I have a variable called DOJ( Date of Joining) and whose value is 10JAN12:00:00:00
I want to keep only date (i.e 10JAN12) How do I do that?
Note: DOJ is DATETIME18. in nature.
Thanks in Advance.
All dates are stored as numbers internally by SAS. A datetime is in seconds and a date is in days. You need to convert to days using the datepart() function.
DOJ = datepart(DOJ);
Then change the format so that it is displayed as a date:
format DOJ date9.;
datepart() function will do the job
how can I convert a date (character) variable = 22249 (=30NOV2020) into 30NOV2020 (numeric)?
I tried many ways like input(), put() and so on but without success. Also setting date9., SAS output is: ERROR the format $date9 was not found or could not be loaded.
Many thanks in advance
To convert a string like '22249' into a number like the date '30NOV2020'd just use the normal numeric informat. Once you have numeric variable with the value 22,249 you can attach any date type format to it to have it be displayed in a way that humans would recognize as a date.
data test;
date = input(string,32.);
format date date9.;
Obs string date
1 22249 30NOV2020
I have a question. I have a field in my SAS dataset that has a mixture of datetime and date variables.
The field is PST_DT and is Type: Numeric. Group: Date. Format: Date9. Length: 8.
Some values look like this:
8/22/2018 11:59:59 PM
How can I turn just the datetime values in date format? I want all the values to be in date format.
The question does not make much sense as a date variable (number of days since 1960) cannot have a time component at all, much less have it selectively.
If you have a DATETIME value (number of seconds since 1960) and want to convert it to a date value use the datepart() function. And attach a date format so that the value displays in a human friendly way.
pst_date = datepart(pst_dt);
format pst_date yymmdd10. ;
If you have instead a character string then use the ANYDTDTE. informat to convert it to a date value.
pst_date = input(pst_dt,anydtdte40.);
format pst_date yymmdd10. ;
I want to convert date type 12/09/1991 to 12sep1991 00:00:00 in sas.tried using multiple formats but it is not working.
I have also checked with converting to numeric format.
Any help is appreciated
Dates are stored as the number of days since 1960. Datetime is stored as the number of seconds. There is not a format that can be used to display a date value as if it was a datetime value. You will need to convert the value instead.
You can use the dhms() function. Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds.
So if your current variable is named date you can make a new variable named datetime.
format datetime datetime20. ;
You could assign the value back to the original variable because both date and datetime values are stored as numbers.
select to_char(cast(sysdate as timestamp),'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') from dual
Of course in the above the FF would also always be 000000
But if you have a timestamp variable you would not cast
select to_char(systimestamp,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') from dual
I have a column that contains date values. So when imported as numeric, it shows 20668, 20669...etc. if I format it as yymmddn8, it shows 20160802 etc. However, what I really want is a numeric variable that shows 20160802. I have tried to create other to get day, month, year and then concatenate them. Unfortunately, the issue is if month and day is 1 digit, it would only show 201682. what would be the quickest way to achieve my goal. I guess a can turn the day and month variable to text and add 0 if day or month is less than 10. But this is not elegant and efficient. Please help.
You can just wrap an input around that format:
data test;
date = 20668;
full_date = input(put(date,yymmddn8.),best12.);
The put is converting the date to character in the format as you want it to appear, and the input with the best12. format is converting it back to numeric in that format.
It sounds like you just need to attach a format to your variable.
format date yymmddn8. ;
Try running this program to see a few of the different formats that are available for displaying dates.
data _null_;
do date = 20668, 20669 ;
put (6*date) (=10. =date9. =yymmddn8. =mmddyy10. =ddmmyy10. =yymmdd10.) ;
I am trying to convert a numeric date into date-time format. I am first subtracting a few days from the date I have.
$let from_date = "21JUL2016:00:00:00"dt;
data _null_;
datediff = intnx('dtday',&from_dt,-180);
call symput("cutoff_dt",datediff);
After this I get numeric date like 17633333 which is fine because I am using this numeric date in pass through queries. But I also need to convert this date into datetime format like "21Dec2015:00:00:00"dt so that I can use this date in proc sql as well. So far after searching through sas documents and blogs I have been unable to do this. Help please.
You can use PUT to apply the format, but if you need quotes and the dt then that's a different story. If you do need them, I think that the current macro variable would work as well. Otherwise you have some other issue going on. There is no requirement for SQL to require the formatted value, unless you need a character or you're passing it through to a DB. In those cases the dt won't be required either.
%let from_date = "21JUL2016:00:00:00"dt;
data _null_;
datediff = intnx('dtday',&from_dt,-180);
call symput("cutoff_dt", put(datediff, datetime21.));
SAS stores dates times and datetime values as numbers. Just like in a datastep
where you can write "where x='19feb2016'd" or "where x=20503" which is the number that SAS stores for the date=19feb2016, you can do the same in proc sql.
You only need to write the date value out as a character value if the variable you are comparing to contains the date as a character string. that is y has the value "19feb2016" and x has the value 20503, the test if y=x will not achieve what you want. That is when you have to write if y=put(x,date9.);