rtsp-sink(RTSPStreamer) DirectShow.Net filter based RTSP server causes high latency in complete network and even slowdown the network speed by 90% - c++

Ref: I have a RTSP media server that sends video via TCP streaming.I am using rtsp-sink(RTSPStreamer) DirectShow.Net filter based RTSP server which is developed in C++.Where as The Wrapper app is developed using C#.
The problem i am facing is the moment RTSP server start streaming,it affects the system level internet connection & drops internet connection speed by 90 percent.
I wanted to get your input on how it would be possible? (if at all).Because it impacts on system level internet connection not the very app level.
For Example:- My normal internet connection speed is 25 mbps. It suddenly drops to 2 mbps , whenever the RTSP streaming started in the app's server tab.
Sometimes even disables the internet connection in the system(Computer) where the app is running.
I'm asking you because I consider you an expert so please bear with me on this "maybe wild" question and thanks ahead.
...of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
Code Snippet of RTSPSender.CPP
// CStreamingServer
UsageEnvironment* CStreamingServer::s_pUsageEnvironment = NULL;
CHAR CStreamingServer::s_szDefaultBroadCastIP[] = "";
CStreamingServer::CStreamingServer(HANDLE hQuit)
: BasicTaskScheduler(10000)
, m_hQuit(hQuit)
, m_Streams(NAME("Streams"))
, m_bStarting(FALSE)
, m_bSessionReady(FALSE)
, m_pszURL(NULL)
, m_rtBufferingTime(UNITS * 2)
s_pUsageEnvironment = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*this);
rtspServer = NULL;
strcpy_s(m_szDescription,"Session streamed by \"RTSP Streamer DirectShow Filter\"");
m_nRTPPort = 6666;
m_nRTSPPort = 8554;
m_nTTL = 1;
Edited:WireShark logs:
WireShark logs at the time of RTSP streaming started


Apache Thrift timeout

I'm using apache thrift in version 0.13.0.
As soon as the time between two calls is approximately 1.5 seconds the connection will be closed.
The timeout varies from 1.3 to 1.8 seconds.
keepAlive is set in server and client. I tried different for rx, tx but this did not change anything.
My client code used for testing is below.
The client is using windows and the server is running linux.
for (int i = 0; i < 100'000;i+=50){
auto sleep = std::chrono::milliseconds(i);
std::cout << "Sleep: " << i << "\n";
Thrift will throw an exception in the code snippet below, which is located in TSocket.cpp
// Timed out!
if (errno_copy == THRIFT_ETIMEDOUT) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::TIMED_OUT, "THRIFT_ETIMEDOUT");
It looks like something is resetting the connection after this time.
If the method is called with a high frequency no timeout occurs.
Thrift is working correctly, other socket based communication is showing this behavior as well. The root cause was the VMware virtual machine the server was running in. The network mode (briged, NAT, or host only) did not make a difference. By moving the server to a physical machine the problem has been solved. Most likely the network configuration of the linux is faulty.

ESP8266 Access Point Mode - Intermittent when connecting

I'm using an ESP8266 in access point mode to send it some data (wifi credentials) from a mobile app via HTTP. The access point init code is very simple:
IPAddress apIP(10, 10, 10, 1);
IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0);
WiFi.softAPConfig(apIP, apIP, subnet);
WiFi.softAP(ACCESS_POINT_NAME); // No password requird
What I find is that sometimes the mobile phone connects to the ESP's network seamlessly, and other times seriously struggles (rejects the connection, or takes > 3 mins to connect).
Questions are:
Are there issues with this code that could make a connection to the ESP by a client temperamental (sometimes fine, other times not)? Like should I change the WiFi channel from 1? Are the static IP/Subnet mask creating issues?
Is the issue likely hardware related - i.e. sometimes the client gets a good wifi signal from the ESP, sometimes not?
If anyone else faces this, I found a large performance improvement from doing the following:
Removing DNS
Reseting the WiFi config
Explicitly setting the module to AP mode - this is referenced by this Github issue comment. This seems to be the primary driver of improvement.
So the code is now:
// Set up WiFi mode [Improve AP stability - no dual STA mode]
IPAddress apIP(10, 10, 10, 1);
IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0);
WiFi.softAPConfig(apIP, apIP, subnet);
WiFi.softAP(ACCESS_POINT_NAME); // No password
The reasoning is that while in STA mode, the ESP may channel hop (depending on the environment), and the AP gets pulled with it. So any client connected before the channel hop will have to reconnect.

Lag when sending an http request using POCO C++ libraries

I have written a program making an http POST request to google-analytics using the following code:
Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession session("www.google-analytics.com");
Poco::Net::HTTPRequest req(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_POST, "/collect",Poco::Net::HTTPMessage::HTTP_1_1);
Poco::URI uri("");
uri.addQueryParameter("v", "1");
////// more parameters of the uri //////
session.sendRequest(req) << uri.getRawQuery();
A user of the program has reported a 20 seconds freeze of the program every time a request is made. I have not been able to replicate the problem on any other computer, nor understand where it could come from.
He uses an ethernet connection to a modem TP-Link 300Mbps Wireless N Gigabit ADSL2+Modem Router TD-W8970. When the modem is turned off, the lag does not occur (my code throws an exception when sendRequest fails).
Any help/suggestion on the problem would be much appreciated!

Simulate a real UDP application and measure traffic load on OMNeT++

So I am experimenting with OMNeT++ and I have created a DataCenter with Fat Tree topology. Now I want to observe how a UDP application works in (as-real-as it gets) conditions. I have used the INET Framework and implemented the VideoStream Client-Server application.
So my question is that:
My network seems to work perfectly and I don't want to. I want to measure the datarate received by the client and compare it to the server's broadcast datarate. But even though I put much traffic into the network (several UDP and TCP applications) the datarate received is exactly the same as the datarate broadcasted and I am guessing in real conditions this traffic load is expected to vary in such highly dynamic enviroments. So how can I achieve the right conditions on OMNeT++ to simulate a real communication (maybe with packet losses and queuing time etc.) so I can measures these traffic loads?
There is the .ini file used:
[Config UDPStreamMultiple]
**.Pod[2].racks[1].servers[1].vms[2].numUdpApps = 1
**.Pod[2].racks[1].servers[1].vms[2].udpApp[0].typename = "UDPVideoStreamSvr"
**.Pod[2].racks[1].servers[1].vms[2].udpApp[0].localPort = 1000
**.Pod[2].racks[1].servers[1].vms[2].udpApp[0].sendInterval = 1s
**.Pod[2].racks[1].servers[1].vms[2].udpApp[0].packetLen = 20480B
**.Pod[2].racks[1].servers[1].vms[2].udpApp[0].videoSize = 512000B
**.Pod[3].racks[0].servers[0].vms[0].numUdpApps = 1
**.Pod[3].racks[0].servers[0].vms[0].udpApp[0].typename = "UDPVideoStreamSvr"
**.Pod[3].racks[0].servers[0].vms[0].udpApp[0].localPort = 1000
**.Pod[3].racks[0].servers[0].vms[0].udpApp[0].sendInterval = 1s
**.Pod[3].racks[0].servers[0].vms[0].udpApp[0].packetLen = 2048B
**.Pod[3].racks[0].servers[0].vms[0].udpApp[0].videoSize = 51200B
**.Pod[0].racks[0].servers[0].vms[0].numUdpApps = 1
**.Pod[0].racks[0].servers[0].vms[0].udpApp[0].typename = "UDPVideoStreamCli"
**.Pod[0].racks[0].servers[0].vms[0].udpApp[0].serverAddress = ""
**.Pod[0].racks[0].servers[0].vms[0].udpApp[0].serverPort = 1000
**.Pod[1].racks[0].servers[0].vms[1].numUdpApps = 1
**.Pod[1].racks[0].servers[0].vms[1].udpApp[0].typename = "UDPVideoStreamCli"
**.Pod[1].racks[0].servers[0].vms[1].udpApp[0].serverAddress = ""
**.Pod[1].racks[0].servers[0].vms[1].udpApp[0].serverPort = 1000
**.Pod[2].racks[0].servers[0].vms[1].numUdpApps = 1
**.Pod[2].racks[0].servers[0].vms[1].udpApp[0].typename = "UDPVideoStreamCli"
**.Pod[2].racks[0].servers[0].vms[1].udpApp[0].serverAddress = ""
**.Pod[2].racks[0].servers[0].vms[1].udpApp[0].serverPort = 1000
**.Pod[2].racks[1].servers[0].vms[1].numUdpApps = 1
**.Pod[2].racks[1].servers[0].vms[1].udpApp[0].typename = "UDPVideoStreamCli"
**.Pod[2].racks[1].servers[0].vms[1].udpApp[0].serverAddress = ""
**.Pod[2].racks[1].servers[0].vms[1].udpApp[0].serverPort = 1000
Thanks in advance.
So after a lot of research, thinking and tests I managed to achieve my desired goal. What I did is this:
Because the whole topology of the Datacenter is built that way so it will reduce the load that the routers have and balance the traffic, to take the necessary measures I created a smaller network. Just simple 3 nodes (StandardHost) from the INET Framework and a simple UDP Application that goes from node A to node B through midHost (e.g nodeA ---> midHost ---> nodeB). In the .ini file there should be a couple of commands like:
**.ppp[*].queueType = "DropTailQueue"
**.ppp[*].queue.frameCapacity = 50
**.ppp[*].numOutputHooks = 1
**.ppp[*].outputHook[*].typename = "ThruputMeter"
These commands are managing the links between the nodes and can be scaled according to someone needs (adjust the frame capacity maybe or the queue type). By making this small network you can easily customize it and take the metrics you need. I hope I can help anyone who wanted to do the same to get some feel about how to do it.

c++ networking issue- my OS does not send ack

I wrote an application in c++ which send data over tcp connection to several machines.as part of the protocol I use in my application, the other side sends hearbeat messages from time to time, then I know that the connection is still alive.
now, I want this application to work on 100 machines or more at the same time. but, I see that sometimes I don't get these heartbeat messages although they sent: I see in wireshark that the packet arrived, then my OS doesn't ack on this message, so there are some retransmit without any ack from my OS. if I look in the window size property - I saw that there is no issue in this part. what can be the root cause for this behavior? it is something in my code that I should change?
this is my select code:
while(it != sockets.end() ){
FD_SET((*it), &readFds);
if( (int)(*it) > fdCount ){
fdCount = *it;
int res = select(fdCount, &readFds, NULL, NULL, NULL );
I'm using server 2008 r2.
I don't see any stress on the network card or on the switch.
Please help me!