Is it possible to stop nodes in AWS ElastiCache cluster - amazon-web-services

I have an AWS account which is used for development. Because the developers are in one timezone, we switch off the resources after hours to conserve usage.
Is it possible to temporarily switch off nodes in elasticache cluster? all i found in cli reference was 'delete cluster':

ElastiCache clusters cannot be stopped. They can only be deleted and recreated. You can use this pattern to avoid paying for time when you're not using the cluster.
If you are using a Redis ElastiCache cluster, you can create a snapshot as the cluster is being deleted. Then, you can restore the cluster from the snapshot when you create it. This way, you preserve the data in the cluster.
The cluster endpoints are derived from a combination of
the cluster IDs,
the region,
the AWS account.
So as long as you delete and re-create clusters with those parts being constant, then the clusters will maintain the same endpoint.

At this time there is not a way to STOP and EMR cluster in the same
sense you can with EC2 instances. The EMR cluster uses instance-store
volumes and the EC2 start/stop feature relies on the use of EBS
volumes which are not appropriate for high-performance, low-latency
HDFS utilization.
The best way to simulate this behavior is to store the data in S3 and
then just ingest as a start up step of the cluster then save back to
S3 when done.
Documentation Reference:
Hope it helps.
If you want to maintain the same dns, you can use the API/CLI to update the elastic cluster.
Hope it helps.


restoring aurora cluster from s3 or restoring from snapshot

well I have couple of questions. I have a aurora cluster with a single MySQL RDS instance which has 450GB of data. we use this cluster only when we are doing some specific I want to delete this cluster but keep its data available to me so I can make a new cluster whenever we need any testing to be done.
there are couple of ways this can be done as far as I know
take a snapshot of the cluster and restore the cluster from the
snapshot whenever required.
backup the cluster to s3 and restore the
cluster from s3 when required
which way is more faster and which one is more cost efficient?
can an entire cluster be restored from s3 if so what are the steps involved ? , I found the aws documentation bit too messy.
If we stop a aurora cluster, it again automatically restarts within 7 days , is there a way to prevent this automatic restart and keep it stopped when it is not required and start when required ?

How to Automate Redshift Cluster Start/Stop for night time?

I have a AWS Redshift Cluster dc2.8xlarge and currently I am paying huge bill each month for running the cluster 24/7.
Is there a way I can automate the cluster uptime so that the cluster will be running in day time and I can stop the cluster at 8PM in evening and again start it in 8AM in morning.
Update: Stop/Start is now available. See: Amazon Redshift launches pause and resume
Amazon Redshift does not have a Start/Stop concept. However, there are a few options...
You could resize the cluster so that it is a lower-cost. A Redshift Cluster is sized for Compute and for Storage. You could reduce the number of nodes as long as you retain enough nodes for your Storage needs.
Also, Amazon Redshift has introduced RA3 nodes with managed storage enabling independent compute and storage scaling, which means you might be able scale-down to a single node. (This is a new node type, I'm not sure of how it works.)
Another option is to take a Snapshot and Shutdown the cluster. This will result in no costs for the cluster (but the Snapshot will be charged). Then, create a new cluster from the Snapshot when you want the cluster again.
Scheduling the above can be done in Amazon CloudWatch Events, which can trigger an AWS Lambda function. Within the function, you can make the necessary API calls to the Amazon Redshift service.
If you are concerned with the general cost of your cluster, you might want to downside from the dc2.8xlarge. You could either use multiple dc2.large nodes, or even consider a move to ds2.xlarge, which is a lower cost per TB of data stored.
good news :)
Now we can able to pause and resume the Redshift cluster (both Console and CLI)
check out the link:
Now we can pause and resume an AWS Redshift cluster.
We can also schedule the pause and the resume, which is a very important feature to check on the costs.
This will help you in automating the cluster uptime & downtime so that the cluster will be running in day time and is paused automatically at a specific time in the evening and again start in the morning automatically.
its pretty easy to use opensource to automate nightime/weekend off hours on redshift and other aws resources.

AWS RDS - creating a "replica" database daily automatically

Apologies if this isn't the right place to ask this question.
I'm looking to create an automated copy (backup) of my AWS RDS (MySQL) database daily and have this backup restored daily to another RDS instance and made available to another set of applications
I already have daily backups running and I can create a new rds instance from a backup but I want this to happen automatically within AWS.
Looking through AWS documentation and I can't find anything that fits this purpose but maybe there's a service that I'm not aware of.
AWS Aurora for MySQL and PostgreSQL support AutoScaling.
Autoscaling dynamically adjusts the number of Replicas available for cluster based on different metrics and policy. When sudden workload increase it'll add move read replicas and when it'll decrease it'll also remove so you don't have to pay for it.
Aurora AutoScaling
AWS RDS doesn't support autoscaling but you can always scale horizontally and vertically manually.
Scaling Your Amazon RDS Instance Vertically Horizontally

Does running AWS Redshift/taking/keeping snapshot of it run EC2 instance internally?

I am running few experiments on AWS Redshift in the free tier with a single node dc2.large cluster. I keep a snapshot as I do not need it to run the cluster at night and again restoring from that snapshot the next morning.
I can see my EC2 bill is slowly rising up with the utility but not a single documentation or blog I could find to understand if a running Redshift cluster uses EC2 instance or taking and keeping a snapshot of a Redshift cluster does the same.
Can anyone help me understanding the behavior?
Your usage of Amazon Redshift (including running a cluster and creating/keeping snapshots) should not create a charge for Amazon EC2 resources.
It might generate traffic within the VPC depending upon how you are connecting to it (eg cross-AZ traffic).

How to stop EMR Cluster without terminating it?

I know it is possible to stop individual EC2 instances, but what about the EMR cluster?
If I stop all EC2 instances comprising EMR cluster, would I still be billed?
At this time there is not a way to STOP and EMR cluster in the same sense you can with EC2 instances. The EMR cluster uses instance-store volumes and the EC2 start/stop feature relies on the use of EBS volumes which are not appropriate for high-performance, low-latency HDFS utilization.
The best way to simulate this behavior is to store the data in S3 and then just ingest as a start up step of the cluster then save back to S3 when done.