Quantlib : forecastingFixing() vs pastFixing() - quantlib

Quantlib has 2 methods as below:
virtual Rate forecastFixing(const Date& fixingDate) const = 0;
Rate pastFixing(const Date& fixingDate) const;
Am I right in saying :
forecastingFixing() method rely on yield curve constructed to get the
rate? and
pastFixing() simply reads rate without help of any yield curve?

That's correct. pastFixing relies on stored fixings, that you can save through the addFixing or addFixings method of the corresponding index; for instance,
Euribor6M index;
index.addFixing(Date(20,October,2010), 0.02);
will store a 2% fixing for the 6-months Euribor that will be accessible from all instances of the class. As you say, forecastFixing will forecast the rate on a given curve instead.
Usually, though, you won't be calling either of those directly. You can call the fixing method; it will detect whether or not the date you requested is in the past and it will dispatch to the correct method.


calculating distance between vehicles and setting speed so the distances remain the same e.g 5 meters

I am using veins 5.0 and i am trying to calculate the distance between the vehicles and setting their speed. I want to calculate it every second and i want to do it by sending wsm messages.My goal is to have for example 5 vehicles, each vehicle will communicate with the front vehicle and get its position with the intention of calculating their distance and keep it static. I am new to this and i don't know how to approach it.
I tried to do something like this on handlePositionUpdate
void TraCIDemo11p::handlePositionUpdate(cObject* obj)
// stopped for for at least 10s?
if (x<simTime()){
TraCIDemo11pMessage* wsm1 = new TraCIDemo11pMessage();
if (dataOnSch) {
startService(Channel::sch2, 42, "Traffic Information Service");
message to self to send later
scheduleAt(computeAsynchronousSendingTime(1,ChannelType::service), wsm1);
else {
You are describing what is, effectively, a platooning application. You might want to base your source code on Plexe, the platooning extension to Veins. It already comes with state-of-the-art distance controllers like PATH or Ploeg. More information can be found on http://plexe.car2x.org/

MATLAB : tracking state change in imufilter object

I am creating a function in MATLAB that I want to export as a c++ library. The function takes in accelerometer and gyroscope data, and calculates orientation via imufilter. Here is how it works:
% when 10 samples come in, call below function
function [orientation] = runtime_get_orientation(accelerometer, gyro)
FUSE = imufilter('SampleRate', 50, 'AccelerometerNoise', 0.002, ...
'LinearAccelerationNoise', 0.003, ...
'GyroscopeNoise', 0.444, 'GyroscopeDriftNoise', 0.445);
[orientation,~] = FUSE(accelerometer, gyro);
Note: I am creating a realtime system which will call this function over time. Ex: 10 samples come in, and then I call this function. 10 more come in, and I call it again.
The problem I see is that the FUSE object state is re-set every time I make a call to the function. Meaning, the matrix that retain the error state over time and adjust to it, are wiped. If I pass the FUSE object to the function, as demonstrated below, the state is kept and I can view orientation that makes sense.
% define FUSE object outside of the function
FUSE = imufilter('SampleRate', 50, 'AccelerometerNoise', 0.002, ...
'LinearAccelerationNoise', 0.003, ...
'GyroscopeNoise', 0.444, 'GyroscopeDriftNoise', 0.445);
% when 10 samples come in, call below function
function [orientation] = runtime_get_orientation(accelerometer, gyro, FUSE)
[orientation,~] = FUSE(accelerometer, gyro);
I'd like to return the object state of the FUSE object back to the calling function, so that I can pass it as an argument back in. I expect that this is some sort of a matrix object. I want to do that because I will eventually want to export it as a c++ function, and exporting a FUSE object might not be possible from what I can tell.
What can I do to keep the state of the FUSE object, in a way that is codegen / c++ friendly?
One simple solution is to make the data a static variable in the function. That way, you can create the filter only the first time the function is called, and you don’t need to know about it outside of the function.
To declare a static variable in MATLAB, use the persistent keyword.

SCIP: How to resolve LP after catching a 'node infeasibility' event,

I have a working column generation algorithm in SCIP. Due to specific constraints that I include while generating columns, it might happen that the last pricing round determines that the root node is infeasible (by the Farkas pricer of course).
In case that happens, I would like to 1) relax those specific constraints, 2) resolve the LP, and 3) start pricing columns again.
So, I have created my own EventHandler class, catching the node infeasibility event:
return SCIP_OKAY;
And, corresponding, the scip_exec virtual method:
double cur_rhs = SCIPgetRhsLinear(scip_, *d_varConsInfo).c_primal_obj_cut);
SCIPchgRhsLinear (scip_, (*d_varConsInfo).c_primal_obj_cut, cur_rhs + DELTA);
return SCIP_OKAY;
Where (*d_varConsInfo).c_primal_obj_cut is the specific constraint to be changed, DELTA is a global parameter, and cur_rhs is the current right hand side of the specific constraint. This function is neately called after the node infeasibility proof, however, I do not know how to 'tell' scip that the LP should be resolved and possible new columns should be included. Can somebody help me out with this?
When the event handler catches the NODEINFEASIBLE event, it is already too late to change something about the infeasibility of the problem, the node processing is already finished. Additionally, you are not allowed to change the rhs of a constraint during the solving process (because this means that reductions done before would potentially be invalid).
I would suggest the following: if your Farkas pricing is not able to identify new columns to render the LP feasible again, the node will be declared to be infeasible in the following. Therefore, at the end of Farkas pricing (if you are at the root node), you could just price an auxiliary variable that you add to the constraint that you want to relax, with bounds corresponding to your DELTA. Note that you need to have marked the constraint to be modifiable when creating it. Then, since a variable was added, SCIP will trigger another pricing round.
maybe you should take a look into the PRICERFARKAS method of SCIP (https://scip.zib.de/doc/html/PRICER.php#PRICER_FUNDAMENTALCALLBACKS).
If the current LP relaxation is infeasible, it is the task of the
pricer to generate additional variables that can potentially render
the LP feasible again. In standard branch-and-price, these are
variables with positive Farkas values, and the PRICERFARKAS method
should identify those variables.

Am I violating an OOP design guideline here? Couple of interesting design pickles

I'm designing a new power-up system for a game I'm creating. It's a side scroller, the power ups appear as circular objects and the player has to touch / move through them to pick up their power. The power up then becomes activated, and deactivates itself a few seconds later. Each power-up has its own duration defined. For simplicity's sake the power ups are spawned (placed on the screen) every X seconds.
I created a PowerUpManager, a singleton whose job is to decide when to create new power ups and then where to place them.
I then created the Powerup base class, and a class that inherits from that base class for every new Powerup. Every Power-up can be in one of three states: Disabled, placed on the screen, and picked up by the player. If the player did not pick up the power up but moved on, the power up will exit the screen and should go back from the placed state to the disabled state, so it can be placed again.
One of the requirements (that I) put in place is that there should be minimal code changes when I code up a new Power up class. The best I could do was one piece of code: The PowerUpManager's constructor, where you must add the new power-up to the to the container that holds all power-ups:
available = {
new PowerupSpeed(),
new PowerupAltWeapon(),
The PowerUpManager, in more details (Question is coming up!):
Holds a vector of pointers to PowerUp (The base class) called available. This is the initial container that holds one copy of each power up in the game.
To handle the different states, it has a couple of lists: One that holds pointers to currently placed power ups, and another list that holds pointers to currently active power ups.
It also has a method that gets called every game tick that decides if and where to place a new power up and clean up power ups that weren't picked up. Finally it has a method that gets called when the player runs into a power up, that activates the power up (Moves it from the placed to the active list, and calls the power up's activate method).
Finally, once you understand the full picture, the question:
I needed a way for client code to ask if a particular power-up is currently active. For example: The player has a weapon, but there is a power up that replaces that weapon temporarily. Where I poll for input and recognize that the player wants to fire his weapon, I need to call the correct fire method - The alternative weapon power up fire method, and not the regular weapon fire method.
I thought of this particular demand for a while and came up with this:
template <typename T>
T* isActivated() // Returns a pointer to the derived Powerup if it exists in the activated list, or nullptr if it doesn't
for(Powerup *i : active) // Active is a list of currently active power ups
T *result = dynamic_cast<T*>(i);
return result;
return nullptr;
So client code looks like this:
PowerUpAltWeapon *weapon = powerUpManager->isActivated<PowerUpAltWeapon>();
I thought the solution is elegant and kind of neat, but essentially what it is is trying to convert a base type to a derived type. If that doesn't work, you try the next derived type... A long chain of if / else if, it's just disguised in a loop. Does this violate the guideline that I just described? Not casting a base type to all of its derived types in a long chain of if / else if until you get a hit? Is there another solution?
A secondary question is: Is there a way to get rid of the need to construct all the different power ups in the PowerupManager constructor? That is currently the only place you need to make a change if you want to introduce a new power up. If I can get rid of that, that'd be interesting...
This is based on your design, but if it was me I choose an ID for each PowerUp and a set of IDs in the client, and each time a user posses a PowerUp that ID will be added to its set and ... you know the rest. Using this technique I can do fast look up for every PowerUp and avoid dynamic_cast:
std::set<PowerUp::ID> my_powerUps;
template< class T > bool isActivated() {
return my_powerUps.find( T::id() ) != my_powerUps.end();
And about your second question, I have a similar program that load some plugins instead of PowerUp, I have a pure virtual base class that contain all methods that required by that plugin and implement it in shared modules and then at startup I load them from an specific folder. For example each shared module contain a create_object that return a plugin* (in your case PowerUp* of course) and then I iterate the folder, load modules and call create_object to create my plugins from them and register them in my plugin_manager

C++ - Where to store a global counter?

The diagram http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/2fd3f4161c.png
Here's the Minimalist-UML diagram of an app I've been working on. It's supposed to simulate the management of a bunch of sensors relating to different measurements.
Please ignore the House class, the diagram is outdated...
However, I have trouble. Each sensor (sound, contact, heat, pressure, gas - All of these inherit from sensor) has an unique ID, starting at 0 for the first one and ending at the total number of sensors - 1.
For good practices' sake, where shall I store the total number of sensors, so the classes I'm using for input/output of files (saving and loading) and insertion of new sensors can access and increment that counter?
Thank you for your time!
One option would be to create a static function in your Sensor class that increments and returns a static counter variable. The constructor for Sensor could call this function to get an ID.
// header file
class Sensor
static int getId() { return id++; }
static int id;
int myId;
// .cpp file
int Sensor::id = 0;
: myId(getId())
I'm ignoring threading and persistence issues here. But hopefully this gives you a better idea.
Whatever object creates the sensors should assign the identifiers to the sensors.
If multiple objects create sensors, then they should be assigned a pointer or reference to a provider of identifiers when they are created and they should query that provider for a new unique identifier as they create new sensor objects.
Your unique ID, like a database table ID will likely have some issues.
You will probably find, eventually, that your ID needs to persist across sessions--that your window's ID is used in some other relationship.
You may, some day, also find that it needs to be unique across multiple server/client sets.
I'm just suggesting that you should consider these issues off the bat.
As for where the ID should be generated, since all your "Sensor" classes inherit from one base class, I think I'd generate it via a threadsafe method in that base class--and I'd store it there as well.
what's the problem? do you use a Vector to store your sensors? define a Vector of holding sensor-objects in the house.
can access and increment that counter
you don't have to do this, the Vector does it for you
Have a look at the Singleton pattern assuming you don't want to do it with a database of some sort.