how to apply different Image Generator for different batches in Keras? - computer-vision

The training data is read from two .npy files. Say, train_set is regarded as X, and train_label is regarded as Y. Therefore, it is not a multiple input case. My task requires to augment the image patches in different manner. So how to define different Image Generator for different patches? Although there could be a lot of patches, I use 3 patches as an example:
for patch1:
datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rotation_range=20)
for patch2:
datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rotation_range=40)
for patch3:
datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rotation_range=60)
How to apply different generators on different patches, and how may I use the or model.fit_generator(...) for the described scenario?
Also, Is there a way to rotate the image by a particular degree instead of a range?

I didn't do it myself, but I think one approach is to use the first datagen and pass the first group of training data with fit_generator and with the selected number of epochs. Then, save weight and use the second datagen and the second group with fit_generator. You also need to set initial_epoch and also need to load the weights. To generalize the question, what you need to do is to resume training with the second datagen. Please see


Applying word2vec to find all words above a similarity threshold

The command model.most_similar(positive=['france'], topn=100) gives the top 100 most similar words to "france". However, I would like to know if there is a method which will output the most similar words above a similarity threshold to a given word. Is there a method like the following?:
model.most_similar(positive=['france'], threshold=0.9)
No, you'd have to request a large number (or all, with topn=0) then apply the cutoff yourself.
What you request could theoretically be added as an option.
However, the cosine-similarity absolute magnitudes don't necessarily have a stable meaning, like "90% similar" across different model runs. Their distribution can vary based on model training parameters, such as the vector size, and they are most-often interpreted only in ranked-comparison to other pairwise values from the same model.
For example, the composition of the top-100 most-similar words for 'cold' may be very similar in models with different training parameters, but the range of absolute similarity values for the #1 to #100 words can be quite different. So if you were picking an absolute threshold, you'd likely want to vary the cutoff based on observing the model, or along with other model training metaparameters.
Well, let's say you can. Try the following code:
def find_most_similar(model, wrd, threshold=0.75):
res = [item for item in model.wv.most_similar(wrd, topn=len(model.wv.vocab)) if item[1] > threshold]
return res

userWarning pymc3 : What does reparameterize mean?

I built a pymc3 model using the DensityDist distribution. I have four parameters out of which 3 use Metropolis and one uses NUTS (this is automatically chosen by the pymc3). However, I get two different UserWarnings
1.Chain 0 contains number of diverging samples after tuning. If increasing target_accept does not help try to reparameterize.
MAy I know what does reparameterize here mean?
2. The acceptance probability in chain 0 does not match the target. It is , but should be close to 0.8. Try to increase the number of tuning steps.
Digging through a few examples I used 'random_seed', 'discard_tuned_samples', 'step = pm.NUTS(target_accept=0.95)' and so on and got rid of these user warnings. But I couldn't find details of how these parameter values are being decided. I am sure this might have been discussed in various context but I am unable to find solid documentation for this. I was doing a trial and error method as below.
with patten_study:
#SEED = 61290425 #51290425
step = pm.NUTS(target_accept=0.95)
trace = sample(step = step)#4000,tune = 10000,step =step,discard_tuned_samples=False)#,random_seed=SEED)
I need to run these on different datasets. Hence I am struggling to fix these parameter values for each dataset I am using. Is there any way where I give these values or find the outcome (if there are any user warnings and then try other values) and run it in a loop?
Pardon me if I am asking something stupid!
In this context, re-parametrization basically is finding a different but equivalent model that it is easier to compute. There are many things you can do depending on the details of your model:
Instead of using a Uniform distribution you can use a Normal distribution with a large variance.
Changing from a centered-hierarchical model to a
Replacing a Gaussian with a Student-T
Model a discrete variable as a continuous
Marginalize variables like in this example
whether these changes make sense or not is something that you should decide, based on your knowledge of the model and problem.

Building Speech Dataset for LSTM binary classification

I'm trying to do binary LSTM classification using theano.
I have gone through the example code however I want to build my own.
I have a small set of "Hello" & "Goodbye" recordings that I am using. I preprocess these by extracting the MFCC features for them and saving these features in a text file. I have 20 speech files(10 each) and I am generating a text file for each word, so 20 text files that contains the MFCC features. Each file is a 13x56 matrix.
My problem now is: How do I use this text file to train the LSTM?
I am relatively new to this. I have gone through some literature on it as well but not found really good understanding of the concept.
Any simpler way using LSTM's would also be welcome.
There are many existing implementation for example Tensorflow Implementation, Kaldi-focused implementation with all the scripts, it is better to check them first.
Theano is too low-level, you might try with keras instead, as described in tutorial. You can run tutorial "as is" to understand how things goes.
Then, you need to prepare a dataset. You need to turn your data into sequences of data frames and for every data frame in sequence you need to assign an output label.
Keras supports two types of RNNs - layers returning sequences and layers returning simple values. You can experiment with both, in code you just use return_sequences=True or return_sequences=False
To train with sequences you can assign dummy label for all frames except the last one where you can assign the label of the word you want to recognize. You need to place input and output labels to arrays. So it will be:
X = [[word1frame1, word1frame2, ..., word1framen],[word2frame1, word2frame2,...word2framen]]
Y = [[0,0,...,1], [0,0,....,2]]
In X every element is a vector of 13 floats. In Y every element is just a number - 0 for intermediate frames and word ID for final frame.
To train with just labels you need to place input and output labels to arrays and output array is simpler. So the data will be:
X = [[word1frame1, word1frame2, ..., word1framen],[word2frame1, word2frame2,...word2framen]]
Y = [[0,0,1], [0,1,0]]
Note that output is vectorized (np_utils.to_categorical) to turn it to vectors instead of just numbers.
Then you create network architecture. You can have 13 floats for input, a vector for output. In the middle you might have one fully connected layer followed by one lstm layer. Do not use too big layers, start with small ones.
Then you feed this dataset into and it trains you the model. You can estimate model quality on heldout set after training.
You will have a problem with convergence since you have just 20 examples. You need way more examples, preferably thousands to train LSTM, you will only be able to use very small models.

How to detect and delete noise in rapidminer?

I am new in rapid miner 5, just want to know how to find noise in my data and show them in chart and how to delete them?
A complex problem because it depends what you mean by noise.
If you mean finding individual attributes whose values are plain wrong then you could plot a histogram view and work out some sort of limits on what constitutes a valid value. You could then impose that rule by using Filter Examples to remove them.
If you mean finding attributes that have some sort of random jitter applied to them it would be difficult to detect these. Only by knowing beforehand what the expected shape of the distribution is could you compare with observation and do something about it. However, the action to take is by no means obvious.
If you mean finding examples within an example set that are obviously different from other examples then you could consider using the various outlier functions. The simplest one to get started is Detect Outlier (Distances). This finds a set number of outliers (default 10) based on a distance calculation that uses all the attributes for examples. It creates a new attribute called outlier that is set to true or false. You could then use the Filter Examples operator to remove those that are set to true.
Hope that helps at least as a start.

Face Recognition Using Backpropagation Neural Network?

I'm very new in image processing and my first assignment is to make a working program which can recognize faces and their names.
Until now, I successfully make a project to detect, crop the detected image, make it to sobel and translate it to array of float.
But, I'm very confused how to implement the Backpropagation MLP to learn the image so it can recognize the correct name for the detected face.
It's a great honor for all experts in stackoverflow to give me some examples how to implement the Image array to be learned with the backpropagation.
It is standard machine learning algorithm. You have a number of arrays of floats (instances in ML or observations in statistics terms) and corresponding names (labels, class tags), one per array. This is enough for use in most ML algorithms. Specifically in ANN, elements of your array (i.e. features) are inputs of the network and labels (names) are its outputs.
If you are looking for theoretical description of backpropagation, take a look at Stanford's ml-class lectures (ANN section). If you need ready implementation, read this question.
You haven't specified what are elements of your arrays. If you use just pixels of original image, this should work, but not very well. If you need production level system (though still with the use of ANN), try to extract more high level features (e.g. Haar-like features, that OpenCV uses itself).
Have you tried writing your feature vectors to an arff file and to feed them to weka, just to see if your approach might work at all?
Weka has a lot of classifiers integrated, including MLP.
As I understood so far, I suspect the features and the classifier you have chosen not to work.
To your original question: Have you made any attempts to implement a neural network on your own? If so, where you got stuck? Note, that this is not the place to request a complete working implementation from the audience.
To provide a general answer on a general question:
Usually you have nodes in an MLP. Specifically input nodes, output nodes, and hidden nodes. These nodes are strictly organized in layers. The input layer at the bottom, the output layer on the top, hidden layers in between. The nodes are connected in a simple feed-forward fashion (output connections are allowed to the next higher layer only).
Then you go and connect each of your float to a single input node and feed the feature vectors to your network. For your backpropagation you need to supply an error signal that you specify for the output nodes. So if you have n names to distinguish, you may use n output nodes (i.e. one for each name). Make them for example return 1 in case of a match and 0 else. You could very well use one output node and let it return n different values for the names. Probably it would even be best to use n completely different perceptrons, i.e. one for each name, to avoid some side-effects (catastrophic interference).
Note, that the output of each node is a number, not a name. Therefore you need to use some sort of thresholds, to get a number-name relation.
Also note, that you need a lot of training data to train a large network (i.e. to obey the curse of dimensionality). It would be interesting to know the size of your float array.
Indeed, for a complex decision you may need a larger number of hidden nodes or even hidden layers.
Further note, that you may need to do a lot of evaluation (i.e. cross validation) to find the optimal configuration (number of layers, number of nodes per layer), or to find even any working configuration.
Good luck, any way!