How to Set custom positions for barcode scanner - ionic2

I am trying to create a barcode scanner with custom positions.
I can make a barcode scanner successfully with ionic 2, but if I click the button the scanner occupies the full screen.
I want to position the barcode scanner at the bottom of my mobile screen only. How can I realize this using the barcode scanner ?


Ionic2 hide keyboard but keep the input focused

I have and android device that can scan QR codes using a laser at the bottom of the device. I have the Ionic2 app running in the device. I am able to get the scanned result string into the input box but the keyboard is now open as the input is focused.
I don't want the keyboard to show up when the input is focused because keyboard will never be used here.
Any idea how to achieve this? I have used the Ionic native keyboard plugin
But the above code also causes a blur on the field due to which the input box cannot catch the result of the scan.
I am using this for scanning QR codes
Actually the plugin works fine using the camera. Here is the laser scanner demo
The laser scanner scans the QR code (Faster than device camera) and sends it an input field (input box or textarea or any editable field). So I want to hide the keyboard but keep the editable area focused!

Interactive drawing in c++

I try to create an interactive window. I read an image from my pc and show it using opencv.I use cvSetMouseCallback function to get mouse position and events. I write a code that creates a rectangle on the image when a user selects points of edges of rectangle.I want to redraw it, the user click+move. But I can't find how I handle mouse release. Is there an event for this such as EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN?
I try to do this :

Creating Launch Screen.xib for iOS8 ( ... iOS11, Swift 4 and LaunchScreen.storyboard )

I've just found out that in order to be able to have the description for your app in the app store say "This app is optimized for iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus." you need to use a launch XIB or storyboard file for your launch images (per [Apple][1]).
So, I've created a new Launch Screen xib and now I'm a little but since I usually do everything in code and don't use interface builder. I've deleted the default label that is inserted and dropped a UIImageView into the view. Now I'm wondering how would I:
1) Tell the UIImageView to resize to the size of whatever screen it's on
2) Tell the UIImageView to pick ImageA if a 3.5 inch screen is running the app or the ImageB if a 4 inch screen is running the app etc. etc.
Essentially, I'm just trying to get the launch .xib to mimic the behavior of how the launch screen works normally. Would appreciate it if anyone could provide some assistance on this!
You have two options:
You make use of autolayout and give the imageview a fullscreen appearance (distance to top, bottom, left and right equals 0). This would however result in a clipping of the image for certain screen sizes, what you may not want. So you might want to consider (2)
You place the launch screen image into an asset catalog and just put different images into the different size classes.
I found the answer useful.
The old steps in short for creating the LaunchScreen xib for iOS 8 are below the new steps.
With reference to XCode 9, Swift 3 or Swift 4 and LaunchScreen.storyboard following are the new steps.
First step is to create two images for Portrait and landscape mode splash ( png or jpeg ) in your favorite graphic software. ( If your app only support Portrait mode, you may skip Landscape mode image and settings. )
Portrait mode image :-
Create a 'splash-portrait' image with your own full background for size of "width 1125 x height 2436". Note that the background will clip on various sizes of devices.
Whichever info, graphic, you do not wish to be clipped should be created on center of above image in the size of "width 1125 x height 1471". This should always be in center of above full image.
Landscape mode image :-
Create a 'splash-landscape' image with your own full background for size of "width 2436 x height 1125". Note that the background will clip on various sizes of devices.
Whichever info, graphic, you do not wish to be clipped should be created on center of above image in the size of "width 860 x height 1125". This should always be in center of above full image.
Once both the images are ready, you may add it to xcassets or keep in resource.
Now go for the following steps.
1) "LaunchScreen storyboard" is already created with the new project. Open it.
2) Add an Image View on the view.
3) Set the above saved 'splash-portrait' image to image view source.
4) Set Image view 'Content mode' of Image as "Aspect Fill".
5) Add 4 constraints of Image View for Top, Bottom, Trailing and Leading to Superview.
This is done for the portrait mode app splash.
For landscape mode support, do the following extra steps. ( you may refer full answer by #Sakiboy at )
6) Click the + button next to the Image view source that you set up in step 3.
7) From the pop-up that is now displayed select Regular for both the Width and Height selectors. This is specifying a new adaptive set for iPads that are in landscape. A new image source field will appear with the title wR hR. Add the 'splash-landscape' image to the wR hR Image source field so the storyboard knows to use a different image when in landscape.
8) Now we need to add support for the 'iphone plus' devices when in landscape. So click the + button next to the Image source field again.
9) This time select compact for the height and regular for the width selectors. This is specifying a new adaptive set for “iPhone plus” devices that are in landscape. A new image source field will appear with the title wR hC.
10) Add the “splash-landscape” image to the wR hC Image source field so the storyboard knows to use a different image when in landscape on an “iPhone plus device”.
As iPad devices are "Regular for both the Width and Height", We will see 'splash-landscape' image in iPad for both portrait and landscape mode. Width 860 for displayable content in 'splash-landscape' image will show full content in both portrait and landscape mode.
The old steps in short for creating the LaunchScreen xib for iOS 8.
1) create a new "LaunchScreen xib" from new file --> user interface --> launch screen ( keep auto layout ON ).
2) Add an image view in the xib --> view (main view).
3) set splash image to it ( the image should not be in assets file ).
4) set image as "Aspect Fit" ( if required ).
5) you may also change the "view" (super view) background color as close to background color of image.
6) select the image view, click from menu - editor - pin - bottom space to super view.
7) this will show red error mark near "view" ( super view of image view ).
8) click on the error mark, you will see approximate two auto layout errors.
9) on clicking on the error you will find menu with auto fix the layout errors.
10) on fixing the errors, you will find total four "Constraints" with "vertical" and "horizontal" space between superview and image.
11) now you may test them in different devices or simulators.
You can resize the image by setting constraint to the top, bottom, leading and trailing edges of the superview. Just click the imageview and select Editor->Pin the top context menu. You can also set the aspects of the UIImageView by clicking it and setting it to for instance "Aspect Fit". Make sure the ImageView covers the whole screen before setting the constraints, or else you would have to modify the contstraints.
To set different images for different screen sizes, I would guess you have to create a class and modify to the viewWillAppear method to load an appropriate image
Good luck!
Create a new file. Under User Interface select View. After, you can name your xib LaunchScreen and you can test it out by adding a label with something like “Test Launch” and run the app. You should see the launch screen appear!
The Launch xib can't have a customized class since your app didn't launch when it is displayed.
What I ended up doing is:
use sizing class feature
Create 3 UI images (one per sizing class)
Use auto layout with constrains which apply to each sizing class
So when you display one type of device the width and hight constrains of the other two UIImageView are set to 0

Open graph story with map and image?

I'm trying to create an open graph story which will include a map (location) and an image which was uploaded by the user.
So far I've managed to show the map with a pin on it so after the user clicks the pin he see a small popup with the image inside.
How can I make it look more like foursquare - to have a map and the image available for view in full screen?
(Currently my Object inherits from "Object" and I've added a location property to it)

Playing transparent video over screen with custom user input handling

I need to play animated characters over the screen on Windows. Basically, it will be character video with transparency and only non-transparent parts should be able to accept user input (e.g. mouse clicks), all other events should be passed through to underlying window.
I've made a simple transparent DirectX window with video in it. But I don't know how to make parts of this window "transparent" for user input. So if I clicking on the character, my application should accept this click, if I clicking on the transparent part of the video - click should be handled by the underlying window. How can I make it?
Thanks in advance.
I assume you mean Direct Show rather than DirectX?
You can do it using the Video Mixing Renderer. As with anything directshow its not, necessarily, easy.
First connect the video to the VMR Filter.
Second, for the animating characters all you need to do is build a simple DirectShow push source filter (Its explained really well in the DirectShow samples) that supplies the animation frames.
Third you need to create an IVMRImageCompositor class. You can then use DirectX to composite the images.