I am using Superpowered for various real-time FX and they all work very straightforward. However the pitch shifting is a whole other story, I think in fact because it's based on the time-stretching algorithm that of course has to deal with output that changes in time which is a lot more complex than applying FX like EQ or reverb. However I'm only interested in change the pitch of my mic input.
I looked at the only example I could find on GitHub and I slightly adapted it to fit my work:
static bool audioProcessing(void *clientdata,
float **buffers,
unsigned int inputChannels,
unsigned int outputChannels,
unsigned int numberOfSamples,
unsigned int samplerate,
uint64_t hostTime) {
__unsafe_unretained Superpowered *self = (__bridge Superpowered *)clientdata;
SuperpoweredAudiobufferlistElement inputBuffer;
inputBuffer.startSample = 0;
inputBuffer.samplesUsed = 0;
inputBuffer.endSample = self->timeStretcher->numberOfInputSamplesNeeded;
inputBuffer.buffers[0] = SuperpoweredAudiobufferPool::getBuffer(self->timeStretcher->numberOfInputSamplesNeeded * 8 + 64);
inputBuffer.buffers[1] = inputBuffer.buffers[2] = inputBuffer.buffers[3] = NULL;
self->timeStretcher->process(&inputBuffer, self->outputBuffers);
int samples = self->timeStretcher->numberOfInputSamplesNeeded;
float *timeStretchedAudio = (float *)self->outputBuffers->nextSliceItem(&samples);
if (timeStretchedAudio != 0) {
SuperpoweredDeInterleave(timeStretchedAudio, buffers[0], buffers[1], numberOfSamples);
return true;
I have removed most of the code that I thought wasn't necessary. For example there was a while loop that seemed to deal with time-stretch scenarios, I'm just outputting the same time as I input.
Some observations:
If I don't clear the outputBuffers my memory usage goes through the roof
If I use self->outputBuffers->rewindSlice(); the app becomes silent, probably meaning the buffers are getting overwritten with silence
If I do not use self->outputBuffers->rewindSlice(); I can hear my own voice coming back, but timeStretchedAudio is always 0 except the very first time
I finally got it working:
static bool audioProcessing(void *clientdata,
float **buffers,
unsigned int inputChannels,
unsigned int outputChannels,
unsigned int numberOfSamples,
unsigned int samplerate,
uint64_t hostTime) {
__unsafe_unretained Superpowered *self = (__bridge Superpowered *)clientdata;
//timeStretching->setRateAndPitchShift(realTimeRate, realTimePitch);
SuperpoweredAudiobufferlistElement inputBuffer;
inputBuffer.startSample = 0;
inputBuffer.samplesUsed = 0;
inputBuffer.endSample = numberOfSamples;
inputBuffer.buffers[0] = SuperpoweredAudiobufferPool::getBuffer((unsigned int) (numberOfSamples * 8 + 64));
inputBuffer.buffers[1] = inputBuffer.buffers[2] = inputBuffer.buffers[3] = NULL;
// Converting the 16-bit integer samples to 32-bit floating point.
SuperpoweredInterleave(buffers[0], buffers[1], (float *)inputBuffer.buffers[0], numberOfSamples);
//SuperpoweredShortIntToFloat(audioInputOutput, (float *)inputBuffer.buffers[0], (unsigned int) numberOfSamples);
self->timeStretcher->process(&inputBuffer, self->outputBuffers);
// Do we have some output?
if (self->outputBuffers->makeSlice(0, self->outputBuffers->sampleLength)) {
while (true) { // Iterate on every output slice.
// Get pointer to the output samples.
int numSamples = 0;
float *timeStretchedAudio = (float *)self->outputBuffers->nextSliceItem(&numSamples);
if (!timeStretchedAudio || *timeStretchedAudio == 0) {
// Convert the time stretched PCM samples from 32-bit floating point to 16-bit integer.
//SuperpoweredFloatToShortInt(timeStretchedAudio, audioInputOutput,
// (unsigned int) numSamples);
SuperpoweredDeInterleave(timeStretchedAudio, buffers[0], buffers[1], numSamples);
self->recorder->process(timeStretchedAudio, numSamples);
// Write the audio to disk.
//fwrite(audioInputOutput, 1, numSamples * 4, fd);
// Clear the output buffer list.
// If we have enough samples in the fifo output buffer, pass them to the audio output.
//SuperpoweredFloatToShortInt((float *)inputBuffer.buffers[0], audioInputOutput, (unsigned int) numberOfSamples);
return true;
I am not sure if changing the rate also works, but I don't care for this application. YMMV.
Implement the part marked with TODO. That's the point where you need to provide input for the timeStretcher. Also take care of separating the output from the input. Output could be written before the input is consumed.
I'm trying to upgrade my application from single ray intersection to stream intersection.
What I don't quite understand is how it's possible that the gather and scatter functions shown in the tutorials are even working
The example defines a custom extended ray struct Ray2
struct Ray2
Ray ray;
// ray extensions
float transparency; //!< accumulated transparency value
// we remember up to 16 hits to ignore duplicate hits
unsigned int firstHit, lastHit;
unsigned int hit_geomIDs[HIT_LIST_LENGTH];
unsigned int hit_primIDs[HIT_LIST_LENGTH];
then it defines an array of these Ray2structs:
Ray2 primary_stream[TILE_SIZE_X*TILE_SIZE_Y];
this array is set as the userRayExt before calling the intersection method:
primary_context.userRayExt = &primary_stream;
now, for each ray bundle that embree intersects with geometry, the filter callback is invoked:
/* intersection filter function for streams of general packets */
void intersectionFilterN(const RTCFilterFunctionNArguments* args)
int* valid = args->valid;
const IntersectContext* context = (const IntersectContext*) args->context;
struct RTCRayHitN* rayN = (struct RTCRayHitN*)args->ray;
//struct RTCHitN* hitN = args->hit;
const unsigned int N = args->N;
/* avoid crashing when debug visualizations are used */
if (context == nullptr) return;
/* iterate over all rays in ray packet */
for (unsigned int ui=0; ui<N; ui+=1)
/* calculate loop and execution mask */
unsigned int vi = ui+0;
if (vi>=N) continue;
/* ignore inactive rays */
if (valid[vi] != -1) continue;
/* read ray/hit from ray structure */
RTCRayHit rtc_ray = rtcGetRayHitFromRayHitN(rayN,N,ui);
Ray* ray = (Ray*)&rtc_ray;
/* calculate transparency */
Vec3fa h = ray->org + ray->dir * ray->tfar;
float T = transparencyFunction(h);
/* ignore hit if completely transparent */
if (T >= 1.0f)
valid[vi] = 0;
/* otherwise accept hit and remember transparency */
/* decode ray IDs */
const unsigned int pid = ray->id / 1;
const unsigned int rid = ray->id % 1;
Ray2* ray2 = (Ray2*) context->userRayExt;
the last line of this method is what I don't understand
I understand what it is SUPPOSED to do. It should update the transparency property of the Ray2 that corresponds to the traced ray with T. But I don't get why/how this works, since the implementation of scatter looks like this:
inline void scatter(float& ptr, const unsigned int stride, const unsigned int pid, const unsigned int rid, float v) {
((float*)(((char*)&ptr) + pid*stride))[rid] = v;
I will reformulate this function a bit to better ask my question (but it should be completely equivalent if I'm not mistaken):
inline void scatter(float& ptr, const unsigned int stride, const unsigned int pid, const unsigned int rid, float v) {
float* uptr = ((float*)(((char*)&ptr) + pid*stride));
uptr[rid] = v;
So, the first line still makes sense for me. A pointer to the transparency field of the first Ray2 struct is constructed and then incremented by tid * sizeof(Ray2) - this makes sense as it will land on another transparency field, since it is incremented by a multiple of sizeof(Ray2)
but then the next line
uptr[rid] = v;
I don't get at all. uptr is a float pointer, pointing to a transparency field. So unless rid itself is a multiple of sizeof(Ray2), this won't point to a transparency field of one of the rays at all.
pid and rid are calculated as
const unsigned int pid = ray->id / 1;
const unsigned int rid = ray->id % 1;
which I find weird. Isn't that always the same as
const unsigned int pid = ray->id;
const unsigned int rid = 0;
what are pid and rid and why are they computed like this?
Having not written this example myself it's hard to guess what the original intention of it was, but I think the clue lies in exactly your observation that for rid and pid calculations, the division/modulo by '1' are meaningless.
So, if rid eventially always ends up as being '0' (because every value mod 1 will be 0 :-/), then uptr[rid] = ... is equivalent to *uptr = ..., which is in fact correct since you yourself pointed out that uptr always points to a valid transparency.
Now as to why the code does this confusing pid/rid thing? If I had to guess from the naming of "Ray2" I would assume that a different version of this sample maybe used two rays and two transparencies in that ray2 struct, and then used the rid/pid thing to always select the right one of the pair.
Still, as to the original question of "why does this work at all" : rid always evaluates to 0, so it does always write right into the transparency value that uptr points to.
I'm trying to get started with the VP8 library, I'm not building it in the standard way they tell you to, I just loaded all of the main files and the "encoder" folder into a new Visual Studio C++ DLL project, and just included the C files in an extern "C" dll export function, which so far builds fine etc., I just have no idea where to start with the C++ API to encode, say, 3 frames of ARGB data into a very basic video, just to get started
The only example I could find is in the examples folder called simple_encoder.c, although their premise is that they are loading in another file already and parsing its frames then converting it, so it seems a bit complicated, I just want to be able to pass in a byte array of a few ARGB frames and have it output a very simple VP8 video
I've seen How to encode series of images into VP8 using WebM VP8 Encoder API? (C/C++) but the accepted answer just links to the build instructions and references the general specification of the vp8 format, the closest I could find there is the example encoding parameters but I just want to do everything from C++ and I can't seem to find any other examples, besides for the default one simple_encoder.c?
Just to cite some of the relevant parts I think I understand, but still need more help on
//in int main...
vpx_image_t raw;
if (!vpx_img_alloc(&raw, VPX_IMG_FMT_I420, info.frame_width,
info.frame_height, 1)) {
//"Failed to allocate image." error
So that part I think I understand for the most part, VPX_IMG_FMT_I420 is the only part that's not made in this file itself, but its in vpx_image.h, first as
//then after...
typedef enum vpx_img_fmt {
VPX_IMG_FMT_RGB24, /**< 24 bit per pixel packed RGB */
///some other formats....
VPX_IMG_FMT_ARGB, /**< 32 bit packed ARGB, alpha=255 */
} vpx_img_fmt_t; /**< alias for enum vpx_img_fmt */
So I guess part of my question is answered already just from writing this, that one of the formats is VPX_IMG_FMT_ARGB, although I don't where where it's defined, but I'm guessing in the above code I would replace it with
const VpxInterface *encoder = get_vpx_encoder_by_name("v8");
vpx_image_t raw;
VpxVideoInfo info = { 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0 } };
info.frame_width = 1920;
info.frame_height = 1080;
info.codec_fourcc = encoder->fourcc;
info.time_base.numerator = 1;
info.time_base.denominator = 24;
bool didIt = vpx_img_alloc(&raw, VPX_IMG_FMT_ARGB,
info.frame_width, info.frame_height/*example width and height*/, 1)
//check didIt..
vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t cfg;
vpx_codec_ctx_t codec;
vpx_codec_err_t res;
res = vpx_codec_enc_config_default(encoder->codec_interface(), &cfg, 0);
//check if !res for error
cfg.g_w = info.frame_width;
cfg.g_h = info.frame_height;
cfg.g_timebase.num = info.time_base.numerator;
cfg.g_timebase.den = info.time_base.denominator;
cfg.rc_target_bitrate = 200;
VpxVideoWriter *writer = NULL;
writer = vpx_video_writer_open(outfile_arg, kContainerIVF, &info);
//check if !writer for error
bool startIt = vpx_codec_enc_init(&codec, encoder->codec_interface(), &cfg, 0);
//not even sure where codec was set actually..
//check !startIt for error starting
//now the next part in the original is where it reads from the input file, but instead
//I need to pass in an array of some ARGB byte arrays..
//thing is, in the next step they use a while loop for
//vpx_img_read(&raw, fopen("path/to/YV12formatVideo", "rb"))
//to set the contents of the raw vpx image allocated earlier, then
//they call another program that writes it to the writer object,
//but I don't know how to read the actual ARGB data directly into the raw image
//without using fopen, so that's one question (review at end)
//so I'll just put a placeholder here for the **question**
//assuming I have an array of byte arrays stored individually
//for simplicity sake
int size = 1920 * 1080 * 4;
uint8_t imgOne[size] = {/*some big byte array*/};
uint8_t imgTwo[size] = {/*some big byte array*/};
uint8_t imgThree[size] = {/*some big byte array*/};
uint8_t *images[] = {imgOne, imgTwo, imgThree};
int framesDone = 0;
int maxFrames = 3;
//so now I can replace the while loop with a filler function
//until I find out how to set the raw image with ARGB data
while(framesDone < maxFrames) {
magicalFunctionToSetARGBOfRawImage(&raw, images[framesDone]);
encode_frame(&codec, &raw, framesDone, 0, writer);
//now apparently it needs to be flushed after
while(encode_frame(&codec, 0, -1, 0, writer)){}
bool isDestroyed = vpx_codec_destroy(&codec);
//check if !isDestroyed for error
//now we gotta define the encode_Frames function, but simpler
//(and make it above other function for reference purposes
//or in header
static int encode_frame(
vpx_codex_ctx_t *coydek,
vpx_image_t pic,
int currentFrame,
int flags,
VpxVideoWriter *koysayv/*writer*/
) {
//now to substitute their encodeFrame function for
//the actual raw calls to simplify things
const DidIt = vpx_codec_encode(
1,//duration I think
flags,//whatever that is
VPX_DL_REALTIME//different than simlpe_encoder
if(!DidIt) return;//error here
vpx_codec_iter_t iter = 0;
const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt = 0;
int gotThings = 0;
(pkt = vpx_codec_get_cx_data(
)) != 0
) {
gotThings = 1;
== VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT //don't exactly
//understand this part
) {
keyframe = (
) != 0; //don'texactly understand the
//& operator here or how it gets the keyframe
bool wroteFrame = vpx_video_writer_write_frame(
//I'm guessing this is the encoded
//frame data
if(!wroteFrame) return; //error
return gotThings;
Thing is though, I don't know how to actually read the
ARGB data into the RAW image buffer itself, as mentioned
above, in the original example, they use
vpx_img_read(&raw, fopen("path/to/file", "rb"))
but if I'm starting off with the byte arrays themselves
then what function do I use for that instead of the file?
I have a feeling it can be solved by the source code for the vpx_img_read found in tools_common.c function:
int vpx_img_read(vpx_image_t *img, FILE *file) {
int plane;
for (plane = 0; plane < 3; ++plane) {
unsigned char *buf = img->planes[plane];
const int stride = img->stride[plane];
const int w = vpx_img_plane_width(img, plane) *
((img->fmt & VPX_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH) ? 2 : 1);
const int h = vpx_img_plane_height(img, plane);
int y;
for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
if (fread(buf, 1, w, file) != (size_t)w) return 0;
buf += stride;
return 1;
although I personally am not experienced enough to necessarily know how to get a single frames ARGB data in, I think the key part is fread(buf, 1, w, file) which seems to read parts of file into buf which represents img->planes[plane];, which I think then by reading into buf that automatically reads into img->planes[plane];, but I'm not sure if that is the case, and also not sure how to replace the fread from file to just take in a bye array that is alreasy loaded into memory...
VPX_IMG_FMT_ARGB is not defined because not supported by libvpx (as far as I have seen). To compress an image using this library, you must first convert it to one of the supported format, like I420 (VPX_IMG_FMT_I420). The code here (not mine) : https://gist.github.com/racerxdl/8164330 do it well for the RGB format. If you don't want to use libswscale to make the conversion from RGB to I420, you can do things like this (this code convert a RGBA array of bytes to a I420 vpx_image that can be use by libvpx):
unsigned int tx = <width of your image>
unsigned int ty = <height of your image>
unsigned char *image = <array of bytes : RGBARGBA... of size ty*tx*4>
vpx_image_t *imageVpx = <result that must have been properly initialized by libvpx>
imageVpx->stride[VPX_PLANE_U ] = tx/2;
imageVpx->stride[VPX_PLANE_V ] = tx/2;
imageVpx->stride[VPX_PLANE_Y ] = tx;
imageVpx->stride[VPX_PLANE_ALPHA] = tx;
imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_U ] = new unsigned char[ty*tx/4];
imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_V ] = new unsigned char[ty*tx/4];
imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y ] = new unsigned char[ty*tx ];
imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_ALPHA] = new unsigned char[ty*tx ];
unsigned char *planeY = imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y ];
unsigned char *planeU = imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_U ];
unsigned char *planeV = imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_V ];
unsigned char *planeA = imageVpx->planes[VPX_PLANE_ALPHA];
for (unsigned int y=0; y<ty; y++)
if (!(y % 2))
for (unsigned int x=0; x<tx; x+=2)
int r = *image++;
int g = *image++;
int b = *image++;
int a = *image++;
*planeY++ = max(0, min(255, (( 66*r + 129*g + 25*b) >> 8) + 16));
*planeU++ = max(0, min(255, ((-38*r + -74*g + 112*b) >> 8) + 128));
*planeV++ = max(0, min(255, ((112*r + -94*g + -18*b) >> 8) + 128));
*planeA++ = a;
r = *image++;
g = *image++;
b = *image++;
a = *image++;
*planeA++ = a;
*planeY++ = max(0, min(255, ((66*r + 129*g + 25*b) >> 8) + 16));
for (unsigned int x=0; x<tx; x++)
int const r = *image++;
int const g = *image++;
int const b = *image++;
int const a = *image++;
*planeA++ = a;
*planeY++ = max(0, min(255, ((66*r + 129*g + 25*b) >> 8) + 16));
I am using the libnoise library to generate a random terrain and saving it in a .raw file that has its elevation points measured in meters. This terrain file contains 16-bit signed big-endian values, in row-major order, ordered south to north. This is the code I am using for reading the file.
struct HeightMapType
float x, y, z;
float nx, ny, nz;
float r, g, b;
bool Terrain::LoadRawFile()
int error, i, j, index;
FILE* filePtr;
unsigned long long imageSize, count;
unsigned short* rawImage;
// Create the float array to hold the height map data.
m_heightMap = new HeightMapType[m_terrainWidth * m_terrainHeight];
return false;
// Open the 16 bit raw height map file for reading in binary.
error = fopen_s(&filePtr, m_terrainFilename, "rb");
if(error != 0)
return false;
// Calculate the size of the raw image data.
imageSize = m_terrainHeight * m_terrainWidth;
// Allocate memory for the raw image data.
rawImage = new unsigned short[imageSize];
return false;
// Read in the raw image data.
count = fread(rawImage, sizeof(unsigned short), imageSize, filePtr);
if(count != imageSize)
return false;
// Close the file.
error = fclose(filePtr);
if(error != 0)
return false;
// Copy the image data into the height map array.
for(j=0; j<m_terrainHeight; j++)
for(i=0; i<m_terrainWidth; i++)
index = (m_terrainWidth * j) + i;
// Store the height at this point in the height map array.
m_heightMap[index].y = (float)rawImage[index];
// Release the bitmap image data.
delete [] rawImage;
rawImage = 0;
// Release the terrain filename now that it has been read in.
delete [] m_terrainFilename;
m_terrainFilename = 0;
return true;
The code does not return any error but this is the result rendered: rawFileRendering.
I tested the code with another heightmap saved in a raw file (given by rastertek) and it works.
Do you know why the rendered scene is like this?
Thank you for your help.
Two problems:
You use unsigned short, but you said in the description that the numbers are signed. So you should use signed short instead
You don't do anything with endianness. If you are on a little endian machine, you should convert your values from big endian to little endian.
You can convert endianness with this:
short endianConvert(short x) {
unsigned short v = (unsigned short)x;
return (short)(v>>8|v<<8);
I'm wondering if anyone would possibly be able to give me some advice on how to implement a cross-correlation function within two simple delay lines that I have set up. My problem is that I have two hard coded delay lines that I can manually change to align two signals going in. I'm using a DI signal and a microphone signal from a bass amp. If I use this code in its current state it will delay the DI signal, but what I want it to do, is take the two signals and align them within the DSP for it to output them in phase with one and other. My current code can be seen below:
#include <Bela.h>
#define DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE 44100
// Buffer holding previous samples per channel
float gDelayBuffer_l[DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
float gDelayBuffer_r[DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
// Write pointer
int gDelayBufWritePtr = 0;
// Amount of delay
float gDelayAmount = 1;
// Amount of feedback
float gDelayFeedbackAmount = 0;
// Level of pre-delay input
float gDelayAmountPre = 1;
// Amount of delay in samples
int gDelayInSamples = 22050;
// Buffer holding previous samples per channel
float hDelayBuffer_l[DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
float hDelayBuffer_r[DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
// Write pointer
int hDelayBufWritePtr = 0;
// Amount of delay
float hDelayAmount = 1;
// Amount of feedback
float hDelayFeedbackAmount = 0;
// Level of pre-delay input
float hDelayAmountPre = 1;
// Amount of delay in samples
int hDelayInSamples = 44100;
bool setup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
return true;
void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->analogFrames; n++) {
float out_l = 0;
float out_r = 0;
// Read audio inputs
out_l = analogRead(context,n,0);
out_r = analogRead(context,n,1);
// Increment delay buffer write pointer
gDelayBufWritePtr = 0;
// Increment delay buffer write pointer
// Calculate the sample that will be written into the delay buffer...
// 1. Multiply the current (dry) sample by the pre-delay gain level (set above)
// 2. Get the previously delayed sample from the buffer, multiply it by the feedback gain and add it to the current sample
float del_input_l = (gDelayAmountPre * out_l + gDelayBuffer_l[(gDelayBufWritePtr-gDelayInSamples+DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE)%DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE] * gDelayFeedbackAmount);
float del_input_r = (gDelayAmountPre * out_r + gDelayBuffer_r[(gDelayBufWritePtr-gDelayInSamples+DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE)%DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE] * gDelayFeedbackAmount);
// Now we can write it into the delay buffer
gDelayBuffer_l[gDelayBufWritePtr] = del_input_l;
gDelayBuffer_r[gDelayBufWritePtr] = del_input_r;
// Get the delayed sample (by reading `gDelayInSamples` many samples behind our current write pointer) and add it to our output sample
out_l = gDelayBuffer_l[(gDelayBufWritePtr-gDelayInSamples+DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE)%DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE] * gDelayAmount;
out_r = gDelayBuffer_r[(gDelayBufWritePtr-gDelayInSamples+DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE)%DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE] * gDelayAmount;
// Write the sample into the output buffer
analogWrite(context, n, 0, out_l);
analogWrite(context, n, 1, out_r);
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->analogFrames; n++) {
float out_l = 0;
float out_r = 0;
// Read audio inputs
out_l = analogRead(context,n,2);
out_r = analogRead(context,n,3);
// Increment delay buffer write pointer
hDelayBufWritePtr = 0;
// Increment delay buffer write pointer
hDelayBufWritePtr = 0;
// Calculate the sample that will be written into the delay buffer...
// 1. Multiply the current (dry) sample by the pre-delay gain level (set above)
// 2. Get the previously delayed sample from the buffer, multiply it by the feedback gain and add it to the current sample
float del_input_l = (hDelayAmountPre * out_l + hDelayBuffer_l[(hDelayBufWritePtr-hDelayInSamples+DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE)%DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE] * hDelayFeedbackAmount);
float del_input_r = (hDelayAmountPre * out_r + hDelayBuffer_r[(hDelayBufWritePtr-hDelayInSamples+DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE)%DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE] * hDelayFeedbackAmount);
// Now we can write it into the delay buffer
hDelayBuffer_l[hDelayBufWritePtr] = del_input_l;
hDelayBuffer_r[hDelayBufWritePtr] = del_input_r;
// Get the delayed sample (by reading `gDelayInSamples` many samples behind our current write pointer) and add it to our output sample
out_l = hDelayBuffer_l[(hDelayBufWritePtr-hDelayInSamples+DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE)%DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE] * hDelayAmount;
out_r = hDelayBuffer_r[(hDelayBufWritePtr-hDelayInSamples+DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE)%DELAY_BUFFER_SIZE] * hDelayAmount;
// Write the sample into the output buffer
analogWrite(context, n, 2, out_l);
analogWrite(context, n, 3, out_r);
void cleanup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
I'm currently trying to take in sound and feed it back to the speakers. I'm using the openframeworks library that makes this fairly simple.
I'm using this class
The setup function is
ofSoundStreamSetup(int nOutputs, int nInputs, ofSimpleApp * OFSA, int sampleRate, int bufferSize, int nBuffers)
and I am using
ofSoundStreamSetup(1, 1, this, 44100, 512, 4)
My header info is
float buffer1[1000000];
float buffer2[1000000];
float* readPointer;
float* writePointer;
int readp;
int writep;
I've got two functions
audioReceived (float * input, int bufferSize, int nChannels)
if (writep < 10)
for (int i = 0;i < bufferSize; i++)
writePointer[writep*i] = input[i];
if (writep >= 10)
writep = 0;
audioRequested(float * output, int buffersize, int numChannels)
if (writep > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
output[i] = readPointer[readp * i];
if (readp >=10)
readp = 0;
This is working but the quality seems poppy and crackly. I think I may have to implement a proper circle buffer, or double buffering, but I'm not sure.
Can anyone point me in the correct direction for how I can get the audio to sound good, using as simple a method as possible?
I would definitely suggest using double buffering. Otherwise a buffer becomes available at the same time you want a buffer. This potentially results in a case of you editing a buffer that is currently in use.
In general when audio is received you add it to buffer 1. When audio is requested you give it buffer 2. Now when audio is received put it in buffer 2 and when the request arrives give it buffer 1. And so on.