AWS OpsWorks vs CloudFormation - amazon-web-services

I want to understand the exact limitations of OpsWorks- things that we simply may not be able to do or not optimally. That would require to go to the next level - CloudFormation. Of course we can use OpsWorks + CloudFormation - get best of both worlds - a best practice.
Some limitations of OpsWorks that I am aware of are - it cant provision everything - like EMR, S3 etc - but have never found on exhaustive list. Also OpsWorks the AutoScaling configuration has limitations. And CloudFormation lets us version control the environment unlike OpsWorks. Do understand that there is good amount of overlap and CloudFormation does add to complexity.
There was a previous discussion but the demarcations were not made clear.

OpsWorks is a totally different service from CloudFormation.
OpsWorks is focused at managing applications layered as stacks, and taking advantadge of chef recipes for setting up and deploying applications.
CloudFormation is a descriptive language to create sets of AWS infrastructure.
It may look obvious, but the thing is that whenever you prefer to manage an application and its deployment cycle, the OpsWorks service is better suited. You can of course use cloud formation to define entire applications and layers in OpsWorks and that will allow you to replicate entire applications layer sets (for test environments and so)
The only good way to learn the boundaries of every service is using them for your needs, then you will find where Opsworks is strong and where Cloudformation complements or allows you to automate your Opsworks setups.
About versioning, CF lets you version the infrastructure stack, which may have nothing to do with the version of code that you are managing through opsworks.

In many cases CloudFormation is used with OpsWorks; where CloudFormation is used to provision the infrastructure and OpsWorks to configure the resources created. OpsWorks (via Chef or Puppet) provides a richer set of abilities when it comes to configuring the application stack then the simple shell scripting offered by CloudFormation. So, generally CloudFormation is used to deploy AWS resources, and OpsWorks is used to do the detailed configuration of the application(s)/operating system(s).
In some ways one can say that CloudFormation is focused more with a collection of AWS infrastructure resources rather than the application itself; but as you have alluded to some things can be done by both services interchangeably.
This AWS link may help where it states:
“Compared to AWS CloudFormation, AWS OpsWorks Stacks supports a narrower range of application-oriented AWS resource types including Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon EBS volumes, Elastic IPs, and Amazon CloudWatch metrics.”
and this is certainly not a limitation for CloudFormation.


Automated creation of a new environment in AWS

I could not find a definite 'yes' or 'no' anywhere, so I thought maybe I ask here. Is it possible to run a custom script which would automatically create a new environment on AWS with all the settings like (Network, Capacity, Security etc.)? I need to create a lot of new environments as I am switching from individual load balancers to shared ones, and all the settings are the same (apart from the environment and application name), so it involves a lot of manual work.
From What is AWS CloudFormation? - AWS CloudFormation:
AWS CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and set up your AWS resources so that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications that run in AWS. You create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want (like Amazon EC2 instances or Amazon RDS DB instances), and CloudFormation takes care of provisioning and configuring those resources for you. You don't need to individually create and configure AWS resources and figure out what's dependent on what; CloudFormation handles that.
If you want to create the CloudFormation template programmatically, you can use AWS CDK - AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK):
The AWS CDK lets you build reliable, scalable, cost-effective applications in the cloud with the considerable expressive power of a programming language.
The AWS CDK supports TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Java, C#/.Net, and Go. Developers can use one of these supported programming languages to define reusable cloud components known as Constructs. You compose these together into Stacks and Apps.
Or, you can simply write your own script in a programming language that calls an AWS SDK to individually create resources in AWS. Everything in AWS can be done via API calls.

How to deploy Infrastructure as Code on AWS

Had a question regarding infrastructure as code on AWS.
Wondering how to do this (the process of deploying) and also why is this an efficient method for architecture? Also, are there other methods that should be looked at over this?
I am looking to deploy this for a startup I am working for and need assistance in getting this going. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
From What is AWS CloudFormation?:
AWS CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and set up your Amazon Web Services resources so that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications that run in AWS. You create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want (like Amazon EC2 instances or Amazon RDS DB instances), and AWS CloudFormation takes care of provisioning and configuring those resources for you. You don't need to individually create and configure AWS resources and figure out what's dependent on what; AWS CloudFormation handles all of that.
So, instead of manually creating each bit of architecture (network, instances, queues, storage, etc), you can define them in a template and CloudFormation will deploy them. It is smart enough to mostly know the correct order of creation (eg creating the network before creating an Amazon EC2 instance within the network) and it can also remove resources when the 'stack' is no longer required.
Other benefits:
The template effectively documents the infrastructure
Infrastructure can be checked into a source code repository, and versioned
Infrastructure can be repeatedly and consistently deployed (eg Test environment matches Production environment)
Changes can be made to the template and CloudFormation can update the 'stack' by just deploying the changes
There are tools (eg that can generate the template from existing infrastructure, or just create it from code snippets taken from the documentation.
Here's an overview: Simplify Your Infrastructure Management Using AWS CloudFormation - YouTube
There are also tools like Terraform that can deploy across multiple cloud services.

Cloudformation/Serverless vs Terraform in AWS

I would like to understand the need of tools like Terraform. When we do have Cloudformation template available and one can create/update all AWS services with that , What is the point in using a service like Terraform.
Please Suggest.
CloudFormation (CFN) and Terraform (CF) are both Infrastructure as Code (IaC) development tools.
However, CFN is only for AWS. You can't use it with Azure, GCP or anything else outside of AWS ecosystem. In contrast, TF is cloud agnostic. You can use it across not only multiple cloud providers, but also to work with non-cloud products, such as docker, various databases and even domino pizza if you want.
So the main advantage of TF is that once you learn it only once, you can apply it to a number of cloud providers. CFN is only useful in AWS, and once you stop using CFN, you have to learn something new to work with other cloud.
There are also difference in how TF and CFN work. Both have their strengths and weekends. For example:
when you deploy using CFN all resources are available to view in one central location in AWS along with template's source code. Whereas with TF there is no such place. If you login to the AWS console, you have no idea what was created by TF, what was the source code used, etc.
TF has loops and complex data structures and condtions, while CFN does not.
CFN has creation policies and update policies, TF has not.
You can control access to CFN using CFN policies and IAM policies. You can't do same with TF as it "lives" outside of AWS.
There are a couple of reasons why you might choose Terraform over CloudFormation:
Vendor Agnostic: There might be a point in the future where you need to migrate your cloud infrastructure. This could be due to several reasons (e.g. costs, regulatory compliance, etc.). With Terraform you are still able to use the same tool to deploy the new infrastructure. With smart use of Terraform modules you can even leave large parts of your infrastucture as code repository in tact.
Support for other tools: This also builds a bit on the previous point, but Terraform can deploy a lot more then just AWS resources. For example, you can use Terraform to orchestrate the deployment of an EC2 machine that is then configured with Ansible. Or you could use Terraform to deploy applications on top of your Kubernetes cluster. While CloudFormation supports custom resources via the creation of custom Lambdas, it is quite a lot of work to maintain.
Wider ecosystem: Due to the Open Source nature of Terraform, there is a huge ecosystem of tools that help you solve all kinds of issues, such as testing the infrastructure as code or building in compliance in a continuous fashion.
Arguably a better language: Personally I think Terraform is a way more suited for Infrastructure as Code then CloudFormation. Terraform has a lot more flexibility build in to the language (HCL) and their module system allows for a lot more composability then what can be achieved in CloudFormation.

Use cases for AWS SDK for EC2, EMR, Redshift, RDS

I am familiar with AWS SDKs (Python/Java) and the need for the same for a lot of services like S3, DDB, KMS etc.
Are there any valid use cases for using the AWS Java SDK e.g. to programmatically spin off an EC2 instance or an EMR cluster or Redshift cluster or RDS instance or for that matter any resource that requires setting up of an infrastructure/cluster?
If AWS console is not an option, and programmatic access is all we have then, don't we always end up using AWS CLI for corresponding services or CloudFormation or Terraform for that matter?
Generally its best practice to manage any infrastructure/service deployments by using an infrastructure as code solutions such as CloudFormation, CDK (which generates CloudFormation stacks under the hood) or Terraform.
Whilst you could use the SDK to create this services (and create a solution that is similar to the solutions above) you will be building a lot of functionality that other services have already created which would put more ownership on you to fix it if you want to support another service etc.
The SDKs simply provide every AWS API interaction in a programmatic way, even under the hood CloudFormation and Terraform will likely be using the SDKs to programmatically create the resources (although I am speculating) but would then add additional functionality such as state management and drift detection on top of this.
I only have seen services being created via the SDKs when that service is not available in the selected tool, and even then it would generally be wrapped within that tool (such as custom resources for CloudFormation).
In summary, yes you could use the SDK to generate these but unless there is a specific usecase to use the SDK I would advise using a tool that already manages this so you can focus more on your infrastructure/applications.
The AWS CLI is built using the AWS SDK for Python. Terraform is built using the AWS SDK for GoLang. You may want to stick with higher level infrastructure-as-code tools, but those tools wouldn't exist without the SDKs, and if you wanted to build a tool like that you would most likely build it on top of one of the SDKs.
There are also quite a few use-cases I've seen discussed here on StackOverflow for performing infrastructure automation through AWS Lambda, for example periodically stopping and starting RDS instances, where using one of the AWS SDKs in the Lambda code would likely be much easier than trying to get Terraform to run inside a Lambda function.

AWS CLI vs Console and CloudFormation stacks

Is there any known downside to creating resources on aws through the CLI? Is it more reliable/easier/error prone/largely accepted/recommended to use one method over the other? While setting up recurring scripts, is there a reason why i would want to use CloudFormation or the AWS Console over the AWS CLI to run commands directly?
For example, if I were to create an ECS Fargate Task Definition, is there any reason why I might want to use AWS CloudFormation or the Console over AWS CLI? Cli syntax is straightforward and easy to use, and there are a few things (like setting up event rules/targets for a fargate task specifically) that are not supported via cloudformation yet.
The AWS CLI and AWS CloudFormation are two different tools that can be used to create infrastructure on AWS. The CLI is more powerful and has finer grained control than CloudFormation. CloudFormation makes it very easy to use yaml or json text files that can describe an entire enterprise in the cloud.
One of the strong benefits of CloudFormation is the automatic support for rolling back changes if anything fails while deploying a stack. The CLI in comparison would require you to figure out the details of what went wrong and how to get back to where your state was. Updating infrastructure using CloudFormation is another benefit. Make the change in the template and update the stack.
For small setups, using the CLI is fine. However, once you get past launching an EC2 instance and start building VPCs, Instances, KeyPairs, Security Groups, RDS, etc. etc. you will find that the CLI has some real limitations: mostly being too manual of a process, not easily repeatable, difficult to put the process into version control, ....
If you are constantly building, testing and deleting complex setups, CloudFormation is absolutely one of the best tools from AWS. Note that there are a number of third party solutions that have a huge number of followers such as Bamboo, Octopus, Jenkins, Chef, etc.
If your job is SysOps or DevOps then you absolutely want to master the CLI and CloudFormation. These are amazing tools for working with AWS. Also master Beanstalk, maybe OpsWorks and one of the third party tools like Jenkins.