C++ aligning characters to display neatly with any input implemented - c++

I am having trouble keeping the ":" and the "$" aligned with whichever input the user implements through the cin command which is "numTShirts". It stays aligned if implemented 10 and under but discount goes out of place with any other input.
![implemented with 10] http://prntscr.com/gzms3m
![implemented with other] http://prntscr.com/gzmsjx
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << fixed;
cout << "Thank you for your purchase.\n" << endl;
cout << "You bought " << numTShirts << " T-shirts\n" << endl;
cout << "Subtotal Total" << setw(5) << ": $ " << right << setprecision(2) << subTotal << "\n" << endl;
cout << setprecision(0) << "Discount(" << discountPCT << "%)" << setw(7) << ": $ " << right << showpoint << setprecision(2) << discount << "\n" << endl;
cout << setfill('-') << setw(35) << "-\n" << endl;
cout << setfill(' ');
cout << "Total" << setw(14) << ": $ " << right << showpoint << setprecision(2) << totalPrice << endl;

This is happening because the amount of discount is variable and according to it the space increases.
As you show in the example when the discount is of one digit the aligning is the desired one, otherwise it is different.
As the discoutn can be maximum of three digits (100%) then I'd suggest you two make three formatting of the output.
one for 1 digit discount, 2 digit and 3 digit.
by using a conditional statement you can show the respective in the output.


Interaction between setw and double quoted string character

I'm trying to make a receipt, andbalways want the " kg" to be ONE SPACE after the weight, and also "$" just before both 'costperkg' and 'totacost' Initially using setw to format the output, could not get it to work, got it done with ostringstream. I Can anyone explain why does pushing double quote string does not work?
This one does not work :
int main()
string item = "A" ;
double weight = 2.00 ;
double costperkg = 1.98 ;
double totalcost = 3.96 ;
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
cout << setw(14) << left << "ITEM" << setw(16) << "WEIGHT" << setw(18) << "COST/kg"
<< setw(14) << "COST" << endl ;
cout << setw(14) << left << item << setw(16) << weight << "kg" << setw(18) << "$"
<< costperkg << setw(14) << "$" << totalcost << endl << endl ;
This one works:
ostringstream streamweight, streamcostperkg, streamtotalcost;
streamweight << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2) << weight ;
streamcostperkg << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2) << costperkg ;
streamtotalcost << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2) << totalcost ;
string strweight = streamweight.str() + " kg" ;
string strcostperkg = "$" + streamcostperkg.str() ;
string strtotalcost = "$" + streamtotalcost.str() ;
cout << setw(14) << left << item << setw(16) << strweight << setw(18) << strcostperkg
<< setw(14) << strtotalcost << endl << endl ;
The expected result is :
A 2.0 kg $1.98 $3.96
What I got instead is :
A 2.00 kg$ 1.98$ 3.96
Why does the setw one not work? and also for those viewing on phone, the first character from first and second life of every word should align on the first letter (A, 2, $, $)
OP suspected the std::setw() not to work. IMHO, OP is not aware that the setw() does exactly what's expected but the formatting considers as well the std::left manipulator which makes all following output left aligned. (The left alignment becomes effective in combination with setw() only.)
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
// the rest of sample
int main()
std::cout << '|' << std::setw(10) << 2.0 << "|kg" << '\n';
std::cout << std::left << '|' << std::setw(10) << 2.0 << "|kg" << '\n';
// done
return 0;
| 2|kg
|2 |kg
Live Demo on coliru
(A possible fix is exposed in the question by OP her/himself.)

(C++) Rows in my columns aren't showing up after the first iteration

I'm 2 days news to programming and this is my first post, so I'd greatly appreciate your help and patience. :)
My current assignment is to have a user input 2 items bought from a store, including price and quantity, to generate a receipt. For some reason, I can't get any of my code to display after the first item's info gets displayed.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> // For column organization
#include <string> // For item names
using namespace std;
const float TAX = 0.08675;
int main()
string itemOne, itemTwo;
double priceOne, priceTwo;
int countOne, countTwo;
cout << "Hello, what is the first item that you are purchasing today?" << endl;
cout << "Please enter the item below." << endl;
getline(cin, itemOne);
cout << endl << "Thank you." << endl;
cout << "Now enter the price and then the quantity of " + itemOne + "(s) purchased, separated by a space." << endl;
cin >> priceOne >> countOne;
cout << endl << "What is the second item that you are purchasing today?\n";
cout << "Please enter the item below." << endl;
getline(cin, itemTwo);
cout << endl << "Thank you." << endl;
cout << "Now enter the price and then the quantity of " + itemTwo + "(s) purchased, separated by a space." << endl;
cin >> priceTwo >> countTwo;
/* Calculations for the Receipt */
float subTotal, finalPriceOne, finalPriceTwo, salesTax, finalTotal;
finalPriceOne = countOne * priceOne;
finalPriceTwo = countTwo * priceTwo;
subTotal = finalPriceOne + finalPriceTwo;
salesTax = subTotal * TAX;
finalTotal = subTotal + salesTax;
/* Receipt */
cout << endl << "Your receipt has been calculated and is for your viewing below..." << endl << endl;
cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------\n";
cout << left << setw(15) << "Item";
cout << right << setw(15) << "Quantity";
cout << right << setw(15) << "Price";
cout << right << setw(15) << "Ext. Price";
cout << endl;
cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------\n";
cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;
cout << left << setw(15) << itemOne;
cout << right << setw(15) << countOne;
cout << right << setw(15) << priceOne;
cout << right << setw(15) << finalPriceOne;
cout << endl;
cout << left << setw(15) << itemTwo;
cout << right << setw(15) << countTwo;
cout << right << setw(15) << priceTwo;
cout << right << setw(15) << finalPriceTwo;
cout << endl;
cout << left << setw(15) << "Tax";
cout << right << setw(15) << salesTax;
cout << endl;
cout << left << setw(15) << "Total";
cout << right << setw(15) << finalTotal;
cout << endl;
return 0;
On my computer (Windows g++ CodeBlocks) everything is fine. The problem surely comes from your IDE. Here is your code output on my screen :
Just for information, try to use C++ functionalities as POO to dsign your objects. It will be easier for you when coding bigger applications.
I think your execution is just paused at that breakpoint on the endl for the second item. If you step past it (or just remove the breakpoint), does the whole line for the second item appear? If so, it's because of something called "line buffering", where the program doesn't actually output as soon as you tell it to, but instead it collects up things until it sees a line-ending and then it outputs the whole line.
(Breakpoints, in case it's something you did by accident, are a feature of interactive debugging systems where you can have the whole program pause before executing a given line of code. They're often set in IDEs via a right-click menu or a click in the margin next to the line of code.)

Another C++ output alignment issue

I've been trying to align the following code for the last 3 hours with zero success. Could anybody fill me in about what I'm doing wrong?
My aim is to have the string literal left aligned and the variable right aligned like this:
Loan amount: $ 10000.00
Monthly Interest Rate: 0.10%
But this is what I keep geting:
Loan amount: $ 10000.00
Monthly Interest Rate: 0.10%
And this is the most recent version of what I've been trying:
cout << setw(25) << "Loan amount:" << right << "$ "<< amount << endl;
cout << setw(25) << "Monthly Interest Rate:"<< right<< rateMonthly << "%" << endl;
I would really appreciate some help.
The setw field width is defined for the next item to be output and is reset to 0 afterwards. This is why only the text is displayed on 25 chars and not the remaining output on the line.
The right and left justifier define where the fill chars are to be put in the field. This means that it applies only to the current field if it has a defined width. This is why the justification is not applied to the items following the text.
Here you to obtain the expected result:
cout <<setw(25)<< left<< "Loan amount:" << "$ "<< setw(10)<<right << amount << endl;
cout <<setw(25)<< left << "Monthly Interest Rate:"<<" "<<setw(10)<<right<< rateMonthly << " %" << endl;
If you want the $ to be next to the number, you have to make sure that the $ and the number are concatenated into a single object to output, either by puting them together in a single string, or by using monetary format.
Here's the live demo, which should output exactly what you want.
There's no way to set the precision with std::to_string(double), that's why I've created a small helper to do it.
auto to_string_precision(double amount, int precision)
stringstream stream;
stream << fixed << setprecision(precision) << amount;
return stream.str();
cout << setw(25) << left << "Loan amount:" << setw(10) << right << ("$ " + to_string_precision(amount, 2)) << endl;
cout << setw(25) << left << "Monthly Interest Rate:" << setw(10) << right << (to_string_precision(rateMonthly, 2) + "%") << endl;
Alternative, I still think this one looks better:
cout << setw(25) << left << "Loan amount:" << "$ " << amount << endl;
cout << setw(25) << left << "Monthly Interest Rate:" << rateMonthly << "%" << endl;
If you want
Loan amount: $ 10000.00
Monthly Interest Rate: 0.10%
If you don't want to bother with left and right you can use
cout << "Loan amount:" <<setw(25)<< "$ "<< amount << endl;
cout << "Monthly Interest Rate:"<< setw(19)<< rateMonthly << "%" << endl;
You can use the following
cout << setw(25) << left << "Loan amount:"<< "$ " << amount << endl;
cout << setw(28) << left << "Monthly Interest Rate:" << rateMonthly << "%" <<endl;

How to use setw and setfill together in C++ to pad with blanks AND chars?

I need to write a program for a homework assignment to calculate tuition costs and the output should be formatted like so with the dot padding and space padding after the dollar sign:
Student Name: Name goes here
Address: Address goes here
Number of credits: .......... 5
Cost per credit hour: ............ $ 50
My code so far is:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
double const REG_FEE = 700, STUDENT_ASSEMBLY_FEE = 7.19, LEGAL_FEE = 8.50, STUDGOV_FEE = 1.50,
int main()
{ double num_credits, cost_per_credit, tuition_total, late_charge, amount_due;
string student_name;
string student_address;
string student_city_state_ZIP;
ifstream info;
info.open ("info.txt");
getline (info, student_name);
getline (info, student_address);
getline (info, student_city_state_ZIP);
info >> num_credits;
info >> cost_per_credit;
tuition_total = num_credits * cost_per_credit + REG_FEE + STUDENT_ASSEMBLY_FEE + LEGAL_FEE
late_charge = tuition_total * LATE_FEE_PERCENTAGE;
amount_due = tuition_total + late_charge;
cout << "Tuition and Billing Program by Neal P." << endl
<< setw(18) << "Student Name:" << student_name << endl
<< setw(18) << "Address:" << student_address << endl
<< left << setfill('.') << endl
<< setfill(18) << "Number of Credits:" << setw(5) << "$" << num_credits << endl
<< setfill(18) << "Cost per Credit Hour:" << setw(5) << "$" << cost_per_credit << endl
<< setfill(18) << "Tuition Cost:" << setw(5) << "$" << tuition_total << endl
<< setfill(18) << "Registration Fee:" << setw(5) << "$" << REG_FEE << endl
<< setfill(18) << "MSA Fee:" << setw(5) << "$" << STUDENT_ASSEMBLY_FEE << endl
<< setfill(18) << "Legal Services Fee:" << setw(5) << "$" << LEGAL_FEE << endl
<< setfill(18) << "Student Government Fee:" << setw(5) << "$" << STUDGOV_FEE << endl;
return 0;
When I compile I get a very long error, something like : "In function ‘int main()’:
/Users/nealp/Desktop/machine problem 2.cpp:41: error: no match for ‘operator<<’ in ‘((std::basic_ostream >*)std::operator<< [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits](((std::basic_ostream >&)((std::basic_ostream >*)((std::basic_ostream >*)((std::basic_ostream >*)std::operator<<" that continues.
Is this an issue with my use of both setw and setfill together? I know that setfill only has to be declared once and setw is only effective on the next line output, but I defined setfill each time because I was using setw before it.
std::setfill is a function template and it's template argument gets deduced based on the type of the argument you pass it to. It's return type is unspecified - it's some implementation defined proxy type that sets fill character on the stream object and enables further chaining of operator<< calls. It's also dependent on the type that setfill gets instantiated with.
The type of literal 18 is int so setfill returns some unrelated type for which there's no operator<< avaliable.
I'm not sure what you meant with setfill(18), I'm guessing you've mistaken it for setw(18).
Just replace setfill(18) in your code, that is the reason for compilation error.
Here is the improved printing portion to fit the requirements,
cout << "Tuition and Billing Program by Neal P." << endl
<< "Student Name:" << student_name << endl
<< "Address:" << student_address << endl
<<endl<<endl<< "Number of Credits:" << setfill('.') << setw(5) <<"$" << num_credits
<< endl<< "Cost per Credit Hour:"<<setfill('.')<<setw(5)<< "$" << cost_per_credit <<
endl<< "Tuition Cost:" << setfill('.')<<setw(5)<< "$" << tuition_total << endl
<< "Registration Fee:" << setfill('.')<<setw(5) << "$" << REG_FEE << endl
<< "MSA Fee:" << setfill('.')<<setw(5) << "$" << STUDENT_ASSEMBLY_FEE << endl
<< "Legal Services Fee:" << setfill('.')<<setw(5) << "$" << LEGAL_FEE << endl
<< "Student Government Fee:" << setfill('.')<<setw(5) << "$" << STUDGOV_FEE << endl;

C++ setw moving whole line not just the needed part

I am trying to use setw to clean up the output of my program. I want the empty spaces in between "total number of spools to be ordered" and the output.
EDIT this is what im going for:
and this is what I get
here is what I have so far:
// Name: results /
// Description: Print results /
// Parameters: N/A /
// Reture Value: N/A /
void results(int spoolnumber, int subtotalspool, float shippingcost, float totalcost)
cout << left << setw (45) << "Total number of spools to be ordered is: " << right << spoolnumber << endl << endl;
cout << left << setw (45) << "The subtotal for the spools is:" << right << "$" << subtotalspool << endl << endl;
cout << "The shipping cost is: $" << shippingcost << endl << endl;
cout << "The total cost is: $" << totalcost << endl << endl;
You can also do
cout << left << setw (45) << "Total number of spools to be ordered is: " << spoolnumber << endl << endl;
to choose which side the padding goes. The default is left.
EDIT: using stringstream
stringstream ss;
ss << "$" << spoolnumber
I think you can fix the right end by adding another setw. So:
cout << left << setw (45) << "Total number of spools to be ordered is: " << right << setw(5) << ss.str() << endl << endl;
