Zurb Foundation Docs and Demo site - Create local copy? - zurb-foundation

Zurb broke their documentation site for V4.3.2 of Foundation. Unfortunately, I have a site using that version that can't be upgraded. I need ongoing, reliable access to see the docs and examples/demos for that version. Is there a way to install those on my own system, like Telerik allows you to do that with their controls?
That way I wouldn't have to depend on Zurb keeping the docs working for old versions of Foundation.

For a short term fix I used the web archive:
to access the site.
Once Zurb gets their site back up, I'll update this answer if I figure out how to duplicate their doc site locally.


Where can I find Sitecore 9 demo website?

I’d like to find easy to setup Sitecore 9 demo website. Imagine this procedure:
Install Sitecore through Azure marketplace (or jsut have any default Sitecore deployment)
Install one Sitecore installation package on Content Management instance and publish
Have a fully functional demo website
Very similar to http://launchsitecore.net/ but for Sitecore 9+.
I do not want to:
Setup local development environment
Install any other tools and software
Rebuild solution, run gulp etc.
I know about Habitat, but it is not very trivial to setup.
Do you know if such one package install demo website exist?
I realize you mentioned you already know about Habitat, but for others who come looking for an answer to this I'll drop the link to the Habitat Home repositories:
These allow you to tell a full end-to-end Commerce and Content experience with everything ready for you.
Habitat Home Demo websites
The front-end of the Experience Platform demo can be viewed here: https://experienceplatform.habitathomedemo.com/
The front-end of the Experience Commerce demo can be viewed here:
App Source
There is also a 'no installation required' demo available from App Source, but this is currently running on version 8.2 (it will be updated to 9.x in the future):

JavaScript Routing in Zurb Foundation

I'm getting into Zurb's Foundation for a client, and I'm wondering if it has any concept of routing JavaScript to specific pages. I've semi- built my own framework that routes JavaScript for specific pages, only loading what's needed for the current page.
I'm seeing Angular mentioned often; would this be addressed by that? Any help is appreciated! Feel free to tell me if this needs more clarification; again I'm just getting into Foundation, and can't seem to find if this is addressed or not.
Zurb Foundation is a responsive front-end framework. You load what is needed depending on your plugins or not usage.
If you have developed your own system of including js' that you need based on the page you could certainly use it with foundation.
Your second question could be answered by visiting the angularjs.org site and reading about the framework. It is more of a MVC emulation system to support a dynamic html approach.

Forum module for Sitecore 7.*

I'm building a website which requires forum integration to a Sitecore build - I've checked on the Sitecore website and they suggest YetAnotherForum and Telligent Community Integration Module. Both of these modules tho only support up till 6.4.1 and 6.4 respectively - I'm using Sitecore 7.0.
Logged a ticket with Sitecore and they came back with the following:
We have no information about Forum modules that are compatible with Sitecore 7.1. I would recommend you to contact your regional office and check whether they could advise you something.
Any suggestions?
First of all Telligent supports Sitecore 7.
Reference link
I have been working with Sitecore and Telligent Community integration from quite time and from my experience i have this opinion.
For deep integration it is quite a lot of work and requires much knowledge of both the product and costs will be high for licensing & deployment. But i can assure you that Telligent will work in Sitecore newer version also. However with higher costs you will get more rich functionality, Facebook like Activity Stream, and Apart from Forums it also has Blogs, Wikis, Media Gallery.
Telligent supports two kind of integrations:
1. Side by Side Integration - In this Sitecore and Telligent both will be user facing.
2. Integration mode - In this user will be mostly in Sitecore.
Reference link
If you are Sitecore Partner you will get trial license of Telligent. For details check 'Social Starter Kit' on Sitecore SDN site. Also there is video on YouTube regarding Sitecore & Telligent Integration in Sitecore Virtual User Group community.
I have no experience on YAF module so can't suggest on that.
Did you try to install YAF integration module, https://marketplace.sitecore.net/en/Modules/YAF_integration.aspx, i think it would run on Sitecore 7, since this module mainly integrate YAF with Sitecore security, i don't see why it should not run on Sitecore 7.
The Telligent product was renamed, I suggest you take a look at http://www.zimbra.com/products/zimbra-community/sitecore-starter.html and contact them. I'm unaware of what version they're targeted at right now.

Intranet opensource in Django?

I'm looking for some open source, free to change and use Intranet written on Python+Django.
Just want to find some foundation to build site on top of it.
If you're looking for a prebuilt site, have a look at Django-CMS, a Content Management System. If what you need is very simple, and you have a large amount of trust in your Users, you can probably get away using the admin contrib package that comes with Django.
For deployment, you're looking at setting up an Apache web server on an internal server somewhere, installing mod_wsgi, and deploying that way. There are many tutorials on how to do this.
Can you please what are features that are needed on your intranet. As Josh suggested, the Django-CMS will do good in most of the cases.

HTML5 Offline storage web framework

I am looking for a web app framework which can automatically generate an HTML5 offline storage based app, so while the users become disconnected they still can view the data which normally is stored on a server
Also currently I am using Django and it would be great if there was a framework which could pull data from Django and present that as an offline app.
From the related questions suggested by stackoverflow, while writing this question, I found one interesting link mentioning that GWT has such functionality, I would like to know more about that if possible and if it can generate an HTML5 offline app
Thanks in Advance
Rather than server-side frameworks, you should be taking a look at JavaScript frameworks.
Dojo Storage will transparently select between providers such as Google Gears, Adobe AIR or plain old HTML 5 local storage. Dojo 1.5 - dojox.storage: http://dojotoolkit.org/api/1.5/dojox/storage
There's also jQuery local storage: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/saveit
... or jStorage, which can act as a storage plugin for jQuery, Prototype or MooTools: http://www.jstorage.info/
With any of these, you should be able to use a quick little AJAX call to pull (JSON perhaps) data from your server and use one of these tools to help minimise your storage code.
You're talking about a standalone app, not a django app.
This can be done with javascript (jQuery, Sproutcore, JavascriptMVC, Pyjamas ...) or Adobe AIR, or...
Pulling data from Django is just a matter of setting up a syncing method, most probably using JSON, to fill up the browser local storage. So this is not django-specific at all.
If you want a standalone django app, this can be done if you bundle in a python desktop app django with a built-in server, that's another question
You could suggest the users to create web apps or use google gears instead... I don't know if this will fill the question, but, i'm in the same way. However, I'm developing an governamental solution who will run only for some kind of people, so, I can have a few control about the user's environment... All you need to do is to use jquery to detect if user has a live connection, or offer to the users a 'preferences' page where you define the behavior of the page itself...
Some info about offline cache: http://diveintohtml5.ep.io/offline.html
PS.: In another post in stackoverflow, I 've found another question: html5 offline caching with php driven sites... The last Post said:
HTML5 offline caching does not work to make your pages interact; it works only to make a
particular page available offline. Basically, it works on a URL-by-URL basis. If you
absolutely need offline functionality, you will be forced to make it work in JS.
Also, make sure your manifest includes all resources used by all pages.
Hope this helps!
Hope it helps!!