I have a list with values:
set unnumbered [list 101 101 101 102 102 103 104 105 105 105 106]
I want to add a counter to subsequent identical values like this:
numbered [ 101.1 101.2 101.3 102.1 102.2 103 104 105.1 105.2 105.3 106]
So far I have tried the following:
set unnumbered [list 101 101 101 102 102 103 104 105 105 105 106]
set numbered [list ]
set previous [lindex $unnumbered 0]
set subcounter 1
foreach current $unnumbered {
if { $current eq $previous } {
lappend numbered $current.$counter
set previous $current
incr subcounter
} else {
lappend numbered $current
set previous $current
set subcounter 1
The result is almost what I need.
101.1 101.2 101.3 102 102.1 103 104 105 105.1 105.2 106
For all but the first value, the Counter starts to Count to late. The first 102 laks the ".1"
How can I fix this?
The problem is that your code doesn't have enough information at the point where a number is added to numbered. Get the information first, and then apply it.
First, create a list where each item is a list consisting of one of the unique numbers in $unnumbered and the indices in $unnumbered where that number occurs:
lmap n [lsort -unique $unnumbered] {
list $n [lsearch -all $unnumbered $n]
# => {101 {0 1 2}} {102 {3 4}} {103 5} {104 6} {105 {7 8 9}} {106 10}
For each of those items, split up the item into n = the number and indices = the indices. Check how many indices you have. For more than one index, add enumerated numbers like this:
set i 0
foreach index $indices {
lappend numbered $n.[incr i]
For single indices, just add the number:
lappend numbered $n
The whole program looks like this:
set unnumbered [list 101 101 101 102 102 103 104 105 105 105 106]
set numbered [list]
foreach item [lmap n [lsort -unique $unnumbered] {
list $n [lsearch -all $unnumbered $n]
}] {
lassign $item n indices
if {[llength $indices] > 1} {
set i 0
foreach index $indices {
lappend numbered $n.[incr i]
} else {
lappend numbered $n
> (operator),
lmap (for Tcl 8.5),
If you don’t have lmap, see the link above. If you don’t have lassign, use
foreach {n indices} $item break
ETA If the "no index on singleton numbers" requirement can be relaxed, one could do it this way:
set previous {}
lmap num $unnumbered {
if {$num ne $previous} {
set i 0
set previous $num
format %d.%d $num [incr i]
Another variant. It’s very similar to Jerry’s second suggestion, but I didn’t see that one until I was going to submit this, honest. This one assumes that no element in $unnumbered is the empty string.
set numbered [list]
set rest [lassign $unnumbered current next]
set i 0
while 1 {
if {$current eq $next} {
lappend numbered $current.[incr i]
} else {
if {$i > 0} {
lappend numbered $current.[incr i]
set i 0
} else {
lappend numbered $current
set current $next
if {$next eq {}} break
set rest [lassign $rest next]
Another approach: maintain a dict to keep the count of what you've seen so far
set unnumbered [list 101 101 101 102 102 103 104 105 105 105 106]
set count [dict create]
set numbered {}
foreach num $unnumbered {
dict incr count $num
lappend numbered "$num.[dict get $count $num]"
puts $numbered
101.1 101.2 101.3 102.1 102.2 103.1 104.1 105.1 105.2 105.3 106.1
Using an array is a little simpler: taking advantage of the fact that incr returns the new count
set numbered {}
array set count {}
foreach num $unnumbered {lappend numbered "$num.[incr count($num)]"}
OK, I missed the requirement that singleton entries should not have a suffix. There's this, but it may re-order the initial list:
set count [dict create]
foreach num $unnumbered {dict incr count $num}
set numbered {}
foreach num [dict keys $count] {
set c [dict get $count $num]
if {$c == 1} {
lappend numbered $num
} else {
for {set i 1} {$i <= $c} {incr i} {
lappend numbered "$num.$i"
puts $numbered
101.1 101.2 101.3 102.1 102.2 103 104 105.1 105.2 105.3 106
Or, this maintains the original order
set count [dict create]
foreach num $unnumbered {dict incr count $num}
foreach key [dict keys $count] {
if {[dict get $count $key] == 1} {
set count [dict remove $count $key]
set numbered {}
foreach num [lreverse $unnumbered] {
if {![dict exists $count $num]} {
lappend numbered $num
} else {
lappend numbered "$num.[dict get $count $num]"
dict incr count $num -1
set numbered [lreverse $numbered]
puts $numbered
101.1 101.2 101.3 102.1 102.2 103 104 105.1 105.2 105.3 106
An O(n) solution (single loop), and which I believe looks a bit more like how you initially wanted to implement it:
set unnumbered [list 101 101 101 102 102 103 104 105 105 105 106]
set numbered [list]
set previous ""
set subcounter 1
foreach current $unnumbered {
if {$previous == ""} {
# First, do nothing except set $current to $previous later below
} elseif {$previous == $current} {
lappend numbered $previous.$subcounter
incr subcounter
} else {
if {$subcounter > 1} {
lappend numbered $previous.$subcounter
} else {
lappend numbered $previous
set subcounter 1
set previous $current
if {$subcounter > 1} {
lappend numbered $current.$subcounter
} else {
lappend numbered $current
The loop basically adds one number late to the numbered list, so that the last if is required for the last number. Of course, this only works if you know that unnumbered is sorted.
EDIT: Actually this is even closer! Since you can already get $previous, you can loop starting from the next element of the list, and one last time after the last element (note that we get a blank if the lindex is supplied with an out of range index, which makes things easier here).
set unnumbered [list 101 101 101 102 102 103 104 105 105 105 106]
set numbered [list]
set previous [lindex $unnumbered 0]
set subcounter 1
for {set i 1} {$i <= [llength $unnumbered]} {incr i} {
if {$previous == [lindex $unnumbered $i]} {
lappend numbered $previous.$subcounter
incr subcounter
} else {
if {$subcounter > 1} {
lappend numbered $previous.$subcounter
} else {
lappend numbered $previous
set subcounter 1
set previous [lindex $unnumbered $i]
I have a list like below.
{2 1 0 2 2 0 2 3 0 2 4 0}
I would like to add comma between each 3 characters with using TCL.
{2 1 0,2 2 0,2 3 0,2 4 0}
I am looking for your help.
If it is always definitely three elements, it is easy to use lmap and join:
set theList {2 1 0 2 2 0 2 3 0 2 4 0}
set joined [join [lmap {a b c} $theList {list $a $b $c}] ","]
One way:
Append n elements at a time from your list to a string using a loop, but first append a comma if it's not the first time through.
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
proc insert_commas {n lst} {
set res ""
set len [llength $lst]
for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i $n} {
if {$i > 0} {
append res ,
append res [lrange $lst $i [expr {$i + $n - 1}]]
return $res;
set lst {2 1 0 2 2 0 2 3 0 2 4 0}
puts [insert_commas 3 $lst] ;# 2 1 0,2 2 0,2 3 0,2 4 0
`IF[Lead Time] <= 4 THEN "0-4"
ELSEIF [Lead Time] <= 18 THEN "5-18"
ELSEIF [Lead Time] <= 39 THEN "19-39"
ELSEIF [Lead Time] <= 69 THEN "40-69"
ELSEIF [Lead Time] <= 108 THEN "109-160"
ELSEIF [Lead Time] <= 160 THEN "161-239"
ELSE [Lead Time] "239+" END`
I keep getting the "expected END to match IF at character 0". Can anyone see what is wrong with my
try using this
IF [Lead Time] <= 4 THEN "0-4"
ELSEIF [Lead Time] <= 18 THEN "5-18"
ELSEIF [Lead Time] <= 39 THEN "19-39"
ELSEIF [Lead Time] <= 69 THEN "40-69"
ELSEIF [Lead Time] <= 108 THEN "70-108"
ELSEIF [Lead Time] <= 160 THEN "109-160"
ELSEIF [Lead Time] <= 239 THEN "161-239"
ELSE "239+" END
I have a variable named "results" with this value:
{0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3054 11013}
{0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 13 15}
{0.000 3272.744 12702.352 30868.696}
I'd like to store each line (values between the '{}') in a separate variable and then, compare each of the elements of each line with a threshold (this threshold will be different for each line, that's why I need to split them).
I've tried
set result [split $results \n]
But it doesn't really give me a neat list of elements. Any to get 3 lists from the variable "results"?
If I understand correctly, and the representation of your exemplary data is accurate, then you do not have to process ([split]) the data held by results, but leave that to Tcl's list parser. In other words, the input is already a valid string representation of a Tcl list eligible for further processing. Watch:
set results {
{0 0 0 0 1}
{2 2 3 3 3}
{1 1 2 3 4}
set thresholds {
lmap values $results threshold $thresholds {
lmap v $values {expr {$v >= $threshold}}
This will produce:
{0 0 0 0 0} {1 1 1 1 1} {1 1 1 1 1}
Background: when $results is worked on by [lmap], it will be turned into a list automatically.
I think its better to split according to new line character and then apply regexp to fetch the data. I have tried a sample code.
set results "{0 0 0 0 1}
{2 2 3 3 3}
{1 1 2 3 4}";
set result [split $results \n];
foreach line $result {
if {[regexp {^\s*\{(.+)\}\s*} $line Complete_Match Content]} {
puts "$Content\n";
If List1 is:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
And array1 is:
{3 4 5} {12 13} {20 21}
How do I convert list1 according to array1 by replacing reverse list of each element of array1, i.e., producing this
1 2 5 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 20 22 23 24 25
^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^
This is not a sorting task, this is a searching task.
If you assume that the ranges to reverse do not overlap, but are not necessarily present either (i.e., not using the fact that they are contiguous numbers), you get something like this:
# Iterate over each of the replacement patterns
foreach range $array1 {
# Iterate over each of the locations where the first element of the current
# replacement pattern is found
foreach pos [lsearch -all -exact $list1 [lindex $range 0]] {
# This will be the index of the *last* element in each subrange
set pos2 [expr {$pos + [llength $range] - 1}]
# Do the reversed replacement if the ranges match
if {[lrange $list1 $pos $pos2] eq $range} {
set list1 [lreplace $list1 $pos $pos2 {*}[lreverse $range]]
The result after this will be in the updated list1 variable. Wrapping into a procedure is left as an exercise.
I have large data and I want to extract two types of data based on two conditions. I wrote a tcl script to extract the data by using regex (newbie to regex).
I have used the following condition which works fine and produces part of the desired output:
if [regexp {\+ ([0-9.]+) 1 2.*- } $line -> time ] {
I'm using the variable time somewhere in the script. The above condition produces the following o/p(this is just a sample as the file is large):
+ 30.808352 1 2 tcp 40 ------- 30 6.7 2.30 81 2073
+ 30.808416 1 2 tcp 40 ------- 128 8.16 2.159 81 2069
+ 30.809513 1 2 tcp 40 ------- 156 12.19 2.187 1 2077
+ 30.809641 1 2 tcp 80 ------- 156 12.19 2.187 1 2078
+ 30.809878 1 2 tcp 40 ------- 151 7.18 2.182 41 2079
+ 30.813096 1 2 tcp 40 ------- 161 9.20 2.192 0 2083
+ 30.813352 1 2 tcp 40 ------- 157 13.19 2.188 1 2085
+ 30.81348 1 2 tcp 80 ------- 157 13.19 2.188 1 2086
+ 30.815362 1 2 tcp 40 ------- 148 12.18 2.179 41 2088
+ 30.815426 1 2 tcp 40 ------- 148 5.9 2.179 41 2089
+ 30.818096 1 2 tcp 40 ------- 162 10.20 2.193 0 2091
+ 30.818544 1 2 tcp 40 ------- 158 3.78 2.189 1 2093
+ 30.818672 1 2 tcp 80 ------- 158 14.19 2.189 1 2094
+ 30.820657 1 2 tcp 40 ------- 153 9.19 2.184 41 2096
+ 30.821579 1 2 tcp 40 ------- 154 10.19 2.185 41 2097
Then, inside the above if condition, I want check the 9th column :
//condition 1
if (9th between [3-6].*) ( such as 3.78,6.7, 5.9)
The second condition is :
//condition 2
if (9th between [7-14].*) ( such as 14.19,12.18,10.19, 9.19,.....)
I'm struggling with two conditions above. I tried the following, I didn't get an error, however, no matching occurred !!
condition 1:
if [regexp {\+ ([0-9.]+) 1 2.*-* ([3-9])\..*/ } $line ] {
I know I'm repeating part of the main if condition, becuase I don't know how to skip the columns !!!
condition 2:
if [regexp {\+ ([0-9.]+) 1 2.*-* ([7-9]|1[0-4])\..*/} $line ] {
Any suggestions !!!
Why don't you split on space? You can achieve pretty much the same outcome using a few more lines. It will be readable and can people will understand the code better:
if [regexp {\+ ([0-9.]+) 1 2.*- } $line -> time] {
set elements [split $line " "] ;# You can actually omit the " " in this case
set 9th [lindex $elements 8]
# Condition 1
if {$9th >= 3 && $9th < 7} { do something }
# Condition 2
if {$9th >= 7 && $9th < 15} { do something }
match 7-14 \+ ([0-9.]+) 1 2.*- \d+\s(?:[7-9]|1[0-4]) Demo
match 3-6 \+ ([0-9.]+) 1 2.*- \d+\s[3-6] Demo