is available in the current request, so for example in your controller before using the SDK you could simply do something like
and then the Facebook SDK should be able to pick it up.
As burzum already mentioned in the comments, the authentication should better be wrapped up in an authentication handler.
I would suggest having a look at HybridAuth, there's also a CakePHP plugin for seamless integration into CakePHPs auth mechanism, this might give you some ideas for a custom implemenation in case you need to use the v4 SDK, which isn't yet supported by HybridAuth.