There are four resourses of the same type, and three processes. Each process needs 2 resourses at most. Is a deadlock possible?.
I have read some similar examples which say that once process will have 2 resourses and can run to completion, and then release those resourses, and so on. So in that way deadlock is impossible.
But my teacher insist that is a deadlock scenario, and i am not convinced with his answer.
what is the true answer?
Someone said that:
Concurrency is like a person juggling with only 1 hand. Regardless of how it seems the person is only holding at most one ball at a time. Parallelism is when the juggler uses both hands.
I understand the main assumptions.
But can someone make references?
I mean:
balls - threads?
hand - process/core?
person - processor/core?
I know this is a strange question but I believe that it could solve a basic view on this subject.
Based on your answers I must say I'm a bit confused.
I thought that the person is a process.
This process may have many threads.
No matter whether a computer is single or multi-cores.
So one hand would be one core.
So balls are threads. And this core can handle only one thread at the time.
If there is a single-core processor and more then one thread, concurrency could be present.
Threads are switched between each other. But only one thread works at a time.
If there are a multi-core processor and many threads, each thread can be done by each core separately exactly at the same time, so parallelism is present.
What do you think?
My understanding is you're asking for technicals.
I found this one to be a good explanation:
What is the difference between concurrent programming and parallel programming?
Here's a visual example. Threads on a non-threaded machine:
-- -- --
/ \
>---- -- -- -- -- ---->>
Threads on a threaded machine:
/ \
If you like gedamial's answer - show him some love!
Concurrency is a design where a program can continue to function without an expectation of an evaluation of a task until a certain later point,
Parallelism is one of the implementations of this design, another common one being context switching,
It's a design consideration where you allow for safe assumption that the result of the task will be non-blocking.
In this metaphor the hand is the thread executing the program, the ball is the task being executed, and the person would be the running process.
The example of a person juggling with one hand is that of context switching, you can change between separate tasks within a process and this will allow him to handle several tasks at the same time, but ultimately he never holds more than one ball at a time
Using a second hand is an implementation where he uses a second thread (hand) to simultaneously handle two tasks.
Here's a pretty straight-forward post explaining this concept
I am using two Boost threads, each of which uses different FFTW plan (example: thread 1 uses 'plan_fft' and thread 2 uses 'plan_ifft'). When I run only one thread (thread 2), it works perfectly, but when I run both threads, then I am getting a segmentation fault. I think it may be because of creation plan is not thread safe. It would be great help for me if someone provides solution to "how to use two different fftw_plans (each in one thread) in two threads in a parallel manner".
I forgot to mention one thing as solutions provided by FFTW multithreading developers:
using semaphore locks
creating all the plans in the one thread
I implemented the 2nd one (i.e created all the plans in main program and then called two threads from the main program). When I do so, there are no errors and segmentation fault, but I am not getting the result.
Please note: these two threads are independent and not sharing any common data, so I think a semaphore lock won't work for my case.
My doubt: can we create (and destroy) plans in the main program and execute these two different plans in two different threads?
The FFTW folks provide a nice summary to the thread safety topic here. Wrapup: nothing is thread safe except for fftw_execute, so you have to take care that e.g. only a single thread creates plans. However, it should be no problem to execute them in parallel.
I have a program with several threads, one thread will change a global when it exits itself and the other thread will repeatedly poll the global. No any protection on the globals.
The program works fine on uni-processor. On dual core machine, it works for a while and then halt either on Sleep(0) or SuspendThread(). Would anyone be able to help me out on this?
The code would be like this:
Thread 1:
do something...
Thread 2
ResumeThread(thread1); some other work here....
while(flag_thread1_running) Sleep(0);
The fact that you don't see any problem on a uniprocessor machine, but see problems on a multiproc machine is an artifact of the relatively large granularity of thread context switching on a uniprocessor machine. A thread will execute for N amount of time (milliseconds, nanoseconds, whatever) before the thread scheduler switches execution to a different thread. A lot of CPU instructions can execute in the typical thread timeslice. You can think of it as having a fairly large chunk of "free play" exclusive processor time during which you probably won't run into resource collisions because nothing else is executing on the processor.
When running on a multiproc machine, though, CPU instructions in two threads execute exactly at the same time. The size of the "free play" chunk of time is near zero.
To reproduce a resource contention issue between two threads, you need to get thread 1 to be accessing the resource and thread 2 to be accessing the resource at the same time, or very nearly the same time.
In the large-granularity thread switching that takes place on a uniprocessor machine, the chances that a thread switch will happen exactly in the right spot are slim, so the program may never exhibit a failure under normal use on a uniproc machine.
In a multiproc machine, the instructions are executing at the same time in the two threads, so the chances of thread 1 and thread 2 accessing the same resource at the same time are much, much greater - thousands of times more likely than the uniprocessor scenario.
I've seen it happen many times: an app that has been running fine for years on uniproc machines suddenly starts failing all over the place when executed on a new multiproc machine. The cause is a latent threading bug in the original code that simply never hit the right coincidence of timeslicing to repro on the uniproc machines.
When working with multithreaded code, it is absolutely imperitive to test the code on multiproc hardware. If you have thread collision issues in your code, they will quickly present themselves on a multiproc machine.
As others have noted, don't use SuspendThread() unless you are a debugger. Use mutexes or other synchronization objects to coordinate between threads.
Try using something more like WaitForSingleObjectEx instead of SuspendThread.
You are hitting a race condition. Thread 2 may execute flag_thread1_running=true;
before thread 1 executes flag_thread1_running=false.
This is not likely to happen on single CPU, because with usual the scheduling quantum 10-20 ms you are not likely to hit the problem. It will happen there as well, but very rarely.
Using proper synchronization primitives is a must here. Instead of bool, use event. Instead of checking the bool in a loop, use WaitForSingleObject (or WaitForMultipleObjects for more elaborate stuff later).
It is possible to perform synchronization between threads using plain variables, but it is rarely a good idea and it is quite hard to do it right - cf. How can I write a lock free structure?. It is definitely not a good idea to perform schedulling using Sleep, Suspend or Resume.
I guess that you already know that polling a global flag is a "Bad Idea™" so I'll skip that little speech. Try adding volatile to the flag declaration. That should force each read of it to read from memory. Without volatile, the implementation could be reading the flag into a register and not fetching it from memory.
When dealing with threads (specifically in C++) using mutex locks and semaphores is there a simple rule of thumb to avoid Dead Locks and have nice clean Synchronization?
A good simple rule of thumb is to always obtain your locks in a consistent predictable order from everywhere in your application. For example, if your resources have names, always lock them in alphabetical order. If they have numeric ids, always lock from lowest to highest. The exact order or criteria is arbitrary. The key is to be consistent. That way you'll never have a deadlock situation. eg.
Thread 1 locks resource A
Thread 2 locks resource B
Thread 1 waits to obtain a lock on B
Thread 2 waits to obtain a lock on A
The above can never happen if you follow the rule of thumb outlined above. For a more detailed discussion, see the Wikipedia entry on the Dining Philosophers problem.
If at all possible, design your code so that you never have to lock more then a single mutex/semaphore at a time.
If that's not possible, make sure to always lock multiple mutex/semaphores in the same order. So if one part of the code locks mutex A and then takes semaphore B, make sure that no other part of the code takes semaphore B and then locks mutex A.
Try to avoid acquiring one lock and trying to acquire another. This can result into circular dependency and cause for deadlock.
If it is un-avoidable then at least the order of acquire locks should be predictable.
Use RAII ( to make sure lock is release properly in case of exception as well)
There is no simple deadlock cure.
Acquire locks in agreed order: If all calls acquire A->B->C then no deadlock can occur. Deadlocks can occur only if the locking order differs between the two threads (one acquires A->B the second B->A).
In practice is hard to choose an order between arbitrary objects in memory. On a simple trivial project is possible, but on large projects with many individual contributors is very hard. A partial solution is to create hierarchies, by ranking the locks. All locks in module A have rank 1, all locks in module B have rank 2. One can acquire a lock of rank 2 when helding locks of rank 1, but not vice-versa. Of course you need a framework around the locking primitives that tracks and validates the ranking.
One way to ensure the ordering that other folks have talked about is to acquire locks in an order defined by their memory address. If at any point, you try to acquire a lock that should have been earlier in the sequence, you release all the locks and start over.
With a little work, it's possible to do this nearly automatically with some wrapper classes around the system primitives.
There's no practical cure. Specifically, there's no way to simply test code for being synchronizationally correct, or to have your programmers obey the rules of the gentleman with the green V.
There's no way to properly test the multithreaded code, because the program logic may depend on timing of locks acquisition, and therefore, be different from execution to execution, somehow invalidating the concept of QA.
I would say
prefer using threads only as a performance optimization for multi-core machines
only optimize performance when you are sure you need this performance
you may use threads to simplify program logic, but only when you are absolutely sure what you are doing. Be extra careful and all locks are confined to a very small piece of code. Do not let any newbies near such code.
never use threads in a mission-critical system, such as flying an aircraft or operating dangerous machinery
in all cases, threads are seldom cost-effective, due to higher debug and QA costs
If you determined to do threads or maintaining existing codebase:
confine all locks to small and simple pieces of code, which operate on primitives
avoid function calls or getting the program flow away to where the fact of being executed under lock is not immediately visible. This function will change by future authors, widening your lock span without your control.
get locks inside objects to reduce locking scope, wrap non-thread-safe 3rd-party objects with your own thread-safe interfaces.
never send synchronous notifications (callbacks) when executing under lock
use only RAII locks, to reduce the cognitive load when thinking "how else can we exit from here", as in exceptions, etc.
A few words on how to avoid multi-threading.
A single-threaded design usually involves some heart-beat function provided by program components, and called in a loop (called heartbeat cycle) which, when called, gives a chance to all components to do the next piece of work and to surrender control back again. What algorithmists like to think of as "loops" inside the components, will turn into state machines, to identify what is the next thing that should be done when called. State is best maintained as member data of respective objects.
There are plenty of simple "deadlock cures". But none that are easy to apply and work universally.
The simplest of all, of course, is "never have more than one thread".
Assuming you have a multithreaded application though, there are still a number of solutions:
You can try to minimize shared state and synchronization. Two threads that just run in parallel and never interact can never deadlock. Deadlocks only occur when multiple threads try to access the same resource. Why do they do that? Can that be avoided? Can the resource be restructured or divided so that for example, one thread can write to it, and other threads are asynchronously passed the data they need?
Perhaps the resource can be copied, giving each thread its own private copy to work with?
And as already mentioned by every other answer, if and when you try to acquire locks, do so in a global consistent order. To simplify this, you should try to ensure that all the locks a thread is going to need are acquired as a single operation. If a thread needs to acquire locks A, B and C, it should not make three lock() calls at different times and from different places. You'll get confused, and you won't be able to keep track of which locks are held by the thread, and which ones it has yet to acquire, and then you'll mess up the order. If you can acquire all the lock you need once, then you can factor it out into a separate function call which acquires N locks, and does so in the correct order to avoid deadlocks.
Then there are the more ambitious approaches: Techniques like CSP make threading extremely simple and easy to prove correct, even with thousands of concurrent threads. But it requires you to structure your program very differently from what you're used to.
Transactional Memory is another promising option, and one that may be easier to integrate into conventional programs. But production-quality implementations are still very rare.
Read Deadlock: the Problem and a Solution.
"The common advice for avoiding deadlock is to always lock the two mutexes in the same order: if you always lock mutex A before mutex B, then you'll never deadlock. Sometimes this is straightforward, as the mutexes are serving different purposes, but other times it is not so simple, such as when the mutexes are each protecting a separate instance of the same class".
If you want to attack the possibility of a deadlock you must attack one of the 4 crucial conditions for the existence of a deadlock.
The 4 conditions for a deadlock are:
1. Mutual Exclusion - only one thread can enter the critical section at a time.
2. Hold and Wait - a thread doesn't release the resources he acquired as long as he didn't finish his job even if other resources are un available.
3. No preemption - A thread doesn't have a priority over other threads.
4. Resource Cycle - There has to be a cycle chain of threads that waits for resources from other threads.
The easiest condition to attack is the resource cycle by making sure that no cycles are possible.
I have a program which:
has a main thread (1) which starts a server thread (2) and another (4).
the server thread (2) does an accept(), then creates a new thread (3) to handle the connection.
At some point, thread (4) does a fork/exec to run another program which should connect to the socket that thread (2) is listening to. Occasionally this fails or takes an unreasonably long time, and it's extremely difficult to diagnose. If I strace the system, it appears that the fork/exec has worked, the accept has happened, the new thread (4) has been created .. but nothing happens in that thread (using strace -ff, the file for the relevant pid is blank).
Any ideas?
I came to the conclusion that it was probably this phenomenon:
as the bug is difficult to trigger on our development systems but is generally reported by users running on large shared machines; also the forked application starts a JVM, which itself allocates a lot of threads. The problem is also associated with the machine being loaded, and extensive memory usage (we have a machine with 128Gb of RAM and processes may be 10-100G in size).
I've been reading the O'Reilly pthreads book, which explains pthread_atfork(), and suggests the use of a "surrogate parent" process forked from the main process at startup from which subprocesses are run. It also suggests the use of a pre-created thread pool. Both of these seem like good ideas, so I'm going to implement at least one of them.
It's look like a deadlock condition. Look for blocking functions, like accept(), the problem should be there.
Decrease the code to the smallest possible size that still has the behavior and post it here. Either you will find the answer or we will be able to track it down.
BTW - it seems that pthread behavior for exec is not well defined and may depend on your OS.
Do you have any code between fork and exec? This may be a problem.
Be very careful with multiple threads and fork. Most of glibc/libstdc++ is thread safe. If a thread, other than the forking thread, is holding a lock when the fork executes the forked process will inherit the mutexes in their current locked state. The new process will never see those mutexes unlocked. For more information see man pthread_atfork.
I've just fallen into same problems, and finally found that fork() duplicates all the threads. Now imagine, what does your program do after a fork() with all the threads running double instance...
The following rules are from "A Mini-guide regarding fork() and Pthreads":
1- You DO NOT WANT to do that.
2- If you needs to fork() then:
whenever possible, fork() all your
childs prior to starting any threads.
Edit: tried, fork() does not duplicate threads.