C++ Stack around variable is corrupted - c++

I am trying to implement a timer, which takes a function pointer as a parameter and a time in milliseconds. After the time is passed, the function should be called in a separate thread. The code looks as follows:
class timer
void schedule(void(*function)(), int time)
std::thread t = std::thread([&]
The main method looks as follows:
#define LOG(x) std::cout << x << std::endl;
timer t1;
timer t2;
timer t3;
t1.schedule([] {LOG("t1 done")}, 2000);
t2.schedule([] {LOG("t2 done")}, 3000);
t3.schedule([] {LOG("t3 done")}, 4000);
The exception is as follows:
Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 't1' was corrupted.

The issue here is you are capturing by reference in your lambda. This means that it is possible for you to call detach and exit from schedule before the operator() of the lambda is called. If that happens then when you try to use time you are accessing a dangling reference.
The solution here is to capture by value instead. This means you get a copy and it doesn't matter when the operator() is called as the lambda doesn't rely on anything.


Execute lambda with CreateThread

Is there a better way to use CreateThread than creating a free function each time for the sole purpose of casting lpParameter?
Are there any modern alternatives to CreateThread for creating persistent threads?
Edit: Perhaps you should just use std::async(lambda). I imagine that it's just implemented with CreateThread. Maybe the answer to this question is looking up how std::async is implemented (assuming it's a library feature).
DWORD WINAPI MyThreadFunction(
_In_ LPVOID lpParameter
void MyClass::LaunchThread()
NULL, // default security attributes
0, // use default stack size
MyThreadFunction, // thread function name
this, // argument to thread function
0, // use default creation flags
NULL); // returns the thread identifier
There are several mechanisms for achieving parallelism (std::async etc. as mentioned above).
But the modern one which is most similar to your original code with CreateThread is std::thread. It can be constructed with a global function, a lambda, or a class method (which seems the best fit for you):
m_thread = std::thread([this](){ RunLoop(); }); // pass a lambda
m_thread = std::thread(&MyClass::RunLoop, this); // pass a method
Note that a std::thread starts to run (potentially) when constructed. Also note that, std::async does not guarantee that it will run on a separate thread and even if it does run on a thread, it could be a thread from a pool. The behaviour might not be the same as with your original CreateThread.
Here's a complete example of using std::thread (including cancellation):
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <atomic>
#include <iostream>
class MyClass
MyClass() {}
~MyClass() { EndThread(); }
void LaunchThread()
EndThread(); // in case it was already running
m_bThreadShouldExit = false;
// Start the thread with a class method:
m_thread = std::thread(&MyClass::RunLoop, this);
void EndThread()
// Singal the thread to exit, and wait for it:
m_bThreadShouldExit = true;
if (m_thread.joinable())
void RunLoop()
std::cout << "RunLoop started" << std::endl;
while (!m_bThreadShouldExit)
std::cout << "RunLoop doing something ..." << std::endl;
std::cout << "RunLoop ended" << std::endl;
std::thread m_thread;
std::atomic_bool m_bThreadShouldExit{ false };
int main()
MyClass m;
Possible output:
RunLoop started
RunLoop doing something ...
RunLoop doing something ...
RunLoop doing something ...
RunLoop doing something ...
RunLoop doing something ...
RunLoop ended
std::async() and std::thread(, <args...>) are most likely internally implemented as you just did, the only exception is that lambdas without captures can be implicitly converted to function pointers, which pretty much can be passed straight away to CreateThread function with nullptr lpParameter.
Lambdas with capture list are pretty much syntactic sugar but internally they translate to sth like this (very simplified):
struct <internal_lambda_name>
<capture list...> fields...;
void operator()(<arguments...>){<code...>;}
So they pretty much translate to objects of struct type thus they need some way to store all those captures and in order to be executed on other thread with CreateThread function they need some way of ensuring that the capture list data stored in them will be available during their execution.
I looked in to MSVC implementation of std::async and they implemented it using ::Concurrency::create_task which straight forwardly accepts a callable object.
I also looked into their implementation of create_task
template<typename _Ty>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _CAPTURE_CALLSTACK gives us the expected result
explicit task(_Ty _Param)
task_options _TaskOptions;
_CreateImpl(_TaskOptions.get_cancellation_token()._GetImplValue(), _TaskOptions.get_scheduler());
// Do not move the next line out of this function. It is important that _CAPTURE_CALLSTACK() evaluates to the call site of the task constructor.
_TaskInitMaybeFunctor(_Param, decltype(details::_IsCallable(_Param,0))());
and so it turns out that launching a lambda on a new thread is quite difficult and beyond the scope of this question.

How to process instances of classes in parallel in C++?

I have a variable number of instances of one class, normally 3. I would like to call the class functions in each iteration of an infinite loop. Currently it is working sequentially, meaning I call each member function after each other. I would like to parallelize that part. What do you recommend?
I tried to construct an std::vector<std::thread>. I could initialize the threads and call a function on them at initialization.
MyCustomClass my_class_instance();
std::thread one_thread(&MyCustomClass::init, &my_class_instance, "string");
But now I would like to get each thread of the vector threads and then to call the class member function. If it would be a std::vector of class instances I would just call: vector.at(index).class_function(). How do I do that for threads? Or is that not possible?
By the way, it is in C++.
In c++11, speciy std::launch::async is one of your choice, if asynchronicity is essential for you.
There are two launch policy:
std::launch::async, means that the function must be run asynchronously, i.e, on a different thread.
std::launch::deferred, means that the function may run only when get or wait is called on the future return by std::async. When get or wait is invoked, the function will execute synchronously. The caller of the function will be blocks until the fucntion finish running. If get or wait
is not invoked, then the function will never run.
auto future1 = std::async(my_function); // run my_function using defautl launch policy
auto future2 = std::async(std::launch::async | std::launch::deferred) // run my_function either async or defered
Refered from the book "Effective Modern C++" by Scoot Meyers, item 36: Specify std::launch ::async if asynchronicity is essential.
If parallel computing is what you need, you may consider using OpenMP.
Reference: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/async
This code maybe help you.
class test_thread_instanse
void operator()(int x)
std::cout << "test" <<x << std::endl;
int main()
std::thread t1(test_thread_instanse(), 1);
std::thread t2(test_thread_instanse(), 2);
std::thread t3(test_thread_instanse(), 3);

How to start an empty thread using c++ [duplicate]

I'm getting into C++11 threads and have run into a problem.
I want to declare a thread variable as global and start it later.
However all the examples I've seen seem to start the thread immediately for example
thread t(doSomething);
What I want is
thread t;
and start the thread later.
What I've tried is
thread t(readTable);
but now t is block scope. So I want to declare t and then start the thread later so that t is accessible to other functions.
Thanks for any help.
std::thread's default constructor instantiates a std::thread without starting or representing any actual thread.
std::thread t;
The assignment operator moves the state of a thread object, and sets the assigned-from thread object to its default-initialized state:
t = std::thread(/* new thread code goes here */);
This first constructs a temporary thread object representing a new thread, transfers the new thread representation into the existing thread object that has a default state, and sets the temporary thread object's state to the default state that does not represent any running thread. Then the temporary thread object is destroyed, doing nothing.
Here's an example:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
void thread_func(const int i) {
std::cout << "hello from thread: " << i << std::endl;
int main() {
std::thread t;
std::cout << "t exists" << std::endl;
t = std::thread{ thread_func, 7 };
std::cout << "done!" << std::endl;
As antred says in his answer, you can use a condition variable to make the thread to wait in the beginning of its routine.
Scott Meyers in his book “Effective Modern C++” (in the “Item 39: Consider void futures for one-shot event communication”) proposes to use void-future instead of lower level entities (boolean flag, conditional variable and mutex). So the problem can be solved like this:
auto thread_starter = std::promise<void>;
auto thread = std::thread([starter_future = thread_starter.get_future()]() mutable {
starter_future.wait(); //wait before starting actual work
…; //do actual work
…; //you can do something, thread is like “paused” here
thread_starter.set_value(); //“start” the thread (break its initial waiting)
Scott Meyers also warns about exceptions in the second … (marked by the you can do something, thread is like “paused” here comment). If thread_starter.set_value() is never called for some reasons (for example, due to exception throws in the second …), the thread will wait forever, and any attempt to join it would result in deadlock.
As both ways (condvar-based and future-based) contain hidden unsafety, and the first way (condvar-based) needs some boilerplate code, I propose to write a wrapper class around std::thread. Its interface should be similar to the one of std::thread (except that its instances should be assignable from other instances of the same class, not from std::thread), but contain additional void start() method.
Future-based thread-wrapper
class initially_suspended_thread {
std::promise<bool> starter;
std::thread impl;
template<class F, class ...Args>
explicit initially_suspended_thread(F &&f, Args &&...args):
starter_future = starter.get_future(),
routine = std::bind(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
]() mutable {if (starter_future.get()) routine();})
void start() {starter.set_value(true);}
~initially_suspended_thread() {
try {starter.set_value(false);}
catch (const std::future_error &exc) {
if (exc.code() != std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied) throw;
return; //already “started”, no need to do anything
impl.join(); //auto-join not-yet-“started” threads
…; //other methods, trivial
Condvar-based thread-wrapper
class initially_suspended_thread {
std::mutex state_mutex;
std::condition_variable state_condvar;
std::thread impl;
template<class F, class ...Args>
explicit initially_suspended_thread(F &&f, Args &&...args):
state_mutex(), state(INITIAL), state_condvar(),
&state_mutex = state_mutex, &state = state, &state_condvar = state_condvar,
routine = std::bind(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
]() {
std::unique_lock state_mutex_lock(state_mutex);
[&state]() {return state != INITIAL;}
if (state == STARTED) routine();
void start() {
std::lock_guard state_mutex_lock(state_mutex);
state = STARTED;
~initially_suspended_thread() {
std::lock_guard state_mutex_lock(state_mutex);
if (state == STARTED) return; //already “started”, no need to do anything
state = ABORTED;
impl.join(); //auto-join not-yet-“started” threads
…; //other methods, trivial
There is no "standard" of creating a thread "suspended" which I assume is what you wanted to do with the C++ thread library. Because it is not supported on every platform that has threads, it is not there in the C++ API.
You might want to create a class with all the data it is required but not actually run your thread function. This is not the same as creating the thread but may be what you want. If so, create that, then later bind the object and its operator() or start() function or whatever to the thread.
You might want the thread id for your thread. That means you do actually need to start the thread function. However it can start by waiting on a condition variable. You then signal or broadcast to that condition variable later when you want it to continue running. Of course you can have the function check a condition after it resumes in case you might have decided to close it and not run it after all (in which case it will just return instantly).
You might want a std::thread object with no function. You can do that and attach it to a function later to run that function in a new thread.
I would give the thread a condition variable and a boolean called startRunning (initially set to false). Effectively you would start the thread immediately upon creation, but the first thing it would do is suspend itself (using the condition_variable) and then only begin processing its actual task when the condition_variable is signaled from outside (and the startRunning flag set to true).
// in your worker thread
lock_guard l( theMutex );
while ( ! startRunning )
cond_var.wait( l );
// now start processing task
// in your main thread (after creating the worker thread)
lock_guard l( theMutex );
startRunning = true;
EDIT #2: In the above code, the variables theMutex, startRunning and cond_var must be accessible by both threads. Whether you achieve that by making them globals or by encapsulating them in a struct / class instance is up to you.
first declared in class m_grabber runs nothing. We assign member class object with new one with lambda function in launch_grabber method and thread with lambda runs within source class context.
class source {
std::thread m_grabber;
bool m_active;
bool source::launch_grabber() {
// start grabber
m_grabber = std::thread{
[&] () {
m_active = true;
while (true)
// TODO: something in new thread
return true;
You could use singleton pattern. Or I would rather say antipattern.
Inside a singleton you would have std::thread object encapsulated. Upon first access to singleton your thread will be created and started.

passing multiple arguments to a threaded function from another class

Say I have a class:
class This
void that(int a, int b);
and in my main function I need to start 'that' in a thread, and pass it 2 arguments.
This is what I have:
void main()
This t;
t.that(1,2); //works unthreaded.
std::thread test(t.that(1,2)); // Does not compile. 'evaluates to a function taking 0 arguments'
std::thread test2(&This::that, std::ref(t), 1, 2); //runs, but crashes with a Debug error.
I have searched, but have only found how to pass arguments to a thread, and to run a function from another class in a thread, but not both!
What is the correct way to do this?
In order to run This in another thread you either have to make a copy or ensure that it is still valid as long as the other thread is running. Try one of these:
This t;
std::thread test([&]() {
t.that(1,2); // this is the t from the calling function
// this is important as t will be destroyed soon
This t;
std::thread test([=]() {
t.that(1,2); // t is a copy of the calling function's t
// still important, but does not have to be in this function any more
Dynamic allocation
auto t = std::make_shared<This>();
std::thread(test[=]() {
t->that(1,2); // t is shared with the calling function
// You still have to join eventually, but does not have to be in this function
The object t is destroyed at the end of the main() function, but the thread runs for some time after that. It results in an undefined behavior. It is also generally a good idea to join to all threads before quitting the program. Just put this at the end:
This::that does not take a reference to a This as its first argument.
I think what you want to do is more like
auto t = std::make_shared<This>();
std::thread test2{ [t](int a, int b) { t->that(a, b); }, 1, 2 };

Delayed start of a thread in C++ 11

I'm getting into C++11 threads and have run into a problem.
I want to declare a thread variable as global and start it later.
However all the examples I've seen seem to start the thread immediately for example
thread t(doSomething);
What I want is
thread t;
and start the thread later.
What I've tried is
thread t(readTable);
but now t is block scope. So I want to declare t and then start the thread later so that t is accessible to other functions.
Thanks for any help.
std::thread's default constructor instantiates a std::thread without starting or representing any actual thread.
std::thread t;
The assignment operator moves the state of a thread object, and sets the assigned-from thread object to its default-initialized state:
t = std::thread(/* new thread code goes here */);
This first constructs a temporary thread object representing a new thread, transfers the new thread representation into the existing thread object that has a default state, and sets the temporary thread object's state to the default state that does not represent any running thread. Then the temporary thread object is destroyed, doing nothing.
Here's an example:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
void thread_func(const int i) {
std::cout << "hello from thread: " << i << std::endl;
int main() {
std::thread t;
std::cout << "t exists" << std::endl;
t = std::thread{ thread_func, 7 };
std::cout << "done!" << std::endl;
As antred says in his answer, you can use a condition variable to make the thread to wait in the beginning of its routine.
Scott Meyers in his book “Effective Modern C++” (in the “Item 39: Consider void futures for one-shot event communication”) proposes to use void-future instead of lower level entities (boolean flag, conditional variable and mutex). So the problem can be solved like this:
auto thread_starter = std::promise<void>;
auto thread = std::thread([starter_future = thread_starter.get_future()]() mutable {
starter_future.wait(); //wait before starting actual work
…; //do actual work
…; //you can do something, thread is like “paused” here
thread_starter.set_value(); //“start” the thread (break its initial waiting)
Scott Meyers also warns about exceptions in the second … (marked by the you can do something, thread is like “paused” here comment). If thread_starter.set_value() is never called for some reasons (for example, due to exception throws in the second …), the thread will wait forever, and any attempt to join it would result in deadlock.
As both ways (condvar-based and future-based) contain hidden unsafety, and the first way (condvar-based) needs some boilerplate code, I propose to write a wrapper class around std::thread. Its interface should be similar to the one of std::thread (except that its instances should be assignable from other instances of the same class, not from std::thread), but contain additional void start() method.
Future-based thread-wrapper
class initially_suspended_thread {
std::promise<bool> starter;
std::thread impl;
template<class F, class ...Args>
explicit initially_suspended_thread(F &&f, Args &&...args):
starter_future = starter.get_future(),
routine = std::bind(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
]() mutable {if (starter_future.get()) routine();})
void start() {starter.set_value(true);}
~initially_suspended_thread() {
try {starter.set_value(false);}
catch (const std::future_error &exc) {
if (exc.code() != std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied) throw;
return; //already “started”, no need to do anything
impl.join(); //auto-join not-yet-“started” threads
…; //other methods, trivial
Condvar-based thread-wrapper
class initially_suspended_thread {
std::mutex state_mutex;
std::condition_variable state_condvar;
std::thread impl;
template<class F, class ...Args>
explicit initially_suspended_thread(F &&f, Args &&...args):
state_mutex(), state(INITIAL), state_condvar(),
&state_mutex = state_mutex, &state = state, &state_condvar = state_condvar,
routine = std::bind(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
]() {
std::unique_lock state_mutex_lock(state_mutex);
[&state]() {return state != INITIAL;}
if (state == STARTED) routine();
void start() {
std::lock_guard state_mutex_lock(state_mutex);
state = STARTED;
~initially_suspended_thread() {
std::lock_guard state_mutex_lock(state_mutex);
if (state == STARTED) return; //already “started”, no need to do anything
state = ABORTED;
impl.join(); //auto-join not-yet-“started” threads
…; //other methods, trivial
There is no "standard" of creating a thread "suspended" which I assume is what you wanted to do with the C++ thread library. Because it is not supported on every platform that has threads, it is not there in the C++ API.
You might want to create a class with all the data it is required but not actually run your thread function. This is not the same as creating the thread but may be what you want. If so, create that, then later bind the object and its operator() or start() function or whatever to the thread.
You might want the thread id for your thread. That means you do actually need to start the thread function. However it can start by waiting on a condition variable. You then signal or broadcast to that condition variable later when you want it to continue running. Of course you can have the function check a condition after it resumes in case you might have decided to close it and not run it after all (in which case it will just return instantly).
You might want a std::thread object with no function. You can do that and attach it to a function later to run that function in a new thread.
I would give the thread a condition variable and a boolean called startRunning (initially set to false). Effectively you would start the thread immediately upon creation, but the first thing it would do is suspend itself (using the condition_variable) and then only begin processing its actual task when the condition_variable is signaled from outside (and the startRunning flag set to true).
// in your worker thread
lock_guard l( theMutex );
while ( ! startRunning )
cond_var.wait( l );
// now start processing task
// in your main thread (after creating the worker thread)
lock_guard l( theMutex );
startRunning = true;
EDIT #2: In the above code, the variables theMutex, startRunning and cond_var must be accessible by both threads. Whether you achieve that by making them globals or by encapsulating them in a struct / class instance is up to you.
first declared in class m_grabber runs nothing. We assign member class object with new one with lambda function in launch_grabber method and thread with lambda runs within source class context.
class source {
std::thread m_grabber;
bool m_active;
bool source::launch_grabber() {
// start grabber
m_grabber = std::thread{
[&] () {
m_active = true;
while (true)
// TODO: something in new thread
return true;
You could use singleton pattern. Or I would rather say antipattern.
Inside a singleton you would have std::thread object encapsulated. Upon first access to singleton your thread will be created and started.