Difference between USB Serial in Windows and Linux - c++

I bought a Variense VMU931 inertial measurement unit (IMU) for a robotics project at school, and I am struggling to get it to reliably communicate with my laptop in Ubuntu. I am using C++ with termios to connect to it using 8n1 no parity blah blah blah. I've tried EVERY permutation of settings I can think of, and I still cannot reliably send commands to the IMU.
I called Variense support and spoke to the engineer that wrote their software, and he said it is a known issue. Evidently it works perfectly in Windows (and the Windows demo software worked fine with my device), but neither of us is aware of a significant difference between the USB Serial emulation in Windows and in Linux.
The constructor at the top of this file shows how I am opening and configuring the port:
Any help would be great. I've been tearing my hair out over this!

Use the cu utility for running tests with different parameters.
To debug the issue: run the USB packet capture with Wireshark on Linux directly and also on a Windows VM running in VirtualBox/VmWare. Compare the traffic.
Check which kernel module is chosen and loaded for that USB device. Use /sys/ filesystem for that: this virtual fs has information from kernel about what's used. Also, the lsmod-kind of commands show the kernel module usage. The driver choice for USB depends on something like <usb-manufacturer-id>:<usb-product-id>.
Put some printfs into the kernel module to see where is fails. Use the DKMS build system for rebuilding the kernel module. There is a config file somewhere in Linux to blacklist/whitelist the kernel modules - useful to make sure that the right one is loaded.
That's what I was doing to fix a driver of an USB-serial device.


Debug remotely on STM32CubeIDE with an STM32 eval board

I want to setup the following environment: I've got a STM32H753I-EVAL2 eval board, connected on a Windows PC. Until now I was developping and debugging locally on this PC with STM32CubeIDE. For several reasons my code source is on a Linux server (Samba mounting) so it takes forever to build a project. Hence I want to develop on the linux server from my Windows machine.
Compiling is working fine (and is way faster) but the issue is about debugging. I know it is possible to debug remotely, the Debug Configuration window from Eclipse (I'm using OpenOcd) allows to connect to a remote GDB server. What I don't know is how to start a GDB server on the Windows machine that will connect to the STM32 board ?
Sorry for the "answer to myself" but I think it might be useful for others (and even to me when I have forgotten in a few weeks ;) ).
Here is how to do.
on host side (on the machine where the eval board is physically plugged in) you have to manually launch the GDB server application that comes with STM32CubeIDE installation. See STMicro application note UM2576 for details. The default command line is:
ST-LINK_gdbserver.exe -d -v -cp "C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.0.0.19w12patch\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.cubeprogrammer.win32_1.0.0.201903011553\tools\bin"
Now you've done the hardest. On server/remote side you have to setup the Debug Configuration to use OpenOcd with option "Connect to remote GDB server" and simply enter IP address and port number (which is not 3333 by default but 61234, but it can be modified).
This setup is working fine, even if I encoutered some instabilities during debugging once in a while.
I see two (maybe three) options
Use an alternate GDB server (see below)
Run the GDB server from STMCubeIDE in isolation (see OP's answer for Windows, this answer for Linux)
GDB Serial (not really an option right now but I'll share my experience so far)
I have used the second option to succesfully debug my target using arbitary GDBs such as gdb-multiarch command line and in the (non STMCube-ified) Eclipse CDT
Alternative GDB Servers
You could try STLink open source. I did. The problem is, your device might not be supported properly. I built 1.6.1 from Github to enable support for STM32G03x device. While moving to this version enabled it to detect the device, and I can use st-flash to program the device, the debugger is unusable (try and alter a register, it alters the wrong one, try and single step a program, it crashes immediately).
Do try it though .. it's easy and quick to install (or build), so it's worth checking if your device will work correctly with it.
Openocd is another option, but seems not to support SWD connection. I tried a build that allegedly had a patch for this but no luck.
If you can get one of these open source alternatives to work, they have another advantage, you may be able run them on something like a Raspberry PI, which means you don't have to get a PC physically close to your target.
Run the GDB server from STMCubeIDE in isolation
For Windows, see the OP's answer. For Linux, I do this alter the pathnames to suit your installation
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/user/apps/st/stm32cubeide_1.5.1/plugins/com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.stlink-gdb-server.linux64_1.5.0.202011040924/tools/bin/native/linux_x64/ /home/user/apps/st/stm32cubeide_1.5.1/plugins/com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.stlink-gdb-server.linux64_1.5.0.202011040924/tools/bin/ST-LINK_gdbserver -p 61234 -l 1 -d -s -cp /home/user/apps/st/stm32cubeide_1.5.1/plugins/com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.cubeprogrammer.linux64_1.5.0.202011040924/tools/bin -m 0 -k
How did I get to this? Firstly launched a debugging session from STMCubeIDE, then ran
ps aux | grep gdbserver
Then we can see how Eclipse (STMCube) is launching the gdbserver and work from there.
If you find it complains about a .so file, locate that file from the STMCube installation and ensure the path to the directory containing it is in LD_LIBRARY_PATH (as per my example)
You can also launch the program with --help to show more options.
If add -e (persistent) you can disconnect and reconnect a GDB client without resetting the target (it will reset on initial invocation of the gdb server though, even without -k).
GDB Serial
This is where the target implements the GDB server end of the protocol. The GDB stub usually runs in an exception handler. This would usually be your breakpoint handler but you can also make it the default handler for unhandled exceptions, or, for example, the ctrl-c interrupt.
I have done a lot of Googling about this recently and basically when people ask about it on forums they usually get responses along the lines of "Here be dragons" or "Why don't you use JTAG?"
So the drivers for this, you might like to know, are in the GDB sources git://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git under gdb/stubs. The documentation is here. There isn't a stub implementation there for arm. Which is sad really, I used to use GDB remote serial regularly where I worked, and some of those targets were indeed ARM. The operating system was ecos.
So could ecos GDB stubs be ported to bare metal? Having giving it a good coat of looking at, I believe yes they could. The stubs are based on the ones from the GDB sources but they are heavily polluted with Ecos and Redboot build macros and copyright (the ogiringals were written by HP and released without copyright). We don't know what bugs the Ecos stubs may contain (I fixed at least one back in the day and I don't recall whether I submitted a patch). We don't know if they really support the latests architectures properly. And, we don't know if, after that, they simply use up too much memory - my STM32 has 8K of SRAM and I already see buffers that have a default size of 2K (not saying that's necessary but you see how work needs to be done here..)
So this third option, I will revisit this one day but for now, for me, it's a nope.

How to read DIO port?

I am working on a project based on qt 4.8.5 and C++, the system is ubuntu 1404 and the motherboard in the pc was a DL631-c226 (information on DFI.COM ).
In the specification there is a DIO digital input output port 8 bits.
I read and I see every where on the web the simplest command is;
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/export
And after that a directory has been created but on my system it is not. Nothing happen even if I send the command using sudo root or root or admin
I get an error message "permission denied".
There is nothing in the BIOS regarding the DIO or GPIO configuration, in the kernel the GPIO is set to YES
I need help to read the value as changed on the pin of the DIO of my motherboard.
The interface to the DIO port is over i2c. Consulting their manual you can see an example of how to talk to it. I suggest you investigate i2c under Linux to understand how to handle it. At the very least you will need to install i2c tools and ensure your kernel has i2c support in it.
Their example: http://www.manualslib.com/manual/725217/Dfi-Dl631-C226.html?page=75#manual

Produce midi sound with rtMidi in Ubuntu

I have a problem playing a midi sound on my linux machine. Using RtMidi and C/C++ I generate three midi messages, and even though I try all the possible ports(I probed for all output ports) I cannot seem get a sound out of it. Should I manually connect one of these timidity ports to the speakers and how?
Thanks beforehand
I am trying to implement the solution by Chris Arndt described
here as:
"Have a look at the RtMidi library. It is cross-platform (Win, OS X, Linux, SGI), written in C++ and easy to compile and include in your project.
Then start Timidity as a server (Ubuntu includes an init script for this), which will create several ALSA sequencer client ports for Timidity. Open one of these ports as an output in RtMidi and start sending midi messages."
The problem derived from the online example of rtMidi, when I used the example from the documentation, it worked fine.

Enable USB host functionality for my linux system

I recently downloaded new linux kernel source code and compiled on ubuntu. After my system is not recognizing any usb devices. Is there any changes required to compiling procedure or make files in order to enable USB host?
Please help me to get out of this problem. Thanks.
It is possible for the USB support to be disabled though incorrect or incomplete configuration.
You didn't mention how you configured the kernel though.
A good point to start is the existing configuration for the default Ubuntu kernel. There should be a config file in boot, like /boot/config-3.1.0-1-amd64.
Copy that file to your kernel directory as .config, then use make oldconfig to update the configuration.
When installing the kernel take care to create the corresponding initrd as well.

PortAudio shows a device count of zero for both Asio and WDM-KS

PortAudio is showing a deviceCount of 0 and a defaultOutputDevice of -1 for both the ASIO and Windows WDM-KS host APIs. I did successfully build PortAudio to include support for both ASIO and Windows WDM-KS and both options do show up when iterating over the available hosts. I have also verified that I do have ASIO4All installed. What am I doing wrong? I am running windows inside a virtual machine (vmware) on a Mac. Is that causing issues?
I found the solution. Luckily, I had a friend who had a project working using ASIO. He let me try running his code on my box and it was able to find the ASIO devices correctly. From there it was a matter of working backwards until I found the thing that was different between the 2 projects.
Both projects used a c# application to host a managed c++ assembly that made the calls into PortAudio. The issue ended up being that my projects static void Main(string[] args) didn't have an [STAThread] attribute. Once I added that, the ASIO devices started showing up. Hope this helps someone.
The first obvious test would be to quickly install a host on the vm that supports ASIO. You can try Reaper http://www.reaper.fm/ as it is free to download and use while evaluating it.
If the 3rd party host software supports the device via asio4all, then you know that you have some error using port audio.
If the 3rd party audio host does not recognise the device either, then look into your asio4all setup.