Clojure Spec accessing data in hierarchical spec - clojure

If you have a set of specs that are used to validate a hierarchical set of data - say a yaml file. From one of the child specs, is it possible to reference data that occurs earlier in the tree?

This is an example of one approach you could take:
(s/def ::tag string?)
(s/def ::inner (s/keys :req-un [::tag]))
(s/def ::outer
(s/keys :req-un [::inner ::tag])
#(= (:tag %) ;; this tag must equal inner tag
(:tag (:inner %)))))
(s/conform ::outer {:tag "y" ;; inner doesn't match outer
:inner {:tag "x"}})
;=> :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid
(s/conform ::outer {:tag "x"
:inner {:tag "x"}})
;=> {:tag "x", :inner {:tag "x"}}
Depending on your requirements you might be able to make your assertions like this, from the outside-in rather than inside-out.


clojure spec for hash-map with interdependent values?

I want to write a clojure spec for a hash-map wherein the value of one of the
keys is constrained to be equal to the sum of the values of two other keys. I
know one way to write a test generator for such a spec by hand:
(ns my-domain)
(require '[clojure.test :refer :all ]
'[clojure.spec.alpha :as s ]
'[clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen ]
'[clojure.pprint :refer (pprint) ])
(s/def ::station-id string?)
(s/def ::sim-time (s/double-in :infinite? true, :NaN? false))
(s/def ::reserved-counts (s/and int? #(not (neg? %))))
(s/def ::free-counts (s/and int? #(not (neg? %))))
(def counts-preimage (s/gen (s/keys :req [::station-id
(pprint (gen/generate
(into % {::total-counts
(+ (::reserved-counts %)
(::free-counts %))})))))
#:my-domain{:station-id "sHN8Ce0tKWSdXmRd4e46fB",
:sim-time -3.4619293212890625,
:reserved-counts 58,
:free-counts 194,
:total-counts 252}
But I haven't figured out how to write a spec for it, let alone a spec that
produces a similar generator. The gist of the problem is that I lack, in the space of specs, a way to
get hold of the "preimage" in the spec, that is, I lack an analogue to bind
from the space of generators. Here is a failed attempt:
(s/def ::counts-partial-hash-map
(s/keys :req [::station-id
(s/def ::counts-attempted-hash-map
(s/and ::counts-partial-hash-map
#(into % {::total-counts (+ (::reserved-counts %)
(::free-counts %))})))
(pprint (gen/generate (s/gen ::counts-attempted-hash-map)))
#:my-domain{:station-id "ls5qBUoF",
:sim-time ##Inf,
:reserved-counts 56797960,
:free-counts 17}
The generated sample conforms to the spec because #(into % {...}) is truthy,
but the result doesn't contain the new attribute with the key ::total-counts.
I'd be grateful for any guidance.
EDIT: Today I Learned about s/with-gen, which will allow me to attach
my (working) test generator to my "preimage" or "partial" spec. Perhaps
that's the best way forward?
You could use the nat-int? predicate (for which there's a built-in spec, thanks #glts) for the count keys, and add a ::total-counts spec too:
(s/def ::reserved-counts nat-int?)
(s/def ::free-counts nat-int?)
(s/def ::total-counts nat-int?)
(s/def ::counts-partial-hash-map
(s/keys :req [::station-id
spec for a hash-map wherein the value of one of the keys is constrained to be equal to the sum of the values of two other keys
To add this assertion you can s/and a predicate function with the keys spec (or in this example the merge spec that merges the partial map spec with a ::total-count keys spec):
(s/def ::counts-attempted-hash-map
;; keys spec + sum-check predicate
(s/merge ::counts-partial-hash-map (s/keys :req [::total-counts]))
#(= (::total-counts %) (+ (::reserved-counts %) (::free-counts %))))
;; custom generator
(fn [m]
(assoc m ::total-counts (+ (::reserved-counts m) (::free-counts m))))
(s/gen ::counts-partial-hash-map))))
This also uses with-gen to associate a custom generator with the spec that sets ::total-count to the sum of the other count keys.
(gen/sample (s/gen ::counts-attempted-hash-map) 1)
=> (#:user{:station-id "", :sim-time 0.5, :reserved-counts 1, :free-counts 1, :total-counts 2})
The generated sample conforms to the spec because #(into % {...}) is truthy, but the result doesn't contain the new attribute with the key ::total-counts.
I'd recommend against using specs to calculate/add ::total-counts to the map. Specs generally shouldn't be used for data transformation.

Clojure using value from another required key in validation

I'm relatively new to clojure and I'm looking for a way to use the value of one required key in the validation of another. I can do it by creating another map with the two values and passing that, but I was hoping there was a simpler way. Thanks
(s/def ::country string?)
(s/def ::postal-code
;(if (= ::country "Canda")
;(re-matches #"^[A-Z0-9]{5}$")
;(re-matches #"^[0-9]{5}$"))
(s/def ::address
(s/keys :req-un [
Here's a way to do it with multi-spec:
(defmulti country :country)
(defmethod country "Canada" [_]
(s/spec #(re-matches #"^[A-Z0-9]{5}$" (:postal-code %))))
(defmethod country :default [_]
(s/spec #(re-matches #"^[0-9]{5}$" (:postal-code %))))
(s/def ::country string?)
(s/def ::postal-code string?)
(s/def ::address
(s/keys :req-un [::country ::postal-code])
(s/multi-spec country :country)))
(s/explain ::address {:country "USA" :postal-code "A2345"})
;; val: {:country "USA", :postal-code "A2345"} fails spec: at: ["USA"] predicate: (re-matches #"^[0-9]{5}$" (:postal-code %))
(s/explain ::address {:country "Canada" :postal-code "A2345"})
;; Success!
Another option is and-ing another predicate on your keys spec:
(s/def ::address
(s/keys :req-un [::country ::postal-code])
#(case (:country %)
"Canada" (re-matches #"^[A-Z0-9]{5}$" (:postal-code %))
(re-matches #"^[0-9]{5}$" (:postal-code %)))))
You might prefer the multi-spec approach because it's open for extension i.e. you can define more defmethods for country later as opposed to keeping all the logic in the and predicate.

How to specify that two keys in a map should have the same value with Clojure.Spec?

Say for a minimal example, I've got a map with the following fields.
and I've written the following specs for this shape.
(s/def ::name string?)
;; password is a string and between 8 - 255 characters
(s/def ::password (s/and string? #(<= 8 (count %) 255))
;; How to write (s/def ::confirm-password)
(s/def ::sign-up-form (s/keys :req-un [::name
How would I go about writing a ::confirm-password spec to check whether the two values are equal? i.e. I need access to that other field (password) to get to it.
One thing I tried was to write the spec on the sign-up-form to get access to the keys to make sure they were the same and that kind of works but the problem with that is I lose the path specificity. Basically the spec/problem that get's generated points towards the sign-up form rather than the ::confirm-password which I would like ideally.
You can s/and another predicate with your s/keys spec to check equality between the two keys' values:
(s/def ::sign-up-form
(s/keys :req-un [::name
#(= (:password %) (:confirm-password %))))
This anonymous function predicate receives the entire conformed map output of the s/keys spec.
(s/explain ::sign-up-form
{:name "Taylor"
:password "weak pass"
:confirm-password "weak pass!"})
;; val: {:name "Taylor", :password "weak pass", :confirm-password "weak pass!"}
;; fails spec: predicate:
;; (= (:password %) (:confirm-password %))

Specify content of a submap based on a field

Maybe my question has already been answered but I am stuck with a submap specification.
Imagine I have two possibilities like that
{:type :a
:spec {:name "a"}}
{:type :b
:spec {:id "b"}}
In short: the :spec keys depends on the type. For the type :a, the :spec must contain the field :name and for type :b the spec must contain the field :id.
I tried this:
(s/def ::type keyword?)
(defmulti input-type ::type)
(defmethod input-type :a
(s/keys :req-un [::name]))
(defmethod input-type :b
(s/keys :req-un [::id]))
(s/def ::spec (s/multi input-type ::type))
(s/def ::input (s/keys :req-un [::type ::spec]))
This tells me: no method ([:spec nil]).
I think I see why: maybe type is not acccessible.
So I thought to make a multi-spec of a higher level (based on the whole map).
Problem: I do not know how to define :spec based on :type because they have the same name. Do you know how to perform this?
(s/def ::type keyword?)
(s/def ::id string?)
(s/def ::name string?)
(s/def :id/spec (s/keys :req-un [::id]))
(s/def :name/spec (s/keys :req-un [::name]))
To accommodate the two different meanings for your :spec map, we can define those in different namespaces: :id/spec and :name/spec. Note that the non-namespace suffix of these keywords are both spec and our keys specs are using un-namespaced keywords. These are "fake" namespaces here, but you could also define these in other, "real" namespaces in your project.
(defmulti input-type :type)
(defmethod input-type :a [_]
(s/keys :req-un [::type :name/spec]))
(defmethod input-type :b [_]
(s/keys :req-un [::type :id/spec]))
(s/def ::input (s/multi-spec input-type :type))
(s/valid? ::input {:type :a, :spec {:name "a"}})
=> true
You can also get samples of this spec:
(gen/sample (s/gen ::input))
({:type :a, :spec {:name ""}}
{:type :b, :spec {:id "aI"}} ...

How can I spec a hybrid map?

After writing this answer, I was inspired to try to specify Clojure's destructuring language using spec:
(require '[clojure.spec :as s])
(s/def ::binding (s/or :sym ::sym :assoc ::assoc :seq ::seq))
(s/def ::sym (s/and simple-symbol? (complement #{'&})))
The sequential destructuring part is easy to spec with a regex (so I'm ignoring it here), but I got stuck at associative destructuring. The most basic case is a map from binding forms to key expressions:
(s/def ::mappings (s/map-of ::binding ::s/any :conform-keys true))
But Clojure provides several special keys as well:
(s/def ::as ::sym)
(s/def ::or ::mappings)
(s/def ::ident-vec (s/coll-of ident? :kind vector?))
(s/def ::keys ::ident-vec)
(s/def ::strs ::ident-vec)
(s/def ::syms ::ident-vec)
(s/def ::opts (s/keys :opt-un [::as ::or ::keys ::strs ::syms]))
How can I create an ::assoc spec for maps that could be created by merging together a map that conforms to ::mappings and a map that conforms to ::opts? I know that there's merge:
(s/def ::assoc (s/merge ::opts ::mappings))
But this doesn't work, because merge is basically an analogue of and. I'm looking for something that's analogous to or, but for maps.
You can spec hybrid maps using an s/merge of s/keys and s/every of the map as tuples. Here's a simpler example:
(s/def ::a keyword?)
(s/def ::b string?)
(s/def ::m
(s/merge (s/keys :opt-un [::a ::b])
(s/every (s/or :int (s/tuple int? int?)
:option (s/tuple keyword? any?))
:into {})))
(s/valid? ::m {1 2, 3 4, :a :foo, :b "abc"}) ;; true
This simpler formulation has several benefits over a conformer approach. Most importantly, it states the truth. Additionally, it should generate, conform, and unform without further effort.
You can use s/conformer as an intermediate step in s/and to transform your map to the form that’s easy to validate:
(s/def ::assoc
(s/conformer #(array-map
::mappings (dissoc % :as :or :keys :strs :syms)
::opts (select-keys % [:as :or :keys :strs :syms])))
(s/keys :opt [::mappings ::opts])))
That will get you from e.g.
{ key :key
:as name }
{ ::mappings { key :key }
::opts { :as name } }