How to print out specific lines of user input to console (C++) - c++

I am using c++ and the terminal. So my program takes in user input using read(STD_FILENO,buf,BUFFER and I am trying to write back only specific lines.
So for example, if the user entered in a total of 10 lines, how would I print out lines 3 through 7 or 6 through 10?
I am trying to use the write() function (write(STD_FILENO,buf,BUFFER)) but it's not printing what I want it to.
I have tried messing around with the BUFFER and tried to make it smaller than the total amount of characters that the user has input, but it is still not working.
My understanding is that whatever I say the BUFFER is to be, it will write UP TO that BUFFER value, so it will start from 0 to BUFFER. But if I wanted to start from line 6, that may start on character #15 and not 0...does this make sense?
please note: I need to use read() and write()
Thank You!

If you are required to only use read(2) and write(2), then you'll also need open(2), close(2), lseek(2) and you need to design and code your own buffered IO library above it. Read carefully the documentation of every system call mentioned here. Use the result of each of them. Handle error cases in your code. See errno(3) & perror(3).
So keep a buffer (or more than one) and several pointers (or offsets) into it (probably at least the currently consumed position, and the last read position, etc).
Perhaps you'll want to use some container. You might start implementing your own equivalent of fgetc on your buffered IO class, and build above that.
Lines do not really exist at the system call level. You need to take care of \n in your code.
BTW you could study, for inspiration, the source code of several free software C libraries implementing <stdio.h>, such as musl-libc
Of course you should compile with all warnings and debug info ( g++ -Wall -Wextra -g with GCC) and you'll need to use the debugger gdb to understand the behavior of your program and find your bugs. Don't be shy in drawing on some board what happens in your virtual address space (with pointers represented by arrows).
NB: SO is not a do-my-homework service.


Why think in terms of buffers and not lines? And can fgets() read multiple lines at one time?

Recently I have been reading Unix Network Programming Vol.1. In section 3.9, the last two paragraphs above Figure 3.18 said, here I quote:
...But our advice is to think in terms of butters and not lines, Write your code to read butters of data, and if a line is expected, check the buffer to see if it contains that line.
And in the next paragraph, the authors gave a more specific example, here I quote: we'll see in Section 6.3. System functions like select still won't know about readline's internal buffer, so a carelessly written program could easily find itself waiting in select for data already received and stored in readline's butters.
In section 6.5, the actual problem is "mixing of stdio and select()", which would make the program, here I quote the book, "error-prone". But how?
I know that the authors gave the answer later in the same section and according to my understanding to the book, it is because of the data being hidden from select() and thus select() could not know that the data that has been read is consumed or not.
The answer is literally there, but the first problem here is that I really have a hard time getting it, I cannot imagine what damage would it make to the program, maybe I need a demo program that suffers from the problem to help me understand it.
Still in section 6.5, the authors tried to explain the problem further by giving, here I quote:
... Consider the case when several lines of input are available from the standard input.
select will cause the code at line 20 to read the input using fgets and that, in turn, will read the available lines into a buffer used by stdio. But, fgets only returns a single line and leaves any remaining data sitting in the stdio buffer ...
The "line 20" mentioned above is:
if (Fgets(sendline, MAXLINE, fp) == NULL)
where sendline is an array of char and fp is a pointer to FILE. I looked up into the detailed implementation of Fgets, and it just wrapped fgets() up with some extra error-dealing logic and nothing more.
And here comes my second question, how does fgets manage to, here I quote again, read the available lines? I mean, I looked up the man-page of fgets, it says fgets normally stops on the first newline character. Doesn't this mean that only one line would be read by fgets? More specifically, if I type one line in the terminal and press the enter key, then fgets reads this exact line. I do this again, then the next new line is read by fgets, and the point is one line at a time.
Thanks for your patience in reading all the descriptions, and looking forward to your answers.
One of the main reasons to think about buffers rather than lines (when it comes to network programming) is because TCP is a streaming protocol, where data is just a stream of bytes beginning with a connection and ending with a disconnection.
There are no message boundaries, and there are no "lines", except what the application-level protocol on top of TCP have decided.
That makes it impossible to read a "line" from a TCP connection, there are no such primitive functions for it. You must read using buffers. And because of the streaming and the lack of any kind of boundaries, a single call to receive data may give your application less than you ask for, and it may be a partial application-level message. Or you might get more than a single message, including a partial message at the end.
Another note of importance is that sockets by default are blocking, so a socket that don't have any data ready to be received will cause any read call to block, and wait until there are data. The select call only tells if the read call won't block right now. If you do the read call multiple times in a loop it can (and ultimately will) block when the data to receive is exhausted.
All this makes it really hard to use high-level functions like fgets (after a fdopen call of course) to read data from TCP sockets, as it can block at any time if you use blocking socket. Or it can return with a failure if you use non-blocking sockets and the read call returns with the failure that it would block (yes that is returned as an error).
If you use your own buffering, you can use select in the same loop as read or recv, to make sure that the call won't block. Or of you use non-blocking sockets you can gather data (and append to your buffer) with single read calls, and add detection when you have a full message (either by knowing its length or by detecting the message terminator or separator, like a newline).
As for fgets reading "multiple lines", it can cause the underlying reads to fill the buffers with multiple lines, but the fgets function itself will only fill your supplied buffer with a single line.
fgets will never give you multiple lines.
select is a Linux kernel call. It will tell you if the Linux kernel has data that your process hasn't received yet.
fgets is a C library call. To reduce the number of Linux kernel calls (which are typically slower) the C library uses buffering. It will try to read a big chunk of data from the Linux kernel (typically something like 4096 bytes) and then return just the part you asked for. Next time you call it, it will see if it already read the part you asked for, and then it won't need to read it from the kernel. For example, if it's able to read 5 lines at once from the kernel, it will return the first line, and the other 4 will be stored in the C library and returned in the next 4 calls.
When fgets reads 5 lines, returns 1, and stores 4, the Linux kernel will see that all the data has been read. It doesn't know your program is using the C library to read the data. Therefore, select will say there is no data to read, and your program will get stuck waiting for the next line, even though there already is one.
So how do you resolve this? You basically have two options: don't do buffering at all, or do your own buffering so you get to control how it works.
Option 1 means you read 1 byte at a time until you get a \n and then you stop reading. The kernel knows exactly how much data you have read, and it will be able to accurately tell you whether there's more data. However, making a kernel call for every single byte is relatively slow (measure it) and also, the computer on the other end of the connection could cause your program to freeze simply by not sending a \n at all.
I want to point out that option 1 is completely viable if you are just making a prototype. It does work, it's just not very good. If you try to fix the problems with option 1, you will find the only way to fix them is to do option 2.
Option 2 means doing your own buffering. You keep an array of say 4096 bytes per connection. Whenever select says there is data, you try to fill up the array as much as possible, and you check whether there is a \n in the array. If so, you process that line, remove the line from the array*, and repeat. This means you minimize kernel calls, and you also won't freeze if the other computer doesn't send a \n since the unfinished line will just stay in the array. If all 4096 bytes are used, and there is still no \n, you can either choose to process it as a big line (if this makes sense, e.g. in a chat program) or you can disconnect the connection, since the other computer is breaking the rules. Of course you can choose to use a bigger number than 4096.
* Extra for experts: "removing the line from the array" can be fast if you implement a "circular buffer" data structure.

GDB backtrace with long function names

I am doing some debugging of an application that uses boost::spirit. This means that backtraces are very deep and that many of the intermediate layers have function names that take several pages to print. The length of the function names makes examining the backtrace difficult. How can I have gdb limit the length of a function name to 1 or 2 lines? I'd still like the see the full path to the file and line number, but I don't need four pages of template parameters!
I don't think it can be done directly right now. I think it would be a reasonable feature.
However, you can write your own implementation of "bt" in Python and then apply whatever transforms you like. This isn't actually very hard.

PGI Fortran integer format

I have an input text file that contains an integer record like:
which is read in Fortran code as:
read(iunit,'(i4)') int_var
which works fine with Gfortran, but the same code compiled with PGI Fortran Compiler expects a field 4 characters wide (the actual record is just 1 character) and throws an error. Now I know that the format specifies the width and this may or may not be correct behavior according to the Fortran standard, but my question is - is there a compiler option for PGI that would make it behave like Gfortran in this respect?
This 3rd party code I'm using has a lot (hundreds or thousands) of read statements like this and input data has a lot of records with "wrong" width so both modifying the code or the input data would require significant effort.
I don't think this is connected to blank. This read should not cause an error, unless you opened the file iunit with pad="no". Default is allways pad="yes", which causes the input record to be padded with blanks, if it is too short.
Are you sure, that you use correct input files, with correct line ends? There could be problems with text file that originate in Windows and in Unix the CR could be read in the input record. In this case using the unix2dos utility might help. You may try to read a character(4) string using the a4 edit descriptor to test for this.
Does PGI Fortran support the open keyword blank="null"? I think that this will change the read to the behavior that you want and minimize the modifications to the code. blank="null" versus blank="zero" doesn't seem to make a difference in gfortran 4.7.

Test environment for an Online Judge

I am planning to build an Online Judge on the lines of CodeChef, TechGig, etc. Initially, I will be accepting solutions only in C/C++.
Have thought through a security model for the same, but my concern as of now is how to model the execution and testing part.
Method 1
The method that seems to be more popular is to redirect standard input to the executable and redirect standard output to a file, for example:
./submission.exe < input.txt > output.txt
Then compare the output.txt file with some solution.txt file character by character and report the results.
Method 2
A second approach that I have seen is not to allow the users to write main(). Instead, write a function that accepts some arguments in the form of strings and set a global variable as the output. For example:
//This variable should be set before returning from submissionAlgorithm()
char * output;
void submissionAlgorithm(char * input1, char * input2)
//Write your code here.
At each step, and for a test case to be executed, the function submissionAlgorithm() is repeatedly called and the output variable is checked for results.
Form an initial analysis I found that Method 2 would not only be secure (I would prevent all read and write access to the filesystem from the submitted code), but also make the execution of test cases faster (maybe?) since the computations of test results would occur in memory.
I would like to know if there is any reason as to why Method 1 would be preferred over Method 2.
P.S: Of course, I would be hosting the online judge engine on a Linux Server.
Don't take this wrong, but you will need to look at security from a much higher perspective. The problem will not be the input and output being written to a file, and that should not affect performance too much either. But you will need to manage submisions that can actually take down your process (in the second case) or the whole system (with calls to the OS to write to disk, acquire too much memory....)
Disclaimer I am by no means a security expert.

Including huge string in our c++ programs?

I am trying to include huge string in my c++ programs, Its size is 20598617 characters , I am using #define to achieve it. I have a header file which contains this statement
#define "<huge string containing 20598617 characterd>"
When I try to compile the program I get error as fatal error C1060: compiler is out of heap space
I tried following command line options with no success
How can I make successful compilation of this program?
Platform: Windows 7
You can't, not reliably. Even if it will compile, it's liable to break the runtime library, or the OS assumptions, and so forth.
If you tell us why you're trying to do it, we can offer lots of alternatives. Deciding how to handle arbitrarily large data is a major part of programming.
Edited to add:
Rather than guess, I looked into MSDN:
Prior to adjacent strings being
concatenated, a string cannot be
longer than 16380 single-byte
A Unicode string of about one half
this length would also generate this
The page concludes:
You may want to store exceptionally
large string literals (32K or more) in
a custom resource or an external file.
What do other compilers say?
Further edited to add:
I created a file like this:
char s[] = {'x','x','x','x'};
I kept doubling the occurrences of 'x', testing each one as an #include file.
An 8388608 byte string succeeded; 16777216 bytes failed, with the "out of heap space" error.
I suspect you are running into a design limit on the size of a character string.
Most people really think that a million characters is long enough :-}
To avoid such design limits, I'd try not to put the whole thing into a single literal string. On the suspicion that #define macro bodies likewise have similar limits, I't try not to put the entire thing in a single #define, either.
Most C compilers will accept pretty big lists of individual characters as initializers. If you write
char c[]={ c1, c2, ... c20598617 };
with the c_i being your individual characters, you may succeed. I've seen GCC2 applications where there were 2 million elements like this (apparantly they were loading some type of ROM image). You might even be able to group the c_i into blocks of K characters for K=100, 1000, 10000 as suits your tastes, and that might actually help the compiler.
You might also consider running your string through a compression algorithm,
putting the compressed result into your C++ file by any of the above methods,
and decompressing after the program was loaded.
I suspect you can get a decompression algorithm into a few thousand bytes.
Store the string to a file and just open and read it...
Its much cleaner/organized that way [i'm assuming that right now you have a file named blargh.h which contains that one #Define...]
Um, store the string in a separate resource of some sort and load it in? Seriously, in embedded land, you would have this as a separate resource and not hold it in RAM. On windows, I believe you can use .dlls or other external resources to handle this for you. Compilers aren't designed to hold this size of resources for you and they will fail.
Increase the compiler heap space.
If your string comes from a large text or binary file, you may have luck with either the xxd -i command (to get everything in an array, per Ira Baxter's answer) or a variant of the bin2obj command (to get everything into a .o file you can link into the program).
Note that the string may not be null terminated in this case.
See answers to the earlier question, "How can I get the contents of a file at build time into my C++ string?"
(Also, as an aside: note the existence of the .xbm format.)
This is a very old question, but since there's no definitive answer yet: C++11's raw string literals seem to do the job.
This compiles nicely on GCC 4.8:
#include <string>
std::string data = R"(
... <1.4 MB of base85-encoded string> ...
As said in other posts in this thread, this is definitely not the preferred way of handling large amounts of data.