In Atom, is there a way to search only in files whose name match a regex? - regex

I use Atom as my primary coding environment, and generally I love it. There is one feature that I could really use right now, and I'm not sure if it exists or not.
Basically, I want to do a project-wide search for a string ("1.1.0"), but I only want to search within files that have the word "build" in them. I know that Atom allows me to search a file/directory pattern, such as src/assets or even src/assets/*.cs or src/assets/buildFile.*
But in this particular project there are tons of files that have the world build - CustomBuild.xml, BuildScript.cs, FinalBuild.xml, etc. Is there any way that I can tell Atom to search for my query string in a regex-defined file/directory pattern? (I'm also open to other ways of solving my problem)
Thank you for your time!
Update: Just to clarify, some things I've tried so far:
Searching using "*build*" for my file/directory pattern (only returns file names that are build.*)
Using */**/*build*.* (same issue)


What is the name for the type of "loose" search/filter that allows for other characters in the middle?

I'm not sure which community this belongs in, feel free to suggest a better one if this doesn't fit here.
In Visual Studio Code, when searching for a file, you can CMD/Ctrl + P to bring up the Quick Open search box for finding a file by name. The search doesn't have to be the exact name and it filters as long as the search query contains the characters in that order, while being "loose" enough to ignore any characters between those.
Searching "cat" would show the following:
In the above, all the strings contain "cat" within it, even if there are other characters between it. The regex would probably be something like /.*c.*a.*t.*/.
Is there a name for this type of search/filter?
Fuzzy Filter/Search
After looking through VS Code's GitHub issues list, I found an issue that mentioned it.
I also found a node module that does this exact same thing.
There is also a Wikipedia entry on Approximate String Matching, which is similar to the above.

Regex for Current NTUSER.DAT files

I am trying to come up with a regex (PCRE) that finds current windows NTUSER.DAT files when cycling through a file list (valid NTUSER.DAT are the ones that are in the correct path for use by Windows).
I am trying to exclude any NTUSER.DAT files that have been copied by a user and placed in a different location (e.g. on the Desktop). In the following sample data, the first 4 results are valid, the next 3 are invalid:
\Users\John Thomas Hamilton\ntuser.dat
\Users\Mary Thomas\NTUSER.DAT
\Users\John Thomas Hamilton\Desktop\My Stuff\Windows\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT
\Users\John Thomas Hamilton\Desktop\My Stuff\Windows\Users\Student\NTUSER.DAT
\Users\John Thomas Hamilton\Desktop\My Stuff\My stuff to sort\Tech Support Fix it\NTUSER.DAT
Currently the best/simplest regex I have is:
but of course there a plenty of valid Windows file name characters other than letters and numbers that could exist in the user name.
I think i need to search up to the first occurrence of the new folder "\" and then if it does not have NTUSER.DAT after it, reject it. I have not had any luck doing this so any help would be appreciated.
Well assuming you have a valid file list, this would work:
Make sure you ignore case.
The secret is using [^\\]+? instead of .+? so that you match exactly one folder length in.

Very basic image renaming with regex

I spent most of yesterday putting together a collection of regular expressions to convert all my image names and paths to lower case. Today, I processed a folder full of files and was surprised to discover that many image names are still capitalized.
So I decided to try it one step at a time, first renaming .jpg's, then .gif's, .png's, etc.
I'm working on a Mac, using Dreamweaver and TextWrangler as my text editors. The following regex works perfectly for jpg's, with one major flaw - it deletes the extension...
In other words, it changes South-America.jpg to south-america.
How can I change it so that it retains the file extension? I assume I can then just change it to...
\L\1 process png's, etc.
and replace with \L\1\2
its deleting your extension because you are never saving it in a matchgroup.
You could perhaps capture the extension too?
And I think you should be able to use something like this for all the files:
Or if you specifically want to convert those jpegs, pngs and gifs:
If it's okay for the extension to become lowercase as well, you could just do
As long as you're certain that all lines contain file names.
If you want to process only certain file formats, use

How to make a small program that can search for words in folder? [PYTHON]

So I'm trying to write a small program that can search for words within files of a specific folder.
It should be able to search for one word as well as a combination of two words or more. Then it should as a result give a list of the file names that include those words.
It's important that I use dictionaries and that the files are given a number within the dictionary.
I've tried several of things but I'm still stuck. Basically I've been thinking that each words within the file have to be split into strings, and then by searching for a string you get a result.
It's important to note that I'm using unicode utf-8.
Anyone willing to help me?

Xcode: How to exclude a path from Search Navigator

In Xcode, in this case 4.x, how would you go about excluding a path (or a path containing a pattern) from search results?
My use case:
My project is SVN controlled. Whenever I search for text (such as a function name), I often get irrelevant results returned from ".svn-base" files (which are used for making local diff's between your working copy and the last checked out revision).
I have setup a custom scope where the 'Location' 'is within the file or folder' 'Classes' (a subfolder I want to search). There doesn't seem to be a way to say "And Not..." or "And where path does not match". There is a "matches regex" and I feel the answer may lie around Look-arounds... Maybe something like (?!\.svn)?
In an extra condition in the settings of my custom scopes I use this:
Check out this very good explanation here: stackoverflow