SAS: Getting variable name of last non-zero observation - sas

I'm trying to figure this out. I have a table as follows and I'm trying to populate the final column with the variable name of the last non-zero value (as shown in final column):
1 10 0 10 20 10 MTH_5
2 5 10 15 5 0 MTH_4
3 5 10 5 0 0 MTH_3
4 1 2 3 1 0 MTH_4
5 1 0 0 0 0 MTH_1
I'm guessing I need to use some sort of array to make this work but I don't know. As per row 1, I need the last non-zero value only, not the left-most one that some other code seems to retrieve.
Any help would be much appreicated.

data want ;
set have ;
/* Load MTH_1 to MTH_5 into array */
array m{*} MTH_1-MTH_5 ;
/* Iterate over array */
do i = 1 to dim(m) ;
/* Use vname function to get variable name from array element */
if m{i} > 0 then MONTH_LAST_BALANCE = vname(m{i}) ;
end ;
run ;


How to count the length of a nonzero sequence in SAS

I'd like to count the length of the non zero sequence in a data as below:
ID Value
1 0
1 0
1 2.5
1 3
1 0
1 4
1 2
1 5
1 0
So here the length of the first non zero sequence is 2 and the length of the second non zero sequence is 3. The new data will look like this:
ID Value Length
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 2.5 2
1 3 2
1 0 0
1 4 3
1 2 3
1 5 3
1 0 0
How can I write SAS code to accomplish this task with a large data like this. Thanks!
Here is one possible solution. It assumes there are no missing values in the Value variable and that your ID variable does not have any significance for this problem.
*creates new length variable that starts at 1 and increments by 1 from start to end of every non-zero sequence;
data step_one (drop=prev_val);
set orig_data;
retain prev_val length 0;
indx = _n_;
if value ne 0 and prev_val ne 0 then length = length + 1;
else if value ne 0 then length = 1;
else if value = 0 then length = 0;
prev_val = value;
*sorts dataset in reverse order;
proc sort data=step_one;
by descending indx;
*creates modified length variable that carries maximum length value for each sequence down to all observations included in that sequence;
data step_two (drop=length prev_length rename=(length_new=length));
set step_one;
retain length_new prev_length 0;
if length = 0 then length_new = 0;
else if length ne 0 and prev_length = 0 then
length_new = length;
prev_length = length;
*re-sorts dataset back to its original order and outputs final dataset with just the needed variables;
proc sort data=step_two out=final_result (keep=ID value length);
by indx;

Counting certain values in rows in SAS table

I'm trying to count certain values in rows and require little help!
I have table that looks like this:
data test;
input a b c d;
1 0 9 1
1 1 0 0
0 9 1 1
0 0 9 1
1 0 9 9
0 1 1 0
1 9 9 1
1 9 0 0
0 0 9 1
9 1 0 0;
Variables a,b,c and d can have values 1, 0 or 9. Now I need to to make a new variable that has value of 1 when there is two or more values of 9 in a row. How do I do this?
Your question needs clarifying... do mean two 9's anywhere in a single row, or two 9's in a row (i.e. consecutively)?
A simple way is to concatenate (using cats()) all the values into a string, and use the index() function to check for the '99', or count() to count the 9's...
data want ;
set have ;
array all{*} a b c d ;
vallist = cats(of all{*}) ;
has99 = (index(vallist,'99') > 0) ; /* flag any two consecutive 9's */
two9s = (count(vallist,'9') >= 2) ; /* two or more 9's */
drop vallist ;
run ;
Here's one way you could do it. Sum your rows and store it in a new variable, e, then if that sum is 18 or larger then you know there has to be at least 2 9's.
data test;
set test;
e = a+b+c+d;
IF e >= 18 THEN f = 1;
ELSE f = 0;
Try this:
data want;
set test;
flag=sum(of _all_)>=18;

replace missing value with non-zero values by column

2 3 4 . .
2 3 0 0 .
0 3 4 1 1
0 . 4 0 1
2 0 0 0 1
Ideal output:
2 3 4 1 1
2 3 0 0 1
0 3 4 1 1
0 3 4 0 1
2 0 0 0 1
For each column, there are only 3 possible values: an arbitrary integer, zero, and missing value.
I want to replace the missing values with the non-zero value in the corresponding column.
If the arbitrary integer is zero, then missing value should be replaced by zero.
For actual problem, the number of row and number of columns are not small.
Make two arrays--one with your column names and another with variables to hold the arbitrary integers. Loop through the data set once to get the integers (looping over the columns in the array), then again to output the values, replacing where necessary (again, looping through the columns in the array).
data want(drop=i int1-int5);
do until (eof);
set have end=eof;
array _col a--e;
array _int int1-int5;
do i = 1 to dim(_col);
if _col(i) not in (.,0) then _int(i)=_col(i);
do until (_eof);
set have end=_eof;
do i = 1 to dim(_col);
if missing(_col(i)) then _col(i)=_int(i);

Setting cutoff period SAS

I am having a problem with a dataset that looks like the one below. It is an inventory count of different location/weeks:
data have;
input itm location $ week inv;
3 x 1 30
3 x 2 20
3 x 3 0
3 x 4 5
3 y 1 100
3 y 2 90
3 y 3 0
3 y 4 6
4 x 1 30
4 x 2 0
4 x 3 40
4 x 4 10
Here is the issue...once the inventory hits 0 for a specific location/item combination, I want all remaining weeks for that combination to be imputed with 0. My desired output looks like this:
data want;
input itm location $ week inv;
3 x 1 30
3 x 2 20
3 x 3 0
3 x 4 0
3 y 1 100
3 y 2 90
3 y 3 0
3 y 4 0
4 x 1 30
4 x 2 0
4 x 3 0
4 x 4 0
I'm fairly new to SAS and don't know how to do this. Help?!
Thank you!
You can do that in the following steps:
by statement to indicate the order (the input dataset must be sorted accordingly)
retain statement to pass the value of a control variable (reset) to the following rows
deactivate the imputation (reset=0) for every first location/item combination
activate the imputation (reset=1) for zero values of inv
set to 0 if the imputation is active
data want (drop=reset);
set have;
by itm location week;
retain reset;
if first.location then reset=0;
if (inv = 0) then reset=1;
else if (reset = 1) then inv=0;
The value of reset remains constant from row to row until explicitly modified.
The presence of the variable week in the by statement is only to check that the input data is chronologically sorted.
The following will use proc sql to give the wanted result. I have commented inline why I do different steps.
proc sql;
/* First of all fetch all observations where the inventory is depleated.*/
create table work.zero_inv as
select *, min(week) as min_zero_inv_week
from work.have where inv = 0
/* If your example data set had included several zero inventory weeks, without the follwing "commented" code you would got duplicates. I'll leave the excercise to explain this to you. Just alter your have data set and see the difference.*/
/*group by itm, location
having (calculated min_zero_inv_week) = week*/;
create table work.want_calculated as
/* Since we have fetched all weeks with zero inventories, we can use a left join and only update weeks that follows those with zeros and leave the inventory untouched for the rest.*/
select t1.itm, t1.location, t1.week,
/* Since we use a left join, we can check if the second data sets includes any rows at all for the specific item at the given location. */
case when t2.itm is missing or t1.week <= t2.week then t1.inv else t2.inv end as inv
from work.have as t1
left join work.zero_inv as t2
on t1.itm = t2.itm and t1.location = t2.location
/* proc sql does not promise to keep the order in your dataset, therefore it is good to sort it.*/
order by t1.itm, t1.location, t1.week;
proc compare base=work.want compare=work.want_calculated;
title 'Hopefully no differences';
Remember that stackoverflow isn't a "give me the code" forum, it is customary to try some solutions by yourself first. I'll cut you some slack since this is your first question; Welcome to SO :D.

Changing values in previous and post records when a numerical condition is met using SAS

data have;
input patient level timepoint;
1 0 1
1 0 2
1 0 3
1 3 4
1 0 5
1 0 6
2 0 1
2 4 2
2 0 3
2 3 4
2 0 5
2 0 6
2 0 7
2 2 8
2 0 9
2 0 10
3 3 1
3 0 2
3 0 3
4 0 1
4 0 2
4 0 3
4 0 4
4 1 5
4 0 6
4 0 7
4 0 8
4 0 9
4 0 10
proc print; run;
Condition 1: If there is one non-zero numeric value, in level, sorted by timepoint for a patient, set level to 2.5 for the record that is immediately prior to this time point; and set level = 1.5 for the next prior time point; set level to 2.5 for the record that is immediate post this time point; and set level to 1.5 for the next post record. The levels by timepoint should look like, ... 1.5, 2.5, non-zero numeric value, 2.5, 1.5 ... (Note: ... are kept as 0s).
Condition 2: If there are two or more non-zero numeric values, in level, sorted by timepoint for a patient, find the FIRST non-zero numeric value, and set level to 2.5 for the record that is immediate prior this time point; and set level to 1.5 for the next prior time point; then find the LAST non-zero numeric value record, set level to 2.5 for the record that is immediate post this last non-zero numeric value, and set level to 1.5 for the next post record; Set all zero values (i.e. level=0) to level = 2.5 for records between the first and last non-zero numeric values; The levels by timepoint should look like: ... 1.5, 2.5, FIRST Non-zero Numeric value, 2.5, Non-zero Numeric value, 2.5, LAST Non-zero Numeric value, 2.5, 1.5 ....
I've tried data steps using N-1, N-2, N+1, N+2, arrays/do loops (my first thought was to use multiple arrays for this so that I could use the i=index to go to previous i-1/i+1 or i-2/1+2 records, but it was hard to grasp the concept of how to even code it.). All of this has to be done BY Patient, so there may be instances where there is only one record before the first non-zero and not two. The same could be true for post record as well. I searched all different types of examples and help, but none that could help with my needs. Thanks in advance for any help.
This is how I want the data to look like:
data want;
input patient level timepoint;
1 0 1
1 1.5 2
1 2.5 3
1 3 4
1 2.5 5
1 1.5 6
2 2.5 1
2 4 2
2 2.5 3
2 3 4
2 2.5 5
2 2.5 6
2 2.5 7
2 2 8
2 2.5 9
2 1.5 10
3 3 1
3 2.5 2
3 1.5 3
4 0 1
4 0 2
4 1.5 3
4 2.5 4
4 1 5
4 2.5 6
4 1.5 7
4 0 8
4 0 9
4 0 10
proc print; run;
I approached this by first finding the timepoints of the first and last non-zero levels. Then I merged those into the original set, and changed levels based on the rules you mentioned.
proc sort data = have;
by patient timepoint;
data have2;
retain first 0 last 0;
set have;
by patient timepoint;
if level ne 0 and first = 0 then first = timepoint;
if level ne 0 then last = timepoint;
if last.patient then do;
first = 0;
last = 0;
keep patient first last;
proc sort data=have2;
by patient;
data merged;
merge have have2;
by patient;
if level = 0 then do;
if first-timepoint = 1 then level = 2.5;
if first-timepoint = 2 then level = 1.5;
if last-timepoint = -1 then level = 2.5;
if last-timepoint = -2 then level = 1.5;
if first < timepoint < last then level = 2.5;
drop first last;