In my video codec I have two types of frames: a frame can either be a ref frame (something like JPEG) or a delta frame. Delta frame is also like JPEG but done on difference of current and previous frames.
Now I want to define ref/delta info not per frame but per each macroblock (16x16 pixels). To do so I need to determine whether a macroblock should be a ref or a delta macroblock. What should I base this decision on? Ideally I want to pick the one the gives better compression but how can I decide this in a smart way without actually compressing the macroblock in both modes and then picking one producing better compression ratio?
The only way I can think of right now is to compute the sum of pixels differences within the macroblock and, if that sum is bigger than some threshold, classify the macroblock as ref. Delta otherwise. But that doesn't sound like a robust solution.
I have been working on an algorithm which can detect seizure-inducing strobe lights in a video.
Currently, my code returns virtually every frame as capable of causing a seizure (3Hz flashes).
My code calculates the relative luminance of each pixel and sees how many times the luminance goes up then down, etc. or down then up, etc. by more than 10% within any given second.
Is there any way to do this without comparing each individual pixel within a second of each other and that only returns the correct frames.
An example of what I am trying to emulate:
The common approach to solving this type of problems is to convert the frames to grayscale and then construct a cube containing frames from a 1 to 3 seconds time interval. From this cube, you can extract the time-varying characteristics of either individual pixels (noisy), or blocks (recommended). The resulting 1D curves can first be observed manually to see if they actually show the 3Hz variation that you are looking for (sometimes, these variations are either lost or distorted because of the camera's auto exposure settings). If you can see it, they you should be able to use FFT to isolate and detect it automatically.
Convert the image to grayscale. Break the image up into blocks, maybe 16x16 or 64x64 or larger (experiment to see what works). Take the average luminance of each block over a minimum of 2/3 seconds. Create a wave of luminance over time. Do an fft on this wave and look for a minimum energy threshold around 3Hz.
I am working on a microscope that streams live images via a built-in video camera to a PC, where further image processing can be performed on the streamed image. Any processing done on the streamed image must be done in "real-time" (minimal frames dropped).
We take the average of a series of static images to counter random noise from the camera to improve the output of some of our image processing routines.
My question is: how do I know if the image is no longer static - either the sample under inspection has moved or rotated/camera zoom-in or out - so I can reset the image series used for averaging?
I looked through some of the threads, and some ideas that seemed interesting:
Note: using Windows, C++ and Intel IPP. With IPP the image is a byte array (Ipp8u).
1. Hash the images, and compare the hashes (normal hash or perceptual hash?)
2. Use normalized cross correlation (IPP has many variations - which to use?)
Which do you guys think is suitable for my situation (speed)?
If you camera doesn't shake, you can, as inVader said, subtract images. Then a sum of absolute values of all pixels of the difference image is sometimes enough to tell if images are the same or different. However, if your noise, lighting level, etc... varies, this will not give you a good enough S/N ratio.
And in noizy conditions normal hashes are even more useless.
The best would be to identify that some features of your object has changed, like it's boundary (if it's regular) or it's mass center (if it's irregular). If you have a boundary position, you'll need to analyze just one line of pixels, perpendicular to that boundary, to tell that boundary has moved.
Mass center position may be a subject to frequent false-negative responses, but adding a total mass and/or moment of inertia may help.
If the camera shakes, you may have to align images before comparing (depending on comparison method and required accuracy, a single pixel misalignment might be huge), and that's where cross-correlation helps.
And further, you doesn't have to analyze each image. You can skip one, and if the next differs, discard both of them. Here you have twice as much time to analyze an image.
And if you are averaging images, you might just define an optimal amount of images you need and compare just the first and the last image in the sequence.
So, simplest thing to try would be to take subsequent images, subtract them from each other and have a look at the difference. Then define some rules including local and global thresholds for the difference in which two images are considered equal. Simple subtraction of bitmap/array data, looking for maxima and calculating the average differnce across the whole thing should be ne problem to do in real time.
If there are varying light conditions or something moving in a predictable way(like a door opening and closing), then something more powerful, albeit slower, like gaussian mixture models for background modeling, might be worth looking into, click here. It is quite compute intensive, but can be parallelized pretty easily.
Motion detection algorithms is what is used.
First of all I would take a series of images at a slow fps rate and downsample those images to make them smaller, not too much but enough to speed up the process.
Now you have several options:
You could make a sum of absolute differences of the two images by subtracting them and use a threshold to value if the image has changed.
If you want to speed it up even further I would suggest doing a progressive SAD using a small kernel and moving from the top of the image to the bottom. You can value the complessive amount of differences during the process and eventually stop when you are satisfied.
I have been trying to understand how video encoding works for modern encoders, in particular H264.
It is very often mentioned in documentation that residual frames are created from the differences between the current p-frame and the last i-frame (assuming the following frames are not used in the prediction). I understand that a YUV color space is used (maybe YV12), and that one image is "substracted" from the other and then the residual is formed.
What I don't understand is how exactly this substraction works. I don't think it is an absolute value of the difference because that would be ambiguous. What is the per pixel formula to obtain this difference?
Subtraction is just one small step in video encoding; the core principle behind most modern video encoding is motion estimation, followed by motion compensation. Basically, the process of motion estimation generates vectors that show offsets between macroblocks in successive frames. However, there's always a bit of error in these vectors.
So what happens is the encoder will output both the vector offsets, and the "residual" is what's left. The residual is not simply the difference between two frames; it's the difference between the two frames after motion estimation is taken into account. See the "Motion compensated difference" image in the wikipedia article on compensation for a clear illustration of this--note that the motion compensated difference is drastically smaller than the "dumb" residual.
Here's a decent PDF that goes over some of the basics.
A few other notes:
Yes, YUV is always used, and typically most encoders work in YV12 or some other chroma subsampled format
Subtraction will have to happen on the Y, U and V frames separately (think of them as three separate channels, all of which need to be encoded--then it becomes pretty clear how subtraction has to happen). Motion estimation may or may not happen on Y, U and V planes; sometimes encoders only do it on the Y (the luminance) values to save a bit of CPU at the expense of quality.
I want to upsample an array of captured (from webcam) OpenCV images or corresponding float arrays (Pixel values don't need to be discrete integer). Unfortunately the upsampling ratio is not always integer, so I cannot figure myself how to do it with simple linear interpolation.
Is there an easier way or a library to do this?
Well, I dont know a library to to do framerate scaling.
But I can tell you that the most appropriate way to do it yourself is by just dropping or doubling frames.
Blending pictures by simple linear pixel interpolation will not improve quality, playback will still look jerky and even also blurry now.
To proper interpolate frame rates much more complicated algorithms are needed.
Modern TV's have build in hardware for that and video editing software like e.g. After-Effects has functions that do it.
These algorithms are able to create in beetween pictures by motion analysis. But that is beyond the range of a small problem solution.
So either go on searching for an existing library you can use or do it by just dropping/doubling frames.
The ImageMagick MagickWand library will resize images using proper filtering algorithms - see the MagickResizeImage() function (and use the Sinc filter).
I am not 100% familiar with video capture, so I'm not sure what you mean by "pixel values don't need to be discrete integer". Does this mean the color information per pixel may not be integers?
I am assuming that by "the upsampling ratio is not always integer", you mean that you will upsample from one resolution to another, but you might not be doubling or tripling. For example, instead of 640x480 -> 1280x960, you may be doing, 640x480 -> 800x600.
A simple algorithm might be:
For each pixel in the larger grid
Scale the x/y values to lie between 0,1 (divide x by width, y by height)
Scale the x/y values by the width/height of the smaller grid -> xSmaller, ySmaller
Determine the four pixels that contain your point, via floating point floor/ceiling functions
Get the x/y values of where the point lies within that rectangle,between 0,1 (subtract the floor/ceiling values xSmaller, ySmaller) -> xInterp, yInterp
Start with black, and add your four colors, scaled by the xInterp/yInterp factors for each
You can make this faster for multiple frames by creating a lookup table to map pixels -> xInterp/yInterp values
I am sure there are much better algorithms out there than linear interpolation (bilinear, and many more). This seems like the sort of thing you'd want optimized at the processor level.
Use libswscale from the ffmpeg project. It is the most optimized and supports a number of different resampling algorithms.
First I am going to broadly state what I'm trying to do and ask for advice. Then I will explain my current approach and ask for answers to my current problems.
I have an MP3 file of a person speaking. I'd like to split it up into segments roughly corresponding to a sentence or phrase. (I'd do it manually, but we are talking hours of data.)
If you have advice on how to do this programatically or for some existing utilities, I'd love to hear it. (I'm aware of voice activity detection and I've looked into it a bit, but I didn't see any freely available utilities.)
Current Approach
I thought the simplest thing would be to scan the MP3 at certain intervals and identify places where the average volume was below some threshold. Then I would use some existing utility to cut up the mp3 at those locations.
I've been playing around with pymad and I believe that I've successfully extracted the PCM (pulse code modulation) data for each frame of the mp3. Now I am stuck because I can't really seem to wrap my head around how the PCM data translates to relative volume. I'm also aware of other complicating factors like multiple channels, big endian vs little, etc.
Advice on how to map a group of pcm samples to relative volume would be key.
PCM is a time frame base encoding of sound. For each time frame, you get a peak level. (If you want a physical reference for this: The peak level corresponds to the distance the microphone membrane was moved out of it's resting position at that given time.)
Let's forget that PCM can uses unsigned values for 8 bit samples, and focus on
signed values. If the value is > 0, the membrane was on one side of it's resting position, if it is < 0 it was on the other side. The bigger the dislocation from rest (no matter to which side), the louder the sound.
Most voice classification methods start with one very simple step: They compare the peak level to a threshold level. If the peak level is below the threshold, the sound is considered background noise.
Looking at the parameters in Audacity's Silence Finder, the silence level should be that threshold. The next parameter, Minimum silence duration, is obviously the length of a silence period that is required to mark a break (or in your case, the end of a sentence).
If you want to code a similar tool yourself, I recommend the following approach:
Divide your sound sample in discrete sets of a specific duration. I would start with 1/10, 1/20 or 1/100 of a second.
For each of these sets, compute the maximum peak level
Compare this maximum peak to a threshold (the silence level in Audacity). The threshold is something you have to determine yourself, based on the specifics of your sound sample (loudnes, background noise etc). If the max peak is below your threshold, this set is silence.
Now analyse the series of classified sets: Calculate the length of silence in your recording. (length = number of silent sets * length of a set). If it is above your Minimum silence duration, assume that you have the end of a sentence here.
The main point in coding this yourself instead of continuing to use Audacity is that you can improve your classification by using advanced analysis methods. One very simple metric you can apply is called zero crossing rate, it just counts how often the sign switches in your given set of peak levels (i.e. your values cross the 0 line). There are many more, all of them more complex, but it may be worth the effort. Have a look at discrete cosine transformations for example...
Just wanted to update this. I'm having moderate success using Audacity's Silence Finder. However, I'm still interested in this problem. Thanks.
PCM is a way of encoding a sinusoidal wave. It will be encoded as a series of bits, where one of the bits (1, I'd guess) indicates an increase in the function, and 0 indicates a decrease. The function can stay roughly constant by alternating 1 and 0.
To estimate amplitude, plot the sin wave, then normalize it over the x axis. Then, you should be able to estimate the amplitude of the sin wave at different points. Once you've done that, you should be able to pick out the spots where amplitude is lower.
You may also try to use a Fourier transform to estimate where the signals are most distinct.