If you have a set of specs that are used to validate a hierarchical set of data - say a yaml file. From one of the child specs, is it possible to reference data that occurs earlier in the tree?
This is an example of one approach you could take:
(s/def ::tag string?)
(s/def ::inner (s/keys :req-un [::tag]))
(s/def ::outer
(s/keys :req-un [::inner ::tag])
#(= (:tag %) ;; this tag must equal inner tag
(:tag (:inner %)))))
(s/conform ::outer {:tag "y" ;; inner doesn't match outer
:inner {:tag "x"}})
;=> :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid
(s/conform ::outer {:tag "x"
:inner {:tag "x"}})
;=> {:tag "x", :inner {:tag "x"}}
Depending on your requirements you might be able to make your assertions like this, from the outside-in rather than inside-out.
I want to write a clojure spec for a hash-map wherein the value of one of the
keys is constrained to be equal to the sum of the values of two other keys. I
know one way to write a test generator for such a spec by hand:
(ns my-domain)
(require '[clojure.test :refer :all ]
'[clojure.spec.alpha :as s ]
'[clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen ]
'[clojure.pprint :refer (pprint) ])
(s/def ::station-id string?)
(s/def ::sim-time (s/double-in :infinite? true, :NaN? false))
(s/def ::reserved-counts (s/and int? #(not (neg? %))))
(s/def ::free-counts (s/and int? #(not (neg? %))))
(def counts-preimage (s/gen (s/keys :req [::station-id
(pprint (gen/generate
(into % {::total-counts
(+ (::reserved-counts %)
(::free-counts %))})))))
#:my-domain{:station-id "sHN8Ce0tKWSdXmRd4e46fB",
:sim-time -3.4619293212890625,
:reserved-counts 58,
:free-counts 194,
:total-counts 252}
But I haven't figured out how to write a spec for it, let alone a spec that
produces a similar generator. The gist of the problem is that I lack, in the space of specs, a way to
get hold of the "preimage" in the spec, that is, I lack an analogue to bind
from the space of generators. Here is a failed attempt:
(s/def ::counts-partial-hash-map
(s/keys :req [::station-id
(s/def ::counts-attempted-hash-map
(s/and ::counts-partial-hash-map
#(into % {::total-counts (+ (::reserved-counts %)
(::free-counts %))})))
(pprint (gen/generate (s/gen ::counts-attempted-hash-map)))
#:my-domain{:station-id "ls5qBUoF",
:sim-time ##Inf,
:reserved-counts 56797960,
:free-counts 17}
The generated sample conforms to the spec because #(into % {...}) is truthy,
but the result doesn't contain the new attribute with the key ::total-counts.
I'd be grateful for any guidance.
EDIT: Today I Learned about s/with-gen, which will allow me to attach
my (working) test generator to my "preimage" or "partial" spec. Perhaps
that's the best way forward?
You could use the nat-int? predicate (for which there's a built-in spec, thanks #glts) for the count keys, and add a ::total-counts spec too:
(s/def ::reserved-counts nat-int?)
(s/def ::free-counts nat-int?)
(s/def ::total-counts nat-int?)
(s/def ::counts-partial-hash-map
(s/keys :req [::station-id
spec for a hash-map wherein the value of one of the keys is constrained to be equal to the sum of the values of two other keys
To add this assertion you can s/and a predicate function with the keys spec (or in this example the merge spec that merges the partial map spec with a ::total-count keys spec):
(s/def ::counts-attempted-hash-map
;; keys spec + sum-check predicate
(s/merge ::counts-partial-hash-map (s/keys :req [::total-counts]))
#(= (::total-counts %) (+ (::reserved-counts %) (::free-counts %))))
;; custom generator
(fn [m]
(assoc m ::total-counts (+ (::reserved-counts m) (::free-counts m))))
(s/gen ::counts-partial-hash-map))))
This also uses with-gen to associate a custom generator with the spec that sets ::total-count to the sum of the other count keys.
(gen/sample (s/gen ::counts-attempted-hash-map) 1)
=> (#:user{:station-id "", :sim-time 0.5, :reserved-counts 1, :free-counts 1, :total-counts 2})
The generated sample conforms to the spec because #(into % {...}) is truthy, but the result doesn't contain the new attribute with the key ::total-counts.
I'd recommend against using specs to calculate/add ::total-counts to the map. Specs generally shouldn't be used for data transformation.
I'm relatively new to clojure and I'm looking for a way to use the value of one required key in the validation of another. I can do it by creating another map with the two values and passing that, but I was hoping there was a simpler way. Thanks
(s/def ::country string?)
(s/def ::postal-code
;(if (= ::country "Canda")
;(re-matches #"^[A-Z0-9]{5}$")
;(re-matches #"^[0-9]{5}$"))
(s/def ::address
(s/keys :req-un [
Here's a way to do it with multi-spec:
(defmulti country :country)
(defmethod country "Canada" [_]
(s/spec #(re-matches #"^[A-Z0-9]{5}$" (:postal-code %))))
(defmethod country :default [_]
(s/spec #(re-matches #"^[0-9]{5}$" (:postal-code %))))
(s/def ::country string?)
(s/def ::postal-code string?)
(s/def ::address
(s/keys :req-un [::country ::postal-code])
(s/multi-spec country :country)))
(s/explain ::address {:country "USA" :postal-code "A2345"})
;; val: {:country "USA", :postal-code "A2345"} fails spec: :sandbox.so/address at: ["USA"] predicate: (re-matches #"^[0-9]{5}$" (:postal-code %))
(s/explain ::address {:country "Canada" :postal-code "A2345"})
;; Success!
Another option is and-ing another predicate on your keys spec:
(s/def ::address
(s/keys :req-un [::country ::postal-code])
#(case (:country %)
"Canada" (re-matches #"^[A-Z0-9]{5}$" (:postal-code %))
(re-matches #"^[0-9]{5}$" (:postal-code %)))))
You might prefer the multi-spec approach because it's open for extension i.e. you can define more defmethods for country later as opposed to keeping all the logic in the and predicate.
Say for a minimal example, I've got a map with the following fields.
and I've written the following specs for this shape.
(s/def ::name string?)
;; password is a string and between 8 - 255 characters
(s/def ::password (s/and string? #(<= 8 (count %) 255))
;; How to write (s/def ::confirm-password)
(s/def ::sign-up-form (s/keys :req-un [::name
How would I go about writing a ::confirm-password spec to check whether the two values are equal? i.e. I need access to that other field (password) to get to it.
One thing I tried was to write the spec on the sign-up-form to get access to the keys to make sure they were the same and that kind of works but the problem with that is I lose the path specificity. Basically the spec/problem that get's generated points towards the sign-up form rather than the ::confirm-password which I would like ideally.
You can s/and another predicate with your s/keys spec to check equality between the two keys' values:
(s/def ::sign-up-form
(s/keys :req-un [::name
#(= (:password %) (:confirm-password %))))
This anonymous function predicate receives the entire conformed map output of the s/keys spec.
(s/explain ::sign-up-form
{:name "Taylor"
:password "weak pass"
:confirm-password "weak pass!"})
;; val: {:name "Taylor", :password "weak pass", :confirm-password "weak pass!"}
;; fails spec: :sandbox.so/sign-up-form predicate:
;; (= (:password %) (:confirm-password %))
Maybe my question has already been answered but I am stuck with a submap specification.
Imagine I have two possibilities like that
{:type :a
:spec {:name "a"}}
{:type :b
:spec {:id "b"}}
In short: the :spec keys depends on the type. For the type :a, the :spec must contain the field :name and for type :b the spec must contain the field :id.
I tried this:
(s/def ::type keyword?)
(defmulti input-type ::type)
(defmethod input-type :a
(s/keys :req-un [::name]))
(defmethod input-type :b
(s/keys :req-un [::id]))
(s/def ::spec (s/multi input-type ::type))
(s/def ::input (s/keys :req-un [::type ::spec]))
This tells me: no method ([:spec nil]).
I think I see why: maybe type is not acccessible.
So I thought to make a multi-spec of a higher level (based on the whole map).
Problem: I do not know how to define :spec based on :type because they have the same name. Do you know how to perform this?
(s/def ::type keyword?)
(s/def ::id string?)
(s/def ::name string?)
(s/def :id/spec (s/keys :req-un [::id]))
(s/def :name/spec (s/keys :req-un [::name]))
To accommodate the two different meanings for your :spec map, we can define those in different namespaces: :id/spec and :name/spec. Note that the non-namespace suffix of these keywords are both spec and our keys specs are using un-namespaced keywords. These are "fake" namespaces here, but you could also define these in other, "real" namespaces in your project.
(defmulti input-type :type)
(defmethod input-type :a [_]
(s/keys :req-un [::type :name/spec]))
(defmethod input-type :b [_]
(s/keys :req-un [::type :id/spec]))
(s/def ::input (s/multi-spec input-type :type))
(s/valid? ::input {:type :a, :spec {:name "a"}})
=> true
You can also get samples of this spec:
(gen/sample (s/gen ::input))
({:type :a, :spec {:name ""}}
{:type :b, :spec {:id "aI"}} ...
After writing this answer, I was inspired to try to specify Clojure's destructuring language using spec:
(require '[clojure.spec :as s])
(s/def ::binding (s/or :sym ::sym :assoc ::assoc :seq ::seq))
(s/def ::sym (s/and simple-symbol? (complement #{'&})))
The sequential destructuring part is easy to spec with a regex (so I'm ignoring it here), but I got stuck at associative destructuring. The most basic case is a map from binding forms to key expressions:
(s/def ::mappings (s/map-of ::binding ::s/any :conform-keys true))
But Clojure provides several special keys as well:
(s/def ::as ::sym)
(s/def ::or ::mappings)
(s/def ::ident-vec (s/coll-of ident? :kind vector?))
(s/def ::keys ::ident-vec)
(s/def ::strs ::ident-vec)
(s/def ::syms ::ident-vec)
(s/def ::opts (s/keys :opt-un [::as ::or ::keys ::strs ::syms]))
How can I create an ::assoc spec for maps that could be created by merging together a map that conforms to ::mappings and a map that conforms to ::opts? I know that there's merge:
(s/def ::assoc (s/merge ::opts ::mappings))
But this doesn't work, because merge is basically an analogue of and. I'm looking for something that's analogous to or, but for maps.
You can spec hybrid maps using an s/merge of s/keys and s/every of the map as tuples. Here's a simpler example:
(s/def ::a keyword?)
(s/def ::b string?)
(s/def ::m
(s/merge (s/keys :opt-un [::a ::b])
(s/every (s/or :int (s/tuple int? int?)
:option (s/tuple keyword? any?))
:into {})))
(s/valid? ::m {1 2, 3 4, :a :foo, :b "abc"}) ;; true
This simpler formulation has several benefits over a conformer approach. Most importantly, it states the truth. Additionally, it should generate, conform, and unform without further effort.
You can use s/conformer as an intermediate step in s/and to transform your map to the form that’s easy to validate:
(s/def ::assoc
(s/conformer #(array-map
::mappings (dissoc % :as :or :keys :strs :syms)
::opts (select-keys % [:as :or :keys :strs :syms])))
(s/keys :opt [::mappings ::opts])))
That will get you from e.g.
{ key :key
:as name }
{ ::mappings { key :key }
::opts { :as name } }