regex to find word and alphanumeric pattern [duplicate] - regex

I found this tutorial on regular expressions and while I intuitively understand what "greedy", "reluctant" and "possessive" qualifiers do, there seems to be a serious hole in my understanding.
Specifically, in the following example:
Enter your regex: .*foo // Greedy qualifier
Enter input string to search: xfooxxxxxxfoo
I found the text "xfooxxxxxxfoo" starting at index 0 and ending at index 13.
Enter your regex: .*?foo // Reluctant qualifier
Enter input string to search: xfooxxxxxxfoo
I found the text "xfoo" starting at index 0 and ending at index 4.
I found the text "xxxxxxfoo" starting at index 4 and ending at index 13.
Enter your regex: .*+foo // Possessive qualifier
Enter input string to search: xfooxxxxxxfoo
No match found.
The explanation mentions eating the entire input string, letters been consumed, matcher backing off, rightmost occurrence of "foo" has been regurgitated, etc.
Unfortunately, despite the nice metaphors, I still don't understand what is eaten by whom... Do you know of another tutorial that explains (concisely) how regular expression engines work?
Alternatively, if someone can explain in somewhat different phrasing the following paragraph, that would be much appreciated:
The first example uses the greedy quantifier .* to find "anything", zero or more times, followed by the letters "f", "o", "o". Because the quantifier is greedy, the .* portion of the expression first eats the entire input string. At this point, the overall expression cannot succeed, because the last three letters ("f", "o", "o") have already been consumed [by whom?]. So the matcher slowly backs off [from right-to-left?] one letter at a time until the rightmost occurrence of "foo" has been regurgitated [what does this mean?], at which point the match succeeds and the search ends.
The second example, however, is reluctant, so it starts by first consuming [by whom?] "nothing". Because "foo" doesn't appear at the beginning of the string, it's forced to swallow [who swallows?] the first letter (an "x"), which triggers the first match at 0 and 4. Our test harness continues the process until the input string is exhausted. It finds another match at 4 and 13.
The third example fails to find a match because the quantifier is possessive. In this case, the entire input string is consumed by .*+ [how?], leaving nothing left over to satisfy the "foo" at the end of the expression. Use a possessive quantifier for situations where you want to seize all of something without ever backing off [what does back off mean?]; it will outperform the equivalent greedy quantifier in cases where the match is not immediately found.

I'll give it a shot.
A greedy quantifier first matches as much as possible. So the .* matches the entire string. Then the matcher tries to match the f following, but there are no characters left. So it "backtracks", making the greedy quantifier match one less character (leaving the "o" at the end of the string unmatched). That still doesn't match the f in the regex, so it backtracks one more step, making the greedy quantifier match one less character again (leaving the "oo" at the end of the string unmatched). That still doesn't match the f in the regex, so it backtracks one more step (leaving the "foo" at the end of the string unmatched). Now, the matcher finally matches the f in the regex, and the o and the next o are matched too. Success!
A reluctant or "non-greedy" quantifier first matches as little as possible. So the .* matches nothing at first, leaving the entire string unmatched. Then the matcher tries to match the f following, but the unmatched portion of the string starts with "x" so that doesn't work. So the matcher backtracks, making the non-greedy quantifier match one more character (now it matches the "x", leaving "fooxxxxxxfoo" unmatched). Then it tries to match the f, which succeeds, and the o and the next o in the regex match too. Success!
In your example, it then starts the process over with the remaining unmatched portion of the string, "xxxxxxfoo", following the same process.
A possessive quantifier is just like the greedy quantifier, but it doesn't backtrack. So it starts out with .* matching the entire string, leaving nothing unmatched. Then there is nothing left for it to match with the f in the regex. Since the possessive quantifier doesn't backtrack, the match fails there.

It is just my practice output to visualise the scene-

I haven't heard the exact terms 'regurgitate' or 'backing off' before; the phrase that would replace these is "backtracking", but 'regurgitate' seems like as good a phrase as any for "the content that had been tentatively accepted before backtracking threw it away again".
The important thing to realize about most regex engines is that they are backtracking: they will tentatively accept a potential, partial match, while trying to match the entire contents of the regex. If the regex cannot be completely matched at the first attempt, then the regex engine will backtrack on one of its matches. It will try matching *, +, ?, alternation, or {n,m} repetition differently, and try again. (And yes, this process can take a long time.)
The first example uses the greedy
quantifier .* to find "anything", zero
or more times, followed by the letters
"f" "o" "o". Because the quantifier is
greedy, the .* portion of the
expression first eats the entire input
string. At this point, the overall
expression cannot succeed, because the
last three letters ("f" "o" "o") have
already been consumed (by whom?).
The last three letters, f, o, and o were already consumed by the initial .* portion of the rule. However, the next element in the regex, f, has nothing left in the input string. The engine will be forced to backtrack on its initial .* match, and try matching all-but-the-last character. (It might be smart and backtrack to all-but-the-last-three, because it has three literal terms, but I'm unaware of implementation details at this level.)
So the matcher
slowly backs off (from right-to-left?) one letter at a time
until the rightmost occurrence of
"foo" has been regurgitated (what does this mean?), at which
This means the foo had tentatively been including when matching .*. Because that attempt failed, the regex engine tries accepting one fewer character in .*. If there had been a successful match before the .* in this example, then the engine would probably try shortening the .* match (from right-to-left, as you pointed out, because it is a greedy qualifier), and if it was unable to match the entire inputs, then it might be forced to re-evaluate what it had matched before the .* in my hypothetical example.
point the match succeeds and the
search ends.
The second example, however, is
reluctant, so it starts by first
consuming (by whom?) "nothing". Because "foo"
The initial nothing is consumed by .?*, which will consume the shortest possible amount of anything that allows the rest of the regex to match.
doesn't appear at the beginning of the
string, it's forced to swallow (who swallows?) the
Again the .?* consumes the first character, after backtracking on the initial failure to match the entire regex with the shortest possible match. (In this case, the regex engine is extending the match for .*? from left-to-right, because .*? is reluctant.)
first letter (an "x"), which triggers
the first match at 0 and 4. Our test
harness continues the process until
the input string is exhausted. It
finds another match at 4 and 13.
The third example fails to find a
match because the quantifier is
possessive. In this case, the entire
input string is consumed by .*+, (how?)
A .*+ will consume as much as possible, and will not backtrack to find new matches when the regex as a whole fails to find a match. Because the possessive form does not perform backtracking, you probably won't see many uses with .*+, but rather with character classes or similar restrictions: account: [[:digit:]]*+ phone: [[:digit:]]*+.
This can drastically speed up regex matching, because you're telling the regex engine that it should never backtrack over potential matches if an input doesn't match. (If you had to write all the matching code by hand, this would be similar to never using putc(3) to 'push back' an input character. It would be very similar to the naive code one might write on a first try. Except regex engines are way better than a single character of push-back, they can rewind all the back to zero and try again. :)
But more than potential speed ups, this also can let you write regexs that match exactly what you need to match. I'm having trouble coming up with an easy example :) but writing a regex using possessive vs greedy quantifiers can give you different matches, and one or the other may be more appropriate.
leaving nothing left over to satisfy
the "foo" at the end of the
expression. Use a possessive
quantifier for situations where you
want to seize all of something without
ever backing off (what does back off mean?); it will outperform
"Backing off" in this context means "backtracking" -- throwing away a tentative partial match to try another partial match, which may or may not succeed.
the equivalent greedy quantifier in
cases where the match is not
immediately found.
I'm not sure that's the best explanation on the internet, but it's reasonably well written and appropriately detailed, and I keep coming back to it. You might want to check it out.
If you want a higher-level (less detailed explanation), for simple regular expressions such as the one you're looking at, a regular expression engine works by backtracking. Essentially, it chooses ("eats") a section of the string and tries to match the regular expression against that section. If it matches, great. If not, the engine alters its choice of the section of the string and tries to match the regexp against that section, and so on, until it's tried every possible choice.
This process is used recursively: in its attempt to match a string with a given regular expression, the engine will split the regular expression into pieces and apply the algorithm to each piece individually.
The difference between greedy, reluctant, and possessive quantifiers enters when the engine is making its choices of what part of the string to try to match against, and how to modify that choice if it doesn't work the first time. The rules are as follows:
A greedy quantifier tells the engine to start with the entire string (or at least, all of it that hasn't already been matched by previous parts of the regular expression) and check whether it matches the regexp. If so, great; the engine can continue with the rest of the regexp. If not, it tries again, but trimming one character (the last one) off the section of the string to be checked. If that doesn't work, it trims off another character, etc. So a greedy quantifier checks possible matches in order from longest to shortest.
A reluctant quantifier tells the engine to start with the shortest possible piece of the string. If it matches, the engine can continue; if not, it adds one character to the section of the string being checked and tries that, and so on until it finds a match or the entire string has been used up. So a reluctant quantifier checks possible matches in order from shortest to longest.
A possessive quantifier is like a greedy quantifier on the first attempt: it tells the engine to start by checking the entire string. The difference is that if it doesn't work, the possessive quantifier reports that the match failed right then and there. The engine doesn't change the section of the string being looked at, and it doesn't make any more attempts.
This is why the possessive quantifier match fails in your example: the .*+ gets checked against the entire string, which it matches, but then the engine goes on to look for additional characters foo after that - but of course it doesn't find them, because you're already at the end of the string. If it were a greedy quantifier, it would backtrack and try making the .* only match up to the next-to-last character, then up to the third to last character, then up to the fourth to last character, which succeeds because only then is there a foo left after the .* has "eaten" the earlier part of the string.

Here is my take using Cell and Index positions (See the diagram here to distinguish a Cell from an Index).
Greedy - Match as much as possible to the greedy quantifier and the entire regex. If there is no match, backtrack on the greedy quantifier.
Input String: xfooxxxxxxfoo
Regex: .*foo
The above Regex has two parts:
(i)'.*' and
Each of the steps below will analyze the two parts. Additional comments for a match to 'Pass' or 'Fail' is explained within braces.
Step 1:
(i) .* = xfooxxxxxxfoo - PASS ('.*' is a greedy quantifier and will use the entire Input String)
(ii) foo = No character left to match after index 13 - FAIL
Match failed.
Step 2:
(i) .* = xfooxxxxxxfo - PASS (Backtracking on the greedy quantifier '.*')
(ii) foo = o - FAIL
Match failed.
Step 3:
(i) .* = xfooxxxxxxf - PASS (Backtracking on the greedy quantifier '.*')
(ii) foo = oo - FAIL
Match failed.
Step 4:
(i) .* = xfooxxxxxx - PASS (Backtracking on the greedy quantifier '.*')
(ii) foo = foo - PASS
Report MATCH
Result: 1 match(es)
I found the text "xfooxxxxxxfoo" starting at index 0 and ending at index 13.
Reluctant - Match as little as possible to the reluctant quantifier and match the entire regex. if there is no match, add characters to the reluctant quantifier.
Input String: xfooxxxxxxfoo
Regex: .*?foo
The above regex has two parts:
(i) '.*?' and
(ii) 'foo'
Step 1:
.*? = '' (blank) - PASS (Match as little as possible to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Index 0 having '' is a match.)
foo = xfo - FAIL (Cell 0,1,2 - i.e index between 0 and 3)
Match failed.
Step 2:
.*? = x - PASS (Add characters to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Cell 0 having 'x' is a match.)
foo = foo - PASS
Report MATCH
Step 3:
.*? = '' (blank) - PASS (Match as little as possible to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Index 4 having '' is a match.)
foo = xxx - FAIL (Cell 4,5,6 - i.e index between 4 and 7)
Match failed.
Step 4:
.*? = x - PASS (Add characters to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Cell 4.)
foo = xxx - FAIL (Cell 5,6,7 - i.e index between 5 and 8)
Match failed.
Step 5:
.*? = xx - PASS (Add characters to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Cell 4 thru 5.)
foo = xxx - FAIL (Cell 6,7,8 - i.e index between 6 and 9)
Match failed.
Step 6:
.*? = xxx - PASS (Add characters to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Cell 4 thru 6.)
foo = xxx - FAIL (Cell 7,8,9 - i.e index between 7 and 10)
Match failed.
Step 7:
.*? = xxxx - PASS (Add characters to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Cell 4 thru 7.)
foo = xxf - FAIL (Cell 8,9,10 - i.e index between 8 and 11)
Match failed.
Step 8:
.*? = xxxxx - PASS (Add characters to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Cell 4 thru 8.)
foo = xfo - FAIL (Cell 9,10,11 - i.e index between 9 and 12)
Match failed.
Step 9:
.*? = xxxxxx - PASS (Add characters to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Cell 4 thru 9.)
foo = foo - PASS (Cell 10,11,12 - i.e index between 10 and 13)
Report MATCH
Step 10:
.*? = '' (blank) - PASS (Match as little as possible to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Index 13 is blank.)
foo = No character left to match - FAIL (There is nothing after index 13 to match)
Match failed.
Result: 2 match(es)
I found the text "xfoo" starting at index 0 and ending at index 4.
I found the text "xxxxxxfoo" starting at index 4 and ending at index 13.
Possessive - Match as much as possible to the possessive quantifer and match the entire regex. Do NOT backtrack.
Input String: xfooxxxxxxfoo
Regex: .*+foo
The above regex has two parts: '.*+' and 'foo'.
Step 1:
.*+ = xfooxxxxxxfoo - PASS (Match as much as possible to the possessive quantifier '.*')
foo = No character left to match - FAIL (Nothing to match after index 13)
Match failed.
Note: Backtracking is not allowed.
Result: 0 match(es)

Greedy: "match the longest possible sequence of characters"
Reluctant: "match the shortest possible sequence of characters"
Possessive: This is a bit strange as it does NOT (in contrast to greedy and reluctant) try to find a match for the whole regex.
By the way: No regex pattern matcher implementation will ever use backtracking. All real-life pattern matcher are extremely fast - nearly independent of the complexity of the regular expression!

Greedy Quantification involves pattern matching using all of the remaining unvalidated characters of a string during an iteration. Unvalidated characters start in the active sequence. Every time a match does not occur, the character at the end is quarantined and the check is performed again.
When only leading conditions of the regex pattern are satisfied by the active sequence, an attempt is made to validate the remaining conditions against the quarantine. If this validation is successful, matched characters in the quarantine are validated and residual unmatched characters remain unvalidated and will be used when the process begins anew in the next iteration.
The flow of characters is from the active sequence into the quarantine. The resulting behavior is that as much of the original sequence is included in a match as possible.
Reluctant Quantification is mostly the same as greedy qualification except the flow of characters is the opposite--that is, they start in the quarantine and flow into the active sequence. The resulting behavior is that as little of the original sequence is included in a match as possible.
Possessive Quantification does not have a quarantine and includes everything in a fixed active sequence.


Regex for finding words with no or only one word between them

I need to find into multiple strings two words with no words or only one word between them. I created the regex for the case to find if those two words exist in string:
and it works correctly.
Then I tried to insert in this regex additional code:
but it didn't work. It selects text with two or more words between searched words. It is not what I need.
First Second - must be selected
First word1 Second - must be selected
First word1 word2 Second - must be not selected by regex, but my regex select it.
Can I get advise how to solve this problem?
Root cause
You should bear in mind that lookarounds match strings without moving along the string, they "stand their ground". Once you write ^(?=[\s\S]*\bFirst\b)(\b\w+\b){0,1}(?=[\s\S]*\bSecond\b), the execution is as follows:
^ - the regex engine checks if the current position is the start of string
(?=[\s\S]*\bFirst\b) - the positive lookahead requires the presence of any 0+ chars followed with a whole word First - note that the regex index is still at the start of the string after the lookahead returns true or false
(\b\w+\b){0,1} - this subpattern is checked only if the above check was true (i.e. there is a whole word First somewhere) and matches (consumes, moves the regex index) 1 or 0 occurrences of a whole word (i.e. there must be 1 or more word chars right at the string start
(?=[\s\S]*\bSecond\b) - another positive lookahead that makes sure there is a whole word Second somewhere after the first whole word consumed with \b\w+\b - if any. Even if the word Second is the first word in the string, this will return true since backtracking will step back the word matched with (\b\w+\b){0,1} (see, it is optional), and the Second will get asserted, and [\s\S]+ will grab the whole string (Group 1 will be empty). See the regex demo with Second word word2 First string.
So, your approach cannot guarantee the order of First and Second in the string, they are just required to be present but not necessarily in the order you expect.
If you need to check the order of First and Second in the string, you need to combine all the checks into one single lookahead. The approach might turn out very inefficient with longer strings and multiple alternatives in the lookaround, consider either unrolling the patterns, or trying mutliple regex patterns (like this pseudo-code if /\bFirst\b/.finds_match().index < /\bSecond\b/.finds_match().index => Good, go on...).
If you plan to go on with the regex approach, you may match a string that contains First....Second only in this order:
See the regex demo
^ - start of string
(?=[\s\S]*\bFirst(?:\W+\w+)?\W+Second\b) - there must be:
[\s\S]* - any zero or more chars up to the last
\bFirst - whole word First
(?:\W+\w+)? - optional sequence (1 or 0 occurrences) of 1+ non-word chars and 1+ word chars
\W+ - 1+ non-word chars
Second\b - Second as a whole word
[\s\S]+ - any 1 or more characters (empty string won't match).

RE2 (Rust) regular expression doesn't work as expected

I have a regex that seemingly is straightforward but does not act as required. The input to be parsed is described as follows (nb: {} are not part of the regex, only what's inside):
A sequence of 0 or more spaces {\s*}
A dash {-}
A sequence of 0 or more spaces {\s*}
A full person's name (first name, middle names, surname; all captured into f1). The name must not start with a number
must appear at the end of the line {[A-Za-z][\w\s]*)}
The whole construct SPACE-SPACEf1 is optional
Just to explain what is captured into f1:
For the first char, I'm using the set of chars represented by [A-Za-z]. Followed by \w or space 0 or more times. This is captured into f1.
I expect the following sequences to match and capture a value into f1:
" - Bruce" (f1=Bruce)
" - Bruce Dickinson" (f1=Bruce Dickinson)
I expect the following to not match:
"Bruce" (there is no leading dash)
" - Bruce!" (there is a non word (\w) character after the name and before end of line
I expect the following match but not capture a value into f1 (I would prefer it to not match though):
" - 1Bruce" (leading character is numeric)
These are the actual results:
" - Bruce" (f1=Bruce) Tick; this works
" - Bruce Dickinson" (f1=Bruce Dickinson) Tick; this works
"Bruce" (f1= not captured, but expression is a match. This is wrong, because Bruce doesn't match the optional part, and $ comes next which doesn't match Bruce)
" - Bruce!" (f1= not cpatured, but expression is a match; this is wrong, because of the !, which means that match does not appear at the end of line.
I expect that:
would consume { - Bruce}, which should leave !, which should fail because of the next regex token being $; however, the computer says no, so I'm wrong but I don't know why :(
" - 1Bruce" (f1= not captured, but expression is match. This is understandable because the whole {space dash space f1} sequence is optional and because it doesn't match, that construct is skipped and then there is nothing else to process on the input; we hit the end of line)
If I can get this to work, I can get the rest of my expression to work the way I want it to. I need somebody else to jolt me into thinking about this differently. I've spent 2 days on this with no positive output, so very frustrating.
PS: I am using to test regexes. The regexes will be used as part of a Rust application whose regex engine is based on google's RE2.
Eventually, I need to be able to recognise a sequence of names delimited by &, and the whole expression is optional by the use of ? and must appear at the end of line $.
{ - Bruce & Nicko & Dave Murray } would be valid
{ - Bruce & Nicko & Dave Murray & } should not be valid and NOT match
But 1 step at a time!
The point here is that you cannot match and not match something at the same time. If you make the whole pattern optional, and the end of string obligatory, even if there is nothing of interest the end of string will be matched - always.
The way out is to think of a subpattern you are interested in. You are interested in the names, so, make the first letter obligatory. The hyphen seems to be obligatory in all test cases you supplied, too. Everything else can be optional:
See the regex demo (the \s is replaced with \h and \n added to the negated character classes just for demo purposes as it is a multiline demo).
Note that I replaced [a-zA-Z] with [^\W\d_] to make the pattern more flexible ([^\W\d_] just matches any letter).

Regex with more than one OR/AND operator

I'm trying to match text that is:
a combination of numbers and letters, and might contain [:,.]
a * character plus at least one number OR letter (not necessarily in this order)
Meaning my regex should match all these
Bf1305020008401 6798ubbii230693
Nettbank til: Troij iudh Betalt: 03.05.13
but not these:
Yes, regex alternation with | does not have the meaning in a character group (e.g. [a-z|0-9]) that it does elsewhere in a pattern. (Think of it as implied between characters & character ranges within a character group, making it redundant.)
This pattern should do what you need:
^((?=^.{0,}[0-9])(?=^.{0,}[a-zA-Z])[0-9a-zA-Z :,.]{2,}|(?!^\*$)(?=^[0-9.a-zA-Z]{0,}\*[0-9.a-zA-Z]{0,})(?!^[0-9.a-zA-Z]{0,}\*[0-9.a-zA-Z]{0,}\*)[*0-9.a-zA-Z]{2,})$
It matches...
Bf1305020008401 6798ubbii230693
Nettbank til: Troij iudh Betalt: 03.05.13
...and does not match...
252,25 you require.
You can try the pattern with the inputs you specified in a regex fiddle.
Some explanation for the 1st subpattern (on the left side of the |) matching your 1st set of match criteria:
(?=^.{0,}[0-9]) - Assert that a number appears in the string.
(?=^.{0,}[a-zA-Z]) - Assert that a letter also (i.e. AND) appears in the string.
[0-9a-zA-Z :,.]{2,} - "a combination of numbers and letters, and might contain [ :,.]" (assuming the aforementioned assertions)
Similarly, some explanation for the 2nd subpattern (on the right side of the |) matching your 2nd set of match criteria:
(?!^\*$) - Assert that the string is not just *.
(?=^[0-9.a-zA-Z]{0,}\*[0-9.a-zA-Z]{0,}) - Assert that the string contains *.
(?!^[0-9.a-zA-Z]{0,}\*[0-9.a-zA-Z]{0,}\*) - Assert that the string does not contain more than one *.
[*0-9.a-zA-Z]{2,} - "a * character + atleast one number OR letter (not necessarily in this order)" (assuming the aforementioned assertions)
There is probably room to sand & polish the pattern - especially the lookahead assertions for * in the second subpattern I suspect; but it works and conveys the strategy I employed of multiple lookahead assertions to constrain each of the two subpatterns to fit your requirements.
As you comment below, I think you dose want a full line match, and by saying number and letter, I think it means digits and letters both occurred in the right match.
And by saying "a * character + atleast one number OR letter" I suppose "*" occurs only once in match.
Maybe you could try this one:
(^(?=.*[a-zA-Z]+)(?=.*[0-9]+)[0-9a-zA-Z :,.]+$)|(^[a-zA-Z0-9.]*\*[a-zA-Z0-9.]+$)|(^[a-zA-Z0-9.]+\*[a-zA-Z0-9.]*$)
It matches:
Bf1305020008401 6798ubbii230693
Nettbank til: Troij iudh Betalt: 03.05.13
But won't match any of:
This should work
(^[A-Za-z0-9 ]*(([A-Za-z]+[ ]*[0-9]+)|([0-9]+[ ]*[A-Za-z]+))[A-Za-z0-9 ]*$)|(^\*[A-Za-z0-9]+$)

Regular expression for crossword solution

This is a crossword problem. Example:
the solution is a 6-letter word which starts with "r" and ends with "r"
thus the pattern is "r....r"
the unknown 4 letters must be drawn from the pool of letters "a", "e", "i" and "p"
each letter must be used exactly once
we have a large list of candidate 6-letter words
Solutions: "rapier" or "repair".
Filtering for the pattern "r....r" is trivial, but finding words which also have [aeip] in the "unknown" slots is beyond me.
Is this problem amenable to a regex, or must it be done by exhaustive methods?
Try this:
...or more readably:
(?!\1) a () |
(?!\2) e () |
(?!\3) i () |
(?!\4) p ()
The empty groups serve as check marks, ticking off each letter as it's consumed. For example, if the word to be matched is repair, the e will be the first letter matched by this construct. If the regex tries to match another e later on, that alternative won't match it. The negative lookahead (?!\2) will fail because group #2 has participated in the match, and never mind that it didn't consume anything.
What's really cool is that it works just as well on strings that contain duplicate letters. Take your redeem example:
(?!\1) e () |
(?!\2) e () |
(?!\3) e () |
(?!\4) d ()
After the first e is consumed, the first alternative is effectively disabled, so the second alternative takes it instead. And so on...
Unfortunately, this technique doesn't work in all regex flavors. For one thing, they don't all treat empty/failed group captures the same. The ECMAScript spec explicitly states that references to non-participating groups should always succeed.
The regex flavor also has to support forward references--that is, backreferences that appear before the groups they refer to in the regex. (ref) It should work in .NET, Java, Perl, PCRE and Ruby, that I know of.
Assuming that you meant that the unknown letters must be among [aeip], then a suitable regex could be:
What's the front end language being used to compare strings, is it java, .net ...
here is an example/psuedo code using java
String mandateLetters = "aeio"
String regPattern = "\\br["+mandateLetters+"]*r$"; // or if for specific length \\br[+mandateLetters+]{4}r$
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regPattern);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("is this repair ");
Why not replace each '.' in your original pattern with '[aeip]'?
You'd wind up with a regex string r[aeip][aeip][aeip][aeip]r.
This could of course be shortened to r[aeip]{4,4}r, but that would be a pain to implement in the general case and probably wouldn't improve the code any.
This doesn't address the issue of duplicate letter use. If I were coding it, I'd handle that in code outside the regexp - mostly because the regexp would get more complicated than I'd care to handle.
So the "only once" part is the critical thing. Listing all permutations is obviously not feasible. If your language/environment supports lookaheads and backreferences you can make it a bit easier for yourself:
Still quite ugly, but here is how it works:
r # match an r
(?= # positive lookahead (doesn't advance position of "cursor" in input string)
) # make sure that there are the four desired character ahead
(.) # match any character and capture it in group 1
(?!\1)# make sure that the next character is NOT the same as the previous one
(.) # match any character and capture it in group 2
# make sure that the next character is neither the first nor the second
(.) # match any character and capture it in group 3
# same thing again for all three characters
. # match another arbitrary character
r # match an r
Working demo.
This is neither really elegant nor scalable. So you might just want to use r([aiep]{4,4})r (capturing the four critical letters) and ensure the additional condition without regex.
EDIT: In fact, the above pattern is only really useful and necessary if you just want to ensure that you have 4 non-identical characters. For your specific case, again using lookaheads, there is simpler (despite longer) solution:
r # match an r
(?= # lookahead: ensure that there is exactly one a until the next r
[^a]* # match an arbitrary amount of non-a characters
a # match one a
[^a]* # match an arbitrary amount of non-a characters
r # match the final r
) # end of lookahead
(?=[^e]*e[^e]*r) # ensure that there is exactly one e until the next r
(?=[^i]*i[^i]*r) # ensure that there is exactly one i until the next r
(?=[^p]*p[^p]*r) # ensure that there is exactly one p until the next r
[aeip]{4,4}r # actually match the rest to include it in the result
Working demo.
For r....m with a pool of deee, this could be adjusted as:
This ensures that there is exactly one d and exactly 3 es.
Working demo.
not fully regex due to sed multi regex action
sed -n -e '/^r[aiep]\{4,\}r$/{/\([aiep]\).*\1/!p;}' YourFile
take pattern 4 letter in group aeipsourround by r, keep only line where no letter in the sub group is found twice.
A more scalable solution (no need to write \1, \2, \3 and so on for each letter or position) is to use negative lookahead to assert that each character is not occurring later:
more readable as:
This was a quick solution which works in the situation you gave us, but here are some additional constraints to have a robuster version:
If the "pool of letters" may share some letters with the end of string, include the end of pattern in the lookahead:
(may not work as intended in all regex flavors, in which case copy-paste the end of pattern instead of using \2)
If some letters must be present not only once but a different fixed number of times, add a separate lookahead for all letters sharing this number of times. For instance, "r....r" with one "a" and one "p" but two "e" would be matched by this regex (but "rapper" and "repeer" wouldn't):
The non-capturing groups now has 2 alternatives: ([ap])(?!.*\1.*\3) which matches "a" or "p" not followed anywhere until ending by another one, and ([e])(?!.*\2.*\2.*\3) which matches "e" not followed anywhere until ending by 2 other ones (so it fails on the first one if there are 3 in total).
BTW this solution includes the above one, but the end of pattern is here shifted to \3 (also, cf. note about flavors).

Why does this regex does not match

I'm wondering why the following regex works for some strings and does not work for some others:
1151 -> this does not match
1141 -> this does match, but why? since I can consider .* as empty and the regex becomes /^([0-3]+)(?!4|5)[0-9]+$/
I think that I'm misunderstanding the way the look-ahead works...
Let's look at how the regular expression would parse your string, step by step.
First, some clarification. (?!4|.*5) is a negative look-ahead that checks if either 4 or .*5 follow the last consumed character. If it does, the current match fails and steps back. It could also be written as (?!(4|.*5)) if you wanted it to be slightly more clear about how exactly | affects it.
Let's start by looking at 1141
First, [0-3]+ consumes as many characters as possible, so it will consume up to and including the 11 in 1141. What's leftover is 41. The regular expression now checks to see if 4 is after the current characters, and since ?! is a negative look-ahead, the match will fail if it is found. Since 4 follows 11, the match fails and the regular expression steps backwards and tries again.
Instead of matching two 1s, it now attempts a single match and matches 1, with 141 left over. ?!4 checks to make sure 4 is the next character, and what do you know, it's not there. The regex leaves the negative look-ahead since it didn't match, and continues on to the rest of the regular expression. 141 is matched by the final [0-9]+, and thus the entire 1141 string is matched. Remember that look-arounds do not consume characters.
Now let's look at 1151
The same thing happens as last time, 11 is consumed and we have 51 left over. Now we look at the negative look-ahead, and evaluate the rest of the string off that. Obviously, 4 is no where in this string so we can ignore that, so let's look at .*5.
So the look-ahead .*5 tries to match 51. If it does end up matching, just as before the match will fail and the regular expression will step back. Now if you know any regex at all, it is obvious that .*5 will match the beginning of 51 since .* can evaluate to empty.
So we step back, and now we've matched a single 1 instead of both, and we're at the negative look-ahead again.
We have currently consumed 1, still have 151 left to match, and are on the (?!4|.*5) portion of the regex. Here, 4 is obviously non-existant in our string so it is not going to match, so let's look at .*5 again.
.*5 will match a portion of 151 since .* will consume the first 1, and the 5 will finish off by matching 5. This should also be obvious if you know regex.
So we've made a match in a negative look-ahead again, which is bad... so we step back again. We have no more integers to attempt to match with [0-3], and since you can't match 0 integers with a +, the entire string fails to match the regular expression.
1141 matches because the the regular expression engine can backtrack from matching 11 with the [0-3]+ to just matching the first 1, leaving the remaining numbers to be matched by the [0-9]+.
As the next character after the first 1 is 1 and not 4, the negative look-ahead, which only looks at the next character, does not prevent the match.
The 1151 does not match because the negative look-ahead with the added .* prevents it.
With the added .* put before the 5 the look-ahead now means 'don't match if the next character is 4, or after any number of any characters the next character is 5' (ignoring newlines).
So even if the engine backtracks to make [0-3]+ match just the first 1 of 1151, there is still a 5 ahead in the string, so a match is prevented.
Remember that look-aheads and look-behinds are zero-width.
If you want it to match 4 or 5 the best option would be
but without a better explaination of what it's supposed to do it's hard to suggest anything more than that...
What regex flavour is that?
Honestly the only way I would see it match 1141 and not 1151 is if the highlighted part of the regex would be evaluated as NOT 4 or .* followed by 5. If it was that case then the regex engine would fail to find a match for 1141 as it would match the 4 but would miss the 5 to make the inner match complete.
However, usually the alternation would be understood as 4 or .*5 - which is still not equivalent to 4 or 5, because the expression .* can prove quite powerful in case when the engine wants to make a match work.
What are you testing the expression in?