Define reverse using fold left - ocaml

I have this definition of fold left
let rec fold_left f lst u = match lst with
| [] -> u
|(h::t) -> fold_left f t ( f h u)
I have to define reverse using the fold_left above. I currently have
let reverse l1 = fold_left (fun x y -> y::x) l1 []
but I keep getting this error
Error: This expression has type 'a list
but an expression was expected of type 'a
The type variable 'a occurs inside 'a list
What am I missing here?

You just have the accumulator and next item turned around (y::x instead of x::y). This works:
let reverse l1 = fold_left (fun x y -> x::y) l1 []


List.assoc using List.find

I want to implement the List.assoc function using List.find, this is what I have tried:
let rec assoc lista x = match lista with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (a,b)::l -> try (List.find (fun x -> a = x) lista)
with Not_found -> assoc l x;;
but it gives me this error:
This expression has type ('a * 'b) list but an expression was expected of type 'a list
The type variable 'a occurs inside 'a * 'b
I don't know if this is something expected to happen or if I'm doing something wrong. I also tried this as an alternative:
let assoc lista x = match lista with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (a,b)::l -> match List.split lista with
| (l1,l2) -> let ind = find l1 (List.find (fun s -> compare a x = 0))
in List.nth l2 ind;;
where find is a function that returns the index of the element requested:
let rec find lst x =
match lst with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| h :: t -> if x = h then 0 else 1 + find t x;;
with this code the problem is that the function should have type ('a * 'b) list -> 'a -> 'b, but instead it's (('a list -> 'a) * 'b) list -> ('a list -> 'a) -> 'b, so when I try
assoc [(1,a);(2,b);(3,c)] 2;;
I get:
This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type
'a list -> 'a (refering to the first element of the pair inside the list)
I don't understand why I don't get the expected function type.
First off, a quick suggestion on making your assoc function more idiomatic OCaml: have it take the list as the last argument.
Secondly, why are you attempting to implement this in terms of find? It's much easier without.
let rec assoc x lista =
match lista with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (a, b) :: xs -> if a = x then b else assoc x xs
Something like this is simpler and substantially more efficient with the way lists work in OCaml.
Having the list as the last argument, even means we can write this more tersely.
let rec assoc x =
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (a, b) :: xs -> if a = x then b else assoc x xs
As to your question, OCaml infers the types of functions from how they're used.
find l1 (List.find (fun s -> compare a x = 0))
We know l1 is an int list. So we must be trying to find it in an int list list. So:
List.find (fun s -> compare a x = 0)
Must return an int list list. It's a mess. Try rethinking your function and you'll end up with something much easier to reason about.

Ocaml Type error: This expression has type 'a * 'b but an expression was expected of type 'c list

I'm required to output a pair of lists and I'm not understanding why the pair I'm returning is not of the correct type.
let rec split l = match l with
| [] -> []
| [y] -> [y]
| x :: xs ->
let rec helper l1 acc = match l1 with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs ->
if ((List.length xs) = ((List.length l) / 2)) then
(xs, (x :: acc))
else helper xs (x :: acc)
in helper l []
(Please take the time to copy/paste and format your code on SO rather than providing a link to an image. It makes it much easier to help, and more useful in the future.)
The first case of the match in your helper function doesn't return a pair. All the cases of a match need to return the same type (of course).
Note that the cases of your outermost match are also of different types (if you assume that helper returns a pair).

Unknown Type Error in OCaml

I'm attempting to create a new list of all the unique items from another list. My in_list function works properly and returns a value saying whether or not the value is found in the seen_list, but I can't for the life of me get this to compile.
let uniq x = match in_list x seen_list with
| true -> seen_list
| false -> seen_list#[x]
| _ -> seen_list
List.iter uniq check_list;;
The problem is some sort of type error. Here it is:
Error: This expression has type int -> int list
but an expression was expected of type int -> unit
Type int list is not compatible with type unit
In essence you want to take the result returned by uniq and pass it as the list for the next call of uniq. To do this, you need to use a fold, or write your own recursion. The purpose of List.iter is just to call an imperative function for each element of a list. It doesn't combine the answers in any way. That's why you're getting a type error—your function isn't imperative. I.e., it doesn't return unit.
Perhaps this is what you want:
let rec uniq_list lst =
match lst with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs ->
let r = uniq_list xs in
if in_list x r then r else x :: r
Or, using List.fold_right (equivalent to the recursive function above):
let uniq_list lst =
(fun x r -> if in_list x r then r else x :: r)
Or using List.fold_left which is tail-recursive:
let uniq_list lst =
(fun r x -> if in_list x r then r else x :: r)
By the way, your in_list is equivalent to the standard library function List.mem.

OCaml error filter list using higher order functions

So I have this exercise:
filter (fun x -> x = 0) [(1,0);(2,1);(3,0);(4,1)];;
result int list [1;3]
So basically you have to match your x in fun with the second number in list and if its the same you create new list with the first number.
My solution but is wrong
let rec filter f = function
| []->[]
| x::l -> if f=snd x then fst x :: filter f l else [];;
I get the following error when i want to try the code:
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of
int -> bool
I can't reproduce the problem you report. Here's what I see when I try your code:
$ ocaml
OCaml version 4.02.1
# let rec filter f = function
| []->[]
| x::l -> if f=snd x then fst x :: filter f l else [] ;;
val filter : 'a -> ('b * 'a) list -> 'b list = <fun>
# filter 0 [(1,0); (2,1); (3,0)];;
- : int list = [1]
There are no errors, but it gets the wrong answer. That's what I would expect looking at your code.
The error that you are getting is saying that somewhere the compiler is expecting an int -> bool function, but you are giving it an int. The reason you get this error is because you have an equality (f = snd x), where f is of type int -> bool and snd x is of type int. both arguments given to the equality must be of the same type. Instead, what you want to do is simply branch on the result of applying f to the second element of x, such as:
let rec filter f = function
| []->[]
| x::l -> if f (snd x) then fst x :: filter f l else [];;
That said, I would recommend using pattern matching instead of fst and snd, such as:
let rec filter f l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| (x,y)::l -> if f y then x :: filter f l else filter f l
Note that f y will return something of type bool, which will then determine which branch to take.
Altough Matts answer is right. It's good to just reuse existing functions instead of writing a special from the ground up:
|> List.filter (fun (_, x) -> x = 0)
|> fst

How can I skip a term with List.Map in OCAML?

Suppose I have some code like this: (fun e -> if (e <> 1) then e + 1 else (*add nothing to the list*))
Is there a way to do this? If so, how?
I want to both manipulate the item if it matches some criteria and ignore it if it does not. Thus List.filter wouldn't seem to be the solution.
SML has a function mapPartial which does exactly this. Sadly this function does not exist in OCaml. However you can easily define it yourself like this:
let map_partial f xs =
let prepend_option x xs = match x with
| None -> xs
| Some x -> x :: xs in
List.rev (List.fold_left (fun acc x -> prepend_option (f x) acc) [] xs)
map_partial (fun x -> if x <> 1 then Some (x+1) else None) [0;1;2;3]
will return [1;3;4].
Or you can use filter_map from extlib as ygrek pointed out.
Both Batteries and Extlib provide an equivalent of mapPartial: their extended List module sprovide a filter_map function of the type ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list, allowing the map function to select items as well.
Another solution would be to use directly a foldl :
let f e l = if (e <> 1)
then (e + 1)::l
else l
in List.fold_left f [] list
But my preference is filter_map as Michael Ekstrand provided
Alternatively you can filter your list then apply the map on the resulted list as follows :
let map_bis predicate map_function lst = map_function (List.filter predicate lst);;
# val map_bis : ('a -> bool) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list = <fun>
Usage :
# map_bis (fun e -> e<>1) (fun e -> e+1) [0;1;2;3];;
- : int list = [1; 3; 4]
You can also map values to singleton lists if you want to keep them or empty lists if you don't, and then concat the results.
List.concat ( (fun e -> if (e <> 1) then [e + 1] else []) my_list)
let rec process = function
| 1 :: t -> process t
| h :: t -> (h + 1) :: (process t)
| [] -> []
or tail recursive
let process =
let rec f acc = function
| 1 :: t -> f acc t
| h :: t -> f ((h + 1) :: acc) t
| [] -> List.rev acc in
f []
or with a composition of standard functions
let process l =
l |> List.filter ((<>)1)
|> ((+)1)
The OCaml standard library has had List.filter_map since 4.08. This can therefore now be written as:
List.filter_map (fun e -> if e <> 1 then Some (e + 1) else None)