No build time for new build system in Sublime Text 3 - build

I successfully added python3 as a new build system as follows:
"cmd": ["python3", "-i", "-u", "$file"],
"file_regex": "^[ ]File \"(...?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.python"
I couldn't get any build time output in python3 system but I can in other build systems. Any idea would be appreciated. Thank you.

The reason you don't see a build time is that you're specifying -i as an argument to python3. That makes it interactive, but there is no way to actually provide it any input because Sublime doesn't let you interact with a running program; it just lets you start it and wait for it to finish. As such, you're not getting any build time because the build goes on forever and never actually stops.
As a verification, note that the last thing that's presented in the output panel is the >>> prompt of the interactive interpreter, where it's waiting for input that you can't provide. Additionally the Tools > Cancel Build remains available, and selecting it terminates the build (although in this case is doesn't tell you how long it was running). That command is disabled if there's not a build running.
One way to fix your problem would be to remove the -i from your cmd entry above. Alternatively, you could use a version of the Python.sublime-build that ships with Sublime, modified to run python3 instead of python:
"shell_cmd": "python3 -u \"$file\"",
"file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.python",
"env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"},
"name": "Syntax Check",
"shell_cmd": "python3 -m py_compile \"${file}\"",


Beginner Coder - Interact with Build Window in Sublime Text [duplicate]

I'm trying to get Sublime Text 3 to run a Python script. A simple two liner
var = raw_input("Enter something: ")
print("You entered " + var)
which asks for input, waits for it, then prints it out in windows console prompt.
Seeing the number of similar questions on the site, this is a problem for quite a number of users, so I went through those and tried ... stuff. Made a copy of file, commented that one line, made a new pythonw build file, tried messing about with the build file ... nothing seems to work.
In lack of a definite solution, how do you work with input using Sublime Text?
Sublime Text on its own cannot handle input via raw_input() (Python 2) or input() (Python 3). The same is true of other languages as well - Ruby's gets, Java's Scanner class, Node's readline class, scanf in C, cin in C++, etc. One short-term solution is to get Package Control if you don't already have it, then install SublimeREPL. It allows you to transfer or run part or all of your code through the running REPL. It may require some configuration of the Main.sublime-menu files to get your preferred interpreter to run properly. Alternatively, you can use the excellent Terminus plugin - details are at the bottom.
If the code you're running doesn't play well with SublimeREPL (for instance, you're using C/C++/Java/etc. and need to compile code before it runs), or you just want to run it independently of Sublime, you'll need to make your own build system. Save the following as Packages/User/Python_cmd.sublime-build:
"cmd": ["start", "cmd", "/k", "c:/python38/python.exe", "$file"],
"selector": "source.python",
"shell": true,
"working_dir": "$file_dir",
"env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"}
changing the path to your Python executable as appropriate. Then, go to Tools -> Build System and select Python_cmd, and when you hit CtrlB to build, a new cmd window will open up with your file running. The /k option returns to the command prompt, without closing the window, after your program is done running so you can examine output, tracebacks, etc.
Please note that this build system is Windows-specific, as macOS and Linux do not have cmd. Build systems for those platforms are below.
If you are running OS X/macOS, the following build system will open your program in a new instance of Terminal. Save it as Packages/User/Python_Terminal.sublime-build. In my testing on macOS 10.15, the Terminal window didn't always come to the top when activated, so if you may need to look for it behind other windows.
"shell_cmd": "osascript -e 'tell app \"Terminal\" to do script \"cd $file_path && python3 -u $file\"'",
"working_dir": "$file_path",
"selector": "source.python",
"env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"}
You may need to specify the path to your Python executable if it's not on your $PATH.
And finally, here is a build system for Linux. It was tested on Ubuntu, so if you use another distribution you'll need to ensure that gnome-terminal is installed. Save it as Packages/User/Python_shell.sublime-build. Once the program has finished running, hit any key to close the window.
"shell_cmd": "gnome-terminal --working-directory=$file_path -- bash -c 'python3 -u \"$file\" && read -n 1 -s -r'",
"working_dir": "$file_path",
"selector": "source.python",
"env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"}
For reference, the Packages directory is the one opened when selecting Preferences → Browse Packages…:
Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages or ~/.config/sublime-text/Packages
OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages or ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages
Windows Regular Install: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages or C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text\Packages
Windows Portable Install: InstallationFolder\Sublime Text 3\Data\Packages InstallationFolder\Sublime Text\Data\Packages
The exact path depends on version and whether or not you upgraded from Sublime Text 3.
I have only tested these build systems with Python, but they should work fine for any language. When modifying, just make sure that all the single and double quotes match up – you'll get errors or unexpected behavior if they don't.
There is a platform-independent plugin called Terminus that, among other things, provides a drop-in replacement for the default exec build system engine. It allows you to interact with your program in the build panel below your code. Once you've installed it from Package Control, create the following build system (again, for Python):
"target": "terminus_exec",
"cancel": "terminus_cancel_build",
"cmd": [
"/path/to/python", "-u", "$file"
"working_dir": "$file_path",
"file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
You'll need to adjust the path to your Python executable, as above. Make sure you read the documentation to find out all the other ways you can make use of this great plugin.
To add on to the answer from Shritam Kumar Mund, to make a key binding for this:
{ "keys": ["alt+k", "alt+k"], "command": "repl_open", "args": {"cmd":
["python", "-u", "$file_basename"], "cwd": "$file_path", "encoding":
"utf8", "extend_env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"}, "external_id":
"python", "syntax": "Packages/Python/Python.tmLanguage", "type":
I found this by using the following in the console:
Sublime Text does not support inputting data into a program. For working with inputs you need to install a package called SublimeREPL.
Follow this:
open Sublime Text >> CTRL + P
CTRL + P will open the Package control
Click on Package Control: Install package
Wait for a sec to pop up a search bar.
Type SublimeREPL and Click it.
It'll get installed in a few secs.
Then follow the following steps to run your program;
Tools >> SublimeREPL >> Python >> Python run Current File
It'll open a new window, where you can give your input and get the output.
You can use this sublime_build file which make run on cmd when you press ctrl+B .
Just go to tool ->sublime build->new build system and paste the below given as it is;
I have personally edited this sublime build file with my experience and believe me it has some good functionalities:
color changing when program terminates or ends
interactive output and input
console window automatic opening
pause after program finishes and wait till enter
"cmd":["start", "cmd", "/c" ,"python $file && color b0 && pause"],
"selector": "source.python",
"working_dir": "${file_path}",
"file_regex": "(.+):(\\d+): error: ",
"shell": true
Thanks #MattDMo for the answer, which doesn't require installing any plugin. But after I tried the command in macOS:
"shell_cmd": "osascript -e 'tell app \"Terminal\" to do script \"cd $file_path && python3 -u $file\"'",
I find it seems to run from background every time, which is not convenient.
So I tried another method: to use a to run. Here is the command:
"cmd": ["zsh", "-c", "echo \"python3 ${file}\" > /tmp/ ; chmod +x /tmp/ ; open -a Terminal /tmp/ ; sleep 2 ;rm /tmp/"],
This method will pop up a new window to the front, and it should be feasible on other platforms after a small modification, but I didn't try.
here is the full content in "python_input.sublime-build":
"cmd": ["zsh", "-c", "echo \"python3 ${file}\" > /tmp/ ; chmod +x /tmp/ ; open -a Terminal /tmp/ ; sleep 2 ;rm /tmp/"],
"file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$",
"working_dir": "${file_path}",
"selector": "source.python",
"env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"},

How to open a .exe window for CPP files in Sublime Text 3? [duplicate]

I'm trying to get Sublime Text 3 to run a Python script. A simple two liner
var = raw_input("Enter something: ")
print("You entered " + var)
which asks for input, waits for it, then prints it out in windows console prompt.
Seeing the number of similar questions on the site, this is a problem for quite a number of users, so I went through those and tried ... stuff. Made a copy of file, commented that one line, made a new pythonw build file, tried messing about with the build file ... nothing seems to work.
In lack of a definite solution, how do you work with input using Sublime Text?
Sublime Text on its own cannot handle input via raw_input() (Python 2) or input() (Python 3). The same is true of other languages as well - Ruby's gets, Java's Scanner class, Node's readline class, scanf in C, cin in C++, etc. One short-term solution is to get Package Control if you don't already have it, then install SublimeREPL. It allows you to transfer or run part or all of your code through the running REPL. It may require some configuration of the Main.sublime-menu files to get your preferred interpreter to run properly. Alternatively, you can use the excellent Terminus plugin - details are at the bottom.
If the code you're running doesn't play well with SublimeREPL (for instance, you're using C/C++/Java/etc. and need to compile code before it runs), or you just want to run it independently of Sublime, you'll need to make your own build system. Save the following as Packages/User/Python_cmd.sublime-build:
"cmd": ["start", "cmd", "/k", "c:/python38/python.exe", "$file"],
"selector": "source.python",
"shell": true,
"working_dir": "$file_dir",
"env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"}
changing the path to your Python executable as appropriate. Then, go to Tools -> Build System and select Python_cmd, and when you hit CtrlB to build, a new cmd window will open up with your file running. The /k option returns to the command prompt, without closing the window, after your program is done running so you can examine output, tracebacks, etc.
Please note that this build system is Windows-specific, as macOS and Linux do not have cmd. Build systems for those platforms are below.
If you are running OS X/macOS, the following build system will open your program in a new instance of Terminal. Save it as Packages/User/Python_Terminal.sublime-build. In my testing on macOS 10.15, the Terminal window didn't always come to the top when activated, so if you may need to look for it behind other windows.
"shell_cmd": "osascript -e 'tell app \"Terminal\" to do script \"cd $file_path && python3 -u $file\"'",
"working_dir": "$file_path",
"selector": "source.python",
"env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"}
You may need to specify the path to your Python executable if it's not on your $PATH.
And finally, here is a build system for Linux. It was tested on Ubuntu, so if you use another distribution you'll need to ensure that gnome-terminal is installed. Save it as Packages/User/Python_shell.sublime-build. Once the program has finished running, hit any key to close the window.
"shell_cmd": "gnome-terminal --working-directory=$file_path -- bash -c 'python3 -u \"$file\" && read -n 1 -s -r'",
"working_dir": "$file_path",
"selector": "source.python",
"env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"}
For reference, the Packages directory is the one opened when selecting Preferences → Browse Packages…:
Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages or ~/.config/sublime-text/Packages
OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages or ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages
Windows Regular Install: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages or C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text\Packages
Windows Portable Install: InstallationFolder\Sublime Text 3\Data\Packages InstallationFolder\Sublime Text\Data\Packages
The exact path depends on version and whether or not you upgraded from Sublime Text 3.
I have only tested these build systems with Python, but they should work fine for any language. When modifying, just make sure that all the single and double quotes match up – you'll get errors or unexpected behavior if they don't.
There is a platform-independent plugin called Terminus that, among other things, provides a drop-in replacement for the default exec build system engine. It allows you to interact with your program in the build panel below your code. Once you've installed it from Package Control, create the following build system (again, for Python):
"target": "terminus_exec",
"cancel": "terminus_cancel_build",
"cmd": [
"/path/to/python", "-u", "$file"
"working_dir": "$file_path",
"file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
You'll need to adjust the path to your Python executable, as above. Make sure you read the documentation to find out all the other ways you can make use of this great plugin.
To add on to the answer from Shritam Kumar Mund, to make a key binding for this:
{ "keys": ["alt+k", "alt+k"], "command": "repl_open", "args": {"cmd":
["python", "-u", "$file_basename"], "cwd": "$file_path", "encoding":
"utf8", "extend_env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"}, "external_id":
"python", "syntax": "Packages/Python/Python.tmLanguage", "type":
I found this by using the following in the console:
Sublime Text does not support inputting data into a program. For working with inputs you need to install a package called SublimeREPL.
Follow this:
open Sublime Text >> CTRL + P
CTRL + P will open the Package control
Click on Package Control: Install package
Wait for a sec to pop up a search bar.
Type SublimeREPL and Click it.
It'll get installed in a few secs.
Then follow the following steps to run your program;
Tools >> SublimeREPL >> Python >> Python run Current File
It'll open a new window, where you can give your input and get the output.
You can use this sublime_build file which make run on cmd when you press ctrl+B .
Just go to tool ->sublime build->new build system and paste the below given as it is;
I have personally edited this sublime build file with my experience and believe me it has some good functionalities:
color changing when program terminates or ends
interactive output and input
console window automatic opening
pause after program finishes and wait till enter
"cmd":["start", "cmd", "/c" ,"python $file && color b0 && pause"],
"selector": "source.python",
"working_dir": "${file_path}",
"file_regex": "(.+):(\\d+): error: ",
"shell": true
Thanks #MattDMo for the answer, which doesn't require installing any plugin. But after I tried the command in macOS:
"shell_cmd": "osascript -e 'tell app \"Terminal\" to do script \"cd $file_path && python3 -u $file\"'",
I find it seems to run from background every time, which is not convenient.
So I tried another method: to use a to run. Here is the command:
"cmd": ["zsh", "-c", "echo \"python3 ${file}\" > /tmp/ ; chmod +x /tmp/ ; open -a Terminal /tmp/ ; sleep 2 ;rm /tmp/"],
This method will pop up a new window to the front, and it should be feasible on other platforms after a small modification, but I didn't try.
here is the full content in "python_input.sublime-build":
"cmd": ["zsh", "-c", "echo \"python3 ${file}\" > /tmp/ ; chmod +x /tmp/ ; open -a Terminal /tmp/ ; sleep 2 ;rm /tmp/"],
"file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$",
"working_dir": "${file_path}",
"selector": "source.python",
"env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"},

How to run code after cin in Sublime Text 3 [duplicate]

I'm trying to get Sublime Text 3 to run a Python script. A simple two liner
var = raw_input("Enter something: ")
print("You entered " + var)
which asks for input, waits for it, then prints it out in windows console prompt.
Seeing the number of similar questions on the site, this is a problem for quite a number of users, so I went through those and tried ... stuff. Made a copy of file, commented that one line, made a new pythonw build file, tried messing about with the build file ... nothing seems to work.
In lack of a definite solution, how do you work with input using Sublime Text?
Sublime Text on its own cannot handle input via raw_input() (Python 2) or input() (Python 3). The same is true of other languages as well - Ruby's gets, Java's Scanner class, Node's readline class, scanf in C, cin in C++, etc. One short-term solution is to get Package Control if you don't already have it, then install SublimeREPL. It allows you to transfer or run part or all of your code through the running REPL. It may require some configuration of the Main.sublime-menu files to get your preferred interpreter to run properly. Alternatively, you can use the excellent Terminus plugin - details are at the bottom.
If the code you're running doesn't play well with SublimeREPL (for instance, you're using C/C++/Java/etc. and need to compile code before it runs), or you just want to run it independently of Sublime, you'll need to make your own build system. Save the following as Packages/User/Python_cmd.sublime-build:
"cmd": ["start", "cmd", "/k", "c:/python38/python.exe", "$file"],
"selector": "source.python",
"shell": true,
"working_dir": "$file_dir",
"env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"}
changing the path to your Python executable as appropriate. Then, go to Tools -> Build System and select Python_cmd, and when you hit CtrlB to build, a new cmd window will open up with your file running. The /k option returns to the command prompt, without closing the window, after your program is done running so you can examine output, tracebacks, etc.
Please note that this build system is Windows-specific, as macOS and Linux do not have cmd. Build systems for those platforms are below.
If you are running OS X/macOS, the following build system will open your program in a new instance of Terminal. Save it as Packages/User/Python_Terminal.sublime-build. In my testing on macOS 10.15, the Terminal window didn't always come to the top when activated, so if you may need to look for it behind other windows.
"shell_cmd": "osascript -e 'tell app \"Terminal\" to do script \"cd $file_path && python3 -u $file\"'",
"working_dir": "$file_path",
"selector": "source.python",
"env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"}
You may need to specify the path to your Python executable if it's not on your $PATH.
And finally, here is a build system for Linux. It was tested on Ubuntu, so if you use another distribution you'll need to ensure that gnome-terminal is installed. Save it as Packages/User/Python_shell.sublime-build. Once the program has finished running, hit any key to close the window.
"shell_cmd": "gnome-terminal --working-directory=$file_path -- bash -c 'python3 -u \"$file\" && read -n 1 -s -r'",
"working_dir": "$file_path",
"selector": "source.python",
"env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"}
For reference, the Packages directory is the one opened when selecting Preferences → Browse Packages…:
Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages or ~/.config/sublime-text/Packages
OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages or ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages
Windows Regular Install: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages or C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text\Packages
Windows Portable Install: InstallationFolder\Sublime Text 3\Data\Packages InstallationFolder\Sublime Text\Data\Packages
The exact path depends on version and whether or not you upgraded from Sublime Text 3.
I have only tested these build systems with Python, but they should work fine for any language. When modifying, just make sure that all the single and double quotes match up – you'll get errors or unexpected behavior if they don't.
There is a platform-independent plugin called Terminus that, among other things, provides a drop-in replacement for the default exec build system engine. It allows you to interact with your program in the build panel below your code. Once you've installed it from Package Control, create the following build system (again, for Python):
"target": "terminus_exec",
"cancel": "terminus_cancel_build",
"cmd": [
"/path/to/python", "-u", "$file"
"working_dir": "$file_path",
"file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
You'll need to adjust the path to your Python executable, as above. Make sure you read the documentation to find out all the other ways you can make use of this great plugin.
To add on to the answer from Shritam Kumar Mund, to make a key binding for this:
{ "keys": ["alt+k", "alt+k"], "command": "repl_open", "args": {"cmd":
["python", "-u", "$file_basename"], "cwd": "$file_path", "encoding":
"utf8", "extend_env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"}, "external_id":
"python", "syntax": "Packages/Python/Python.tmLanguage", "type":
I found this by using the following in the console:
Sublime Text does not support inputting data into a program. For working with inputs you need to install a package called SublimeREPL.
Follow this:
open Sublime Text >> CTRL + P
CTRL + P will open the Package control
Click on Package Control: Install package
Wait for a sec to pop up a search bar.
Type SublimeREPL and Click it.
It'll get installed in a few secs.
Then follow the following steps to run your program;
Tools >> SublimeREPL >> Python >> Python run Current File
It'll open a new window, where you can give your input and get the output.
You can use this sublime_build file which make run on cmd when you press ctrl+B .
Just go to tool ->sublime build->new build system and paste the below given as it is;
I have personally edited this sublime build file with my experience and believe me it has some good functionalities:
color changing when program terminates or ends
interactive output and input
console window automatic opening
pause after program finishes and wait till enter
"cmd":["start", "cmd", "/c" ,"python $file && color b0 && pause"],
"selector": "source.python",
"working_dir": "${file_path}",
"file_regex": "(.+):(\\d+): error: ",
"shell": true
Thanks #MattDMo for the answer, which doesn't require installing any plugin. But after I tried the command in macOS:
"shell_cmd": "osascript -e 'tell app \"Terminal\" to do script \"cd $file_path && python3 -u $file\"'",
I find it seems to run from background every time, which is not convenient.
So I tried another method: to use a to run. Here is the command:
"cmd": ["zsh", "-c", "echo \"python3 ${file}\" > /tmp/ ; chmod +x /tmp/ ; open -a Terminal /tmp/ ; sleep 2 ;rm /tmp/"],
This method will pop up a new window to the front, and it should be feasible on other platforms after a small modification, but I didn't try.
here is the full content in "python_input.sublime-build":
"cmd": ["zsh", "-c", "echo \"python3 ${file}\" > /tmp/ ; chmod +x /tmp/ ; open -a Terminal /tmp/ ; sleep 2 ;rm /tmp/"],
"file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$",
"working_dir": "${file_path}",
"selector": "source.python",
"env": {"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"},

Sublime Text 3 Build System for Ubuntu

I'm running an Ubuntu 16.04 machine. I want to compile and run C++ programs in Sublime Text 3. A few months ago I came across a build system that compiled and ran the program in terminal in a single command. Due to some reasons I no longer have the build system.
This is what I have in place:
"cmd": ["g++", "$file", "-o", "${file_path}/${file_base_name}"],
"file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$",
"working_dir": "${file_path}",
"selector": "source.c, source.c++, source.cxx, source.cpp",
"name": "Run",
"shell": true,
"cmd": ["gnome-terminal -e 'bash -c \"${file_path}/${file_base_name};echo;echo; echo Press enter to continue....; read line;exit; exec bash\"'"]
It works fine but I have to compile and run the program separately. Is it possible to modify this to achieve what I've mentioned above? Or maybe another build system that could do this?
Not sure if it's irrelevant, I tried using sublime to compile c++ but couldn't. Then tried switching to atom and have been using it since. It can compile code from the editor. You can give it a try.

Run program in cmd mode after building from Sublime Text 2

I'm using Sublime Text 2 with MinGW as a build system to compile my c++ programs. I have the following build added to my Sublime:
"cmd": ["mingw32-g++.exe", "-o", "$file_base_name", "$file"],
"path": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MinGWStudio\\MinGW\\bin\\"
Now I want to run the program that I've just compiled in a cmd window (not in the Sublime console) What should I add to that command ?
Thank you.
A build system like the following will run your program in a new cmd window after you build it:
"cmd": ["mingw32-g++.exe", "-o", "$file_base_name", "$file"],
"path": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MinGWStudio\\MinGW\\bin\\",
"variants": [
"cmd": ["start", "cmd", "/k", "$file_base_name"],
"shell": true,
"name": "Run"
The "Run" name has special significance, it means that when you select this build system as your default, hitting CtrlB will compile your program, and then hitting CtrlShiftB will execute it. start is the command to start running a separate process, cmd is short for cmd.exe, the Windows command line program, and the /k option keeps the resulting window open after your program exits so you can see its output, run additional commands, or what have you.
For those trying this on MacOs (High Sierra) and Sublime 2, you might want to consider the next string in your build system:
"cmd": ["make", "${file_base_name}"],
"selector" : "source.c",
"variants": [
"cmd": ["/Applications/vice/ $file_base_name"],
"shell": true,
"name": "Run"
This example will start Vice (the C64 emulator) installed in its specific location, which takes the file base name as an argument. Please note that I do not use "start", "cmd" or "/k".