AWS Elasticsearch & VPC - configuring network access from my fixed IP - amazon-web-services

I am unable to access AWS Elasticsearch Kibana with a browser.
I have set up an Elasticsearch instance within my VPC exactly as described here;
I used the default IAM access policy template which is basicaly all current IAM profiles (*)
My EC2 webapp (xenforo forum) is happily connected and chugging away.
I would like to access my elasticsearch domain kibana endpoint via browser from my home PC.
The security group I attached to the cluster configuration includes a rule to allow ALL TCP inbound from my home broadband fixed IP address.
I log into the AWS console, click the Kibana link from the elasticsearch domain overview and... nothing, times out.
I have read everything I can find on the matter. No joy - except perhaps I should be signing my https requests as well which seems crazy complicated and my understanding is that IP access should be configurable with security groups?
Can anyone clarify?

to access Kibana, it seems the only way is pass proper header with your requests to.
We solved it by using - its not niciest, but works for us.
requires to have aws-cli installed
requires to do bit of setup, but works well afterwards
hope it helps

Hi There are many ways to access Kibana here are some of them that I found:-
Use an SSH tunnel. For information on how to do this :-
Advantages: Provides a secure connection over the SSH protocol. All connections use the SSH port.
Disadvantages: Requires client-side configuration and a proxy server.
Use an NGINX Proxy. For information on how to do this, please visit reference :-
Advantages: Setup is easier, because only server-side configuration is required. Uses standard HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443).
Disadvantages: Requires a proxy server. The security level of the connection depends on how the proxy server is configured.


Cannot connect to AWS RDS

I am trying to create a AWS RDS Sql Server database and connect to it from a local machine using SSMS. Later I'll be connecting from a web application (locally, then hosted somewhere eventually.) I am currently failing to connect to my instance (the instance is configured and running.) The error I'm getting is the network/instance related (not login.) Tried telnet and I can't even hit it that way.
Looking on the web, there seems to be a setup for network connections but it talks about EC2, VPC and things I don't think I need (or do I?)
Tried (nothing worked so far): Using the IP instead of hostname, explicitly specifying the port (1433), changing user/password, crying.
Speaking of things I hope I don't need to configure, there's also IAM authentication - didn't touch that yet.
Any input is appreciated before I open a ticket with Amazon.
My scenario: Scenario
Solution - add the Inbound Rule to default Security Group: Security Groups
When you work with RDS, you need to set inbound rules; otherwise, you are unable to connect to the database. This concept is covered in this AWS tutorial. In this AWS tutorial, the database is MySQL and the app is a Java web app. However, the same concepts apply with respect to inbound rules:
Creating the Amazon Relational Database Service item tracker
One tip -- when you set an inbound rule to let your development machine connect, you can select MyIP...
Also - when you host your app (for example Elastic Beanstalk), you need to set an inbound rule for that as well (as discussed in that tutorial)

AWS EC2 for QuickBooks

AWS and network noob. I've been asked to migrate QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise to AWS. This seems easy in principle but I'm finding a lot of conflicting and confusing information on how best to do it. The requirements are:
Setup a Windows Server using AWS EC2
QuickBooks will be installed on the server, including a file share that users will map to.
Configure VPN connectivity so that the EC2 instance appears and behaves as if it were on prem.
Allow additional off site VPN connectivity as needed for ad hoc remote access
Cost is a major consideration, which is why I am doing this instead of getting someone who knows this stuff.
The on-prem network is very small - one Win2008R2 server (I know...) that hosts QB now and acts as a file server, 10-15 PCs/printers and a Netgear Nighthawk router with a static IP.
My approach was to first create a new VPC with a private subnet that will contain the EC2 instance and setup a site-to-site VPN connection with the Nighthawk for the on-prem users. I'm unclear as to if I also need to create security group rules to only allow inbound traffic (UDP,TCP file sharing ports) from the static IP or if the VPN negates that need.
I'm trying to test this one step at a time and have an instance setup now. I am remote and am using my current IP address in the security group rules for the test (no VPN yet). I setup the file share but I am unable to access it from my computer. I can RDP and ping it and have turned on the firewall rules to allow NB and SMB but still nothing. I just read another thread that says I need to setup a storage gateway but before I do that, I wanted to see if that is really required or if there's another/better approach. I have to believe this is a common requirement but I seem to be missing something.
This is a bad approach for QuickBooks. Intuit explicitly recommends against using QuickBooks with a file share via VPN:
Networks that are NOT recommended
Virtual Private Network (VPN) Connects computers over long distances via the Internet using an encrypted tunnel.
From here:
The correct approach here is to host QuickBooks on the EC2 instance, and let people RDP (remote desktop) into the EC2 Windows server to use QuickBooks. Do not let them install QuickBooks on their client machines and access the QuickBooks data file over the VPN link. Make them RDP directly to the QuickBooks server and access it from there.

AWS EC2 instance "This site can't be reached", though I do have the ports 80 and 443 open

I have been looking for help with this problem, and the answers just say to add inbound rules to the security group. Well, I have done those and I am still unable to access my website from the public DNS (just putting that into the url box and navigating to it). There are multiple port 22 inbound rules for the people accessing my server, and the outbound rule is just "All traffic".
I've had this problem running Wordpress on EC2 instances. Things I'd try:
Access the instance via ssh. Check out
If you're accessing through ssh, maybe it's because your disk is full. To check this you can run df -h on your Amazon EC2 server.
I tried accessing my newly setup AWS EC2 Instance and I had this same issue, I later realised I was accessing the public DNS via HTTPS which had not been set up. when I changed the url to use HTTP it worked. Ensure to configure HTTP in the security group.

How to use SSL for a backend EC2 instance without a domain

I have an AWS EC2 instance set up running my back-end, and it's able to communicate with my front-end (locally), but not with front-end deployed (on Netlify).
Is it necessary to create a domain name for my EC2 instance so I can use SSL? There's no point to have a domain name to my back end since it's just there for the API calls.
How do I use SSL for my backend server without a domain name? Every video and blog I've found requires a domain name. If anyone can point me to the right resource, would appreciate it.
You can enable SSL on an EC2 instance without a domain using a combination of Caddy and is allows you to map any IP Address to a hostname without the need to edit a hosts file or create rules in DNS management.
Caddy is a powerful open source web server with automatic HTTPS.
Install Caddy on your server
Create a Caddyfile and add your config (this config will forward all requests to port 8000)
<EC2 Public IP> {
reverse_proxy localhost:8000
Start Caddy using the command caddy start
You should now be able to access your server over https://<IP>
I wrote an in-depth article on the setup here: Configure HTTPS on AWS EC2 without a Custom Domain
Sadly yes to use SSL-certificates you need to have a valid DNS name so it can process it when you are calling it, anyways if what you want to encrypt is the info you could just use your own encryption method and send the data encrypted to frontend, then use something like crypto.js to use it once decrypted, but the best practice would be giving the backend it's own DNS, that way if at some point the API grows to the point it can be used by others for business you can have them point at something named (and also you don't need to deal with the whole manual encryption/decryption).

AWS Instance Security Group to give access to itself via TCP

I have an Apache server running the front end (Angular) which relies on an API which is hosted on the same instance as the Apache. I don't want my API (Express) open to public yet but need access to it with my front end which shares the same IP. Things I've tried,
Setting API base url as 'localhost' doesn't seem to work.
Adding a security rule in AWS security groups to allow connections only to the same IP (to itself) doesn't work.
Is there any workaround for this?
Connections to same IP are always open by default. You may need to add private IP of the ec2 instance as your api base URL. (Port you know better). Cors too should be enabled for that private IP.
First of all, using Angular as the front-end means needing an API that can access publicly you just need to implement securities, because you just serve the UI to the client user and their browsers are the one accessing the API not the server of the angular.
You can setup another API which can be deploy on the same server of your UI and same url which will serve as controller of your "Private API" that you can manage using Security groups in AWS
Replaced ${IP} to so it can connect to the same EC2 after restarting. Add a rule for the inbound connection from the same SG