I am getting the following error message when trying to execute a cursor query against a SQLite3 database:
My code is as follows:
qry = ('select balancer_security.id, balancer_security.name, balancer_security.symbol, '
'balancer_securityprice.at_dt, balancer_securityprice.price, balancer_securityprice.notes '
'from balancer_security LEFT OUTER JOIN balancer_securityprice '
'ON (balancer_security.id = balancer_securityprice.security_id '
'AND balancer_securityprice.at_dt="?") '
# 'AND balancer_securityprice.at_dt="%s") '
'ORDER BY balancer_security.name')
from django.db import connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(qry, [date])
solution = cursor.fetchall()
The error occurs on the cursor.execute line. date is a string containing the value 2017-10-05
Also, is the parameter put into the query within django or is it passed to SQLite (i.e. should my parameter placeholder be %s or ?)?
Just use it without quotes. Change "%s" to just %s.
import mysql.connector
connection = mysql.connector.connect(user="REMOVED",
cur = connection.cursor()
# Latitude - remove letter A
cur.execute("UPDATE tau._inm_exportados_test_csv SET latitud = REPLACE (latitud, 'a=','');")
print("Latitude change remove letter A - executed!")
# Longitude - remove letter A
cur.execute("UPDATE tau._inm_exportados_test_csv SET longitud = REPLACE (longitud, 'a=','');")
print("Longitude change remove letter A - executed!")
# Latitude - MODIFY COLUMN
cur.execute("ALTER TABLE tau._inm_exportados_test_csv MODIFY COLUMN latitud DECIMAL(10,6);")
print("Latitude - MODIFY COLUMN - executed!")
# Longitude - MODIFY COLUMN
cur.execute("ALTER TABLE tau._inm_exportados_test_csv MODIFY COLUMN longitud DECIMAL(10,6);")
print("Longitude - MODIFY COLUMN - executed!")
# Post Code data type change
cur.execute("ALTER TABLE tau._inm_exportados_test_csv MODIFY COLUMN codigo_postal varchar(255);)")
print("Post Code data type change to varchar(255) - executed!")
I'm trying to make this simple list of statements work without success. What makes it more confusing is that the first four statements work whereas the final one doesn't work even when I comment out the rest! The final statement gets the following reponse:
mysql.connector.errors.InterfaceError: Use multi=True when executing multiple statements
The datatype for codigo_postal is int(11) unlike latitud and longitud which are varchar.
I have tried creating new connections, new cursors, new connections AND cursors. I have tried adding multi="True" and combining statements into one operation. I have tried adding multi="True" to each cur.execute() as both the second and third parameter. I have run the statement in Workbench to ensure the statement is valid and it works.
No success with it here though...
You can use commit after you executed DML (Data Manipulation Language) commands. Also using multi=True can be more convenient to complete this job, but you need to run the generator which created by execute. doc.
Ordinary method:
cur = connection.cursor()
def alter(state,msg):
except Exception as e:
raise e
alter("ALTER TABLE address MODIFY COLUMN id int(15);","done")
alter("ALTER TABLE address MODIFY COLUMN email varchar(35);","done")
alter("ALTER TABLE address MODIFY COLUMN person_id int(35);","done")
With multi=True:
cur = connection.cursor()
def alter(state,msg):
result = cur.execute(state,multi=True)
alter("ALTER TABLE address MODIFY COLUMN id int(45)","done")
alter("ALTER TABLE address MODIFY COLUMN email varchar(25)","done")
alter("ALTER TABLE address MODIFY COLUMN person_id int(25);","done")
except Exception as e:
raise e
I had the same problem.
I wanted my code to be clean and I wanted to have all my commands in a list and just run them in a sequence.
I found this link and this link and finally was able to write this code:
import mysql.connector as sql
from mysql.connector import Error
commands = [
USE sakila;
SELECT * FROM actor;
USE sakila;
SELECT * FROM actor WHERE actor_id < 10;
connection_config_dict = {
'user': 'username',
'password': 'password',
'host': '',
connection = sql.connect(**connection_config_dict)
if connection.is_connected():
db_Info = connection.get_server_info()
print("Connected to MySQL Server version ", db_Info, '\n')
cursor = connection.cursor()
for command in commands:
for result in cursor.execute(command, multi=True):
if result.with_rows:
print("Rows produced by statement '{}':".format(
print("Number of rows affected by statement '{}': {}".format(
result.statement, result.rowcount), '\n')
record = cursor.fetchall()
except Error as e:
print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e, '\n')
if connection.is_connected():
print("MySQL connection is closed", '\n')
So after my research on stackoverflow didn't bring me any further here ist my code (I cannot post the exact code , because this is a problem I have at work) and problem:
import mysql.connector
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user, password, host, database)
cursor = cnx.cursor()
if condition:
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO table (the_columns) VALUES (%s)", (my_values))
I tried to insert manually already and it worked, but somehow my python code won't do the insert.
The manual insert:
INSERT INTO table (column1,...,column7) VALUES (string1,....,string6, now())
I have no error message, I can only look into the database and see that the new valiues aren't there.
Did anyone else face this problem? Can anyone suggest what could be the problem?
Might be because you dont have to put your variable between "(" ")" ?
Did you tried to put the value directly inside the sql, then instead of the variable containing it?
What do you mean by "manually"?
Anyway, you should put all your variables in an array, before passing this array as the second argument:
query = (
"INSERT INTO employees (emp_no, first_name, last_name, hire_date) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"
data = (2, 'Jane', 'Doe', datetime.date(2012, 3, 23))
cursor.execute(insert_stmt, data)
EDIT: I just checked, thats the main exemple if you google your problem... wait did you searched for this a little bit? That's the best wait to learn dude: search by yourself before asking for help.
Try turning your format variables into a tuple. If this does not work. Try creating the query as a variable seperately and printing it out and running it in your sql console directly. You might get more meaningful errors.
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user, password, host, database)
cursor = cnx.cursor()
if condition:
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO table (the_columns) VALUES (%s)", (my_values,))
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user, password, host, database)
cursor = cnx.cursor()
if condition:
sql = "INSERT INTO table ({}) VALUES ({})".format(the_columns,my_values)
I have a problem when using raw sql query which has a variable table name like
cursor.execute("SELECT description FROM %s WHERE id = 1", [table_name])
%s replaces the string in double quote which isn't executing properly.When I execute the above statement I get
"NameError: name 'nike_tshirts' is not defined"
Your should just put the table name between quotes 'table_name' / "table_name" or define the variable before: table_name = 'nike_tshirts'.
cursor.execute("SELECT description FROM %s WHERE id = 1", 'nike_tshirts')
table_name = 'nike_tshirts'
cursor.execute("SELECT description FROM %s WHERE id = 1", table_name)
should work just fine.
Python raises a NameError because it thinks you are referring to a variable, when you are trying to refer to a string.
I found put that I open the database at every request.Is there a way to simplify and improve this code to increase the sqlite speed?
name3 = ' '.join(name2)
import sqlite3
id = 0
location = ""
conn = sqlite3.connect("keywords.db")
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('select * from kmedicals')
records = c.fetchall()
for record in records:
id = record[0]
location = record[15]
if id == name3:
print name3.capitalize(),':' '\n',location
Do not use import in the middle of your program.
Open the database once at the start of your program.
Select only the records you actually need.
Select only the columns you actually need.
Do not use fetchall; read only the records you actually need.
Do not fetch into a temporary variable if you can use the cursor directly.
import sqlite3
# at startup
conn = sqlite3.connect("keywords.db")
def search_location(name2):
name3 = ' '.join(name2)
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('SELECT location FROM kmedicals WHERE id = ?', (name3,))
for (location,) in c:
print name3.capitalize(),':' '\n',location
pass # not found
from django.db import connection
q = 'some value'
sql1 = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE %%%s%%' % q
sql2 = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE %%'+ q +'%%'
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute( sql1 ) #why exception: IndexError: tuple index out of range ?
cursor.execute( sql2 ) #works ok
You need to QUOTE properly your SQL arguments.
And by quoting properly I mean using the quote facility provided by DBAPI, not adding a ' around your string, which is useless.
Correct code :
q = "%"+q+"%"
cursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE %s', (q,) )
Really correct code :
q = "%"+q.replace("%","%%")+"%"
cursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE %s', (q,) )
Suppose q = "a'bc"
First, rewrite this as "%a'bc%"
Then use it as a normal string argument. psycopg will rewrite it as '%a\'bc%' as it should.
If q may contain "%" and you want to search for it, then use the second one.
Using direct string manipulation will almost certainly lead to improper SQL that is vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks (see psycopg2's comments on the subject).
What I think you're looking to do is try and perform a LIKE '%some value%' in django, right?:
from django.db import connection
q = '%some value%'
cur = connection.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE %(my_like)s", {'my_like': q})
As of psycopg2 2.4.1, the SQL that is executed on the server is:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE '%some value%'
You need to QUOTE properly your SQL command:
sql1 = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE '%%%s%%'" % q
sql2 = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE '%"+ q +"%'"
And by quoting properly I mean using single quotes with LIKE expressions.