Storage management in Kubernetes using AWS Resource like EBS/EFS - amazon-web-services

I stuck somewhere when I was architecting to deploy my application on Kubernetes cluster which is on AWS.
Let's say we have a k8s cluster with one master and 3 worker node. And 3 pods of a replication controller is running on all the three nodes. How do I supposed to manage the Storage of it. How all three pods will be in sync ? I tried PVC with EBS but it is mounting on the pod in the single node. Is there any other way around of managing storage storage in kubernetes using EBS. I also saw some blog saying that we can use EFS. If anyone have any idea then pls help me out.

You can do EFS but it might be too slow for you. Basically its an NFS server which you can make a pv pvc for. Then u can mount it on all.
If EFS is too slow use nfs server outside the cluster dont install it in the cluster you need amazon linux ami and not debian os.

I am guessing that by saying "How all three pods will be in sync?" you mean sharing the same persistent volume between pods?
If so, please read about access modes:
The AWS EBS provides supports only 'ReadWriteOnce' meaning it can't be shared between pods.
I haven't tried EFS but here it looks like it does support 'ReadWriteMany':

I have figured it out by using EFS. I followed this blog.


Persist heap dump in case of OOM in kubernetes pod?

I need to persist the heap dump when the java process gets OOM and the pod is restarted.
I have following added in the jvm args
-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/dumps
...and emptydir is mounted on the same path.
But the issue is if the pod gets restarted and if it gets scheduled on a different node, then we are losing the heap dump. How do I persist the heap dump even if the pod is scheduled to a different node?
We are using AWS EKS and we are having more than 1 replica for the pod.
Could anyone help with this, please?
You will have to persists the heap dumps on a shared network location between the pods. In order to achieve this, you will need to provide persistent volume claims and in EKS, this could be achieved using an Elastic File System mounted on different availability zones. You can start learning about it by reading this guide about EFS-based PVCs.
As writing to EFS is too slow in your case, there is another option for AWS EKS - awsElasticBlockStore.
The contents of an EBS volume are persisted and the volume is unmounted when a pod is removed. This means that an EBS volume can be pre-populated with data, and that data can be shared between pods.
Note: You must create an EBS volume by using aws ec2 create-volume or the AWS API before you can use it.
There are some restrictions when using an awsElasticBlockStore volume:
the nodes on which pods are running must be AWS EC2 instances
those instances need to be in the same region and availability zone as the EBS volume
EBS only supports a single EC2 instance mounting a volume
Check the official k8s documentation page on this topic, please.
And How to use persistent storage in EKS.

Security concern using EFS file system with EKS in a multi tenant Kubernetes cluster

We are currently building a multi-tenant cluster in EKS. For our persistent storage, we are using the Amazon EFS CSI driver
We are trying to use a single EFS with a different folder for each PV.
The issue we are facing is the security group needs to be applied at the node group level, so right now any pod with high enough privilege can just mount the EFS drive and delete anything on it.
Is there any way to resolve this security issue?
AFAIK, the only way is to make use UNIX style permissions in your EFS drive. Basically, you can create these permissions ahead of time for the subdirectories, based on a UNIX UID/GID, and then you can force your pods to start a certain UID/GID (and fsGroup) using a SecurityContext.
Additionally, you can also make use of MutatingAdminssionWebhooks so that your pods always get a securityContext automatically added based on say the namespace that they run on.

Kubernetes AWS shared persistent volume

I have the following:
2 pod replicas, load balanced.
Each replica having 2 containers sharing network.
What I am looking for is a shared volume...
I am looking for a solution where the 2 pods and each of the containers in the pods can share a directory with read+write access. So if a one container from pod 1 writes to it, containers from pod 2 will be able to access the new data.
Is this achievable with persistent volumes and PVCs? if so what do i need and what are pointers to more details around what FS would work best, static vs dynamic, and storage class.
Can the volume be an S3 bucket?
Thank you!
There are several options depending on price and efforts needed:
Simplest but a bit more expensive solution is to use EFS + NFS Persistent Volumes. However, EFS has serious throughput limitations, read here for details.
You can create pod with NFS-server inside and again mount NFS Persistent Volumes into pods. See example here. This requires more manual work and not completely highly available. If NFS-server pod fails, then you will observe some (hopefully) short downtime before it gets recreated.
For HA configuration you can provision GlusterFS on Kubernetes. This requires the most efforts but allows for great flexibility and speed.
Although mounting S3 into pods is somehow possible using awful crutches, this solution has numerous drawbacks and overall is not production grade. For testing purposes you can do that.
Refer to for all available volume backends (You need ReadWriteMany compatibility)
As you can find there AWSElasticBlockStore doesn't support it. You will need any 3rd party volume provider which supports ReadWriteMany.
UPD: Another answer suggests that AWS EFS works too.

ECS with persistent data on EFS or EBS with CloudFormation

I am looking for some expert with AWS to help me with this thing. I've spent almost one week trying to deploy my backend docker image to AWS with no 100% of the desired behaviour.
Firstly I was suggested to try out the new Fargate service AWS recently provided. I managed to deploy everything that I needed but it quickly turned out that I need any kind of data persistence which is unavailable with Fargate for the moment from what I've read.
I found those templates which are very helpful because AWS is soooo big and overwhelming so I would do nothing without those and currently tried the deploy using EC2 instances.
I've a question to this kind of deploy:
1: Why this deploy creates 2 instances of EBS for the cluster? One 8GB with snapshot and second with 22GB in size without snapshot.
2: Is it possible to reduce the size of those EBS volumes ?? If so how ?
3: Is it possible to have just only one of those EBS ?
4: Is it possible to mount volue from my docker backend image to those EBS volumes to persist data ? If so how ? I need to mount two volumes for my backend that is
/root/.local/share/Bisq /root/.local/share/bisq-api or ~/.local/share/Bisq ~/.local/share/bisq-api im not quite sure how this works with AWS. What are the paths compared to the steps on the local environment.
5: Would it be better to use EBS or EFS for data persistance? Problem with EFS is that i Can't find any related documents how to connect EFS to this kind of ECS deploy. Everything MUST be with use of CloudFormation templates
Overall the requirements that would match 100% desired behaviour are:
1: CloudFormation Template/tempalte's that deploy neccesarry services as less as possible in order to not build huge infrastructure to preserve the COSTs and ability to just click button and get external link to the backend service. (There can't be any manuall configuration everything must be automated)
2: Ability to stop/start EC2 instace for the backend container (EC2 will be running up from few minutes to hours per day / few days a month. (dependent on each user scenario how often he will be using the backend)
3: Ability to preserve the data when user stops the instance and then starts it in the future point in time.
I would apprecieate any help/suggestions because Im starting to lose my HEAD over everything what connects to AWS services. This is really huge problem to understand any use cases for AWS so I would appreciate help
Thank you!
1: Why this deploy creates 2 instances of EBS for the cluster? One 8GB with snapshot and second with 22GB in size without snapshot.
As per the docs:
Amazon ECS-optimized AMIs from version 2015.09.d and later launch with an 8-GiB volume for the operating system that is attached at /dev/xvda and mounted as the root of the file system. There is an additional 22-GiB volume that is attached at /dev/xvdcz that Docker uses for image and metadata storage.
Here the reference: ecs-ami-storage-config
2: Is it possible to reduce the size of those EBS volumes ?? If so how ?
Also from the same docs:
You can increase these default volume sizes by changing the block device mapping settings for your instances when you launch them; however, you cannot specify a smaller volume size than the default.
3: Is it possible to have just only one of those EBS ?
For this you can better use a custom AMI and configure it as needed.
4: Is it possible to mount volume from my docker backend image to those EBS volumes to persist data ? If so how ? I need to mount two volumes for my backend that is /root/.local/share/Bisq /root/.local/share/bisq-api or ~/.local/share/Bisq ~/.local/share/bisq-api im not quite sure how this works with AWS. What are the paths compared to the steps on the local environment.
This is configured in the task definition:
Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition
- Volume Definition
5: Would it be better to use EBS or EFS for data persistance? Problem with EFS is that i Can't find any related documents how to connect EFS to this kind of ECS deploy. Everything MUST be with use of CloudFormation templates
It depends on your use case scenario. Each one has advantages and disadvantages depending on your needs, so better read the docs for each and chose the best one accordingly. In the templates you found, you can customize the LaunchConfiguration UserData to run the attach commands. You can do all this in CloudFormation.
Additionally I will leave you this documentation for mounting automatically an EFS: Mounting Your Amazon EFS File System Automatically

AWS - HA NFS - Best practices

Anyone have a sound strategy for implementing NFS on AWS in such a way that it's not a SPoF (single point of failure), or at the very least, be able to recover quickly if an instance crashes?
I've read this SO post, relating to the ability to share files with multiple EC2 instances, but it doesn't answer the question of how to ensure HA with NFS on AWS, just that NFS can be used.
A lot of online assets are saying that AWS EFS is available, but it is still in preview mode and only available in the Oregon region, our primary VPC is located in N. Cali., so can't use this option.
Other online assets are saying that GlusterFS is a way to go, but after some research I just don't feel comfortable implementing this solution due to race conditions and performance concerns.
Another options is SoftNAS but I want to avoid bringing in an unknown AMI into a tightly controlled, homogeneous environment.
Which leaves NFS. NFS is what we use in our dev environment and works fine, but it's dev, so if it crashes we go get a couple beers while systems fixes the problem, but on production, this is obviously a no go.
The best solution I can come up with at this point is to create an EBS and two EC2 instances. Both instances will be updated as normal (via puppet) to maintain stack alignment (kernel, nfs libs etc), but only one instance will mount the EBS. We set up a monitor on the active NFS instance, and if it goes down, we are notified and we manually detach and attach to the backup EC2 instance. I'm thinking we also create a network interface that can also be de/re-attached so we only need to maintain a single IP in DNS.
Although I suppose we could do this automatically with keepalived, and a IAM policy that will allow the automatic detachment/re-attachment.
It looks like EBS volumes are tied to specific availability zones, so re-attaching to an instance in another AZ is impossible. The only other option I can think of is:
Create EC2 in each AZ, in public subnet (each have EIP)
Create route 53 healthcheck for TCP:2049
Create route 53 failover policies for nfs-1 (AZ1) and nfs-2 (AZ2)
The only question here is, what's the best way to keep the two NFS servers in-sync? Just cron an rsync script between them?
Or is there a best practice that I am completely missing?
There are a few options to build a highly available NFS server. Though I prefer using EFS or GlusterFS because all these solutions have their downsides.
It is possible to synchronize volumes with the help of DRBD. This allows you to mirror your data. Use two EC2 instances in different availability zones for high availability. Downside: configuration and operation is complex.
b) EBS Snapshots
If a RPO of more than 30 minutes is reasonable you can use periodic EBS snapshots to be able to recover from an outage in another availability zone. This can be achieved with an Auto Scaling Group running a single EC2 instance, a user-data script and a cronjob for periodic EBS snapshots. Downside: RPO > 30 min.
c) S3 Synchronisation
It is possible to synchronize the state of an EC2 instance acting as NFS server to S3. The standby server uses S3 to stay up to date. Downside: S3 sync of lots of small files will take too long.
I recommend watching this talk from AWS re:Invent:
AWS has reviewed and approved a number of SoftNAS AMIs, which are available on AWS Marketplace. The jointly published SoftNAS Architecture on AWS White Paper provides more details:
Security (pages 4-11)
HA across AZs (pages 13-14)
You can also try a 30 day free trial to see if it meets your needs.
Full disclosure: I work for SoftNAS.