Auto curly braces in WebStorm, check for modification - webstorm

I am using WebStorm to make React application.
Firstly, when I use JSX tag attribute, it automatically creates curly brace. How can I disable this option?
Secondly, when our source code was modified, many IDE shows us that this file is changed. In VSCode it's done like this:
but WebStorm is not. So I can't know whether this file has changed or not. How can I set this?

Firstly, when I use JSX tag attribute, it automatically creates curly brace. How can I disable this option?
See -- should explain the situation (so I do not repeat the same here)
Secondly, when our source code was modified, many IDE shows us that this file is changed.
Editor | General | Editor Tabs
Enable Mark modified tabs with asterisk option.


Kate Text Editor regexp for CNC code alteration on PC

When using some CAM software, the CNC code is usually generated properly with spaces.
But for example when moved to "Citizen Cincom L20" machine via USB or network and edited there it lose spaces and also lose semicolons while preserving new lines which does work as semicolons anyway.
But since editing of CNC program happens in 3 places: CAM Software(ESPRIT in this case), CNC machine controller and also via text editor on the computer as postprocessor in ESPRIT is garbage.I've come up with this regex
\1 \2
G1 G99 X5.4 Z-.5 F.12
that works in Kate to space everything back again for clearer reviwing of code. The only issue about it is that I need to do that manually for every file and I would like to automate it, preferably via Kate, so it would happen upon opening any ????.PRG plain text files.
But I do not exactly know how such happening should be called is it like macro or what ?
I'm looking for some suggestions to accomplish this. Or maybe some alternative solutions
First, go to View -> Tool Views -> Show Search and Replace. You will see
Make sure you:
Enable {} regex option on the right as you are using a regex
Enable "AB" option on the right that enables case sensitive matching
Select In Folder value from the dropdown on the right
Fill out the regex, replacement, Folder and the Filter fields with the appropriate values
Click Search button.
You will see the results in a separate pane and Replace / Replace Checked buttons will become enabled.
Review the replacements and click Replace Checked:
Then you may check the updated file contents, and if you are satisifed with the results, use Save All, also by pressing CTRL+L.

Can "Remove Unnecessary Usings" in VS2017 be customized?

VS2017 includes a feature to remove all unnecessary using statements from the top of a .cs file. While useful, I'd like to configure it to not remove System.Linq even if it is unused. Otherwise I have to add it back in as soon as I need to use an extension method.
Is there any way to change the default behavior?

How do I turn off the auto message on a new file in Webstorm IDE?

When I create a new file in a webstorm project I get a superfluous message telling the next person 'who made the file and when'. Since the invention of source control I really don't see why jetBrains have decided to make this default anyway how do I turn it off?
This is probably because you have USER and DATE as part of your file template:
Just get rid of the the stuff in the template and you should be good to go. In other words, get rid of 3 and 4, and you will no longer be prompted.
Usually webstorm will not prompt you for this, but for some reason in the installation the username was not added to its list of macros.

How to change indentation mode in Atom?

I haven't been able to figure this out yet. Atom seems to use spaces as the default indentation mode. I prefer to have tabs instead though. Sublime Text has built in functionality for switching and converting indentation.
Anyone found out how to change the indentation mode of Atom?
Some screenshots from Sublime Text:
See Soft Tabs and Tab Length under Settings > Editor Settings.
To toggle indentation modes quickly you can use Ctrl-Shift-P and search for Editor: Toggle Soft Tabs.
Go to File -> Settings
There are 3 different options here.
Soft Tabs
Tab Length
Tab Type
I did some testing and have come to these conclusions about what each one does.
Soft Tabs - Enabling this means it will use spaces by default (i.e. for new files).
Tab Length - How wide the tab character displays, or how many spaces are inserted for a tab if soft tabs is enabled.
Tab Type - This determines the indentation mode to use for existing files. If you set it to auto it will use the existing indentation (tabs or spaces). If you set it to soft or hard, it will force spaces or tabs regardless of the existing indentation. Best to leave this on auto.
Note: Soft = spaces, hard = tab
Add this to your ~/.atom/config.cson
tabLength: 4
Go to Atom -> prefrences or CMD + ,
Scroll down and select "Tab Length" that you prefer.
You could try going to "Atom > Preferences > Editor" and set Tab length to 4.
This is for mac. For windows you will have to find the appropriate menu.
Adding #Manbroski answer here that worked for me:
try Ctrl-Shift-P Editor: Toggle Soft Tabs
Late to the party, but a clean way to do this on a per-project basis, is to add a .editorconfig file to the root of the project. Saves you from having to change Atom's settings when you're working on several projects simultaneously.
This is a sample of a very basic setup I'm currently using. Works for Atom, ST, etc...
# Automatically add new line to end of all files on save.
insert_final_newline = true
# 2 space indentation for SASS/CSS
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
# Set all JS to tab => space*2
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
This is built into core: See Settings ⇒ Tab Type and choose auto:
When set to "auto", the editor auto-detects the tab type based on the contents of the buffer (it uses the first leading whitespace on a non-comment line), or uses the value of the Soft Tabs config setting if auto-detection fails.
You may also want to take a look at the Auto Detect Indentation package. From the docs:
Automatically detect indentation of opened files. It looks at each opened file and sets file specific tab settings (hard/soft tabs, tab length) based on the content of the file instead of always using the editor defaults.
You might have atom configured to use 4 spaces for tabs but open a rails project which defaults to 2 spaces. Without this package, you would have to change your tabstop settings globally or risk having inconsistent lead spacing in your files.
I just had the same problem, and none of the suggestions above worked. Finally I tried unchecking "Atomic soft tabs" in the Editor Settings menu, which worked.
If you are using the version 1.21.1:
Click on Packages / Settings View / Open
Select "Editor" on the left side panel
Scrool down until you see "Tab Length"
Edit the value. I like to set it to 4.
Now, just close the active tab pane and you are done.
Tab Control gives nice control in a similar manner to that described in your question.
Also nice, for JavaScript developers, is ESLint Tab Length for using ESLint config.
Or if you're using an .editorconfig for defining project-specific indentation rules, there is EditorConfig
If you're using Babel you may also want to make sure to update your "Language Babel" package. For me, even though I had the Tab Length set to 2 in my core editor settings, the Same setting in the Language Babel config was overriding it with 4.
Atom -> Preferences -> Packages -> (Search for Babel) -> Grammar -> Tab Length
Make sure the appropriate Grammar, There's "Babel ES6 Javascript Grammar", "language-babel-extension Grammar" as well as "Regular Expression". You probably want to update all of them to be consistent.
If global tab/spaces indentation settings no longer fit your needs (I.E. you find yourself working with legacy codebases with varied indentation formats, and you need to quickly switch between them, and the auto-detect isn't working) you might try the tab-control plugin, which sort of duplicates the functionality of the menu in your screenshot.
When Atom auto-indent-detection got it hopelessly wrong and refused to let me type a literal Tab character, I eventually found the 'Force-Tab' extension - which gave me back control.
I wanted to keep shift-tab for outdenting, so set ctrl-tab to insert a hard tab. In my keymap I added:
'ctrl-tab': 'force-tab:insert-actual-tab'
Changing language-specific configuration
I changed the default tab settings, and it still did not impact when I was editing my files, which were Python files. It also did not change when I modified the "*" setting in ~/.atom/config.cson . I don't have a good explanation for either of those.
However, when I added the following to my config.cson, I was able to change the tab in my Python files to 2 spaces:
tabLength: 2
Thanks to this resource for the solution: Tab key not respecting tab length
All of the most popular answers on here are all great answers and will turn on spaces for tabs, but they are all missing one thing. How to apply the spaces instead of tabs to existing code.
To do this simply select all the code you want to format, then go to Edit->Lines->Auto Indent and it will fix everything selected.
Alternatively, you can just select all the code you want to format, then use Ctrl Shift P and search for Auto Indent. Just click it in the search results and it will fix everything selected.
Yet another answer: If you are using Atom Beautify note that it has its own settings to determine the "Indent Char".

Is it possible to use different tags files for omnicomplete and general tag browsing in Vim?

I've been using ctags in Vim for years, but I've only just discovered omnicomplete. (It seems good.)
However, I have a problem: to get omnicomplete working properly I have to use the --extra=+q option when generating the tags, which is fine, but this then changes the behaviour of general tag browsing in ways that I do not like.
For example, when tab-completing tag names in Vim I don't want to tag "into" the "hierarchies" of classes - that is, when tab completing "Clas" get "ClassA, ClassA::var1, ClassA::var2, ClassB", instead of "ClassA, ClassB" - but that's what happens when using --extra=+q.
So I guess I'm after one of two things. Either:
1. The ability to disable tab-completing into "tag hierarchies" even though those hierarchies do exist in the tags file. Or,
2. The ability to use differently named tags files (ie. generated with different options) for omnicomplete and general tag browsing.
Any ideas would be much appreciated!
OK, I think I've actually come up with an answer to my own question.
Firstly, I generate two tags files: tags_c_vim and tags_c_omni.
In my _vimrc I have:
let tags_vim='tags_c_vim'
let tags_omni='tags_c_omni'
exe "set tags=".tags_vim
to setup some variables pointing to the different tags files, and to set the "vim" tags to be the default tags.
Then I also have this, again in the _vimrc:
imap <F8> <ESC>:exe "set tags=".tags_omni<CR>a<C-X><C-O>
autocmd InsertLeave * if pumvisible() == 0|exe "set tags=".tags_vim|endif
the first line here maps F8 so it changes the tags setting to point to the "omni" tags before then invoking the omnicomplete popup menu, and the second line resets the tags setting to the "vim" tags when insert mode is next left after the popup has closed.
It's going to need some extensive use to make sure it's robust enough, but it does seem to work after some quick testing.
Two improvements I'd still like to make:
Map the setting of the "omni" tags to the omnicomplete C-X,C-O command instead of a new F8 mapping. (I think I need to set the tags and then call omni#cpp#maycomplete#Complete(), but I couldn't work out how to do this)
Hook the resetting of the "vim" tags into either omnicomplete itself finishing or the popup menu closing
Anyway, I just thought I'd share.
You could try the OmniCppComplete plugin.