Spotlight crashes every time when I search anything starting with certain letters like "a", "c" or "e", while works fine for other letters like "b" or "d". I'm using a MacBook Air, this started to happen after I upgrade to High Sierra, but didn't happen when in Sierra.
When I look at logs in console, it says
Oct 16 19:01:58 Jackys-MacBook-Air Spotlight[1131]: objc[1131]: Class SPWebHistoryResult is implemented in both
/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Spotlight.framework/Versions/A/Spotlight (0x7fff9388aeb0)
/System/Library/CoreServices/ (0x1080c0a68).
One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Tried reindexing, reinstall OS X 10.13, nothing helped. It also happens in safe mode too. I'm thinking it might be something wrong with Xcode, but not sure.
Thanks in advance.
For me, the Chinese dictionary (CC-CEDICT) I installed in Dictionary app caused the issue. I removed the dictionary and it works fine for me.
This is how I found the cause.
I tried turning off spotlight search target one by one (System Preference > Spotlight > Search Results tab)
When I turn off the Definition, Spotlight worked fine for me, and I knew Definition uses dictionary app for its source, so I turn off target dictionaries one by one in dictionary preference.
In this way, you should be able to find actual cause of the spotlight problem.
I need help, I have tried to find the solution but until now all I have found is stuff related to regex but I think the problem might be in another place.
I have a project locally (Windows 10 --> Xampp Latest version [Apache & Mysql], I use CodeIgniter as Framework, I developed a function which searches in my database using REGEXP (I use query builder)
It works fine and everything. Here I searched for saltarín <-- Note the accent on the letter i
So now that it works I have decided to update the online website but as soon as I was testing the online project I noticed an error jumps when I search something with accented characters or in this case the letter ñ which also works locally.
I checked my database configurations, in database.php I have dbcollat set to utf8_spanish_ci and my online database and tables are set to utf8_spanish_ci too, I think this must be a server configuration but I don't have an idea of what it really could be
In case you need it this is the piece of code which uses regexp
$this->db->where("lower(secret_colum_name) REGEXP", $this->secret_hehe);
Thanks a lot for your time, I really appreciate your help.
EDIT: I forgot to mention I'm using hostinger to host my website
It's me again. It was just as I suspected it was something about the server, After some hours of research I found out that my server didn't have the same extensions and configurations, you can use php -m command to find out your local extensions so you can then enable them on your remote server which in my case I had to do by c-panel but your case could be different.
I also changed my php version in the remote server and I'm not really sure about the next thing but it might have helped.
I had a setter defined in my model which did the next thing
$this->my_var = strtolower($my_var);
I removed strtolower and after all the steps previously mentioned I reloaded my site and now it works
I am planning to make a console game in C++, kind of like Dwarf Fortress (although I don't know if it was coded in C++), but I have encountered a big problem.
I want to display different things in different colours on the screen at once. I also need to change something that has already been printed (so that I don't have to re-print everything and make the screen flash annoyingly, especially that I will want to make changes every second or so) and I found a way to do that with WriteConsoleOutput() and although I don't know yet exactly how to use it, I'll be reading into it soon.
As for the colours, I found a post here about some ANSI Escape things, but it
a) doesn't work, even when copying the linked code from github
b) I don't know if it'll work with attempts to over-write the console in specific places with WriteConsoleOutput()
So my request is: could someone please ELI5 to me what am I supposed to do and why, as well as present with a viable solution to this combination of two problems so that I can replicate something like this, with the possibilty of changing what the characters show.
Thanks in advance!
I want to use Latex to create greek symbols in plot labels. However any attempt to set e.g.
rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
or any other version of this I could find, results in a screen full of errors even for plots in which labels aren't even used. If I set it back to False everything is fine. I know I should "post my attempt" but I emphasize that every example on this forum and any other webpage I can find that claims to achieve the objective fails.
The final error on the pages of errors is that type1cm.sty is not found. Using tex Live utility I see I have it installed.
Would appreciate help for novices here as I am not exactly computer savvy.
In response to below - I am using a Mac OSX version 10.9.5. The usual program I use for my Tex stuff is TexShop version 3.18.
Since it would appear that the iPython notebook is having problems with finding the type1cm.sty file, I would assume there is some method to tell it how to find it.
I'm using opensuse 13.1, and I need to rename my NIC from 'em1' to 'eth0'. While I've found several other people trying to rename NICs, I haven't found anyone who seems to be doing it in Suse 13.1. One of the frequently mentioned fixes is changing parameters in the
70-persistent-net.rules file, but mine is empty. I also haven't been able to find anything in Yast that has NIC names, but that doesn't mean it isn't there.
If it helps, here's an example of someone doing in Red Hat what I'm trying to do:
The problem here is that the pathways he references don't always match up with mine (for example, I don't have /etc/grub.conf, nor do I know if I have an equivalent and if I do where to find it), so I haven't been able to use this example to get mine working.
Thanks for the assistance!
openSuSE 13.1 uses grub2. You will not have an /etc/grub.conf. The change in network interface names is a result of running systemd/udev >= 197. You are in luck, you can change the device name. Look at the page list below (the folks that brought you systemd/udev)
You basically have four options. The four options are detailed here Predictable Network Interface Names (I don't like this, how do I disable this?) It is toward the bottom of the page.
All of a sudden I'm getting over a hundred warning messages of that sort out of XCode build (that used to build without any warnings), but, curiously, when you look at the connections in Interface Builder there's no problem, buttons that are reported to lack connections work fine, and in every other way the application seems normal.
It's happening with several different view controllers and XIBs, some of which have some some stuff in common, but one which is entirely different from the others, with no includes in common, no common interfaces (other than Apple's), etc.
I tried clean, and I tried deleting the entire build directory, to no avail. Looked for files that may have gotten dragged out of place in the XCode file listing, but nothing obvious.
Any ideas?
Solved: Apparently someone in our group is using a later version of IB and checked in the XIBs. They're semi-incompatible with 3.2 until they're edited once, then the warnings go away.