RavenDB on Restored AWS instance - amazon-web-services

I have a UAT ENVIRONMENT where I am using NServiceBUS endpoints. Everything works. Then when we moved to Production, the method we used to make the environment was to make an IMAGE of the UAT server and restore on a new AWS server instance
We reinstalled RAVENDB but on Windows authentication page in manage server, we are seeing the authentication from the old server. I have removed the RavenSITE folder and uninstalled RavenDB, restarted the server and tried installing again, but the old authentication line items are still coming up. Where are these getting stored? So I can go delete them.
The endpoints are also not registering with the instance and the databases are not getting created for each endpoint
Please assist!

These are stored in the System database.


AWS SDK doesn't work on Azure Web App service

I am working on a web app in .net core and deployed it on Azure (App Service). As a part of the app, I am creating AWS RDS MySql db. The code works well on my machine but not on the Azure. Following code snippet which is exposed as a REST API is causing a problem.
logger.LogInfo("In AWSRDS.cs->PushToCloud()");
AmazonRDSClient client = new AmazonRDSClient(awsAccessKeyId:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
logger.LogInfo("In AWSRDS.cs-> client created");
The above lines are wrapped with try-catch block. I get first line in the log file and nothing thereafter. No processing, no exception.
I alrady tried
restarting the app a few times
manually installing dotnet package via console on the Azure web app (even if the DLL exists)
Created another Azure web app (with linux hosting) only to observe same behaviour
Any clue will be greatly appreciated.
Not sure why you aren't getting any error message but I suspect the SDK is failing to resolve what AWS region to make requests to. When running in AWS the compute environment will be configured for the region the code is running and I suspect locally you have a default region configured.
Can you switch to the constructor that takes in a region enum and pass in the region you want to connect to?

why _vti_bin/shtml.exe is accessible in default AWS setup

I'm new to AWS and I got a Spring microservice project that serve in AWS. I have Jboss7 running in AWS-EC2 instances and having setup AWS-ELB for load balancing.
I encounter an issue to remove microsoftsharepointteamservices version number in response header from a URL, for example www.domainName.com/_vti_bin/shtml.exe.
However, i have not idea why microsoft share point service come into picture as I do not install any web server or apache httpd in AWS.
Why shtml.exe is accessible in default AWS setup? Or is it the other issue that related to ISS?
Please kindly advice. Thank you so much.
I found the root cause for this issue. This is due to we have setup Liferay CMS system in our AWS. And Microsoft Share Point service team service is bundle together with Liferay by default to support for Content Search module.

How to migrate from heroku to Amazon Web Services while using parse server

I am developing an android app and was using parse.com until they shut down. I had successfully migrated from parse to Heroku but I'm now considering migrating from Heroku to AWS (due to pricing and scalability concerns). I have searched everywhere in the internet but haven't found a site that gives you the step by step instructions on how to do so. I have seen that both Heroku and AWS use mlab as a database so it can't be that hard. Detailed help will really be appreciated as I am still new to programming. Here is what I have attempted in Elastic Beanstalk:
When I was done creating the environment It said that the health was degraded, even after I copied the server variables from parse and added them to the configuration.
Do you have your server codes which u published onto Heroku? If i guessed correctly, you are using the parse-server-master template for your server right?
In that case, migration is easy. Just zip up the contents and go over to AWS Elastic Beanstalk and upload your zip. It will work ;)

Identity Server, website hosting, octopus

I have recently inherited a Web API development that exposes key endpoints to a company that is hosting and running our website.
We use Octopus to deploy the API to our webserver.
I have duplicated the API and added the appropriate configuration variable to Octopus and deployed it to a secondary webserver (as a development API) for our 3rd party to use.
We are using identity server along with OpenID connect for authentication.
This has built and deployed however authentication is failing.
I know this is a vague description, but I am looking for pointers for an analysis path.
I have compared the logs of the current Api and the test Api and results are the same. (Stating authentication is successful)
Not really enough information to properly answer this question - but I would start by:
1) Checking all the log files you can find for a more detailed exception message. (application logs, IIS logs, event log)
2) Try to narrow down the issue. Does authentication fail for everyone/all the time? Or is this an issue intermittent? Does it work locally? For certain providers only?
3) Slowly start making the new website look like the old website. Comparing web.config files, copy/pasting the old website code onto the new server etc.
4) Check or restore old service accounts, firewall settings, database values, urls etc.
If all else fails - bring everything back to a working state and start changing one thing at a time until you have a little more experience with the application.

Umbraco Accelerator successfully deployed but wont connect

I have download the umbraco accelerator to try get an azure based CMS up and running, I have managed to change the configuration file and the command prompt log upon running the .bat files does not generate any errors.
I have created the storage and azure database and hosted service but when I look at the hosted service there is no way for me to connect into this as the connect button has been disabled. Has anyone else went through the setup and if so have you encoutnered this issue? The URL displayed in azure http://appname.cloudapp.net/umbraco/default.aspx does not work
Which Umbraco version are you deploying? AFAIK the accelerator is deprecated, but I could be wrong if you're doing something in particular, or something I haven't heard of (could be lots!) with web/hosted services.
I've deployed Umbraco 4-6 CMS through WebMatrix 2-3 to azure as a website with relative ease. I didn't need it to be a hosted service/cloudapp.
Is that url not a generic placeholder, do you have a Domain registered to point at it?
Y'know, the more I type, the more I realise I have only a shaky grasp of what you're talking about. Are you sure you need a cloudapp, will an azure website not do?