Defining apt questions inside the Dockerfile - dockerfile

I am trying to create a Dockerfile to install postfix, but the installation asks this question:
Please select the mail server configuration type that best meets your needs.
No configuration:
Should be chosen to leave the current configuration unchanged.
Internet site:
Mail is sent and received directly using SMTP.
Internet with smarthost:
Mail is received directly using SMTP or by running a utility such
as fetchmail. Outgoing mail is sent using a smarthost.
Satellite system:
All mail is sent to another machine, called a 'smarthost', for delivery.
Local only:
The only delivered mail is the mail for local users. There is no network.
1. No configuration 3. Internet with smarthost 5. Local only
2. Internet Site 4. Satellite system
The Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:xenial
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y postfix postfix-mysql dovecot-core dovecot-imapd dovecot-lmtpd dovecot-mysql mariadb-server\
&& apt-get clean
How can I provide answers to the installation of Postfix non interactively?

Try to change RUN instruction in you Dockerfile:
RUN apt-get update\
&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y postfix postfix-mysql dovecot-core dovecot-imapd dovecot-lmtpd dovecot-mysql mariadb-server\
&& apt-get clean
Or better solution can be:
Add this instruction in you Dockerfile ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
(it is only available during build).


Move Redmine Server whilst keeping external database

I currently have redmine running on an nginx server. The actual MySQL database is on an external server and everything is working fine.
Now I would like to move it to an Apache Server on a different machine, ideally without changing/moving the database.
Is this possible, or do I always need to export/import the database regardless? Happy to stick with the same version of redmine (in my case 4.0.1., Ruby 2.5.1-p57, Rails 5.2.2, no plugins installed). If positive, what are the conditions on Ruby/Rails versions? Do they all have to be exactly what I had on the old one?
Database scheme is not affected by ruby version, only by Redmine's version, because new versions might add or remove stuff in database.
So in your case, copy-pasting your old Redmine to new server should work.
However you must ensure that new Redmine server (probably new IP) has proper privileges to access MySQL database.
And you must follow upgrade tutorial, because your new server needs to pull and install Ruby Gems, clear old cache from tmp folder etc...
Aleksander's answers gave me confidence that it can be done, but I ended up persevering with my initial approach until I got that working rather than changing to his proposals.
I am afraid that I lost track of the sources for various bits, its primarily from the redmine help pages.
My complete solution was
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install build-essential libmysqlclient-dev imagemagick libmagickwand-dev ruby-full
sudo apt install apache2 libapache2-mod-passenger
sudo gem update
sudo gem install bundler
sudo curl -L -o /tmp/redmine.tar.gz
sudo tar zxf /tmp/redmine.tar.gz
sudo mv redmine-4.0.1 /opt/redmine
sudo touch /opt/redmine/Gemfile.lock
sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/redmine/Gemfile.lock
sudo chmod a+w /opt/redmine/Gemfile.lock
sudo cp /opt/redmine/config/database.yml.example /opt/redmine/config/database.yml
sudo ln -s /opt/redmine/public /var/www/html/redmine
cd /opt/redmine
mkdir -p /opt/redmine/app/assets/config && echo '{}' > /opt/redmine/app/assets/config/manifest.js
bundle install
bundle exec rake generate_secret_token
Note the manifest line above only applies to my particular redmine version which was incompatible with later sprockets versions. Also note that changing the permissions a+w is possibly excessive, but I struggled with permissions otherwise.
Then we have to do a few more manual tweaks. Open the file with your text editor:
sudo nano /opt/redmine/config/database.yml
and change production to be the following
adapter: mysql2
database: myredminedatabasename
username: dbusername
password: "dbpassword"
encoding: utf8
Need to add the PassengerDefaultUser line to /etc/apache2/mods-available/passenger.conf (leave the other two lines the same even if slightly different)
<IfModule mod_passenger.c>
PassengerDefaultUser www-data
PassengerRoot /usr
PassengerRuby /usr/bin/ruby
Change /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf to insert the following with the other sections so that apache knows to follow the symlink into Rails. Also note the first line setting DocumentRoot, which was oone of my personal stumbling blocks.
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/redmine
<Directory /var/www/html/redmine>
RailsBaseURI /redmine
PassengerResolveSymlinksInDocumentRoot on
We also need to copy the contents of files folder from /opt/redmine/files on older server to the new server in same location.
Also copy the email settings across in /opt/redmine/config/configuration.yml.
Then restart your server and it should be working.

How do I answer install prompts (other than with "yes") automatically?

I'm trying to build a Docker image, but it fails because one of the packages I'm trying to get with apt install prompts the user during the install process. I would like to reply to this prompt, but I can't figure out how to do it non-interactively.
I'm building a Docker image, and my Dockerfile has the following line:
RUN apt install -y texlive-latex-extra
(This package has some LaTeX libraries that I need.)
During installation, this halts with:
Setting up tzdata (2018d-1) ...
debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
debconf: (TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable.)
debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
Configuring tzdata
Please select the geographic area in which you live. Subsequent configuration
questions will narrow this down by presenting a list of cities, representing
the time zones in which they are located.
1. Africa 6. Asia 11. System V timezones
2. America 7. Atlantic Ocean 12. US
3. Antarctica 8. Europe 13. None of the above
4. Australia 9. Indian Ocean
5. Arctic Ocean 10. Pacific Ocean
Geographic area:
At this point, it is waiting for some input. (There's another prompt after this for selecting timezone—I assume this is important to know for the \today directive in LaTeX files. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
How can I answer this non-interactively?
What I've tried so far
I've tried doing this:
apt install -y texlive-latex-extra <(echo 12 && echo 2)
and this:
echo 12 && echo 2 | apt install -y texlive-latex-extra
The first one died with this error:
apt install -y texlive-latex-extra <(echo 12 && echo 9)
and the second one seemed to have no effect.
For reference, here is my Dockerfile up until this point:
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install -y curl bzip2 tar make gcc wget gnupg unzip
RUN apt install -y texlive
RUN apt install -y nodejs npm git
RUN npm install -g bower
RUN apt install -y texlive-latex-extra
I found something close here which suggested running apt install with DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive. This solved my problem sufficiently. :) However, I still would like to know how to respond to prompts, as the solution offered there only offered how to suppress them.
If you want to script a terminal interaction, you could use expect on Linux (that might not be very easy; you need to predict the interactions).
Remember that terminal emulators are complex and arcane things (because terminals like VT100 have been complex). See termios(3), pty(7) and read The Tty demystified.
The specific install prompt mentioned in the question is caused by the package tzdata. I managed to get it configured non-interactively in my docker build by setting these environment variables:
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive TZ=Etc/UTC apt-get install -y texlive-luatex texlive-latex-extra texlive-font
I found this solution over here:

How about manage system dependencies when using azk?

I'm using azk and my system depends on extra packages. I'd be able to install them using (since I'm using an Ubuntu-based image):
apt-get -yq update && apt-get install -y libqtwebkit-dev qt4-qmake
Can I add this steps to provision? In the Azkfile.js, it would look like:
// ...
provision: [
"apt-get -yq update",
"apt-get install -y libqtwebkit-dev qt4-qmake",
"bundle install --path /azk/bundler",
"bundle exec rake db:create",
"bundle exec rake db:migrate",
Or it's better to create a new Docker image?
Provision steps are run in a separated container, so all the data generated inside of it is lost after the provision step, unless you persist them. That's why you probably have bundle folders as persistent folders.
Since that, you should use a Dockerfile in this case. It'll look like this:
FROM azukiapp/ruby:2.2.2 # or the image you were using previously
RUN apt-get -yq update && \
apt-get install -y libqtwebkit-dev qt4-qmake && \
apt-get clean -qq && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* # Keeping the image as small as possible
After that, you should edit your Azkfile.js and replace the image property of your main system to use the created Dockerfile (you can check azk docs here):
image: { dockerfile: './PATH_TO_DOCKERFILE' },
Finally, when you run azk start, azk will build this Dockerfile and use it with all your dependencies installed.
Tip: If you want to force azk to rebuild your Dockerfile, just pass -B flag to azk start.
As it looks like you're using a Debian-based Linux distribution, you could create ( your own Debian virtual package ( that lists all the packages it depends on. If you just do that one thing, you can dpkg -i (or apt-get install if you host a custom debian repository yourself) your custom package and it will install all the dependencies you need via apt.
You can then move on to learning about postinst and prerm scripts in Debian packages ( This will allow you to run commands like bundle and gem as the last step of the package installation and the first step of package removal.
There are a few advantages to doing it this way:
1. If you host a package repository somewhere you can use a pull method of dependency installation in a dynamic scaling environment by simply having the host apt-get update && apt-get install custom-dependencies-diego
2. Versioning your dependency list - Using dpkg -l you can tell what version everything is on a given host, including the version of your dependency virtual package.
3. With prerm scripts, you can ensure that removing your virtual package will also have the effect of removing the changes your installation scripts made so you can get a host back to a "clean" state".
The disadvantage of doing it this way is that it's debian/apt specific. If you wanted to deploy to Slack or RHEL you'd have to change things a bit. Changing to a new distro wouldn't be particularly hard, but it's definitely not as portable as using Bash, for example.

Docker build has no network, but docker run has

If I want to build my Dockerfile, it can't connect to the network or at least DNS:
Sending build context to Docker daemon 15.95 MB
Sending build context to Docker daemon
Step 0 : FROM ruby
---> eeb85dfaa855
Step 1 : RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y build-essential libpq-dev
---> Running in ec8cbd41bcff
W: Failed to fetch
W: Failed to fetch
W: Failed to fetch
W: Failed to fetch Could not resolve ''
W: Failed to fetch Could not resolve ''
W: Failed to fetch Could not resolve ''
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package build-essential
INFO[0001] The command "/bin/sh -c apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y build-essential libpq-dev" returned a non-zero code: 100
But if I run exactly the same command via docker run it works:
docker run --name="test" ruby /bin/sh -c 'apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y build-essential libpq-dev'
Does anybody have an idea, why docker build does not work? I have tried all DNS related tipps on StackOverflow, like starting docker with --dns etc.
Thanks in advance
Check what networks are available on your host with the below command:
docker network ls
then pick one that you know is working, the host one could be a good candidate.
Now assuming you are in the directory where it is available your Dokerfile, build your image appending the flag --networks and change the <image-name> with yours:
docker build . -t <image-name> --no-cache --network=host
Docker definitely seems to have some network issues. I managed to fix this problem with
systemctl restart docker
... which is basically just the unix-level 'restart-the-daemon' command in Debian 8.
I had similar problem. But as I was running AWS linux i had no systemctl. I solved using:
sudo service docker restart
My docker build also failed while trying to run apt-get upgrade with the exact same errors. I was using docker-machine on Mac OSX and a simple docker-machine restart default solved this issue. No idea what initially caused this, though.
Another case of the above reported behaviour - this time building a docker image from Jenkins:
Step 3 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl libapache2-mod-proxy-html
---> Running in ea7aca5dea9b
Err jessie/updates InRelease
Err jessie/updates Release.gpg
Could not resolve ''
Err jessie InRelease
In my case it turned out that the DNS wasn't reachable from within the container - but still from the docker host !? (The containers resolver configuration was okay(!))
After restarting the docker machine (a complete reboot - a 'docker.service restart' didn't do the trick) it's been working again.
So one of my activities (or of a colleague of mine) must have broken the docker networking then !?? Maybe some firewalld modification activity ???
I'm still investigating as I'm not sure which activity may have corrupted the docker networking then ...
I have the exact same issue with a Raspberry.
Start/stopping the service did not help, but re-installing the package (dpkg -i docker-hypriot_1.10.3-1_armhf.deb && service docker start in my case) immediately solved the situation : apt-get update manages to resolve and reach the servers.
There must be some one-shot actions in the installation process...
Also faced the same issue today. My workaround was to restart your docker-machine. In my case, it's on VirtualBox.
Once you power off it and then restart the machine, seemed resolved.
Hope this helps.
A couple of suggestions, not sure if they will work or not. Can you change the ...apt-get install -y... to ...apt-get install -yqq...
Also, has that image changed that you're trying to build from?

How to create stun turn server instance using AWS EC2

Actually i wants to use my own stun/Turn server instance and i want to use Amazon EC2 .If anybody has any idea regarding this please share with me the steps to create or any reference link to follow.
do an ssh login to your ec2 instance, then run the below commands for installing and starting the turn server.
simple way:
sudo apt-get install coturn
If you say no, I want the latest cutting edge, you can download source code from their downloads page in install it yourself, example:
sudo -i # ignore if you already in admin mode
apt-get update && apt-get install libssl-dev libevent-dev libhiredis-dev make -y # install the dependencies
wget -O turn.tar.gz # Download the source tar
tar -zxvf turn.tar.gz # unzip
cd turnserver-*
make && make install
sample command for running TURN server:
turnserver -a -o -v -n -u user:root -p 3478 -L INT_IP -r someRealm -X EXT_IP/INT_IP --no-dtls --no-tls
command description:
-X - your amazon instance's external IP, internal IP: EXT_IP/INT_IP
-p - port to be used, default 3478
-a - Use long-term credentials mechanism
-o - Run server process as daemon
-v - 'Moderate' verbose mode.
-n - no configuration file
--no-dtls - Do not start DTLS listeners
--no-tls - Do not start TLS listeners
-u - user credentials to be used
-r - default realm to be used, need for TURN REST API
in your WebRTC app, you can use trun server like:
url: 'turn:user#EXT_IP:3478',
credential: 'root'
One method to install a turnserver on Amazon EC2 would be to choose Debian and to install the coturn package, which is the successor of the RFC5766-server.
The configuration file at /etc/turnserver.conf includes EC2 specific instructions. The information provided within this file is very exhaustive in general and should answer the majority of configuration questions.
Once configured, the coturn server can be stopped an started however you would any other service.