How to do inclusion of schema in other schema using Z language - z-notation

I am writing a formal specification for my model using z-notation of Z-language. I am stuck and don't know how to include one schema in another schema and creates its variables in other schemas. Any guidance and help would be appreciated.

You can use a schema like a record data type. E.g. let's assume you have a schema describing a complex integer number:
--- Complex ---
| real, img: ℤ
You can declare a variable in another schema to be of that type:
--- Ex1 ---
| c: Complex
| c.real = 5 ∧ c.img = 6
You can of course create more complex data types with it, here a sequence and an operation to append an element:
--- State ---
| data: seq Complex
--- Add1 ---
| ΔState
| real?, img?: ℤ
| ∃ c:Complex · c.real = real? ∧ c.img = img? ∧ data' = data^<c>
You can also use the theta-operator to create an instance of that type. The values for the variables are taken from the current context (+ optional decorations):
--- Add2 ---
| ΔState
| real?, img?: ℤ
| data' = data^< θComplex? >
θComplex? is an instance of Complex where the values for real and img are taken from the local variables real? and img?.
We can also declare the input variables by using the original schema and write the operation more concise (Add3 is the same as Add2):
--- Add3 ---
| ΔState
| Complex?
| data' = data^< θComplex? >
(I deleted my original answer because I misinterpret your question.)

Like this
--- Agent---
| state: AgentState
--- Shape ---
| agents :F Agent
| ∃ agt:agents · agt.state = stationary


Power BI - M query to join records matching range

I have an import query (table a) and an imported Excel file (table b) with records I am trying to match it up with.
I am looking for a method to replicate this type of SQL in M:
SELECT a.loc_id, a.other_data, b.stk
FROM a INNER JOIN b on a.loc_id BETWEEN b.from_loc AND b.to_loc
Table A
| loc_id | other data |
| 34A032B1 | ... |
| 34A3Z011 | ... |
| 3DD23A41 | ... |
Table B
| stk | from_loc | to_loc |
| STKA01 | 34A01 | 34A30ZZZ |
| STKA02 | 34A31 | 34A50ZZZ |
| ... | ... | ... |
| loc_id | other data | stk |
| 34A032B1 | ... | STKA01 |
| 34A3Z011 | ... | STKA02 |
| 3DD23A41 | ... | STKD01 |
All of the other queries I can find along these lines use numbers, dates, or times in the BETWEEN clause, and seem to work by exploding the (from, to) range into all possible values and then filtering out the extra rows. However I need to use string comparisons, and exploding those into all possible values would be unfeasable.
Between all the various solutions I could find, the closest I've come is to add a custom column on table a:
(a) => Value.Compare([loc_id], table_b[from_loc]) = 1
and Value.Compare([loc_id], table_b[to_loc]) = -1
This does return all the columns from table_b, however, when expanding the column, the values are all null.
This is not very specific "After 34A01 could be any string..." in trying to figure out how your series progresses.
But maybe you can just test for how a value "sorts" using the native sorting function in PQ.
add custom column with table.Select Rows:
= try Table.SelectRows(TableB, (t)=> t[from_loc]<=[loc_id] and t[to_loc] >= [loc_id])[stk]{0} otherwise null
To reproduce with your examples:
type table[stk=text,from_loc=text,to_loc=text]),
type table[loc_id=text, other data=text]),
//determine where it sorts and return the stk
#"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"TableA", "stk", each
try Table.SelectRows(TableB, (t)=> t[from_loc]<=[loc_id] and t[to_loc] >= [loc_id])[stk]{0} otherwise null)
#"Added Custom"
Note: if the above algorithm is too slow, there may be faster methods of obtaining these results

Scala spark how to interact with a List[Option[Map[String, DataFrame]]]

I'm trying to interact with this List[Option[Map[String, DataFrame]]] but I'm having a bit of trouble.
Inside it has something like this:
customer1 -> dataframeX
customer2 -> dataframeY
customer3 -> dataframeZ
Where the customer is an identifier that will become a new column.
I need to do an union of dataframeX, dataframeY and dataframeZ (all df have the same columns). Before I had this:
map(_.get).reduce(_ union _).select(columns:_*)
And it was working fine because I only had a List[Option[DataFrame]] and didn't need the identifier but I'm having trouble with the new list. My idea is to modify my old mapping, I know I can do stuff like "(0).get" and that would bring me "Map(customer1 -> dataframeX)" but I'm not quite sure how to do that iteration in the mapping and get the final dataframe that is the union of all three plus the identifier. My idea:
map(/*get identifier here along with dataframe*/).reduce(_ union _).select(identifier +: columns:_*)
The final result would be something like:
|identifier | product |State |
| customer1| prod1 | VA |
| customer1| prod132 | VA |
| customer2| prod32 | CA |
| customer2| prod51 | CA |
| customer2| prod21 | AL |
| customer2| prod52 | AL |
You could use collect to unnest Option[Map[String, Dataframe]] to Map[String, DataFrame]. To put an identifier into the column you should use withColumn. So your code could look like:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit
val result: DataFrame = frames.collect {
case Some(m) => {
case (identifier, dataframe) => dataframe.withColumn("identifier", lit(identifier))
}.reduce(_ union _)
}.reduce(_ union _)
Something like this perhaps?
.flatMap { { case (id, df) =>
df.withColumn("identifier", id) }
}.reduce(_ union _)

Failed to execute user defined function($anonfun$createTransformFunc$1: (string) => array<string> [duplicate]

I have a column in my Spark DataFrame:
|-- topics_A: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
I'm using CountVectorizer on it:
topic_vectorizer_A = CountVectorizer(inputCol="topics_A", outputCol="topics_vec_A")
I get NullPointerExceptions, because sometimes the topic_A column contains null.
Is there a way around this? Filling it with a zero-length array would work ok (although it will blow out the data size quite a lot) - but I can't work out how to do a fillNa on an Array column in PySpark.
Personally I would drop columns with NULL values because there is no useful information there but you can replace nulls with empty arrays. First some imports:
from pyspark.sql.functions import when, col, coalesce, array
You can define an empty array of specific type as:
fill = array().cast("array<string>")
and combine it with when clause:
topics_a = when(col("topics_A").isNull(), fill).otherwise(col("topics_A"))
or coalesce:
topics_a = coalesce(col("topics_A"), fill)
and use it as:
df.withColumn("topics_A", topics_a)
so with example data:
df = sc.parallelize([(1, ["a", "b"]), (2, None)]).toDF(["id", "topics_A"])
df_ = df.withColumn("topics_A", topics_a)
the result will be:
| id|topics_A| topics_vec_A|
| 1| [a, b]|(2,[0,1],[1.0,1.0])|
| 2| []| (2,[],[])|
I had similar issue, based on comment, I used following syntax to resolve before tokenizing:
remove the null values
|-- title: string (nullable = true)
| title|
|Mr. Beautiful (Up...|
|House of Ravens (...|
only showing top 2 rows

Pyspark filter dataframe by columns of another dataframe

Not sure why I'm having a difficult time with this, it seems so simple considering it's fairly easy to do in R or pandas. I wanted to avoid using pandas though since I'm dealing with a lot of data, and I believe toPandas() loads all the data into the driver’s memory in pyspark.
I have 2 dataframes: df1 and df2. I want to filter df1 (remove all rows) where df1.userid = df2.userid AND = I wasn't sure if I should use filter(), join(), or sql For example:
|userid| group | all_picks |
| 348| 2|[225, 2235, 2225] |
| 567| 1|[1110, 1150] |
| 595| 1|[1150, 1150, 1150] |
| 580| 2|[2240, 2225] |
| 448| 1|[1130] |
|userid| group | pick |
| 348| 2| 2270|
| 595| 1| 2125|
Result I want:
|userid| group | all_picks |
| 567| 1|[1110, 1150] |
| 580| 2|[2240, 2225] |
| 448| 1|[1130] |
I've tried many join() and filter() functions, I believe the closest I got was:
cond = [df1.userid == df2.userid, ==]
df1.join(df2, cond, 'left_outer').select(df1.userid,, df1.all_picks) # Result has 7 rows
I tried a bunch of different join types, and I also tried different
cond values:
cond = ((df1.userid == df2.userid) & ( == # result has 7 rows
cond = ((df1.userid != df2.userid) & ( != # result has 2 rows
However, it seems like the joins are adding additional rows, rather than deleting.
I'm using python 2.7 and spark 2.1.0
Left anti join is what you're looking for:
df1.join(df2, ["userid", "group"], "leftanti")
but the same thing can be done with left outer join:
.join(df2, ["userid", "group"], "leftouter")

DataArray case-insensitive match that returns the index value of the match

I have a DataFrame inside of a function:
using DataFrames
myservs = DataFrame(serverName = ["elmo", "bigBird", "Oscar", "gRover", "BERT"],
ipAddress = ["12.345.6.7", "12.345.6.8", "12.345.6.9", "12.345.6.10", "12.345.6.11"])
5x2 DataFrame
| Row | serverName | ipAddress |
| 1 | "elmo" | "12.345.6.7" |
| 2 | "bigBird" | "12.345.6.8" |
| 3 | "Oscar" | "12.345.6.9" |
| 4 | "gRover" | "12.345.6.10" |
| 5 | "BERT" | "12.345.6.11" |
How can I write the function to take a single parameter called server, case-insensitive match the server parameter in the myservs[:serverName] DataArray, and return the match's corresponding ipAddress?
In R this can be done by using
myservs$ipAddress[grep("server", myservs$serverName, = T)]
I don't want it to matter if someone uses ElMo or Elmo as the server, or if the serverName is saved as elmo or ELMO.
I referenced how to accomplish the task in R and tried to do it using the DataFrames pkg, but I only did this because I'm coming from R and am just learning Julia. I asked a lot of questions from coworkers and the following is what we came up with:
This task is much cleaner if I was to stop thinking in terms of
vectors in R. Julia runs plenty fast iterating through a loop.
Even still, looping wouldn't be the best solution here. I was told to look into
Dicts (check here for an example). Dict(), zip(), haskey(), and
get() blew my mind. These have many applications.
My solution doesn't even need to use the DataFrames pkg, but instead
uses Julia's Matrix and Array data representations. By using let
we keep the global environment clutter free and the server name/ip
list stays hidden from view to those who are only running the
In the sample code, I'm recreating the server matrix every time, but in reality/practice I'll have a permission restricted delimited file that gets read every time. This is OK for now since the delimited files are small, but this may not be efficient or the best way to do it.
let global myIP
myservers = ["elmo" "12.345.6.7"; "bigBird" "12.345.6.8";
"Oscar" "12.345.6.9"; "gRover" "12.345.6.10";
"BERT" "12.345.6.11"]
servDict = Dict(zip(pmap(lowercase, myservers[:, 1]), myservers[:, 2]))
function myIP(servername)
sn = lowercase(servername)
get(servDict, sn, "That name isn't in the server list.")
​# Test it out
​#>​"That name isn't in the server list."
Here's one way:
julia> using DataFrames
julia> myservs = DataFrame(serverName = ["elmo", "bigBird", "Oscar", "gRover", "BERT"],
ipAddress = ["12.345.6.7", "12.345.6.8", "12.345.6.9", "12.345.6.10", "12.345.6.11"])
5x2 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | serverName | ipAddress |
| 1 | "elmo" | "12.345.6.7" |
| 2 | "bigBird" | "12.345.6.8" |
| 3 | "Oscar" | "12.345.6.9" |
| 4 | "gRover" | "12.345.6.10" |
| 5 | "BERT" | "12.345.6.11" |
julia> grep{T <: String}(pat::String, dat::DataArray{T}, opts::String = "") = Bool[isna(d) ? false : ismatch(Regex(pat, opts), d) for d in dat]
grep (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> myservs[:ipAddress][grep("bigbird", myservs[:serverName], "i")]
1-element DataArrays.DataArray{ASCIIString,1}:
This grep works faster on my platform.
julia> function grep{T <: String}(pat::String, dat::DataArray{T}, opts::String = "")
myreg = Regex(pat, opts)
return convert(Array{Bool}, map(d -> isna(d) ? false : ismatch(myreg, d), dat))