Getting Juce to Work (Windows) - c++

I downloaded Juce and VisualStudio2017 because through researches it seemed that Juce was a good way to create a GUI app dealing with midi files.
My problem is i can't even get to use the first examples of GUI !
I get this type of error, for multiple different files :
[...]\juce\modules\juce_core\native/juce_BasicNativeHeaders.h(135): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'wininet.h': No such file or directory (compiling source file ....\JuceLibraryCode\include_juce_audio_formats.cpp).
Can anyone help me ?
Looking for this wininet.h file into google doesn't appear to give me any help :/

It seems that Windows 10 SDK JUCE was targeting by default was broken - multiple files, like wininet.h mentioned by you are missing there.
There are a few ways you can fix it:
1) You can get the latest JUCE develop where it is fixed, in particular it was fixed here
2) You can instruct Projucer to use the fixed SDK version by changing Windows Target Platform to 10.0.16299.0 (make sure you have the latest version of Visual Studio 2017 and that you have downloaded the Windows 10 SDK version 10.0.16299.0) as shown...
3) You can wait for the new official JUCE release where the fix will be included (i.e. available on master).
Sorry for late response, usually the quickest way to raise any issues is via visiting


2>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'dxerr.lib'

So, I've been trying to get this small project up and running.
I'm not a C/C++ expert and I think I'm not gonna receive any help with this issue given that the project seems somehow abandoned..
So I'm asking here.
This is what I have done so far:
created a _out directory
cmake'd from there
Then in VS Community Edition 15 2017 I get the following:
2>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'dxerr.lib'
Reading around it seems that this is an outdated library not available anymore since Windows SDK 8+.
In the article they terminate saying:
VS 2015/2017: The VS 2015/2017 C Runtime is not compatible with the DXERR.LIB that ships in the legacy DirectX SDK. You will get link errors trying to use it. You can use this module to replace DXERR LIB but will have to rebuild the code that uses it. You can try linking with legacy_stdio_definitions.lib instead, but ideally you'd remove this dependency on the legacy DirectX SDK.
I have no idea which solution applies best to my case and how I can implement it.
Anyway, another thing I tried was removing from dxerr.lib from Additional Dependencies within the SDL2 project Linker properties, like I read here.
But then I got plenty of other errors
So, I'm at a dead end at the moment.

CUDA opencv building fails - missing file that is actually there

I am trying to do the following: getting to work
CUDA 9.1 with
openCV 3.4.2 and
Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 (v 14.0 Update 3) on
Windows 7 Enterprise x64 SP 1 using
CMake 3.12.0
and also searching for others with the same problem - no success there.
I have worked through this tutorial on getting the software to work together. I do not intend to use Intel MKL and TBB.
I have succeeded in
installing CUDA
generating the Makefiles for openCV with CMake, and having the CUDA libraries included without any mistakes (barring the download of optional stuff, as the PC I am working on is to stay off the internet)
generating the .sln solution file for building openCV in Visual Studio
The problem is in the next step - building openCV. The compiler claims that "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp" cannot be opened by gpu_mat_cu when it tries to build opencv_world. The thing is that the include path works according to Visual Studio - it detects the right file in the The project (opencv_world) has the right directory in its include paths as static path.
I am new to Visual Studio (I worked in Linux with QT, CUDA and openCV before), so I am not too sure I am not missing some kind of settings I should change.
The opencv_world.hpp only consists of #define instructions. I have tried deleting the include of opencv_world.hpp and instead just defining the parameter in itself, but if I do, the next include (that, again, VS finds the path to without problems) is not resolved.
I guess there is something obvious I am missing, but I don't seem to be able to resolve this issue, so thanks in advance for your help.
P.S.: The files CMake wanted to download for openCV and failed at (obviously; no internet connection) are: opencv_ffmpeg.dll, opencv_ffmped64.dll, ffmpeg_version.cmake,, res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000_fp16.caffemodel and opencv_face_detector_uint8.pb
I'd add the CMakeCache.txt file in a spoiler tag, but it has too many characters. If you think it would help, let me know and I'll upload it somewhere.
I got the solution, just in case someone stumbles over the same problem: it's the most simple thing that everybody knows until they don't - my include path contained a white space that apparently somewhere was treated as a String divider for whatever interprets that path.

Problems with OpenCL (opencl.dll, AMD APP SDK, cl.h)

I'm trying to work with OpenCL in Visual Studio and here's what's bothering me:
I have an ATI graphic card and so I downloaded AMD APP SDK, the latest version 3.1, and wanted to start developing on some example but got stuck because there was no "cl.h" nor CL folder for that matter in that SDK. I found that very strange, since in all the examples Ive seen the include was: #include . Then I downloaded an older version, I think its 2.7., and there was CL folder with cl.h file as well. I then also made sure all the library dependencies and include directories are set in the project properties and when i tried to run an existing OpenCL project there were no errors reported. However, when the program started it crashed because it was saying that "OpenCL.dll is missing". I looked in the SDK folder for the file and it wasnt there. I then downloaded opencl.dll from internet and copied it into debug folder and tried to start the program again but it crashed again with a message "Opencl.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error.".
Im really lost here and would appreciate any kind of help!
Ideally you shouldn't download "Opencl.dll" explicitly, it should come as part of your drivers installation. Header files & Lib files can be part of SDK, but run-time files like "Opencl.dll" are not necessarily be part of SDK. Crash can be observed if there is no compatibility between the SDK files (Headers and libraries that you use for your application) and Run-time files (Opencl.dll).
So, make sure to update drivers corresponding to the SDK version that you use.
Also, the opencl.dll generally get placed in "C:\Windows\System32" & "C:\Windows\SysWOW64" when you install the drivers. Generally, this is the one that gets used during run-time

Missing file from MSDN example for GDI printing

I am trying to learn to print using GDI.
I have searched MSDN for resources and found this example.
I like the thought of putting printing in separate thread, and using GDI is easier for me to learn than using XPS API so I have downloaded the example.
After trying to compile it ( I use Visual Studio 2008 ) I get this error:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 't2embapi.h': No such file or directory
According to this, I have found out that I am not the only one facing this problem.
Still, I have tried to Google the above error and found this that indicates me not having the latest SDK.
I have searched in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows and found a folder v6.0A which indicates that I do not have latest SDK installed.
However, here I have found one post where person with the same problem did not solve it by downloading the latest SDK ( although the year that post was made is 2006, still the file was missing then too, and downloading the SDK didn't help-why should anything change now? ).
My question is:
Is there a way to get this file ( if I am wrong about downloading the latest SDK please correct me ) ?
I think that this file has to do something with fonts-is there a way to modify the example so I do not have to use that file?
Thank you for you rime to view this thread and for trying to help.
Best regards.
T2Embapi.h is supplied by the Windows SDK, it contains declarations for the Font Embedding Services Library to handle embedded OpenType fonts. Clearly the SDK version you use is too old to have it. Not exactly sure which version is required, I know that v6.0 doesn't have it but v7.1 does.
There's some sloppiness in the project due to it starting as an XPS sample. T2Embapi isn't actually required to build the GDI sample. You can simply delete the #include from stdafx.h. Also some sloppiness in the Release configuration settings of the project, remove T2embed.lib and XpsPrint.lib from the linker's Additional Dependencies setting.
Your question is:
Is there a way to get this file ( if I am wrong about downloading the latest SDK please correct me ) ?
The latest version of Windows SDK is for Windows 8.1. Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 8.1. However, I think the 't2embapi.h' have already included Windows SDK for Windows 7, because I found the header file in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include'.
I think that this file has to do something with fonts-is there a way to modify the example so I do not have to use that file?
#Hans Passant has already answered about that.

I cannot build and run a simple Qt 5 application,

I downloaded and installed Qt 5 on Windows 7.
I opened QtCreator 2.6.1 and created a new simple GUI application.
When I try to run it, it says:
“C:\Qt\Qt5.0.0\5.0.0\msvc2010\include\QtCore\qglobal.h:46: error:
C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘stddef.h’: No such file or
What is the problem and how do I solve it?
My compiler is: MSVC2010 32 bit
A google search yielded the following:
This thread notes that this error happens when you don't have the Microsoft Platform SDK installed and you are using Visual Studio. That would make sense considering that stddef.h is one of the standard headers (usually its included using <cstddef>, but looking at the source for qtcore/global.h it would seem that it is indeed included as <stddef.h>). So, try installing the platform SDK if it isn't already there.
If you already do have the sdk, perhaps it isn't configured properly. This answer says you need to follow the instructions given by microsoft here to do command line builds properly. I think Qt Creator probably executes the compiler from the command line, so that may help.
If that still doesn't work, try installing the MinGW compiler and using that. I have seen a few references saying that its easier to compile for Qt under windows using MinGW.