Intel Pin with dependancies - c++

I am using Intel Pin to compile a C source and header file along with my c++ pintool. To do so I have added the following makefile rules in my makefile.rules file -
# Build the intermediate object file.
$(OBJDIR)testcpp$(OBJ_SUFFIX): testcpp.cpp
# Build the intermediate object file.
$(OBJDIR)test$(OBJ_SUFFIX): test.c test.h
# Build the tool as a dll (shared object).
$(OBJDIR)testcpp$(PINTOOL_SUFFIX): $(OBJDIR)test$(OBJ_SUFFIX) test.h
testcpp.cpp is my pintool in C++ , test.c and test.h are my C source and header files.
I am using the rules mentioned in this link -
I removed this option from the file makefile.unix.config -
as this option is specifically for C++ and C does not use it. Since I am compiling both of them using the same compiler options, removing the option seemed better than adding a new rule for C and C++
I am able to make my program using the command "make". It generated a directory obj-intel64 with the object files test.o and, so my compiling worked fine.
For executing my program I use the following command -
$PIN_ROOT/pin -t obj-intel64/ -- my_application_program
I get the following output -
E: Unable to load obj-intel64/
The file is present in the obj-intel64 directory, yet I am unable to load it.
Any hints as to where I am going wrong?


Trying to compile simple project that uses TRI DDS using cygwin gcc

I am trying to take the TRI DDS example code. It is all setup to build with MSVS2012 and comes with MSVS2012 proj/solution files.
However I want to try to build this using Cygwin and g++/gcc. I have got so far and then hit issues.
My cpp/h files are taken from their example - the user code is basic c++ but the generated files / RTI DDS files I think are causing an issue.
The basic source files are:
RTI-DDS generator uses HelloWorld.idl to generate further files (.cxx/h files). I am not expecting to change any of the RTI-DDS files and the code within the 4 source files are fairly vanilla, so I can compile them if I hack out all the calls to RTI-DDS.
The area I want to focus on is the makefile / environment. Here are the pertinent parts of my makefile (note the linker parts are not complete because I have not got that far yet - the compile still fails):
note NDDSHOME = c:\Program Files\rti_connext_dds-5.3.0 as an env var.
# Setup minimal "un-polluted" paths to try to avoid any conflicts
export PATH := $(makePaths)
#Include Paths
INCLUDES = -I. -I"$(NDDSHOME)/include" -I"$(NDDSHOME)/include/ndds" -I"$(NDDSHOME)/include/ndds/hpp"
#Compiler / options:
CC = g++
CC_FLAGS = -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -lWS2_32
EXEC = run
# C++ files
SOURCES = $(wildcard *.cpp)
# Main Target
# Don't do linking yet - compile not working!
%.o: %.cpp
$(CC) $< -o $# -c $(DEFINES) $(CC_FLAGS) $(INCLUDES)
I know the INCLUDES paths are working because I get different errors when they are not (can't find...)
But the error I get at the moment is:
/usr/include/w32api/winsock2.h:1004:68: error: conflicting declaration of c function 'int gethostname(char*, int)'
/usr/include/sys/unistd.h:268:6 note: previous declration 'int gethostname(char *, size_t)'
note I have to copy this by hand from my other PC... so I have abbreviated the complete message.
I thought I was close to solving this by looking at other questions with similar errors, but I can't quite make the connection to fix this. I have tried adding other defines to specify the windows version, but that did not fix it. I know there is a linker option that we need to use for things like mingw that is what the -lws2_32 flag is set for - but I have not got to the linker stage yet :(
I guess either the unistd.h or the winsock2.h should not really both be included, but I can't quite figure out what define (or other) I need to add...
Any ideas?

g++ does not produce debug symbols

I am learning linux, and my first step is to adapt my project for running on linux. Here is simple makefile (in educational purposes mostly), which generates out file:
#------------------------BUILD VARIABLES-----------------------------
# Directories, containing headers
INCLUDE_DIR = ../Include/
# Output directory which will contain output compiled file
OUTPUT_DIR = ../Bin/Debug/
SOURCES = EngineManager.cpp Geometry.cpp Main.cpp Model.cpp \
Shaders.cpp TGAImage.cpp
HEADERS = EngineManager.h Geometry.h Line.h Model.h Shaders.h \
TGAImage.h Triangle.h
TinyRenderBuilding : $(addprefix $(INCLUDE_DIR), $(HEADERS)) $(SOURCES)
mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_DIR)
g++ -std=c++14 -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)TinyRender.out -g -I$(INCLUDE_DIR) $(SOURCES)
I cannot understand, why does g++ not generate debug symbols? -g option is presented
To include debug symbols when compiling with g++ you need to pass the -g option.
In a make make file this usually means adding it to to CXXFLAGS.
Also make sure you pass the -g option when you create the executable: when you compile you turn .cpp files into .o files, when you do the linking you turn those .o files into your executable).
If you change the options before running make again be sure to run a make clean cause otherwise it won't get recompiled.
Finally, make sure that you do not have additional steps like strips command run on the executable (which would remove debugging symbols).
you can use
objdump --syms <executable-file>
to check if an executable have symbols.
when it doesn't have symbols it will say something like:
no symbols
(I'm no experto of C / C++ programming, I just run into this while I was trying to debug someone else code)
According to your makefile g++ should produce debug symbols (-g option is presented). To confirm this you can run file on resulting binary:
$ file a.out
a.out: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=9fe588c18099ef418daf288931bb033cc287922e, with debug_info, not stripped
(Note with debug_info string in output)
I'm not entirely sure, but you can try -g or -ggdb.You can do some research on these. We were using these parameters to debug the C program with the gdb tool.

can you create a c++ file from an .o object file with makefile?

What I'm trying to do is create a c++ file from an object file but I cannot figure out a way to do so.
INCLUDEDIR = ../headers
CXXFLAGS = -std=c++11 -I $(INCLUDEDIR) -Wall -Wfatal-errors -O2
primeFactors.o: primeFactors.cpp $(INCLUDEDIR)/primeFactors.h
g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
When I try to build this I get
make: *** No rule to make target 'primeFactors.cpp', needed by
'primeFactors.o'. Stop.
which I understand but when I take out the primeFactor.cpp argument I then get told there is nothing to be done with the make file. So is there a way to do this?
In general; no, you cannot do that. An object file (.o file) is the result of the code passing through the compiler front-end (to parse the language) the optimizer (to make it run fast) and the compiler back-end (to produce code that will run on your CPU).
This process is not reversible. You cannot go from compiled code back to source.
can you create a c++ file from an .o object file with makefile?
A makefile will allow you to do that only if you have an underlying tool to do it. make, which uses makefiles to do its job, does not have any built-in mechanisms to pull that off.
Your makefile has a rule for building primeFactors.o.
primeFactors.o: primeFactors.cpp $(INCLUDEDIR)/primeFactors.h
It says that primeFactors.cpp and $(INCLUDEDIR)/primeFactors.h are needed to build primeFactors.o. If you don't have those files, or no rules to build them, there is no way for make to build primeFactors.o.

How to build and load shared library on rstudio for package that uses C/C++ files in src folder inside a subdirectory?

I have a R package that I'm working on that contains code written in C and C++ under the src folder. Currently, the package compiles and works on Rstudio as it follows the default directory structure. As the project builds, I want to be able to organize my code under src, within subfolders. Following directions from "Writing R extensions" - Compiling under sub-directories, I have made a folder called 'test'(/src/test) which now contains all my files(*.c, *.cpp, *.h) and modified my Makevars like so -
SOURCES_C = $(wildcard test/*.c)
SOURCES_CPP = $(wildcard test/*.cpp)
PKG_CPPFLAGS= -I${R_HOME}/include -I.
PKG_LIBS = -L${R_HOME}/lib
OBJECTS =$(SOURCES_CPP:.cpp=.o) $(SOURCES_C:.c=.o)
all : $(SHLIB)
clean : rm -f *.o
I want to be able to compile the program in this state, where the C/C++ files are under subfolders inside src. Using the aforementioned Makevars -> the separate object files are being built from the test folder with the correct flags and compiler, for all C/CPP files. However, there are some discrepancies with the build command for the shared object. This is the log when compiling the files under src/test which fails with an undefined symbol error.
gcc -std=gnu99 -shared -L/usr/local/lib64 -o test/BBox.o test/Climate.o test/Compound.o test/Grid.o test/LeafOptics.o test/Maths.o test/Normal.o test/Point3D.o test/Ray.o test/Triangle.o test/Vector3D.o test/runFastTracer.o test/Assigncropcent.o test/AuxBioCro.o test/AuxCropGro.o test/AuxMaizeGro.o test/AuxcaneGro.o test/Auxcropcent.o test/AuxwillowGro.o test/BioCro.o test/CalculateBiogeochem.o test/Calculate_Soil_Layer_Temperature.o test/CanA.o test/CanAC_3D.o test/Century.o test/Copy_CropCent_To_DayCent_Structure.o test/Copy_SoilWater_BioCro_To_CropCent.o test/CropGro.o test/CropGro_c.o test/Filling_BioCro_SoilStructure.o test/assignManagement.o test/c3CanA.o test/c3EvapoTrans.o test/c3photo.o test/c4photo.o test/caneGro.o test/createNULLc3tree.o test/cropcent.o test/dailywillow.o test/denitrify.o test/diffusiv.o test/eC4photo.o test/getIdirIdiff.o test/getsoilprop.o test/leachdly.o test/maizeGro.o test/methane.o test/microclimate_for_3Dcanopy.o test/nitrify.o test/nox_pulse.o test/pi_funcs.o test/printcropcentoutput.o test/test_mainC.o test/tgmodel.o test/tracegas.o test/update_3Dcanopy_structure.o test/wfps.o test/willowCent.o test/willowGro.o -L/usr/local/R-3.1.0/lib64/R/lib -L/usr/local/R-3.1.0/lib64/R/lib -lR
installing to /home/vashist1/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/3.1/BioCro/
** R
** data
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded
Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
unable to load shared object '/home/vashist1/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/3.1/BioCro/libs/':
undefined symbol: _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE
Error: loading failed
Compared with the successful log which builds successfully!
g++ -shared -L/usr/local/lib64 -o Assigncropcent.o AuxBioCro.o AuxCropGro.o AuxMaizeGro.o AuxcaneGro.o Auxcropcent.o AuxwillowGro.o BBox.o BioCro.o CalculateBiogeochem.o Calculate_Soil_Layer_Temperature.o CanA.o CanAC_3D.o Century.o Climate.o Compound.o Copy_CropCent_To_DayCent_Structure.o Copy_SoilWater_BioCro_To_CropCent.o CropGro.o CropGro_c.o Filling_BioCro_SoilStructure.o Grid.o LeafOptics.o Maths.o Normal.o Point3D.o Ray.o Triangle.o Vector3D.o assignManagement.o c3CanA.o c3EvapoTrans.o c3photo.o c4photo.o caneGro.o createNULLc3tree.o cropcent.o dailywillow.o denitrify.o diffusiv.o eC4photo.o getIdirIdiff.o getsoilprop.o leachdly.o maizeGro.o methane.o microclimate_for_3Dcanopy.o nitrify.o nox_pulse.o pi_funcs.o printcropcentoutput.o runFastTracer.o test_mainC.o tgmodel.o tracegas.o update_3Dcanopy_structure.o wfps.o willowCent.o willowGro.o -L/usr/local/R-3.1.0/lib64/R/lib -lR
installing to /home/vashist1/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/3.1/BioCro/libs
1) The shared object compiles using g++ under default conditions, whereas under subdirectory conditions the compiler used is gcc. Can I change that behaviour via Makevars?
2) Further research allowed me to find that the undefined symbol error is a linking error fixed by the -L/-l flag. However, the -L flag is the same for both build commands. Is there any other library I am failing to link which is linked by default?
I ran into the same issue. Looking at the example of the RSiena package mentioned as an example in "Writing R Extensions" section I noticed that that package still has some .cpp files not in a subdirectory. So I added a dummy.cpp file in src/ with the following contents:
void dummy (void)
After this g++ was correctly used for the linking step and the .so file was created as expected.
In my case it turns out that I don't need to change the Makevars files as I first mentioned in my answer. Even without the change below (so only having the dummy.cpp file present in src/) linking is done correctly.
I'll leave it in in case it may help someone else with a (slightly) different setup.
And add the corresponding .o file in the list of $(OBJECTS) variable in the Makevars file:
OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o) dummy.o

Makefile for compiling a number of .cpp and .h into a lib

I am running Windows 7 with gcc/g++ under Cygwin. What would be the Makefile format (and extension, I think it's .mk?) for compiling a set of .cpp (C++ source) and .h (header) files into a static library (.dll). Say I have a variable set of files:
What would be the makefile format (and extension) for compiling these into a static library? (I'm very new to makefiles) What would be the fastest way to do this?
The extension would be none at all, and the file is called Makefile (or makefile) if you want GNU Make to find it automatically.
GNU Make, at least, lets you rely on certain automatic variables that alone give you control over much of the building process with C/C++ files as input. These variables include CC, CPP, CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, CXX, CXXFLAGS, and LDFLAGS. These control the switches to the C/C++ preprocessor, compiler, and the linker (the program that in the end assembles your program) that make will use.
GNU Make also includes a lot of implicit rules designed to enable it automatically build programs from C/C++ source code, so you don't [always] have to write your own rules.
For instance, even without a makefile, if you try to run make foobar, GNU Make will attempt to first build foobar.o from foobar.c or foobar.cpp if it finds either, by invoking appropriate compiler, and then will attempt to build foobar by assembling (incl. linking) its parts from system libraries and foobar.o. In short, GNU Make knows how to build the foobar program even without a makefile being present -- thanks to implicit rules. You can see these rules by invoking make with the -p switch.
Some people like to rely on GNU Make's implicit rule database to have lean and short makefiles where only that specific to their project is specified, while some people may go as far as to disable the entire implicit rule database (using the -r switch) and have full control of the building process by specifying everything in their makefile(s). I won't comment on superiority of either strategy, rest assured both do work to some degree.
There are a lot of options you can set when building a dll, but here's a basic command that you could use if you were doing it from the command line:
gcc -shared -o mydll.dll file1.o file2.o file3.o
And here's a makefile (typically called Makefile) that will handle the whole build process:
# You will have to modify this line to list the actual files you use.
# You could set it to use all the "fileN" files that you have,
# but that's dangerous for a beginner.
FILES = file1 file2 file3
OBJECTS = $(addsuffix .o,$(FILES)) # This is "file1.o file2.o..."
# This is the rule it uses to assemble file1.o, file2.o... into mydll.dll
mydll.dll: $(OBJECTS)
gcc -shared $^ -o $# # The whitespace at the beginning of this line is a TAB.
# This is the rule it uses to compile fileN.cpp and fileN.h into fileN.o
$(OBJECTS): %.o : %.cpp %.h
g++ -c $< -o $# # Again, a TAB at the beginning.
Now to build mydll.dll, just type "make".
A couple of notes. If you just type "make" without specifying the makefile or the target (the thing to be built), Make will try to use the default makefile ("GNUMakefile", "makefile" or "Makefile") and the default target (the first one in the makefile, in this case mydll.dll).