flask render_template with url parameter - templates

I use pdf.js to render pdf in web. The format of the target url like this:
My problem is:
I use flask template to generate page using:
return render_template('book.html', paraKey=paraValue)
But how to attach url parameter "file=abc.pdf" to url?
The parameter will be read by viewer.js(included in book.html) that uses it to read file for rendering pdf.
I'm new to flask, hoping guys giving me some help!

You could use redirect function, which can redirect you whatever you want:
def hello():
file = request.args.get('file')
if not file:
return redirect("/?file=abc.pdf")
return render_template('book.html', paraKey=paraValue)

You can get the parameter that have been passed in the request url by using the request object.
#app.route("/book", methods=["GET"])
def get_book():
file = request.args.get("file")
if file:
return render_template('book.html', file=file)
abort(401, description="Missing file parameter in request url")

This topic helped me reslove my question, but it seems not the perfect answer.
code viewer.py not changed.Solution is:
step1)I embed the code
<script>var FILE_PATH = {{ file }}</script>
in template.
step2)the script that will use the variable need to modify the code(viewer.js),from:
var file = 'file' in params ? params.file : DEFAULT_URL
It let viewer.js not independent anymore.
I hope someone provide a better solution.


Persian text in url Django

I have some links that include Persian texts, such as:
And in the view function I want to access to Persian part, so:
url = request.path_info
key = re.findall('/fields/(.+)', url)[0]
But I get the following error:
IndexError at /fields/
list index out of range
Actually, the problem is with the index zero because it can not see anything there! It should be noted that it is a Django project on IIS Server and I have successfully tested it with other servers and the local server. I think it has some thing related to IIS. Moreover I have tried to slugify the url without success. I can encode urls successfully, but I think it is not the actual answer to this question.
Based on the comments:
I checked the request.path too and the same problem. It contains:
I implemented a sample django project in local server and here is my views:
def test(request):
t = request.path
return HttpResponse(t)
The results:تست/
Without any problem.
Based on the #sytech comment, I have created a middlware.py in my app directory:
from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler
class SimpleMiddleware(WSGIHandler):
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
return super().__call__(environ, start_response)
and in settings.py:
But I am getting the following error:
__call__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'start_response'
Assuming you don't have another problem in your rewrite configuration, on IIS, depending on your rewrite configuration, you may need to access this through the UNENCODED_URL variable which will contain the unencoded value.
This can be demonstrated in a simple WSGI middleware:
from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler
class MyHandler(WSGIHandler):
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
return super().__call__(environ, start_response)
You would see the unencoded URL and the path part that's in Persian would be passed %D8%B7%D8%A8%2520%D9%86%D8%B8%D8%A7%D9%85%DB%8C. Which you can then decode with urllib.parse.unquote
# طب%20نظامی
If you wanted, you could use a middleware to set this as an attribute on the request object or even override the request.path_info.
You must be using URL rewrite v7.1.1980 or higher for this to work.
You could also use the UNENCODED_URL directly in the rewrite rule, but that may result in headaches with routing.
I can encode urls successfully, but I think it is not the actual answer to this question.
Yeah, that is another option, but may result in other issues like this: IIS10 URL Rewrite 2.1 double encoding issue
You can do this by using python split() method
url = "http://sample.com/fields/طب%20نظامی"
url_key = url.split(sep="/", maxsplit=4)
output : 'طب%20نظامی'
in this url is splited by / which occurs 4 time in string so it will return a list like this
['http:', '', 'sample.com', 'fields', 'طب%20نظامی']
then extract result like this url_key[-1] from url_key
you can Split the URL by :
string = http://sample.com/fields/طب%20نظامی
last_part = string. Split("/")[-1]
output :< طب%20نظامی >
slugify(last_part, allow_unicode=True)
I guess This Will Help You :)

In Django, How do you write the url pattern for a json file?

My website generates json files in saves them with the user specified name: test.json
I couldn't immediately access it, so I assumed that I would have to write a URL pattern and view to see this file.
I want something akin to this :
url(r'^(?P<Controller>).json$', views.loadjson, name='loadjson')
If you need to serve static JSON files then doing so through Django is not the best way - if that's the case use something like Nginx.
If you wan't Django to generate those files and/or for e.g. an authentication mechanism in front of it then ok for Django.
To your question:
# urls.py
url(r'^(?P<json_file>[\w]+).json$', views.loadjson, name='loadjson')
It seems like you forgotten about [\w]+ which I guess is the right pattern for your needs.
the view function will be called with a WSGIRequest instance and the json_file argument (from your url pattern), from there you should be able to do whatever you like with the file. It's a good idea to return in as an application/json content type as those are supposed to be JSON.
# views.py
from django.http import HttpResponse
def loadjson(request, json_file):
# open, generate, fetch the json file
# for e.g.:
json_content = read_file(json_file)
return HttpResponse(

Save pdf from django-wkhtmltopdf to server (instead of returning as a response)

I'm writing a Django function that takes some user input, and generates a pdf for the user. However, the process for generating the pdf is quite intensive, and I'll get a lot of repeated requests so I'd like to store the generated pdfs on the server and check if they already exist before generating them.
The problem is that django-wkhtmltopdf (which I'm using for generation) is meant to return to the user directly, and I'm not sure how to store it on the file.
I have the following, which works for returning a pdf at /pdf:
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^pdf$', views.createPDF.as_view(template_name='site/pdftemplate.html', filename='my_pdf.pdf'))
class createPDF(PDFTemplateView):
filename = 'my_pdf.pdf'
template_name = 'site/pdftemplate.html'
So that works fine to create a pdf. What I'd like is to call that view from another view and save the result. Here's what I've got so far:
#Create pdf
pdf = createPDF.as_view(template_name='site/pdftemplate.html', filename='my_pdf.pdf')
pdf = pdf(request).render()
pdfPath = os.path.join(settings.TEMP_DIR,'temp.pdf')
with open(pdfPath, 'w') as f:
This creates temp.pdf and is about the size I'd expect but the file isn't valid (it renders as a single completely blank page).
Any suggestions?
Elaborating on the previous answer given: to generate a pdf file and save to disk do this anywhere in your view:
context = {...} # build your context
# generate response
response = PDFTemplateResponse(
cmd_options={'load-error-handling': 'ignore'})
# write the rendered content to a file
with open("file.pdf", "wb") as f:
I have used this code in a TemplateView class so request and template fields were set like that, you may have to set it to whatever is appropriate in your particular case.
Well, you need to take a look to the code of wkhtmltopdf, first you need to use the class PDFTemplateResponse in wkhtmltopdf.views to get access to the rendered_content property, this property get us access to the pdf file:
response = PDFTemplateResponse(
cmd_options={'load-error-handling': 'ignore'})
Now you could use the rendered_content property to get access to the pdf file:
mail.attach('pdf_filename.pdf', response.rendered_content, 'application/pdf')
In my case I'm using this pdf to attach to an email, you could store it.

Django-Weasyprint image issue

As it says in the docs page, I defined a img tag in my html file as follows:
<img src='{% static 'image.png' %}'/>
This url exists in the server and I even made a different view with a http response and the image is displayed just fine. Here is the code for both views:
The pdf-weasyprint view:
def card_view(request):
template = loader.get_template('card.html')
context = {'sample': None
html = template.render(RequestContext(request, context))
response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf')
return response
The html view:
def card_view2(request):
context = {'sample': None,
return render_to_response('card.html', context,
I thought the default url fetcher was supposed to find and render the image (it's a png - so no format issue should be involved)
Any ideas? Any help would be appreciated!!
What exactly is the issue? Do you get anything in the logs? (You may need to configure logging if your server does not log stderr.) What does the generated HTML look like?
I’d really need answers to the above to confirm, but my guess is that the image’s URL is relative, but with HTML(string=...) WeasyPrint has no idea of what is the base URL. Try something like this. (I’m not sure of the Django details.)
HTML(string=html, base_url=request.build_absolute_uri()).write_pdf(response)
This will make a real HTTP request on your app, which may deadlock on a single-threaded server. (I think the development server defaults to a single thread.)
To avoid that and the cost of going through the network, you may want to look into writing a custom "URL fetcher". It could be anywhere from specialized to just this one image, to a full Django equivalent of Flask-WeasyPrint.
Here it is a URL fetcher which reads (image) files locally, without performing an HTTP request:
from weasyprint import HTML, CSS, default_url_fetcher
import mimetypes
def weasyprint_local_fetcher(url):
if url.startswith('local://'):
filepath = url[8:]
with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
file_data = f.read()
return {
'string': file_data,
'mime_type': mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0],
return default_url_fetcher(url)
In order to use it, use the local:// scheme in your URLs, for example:
<img src="local://myapp/static/images/image.svg" />
Then, pass the fetcher to the HTML __init__ method:
html = HTML(

Handling multiple sub-urls in Django's url.py file

In my djang urls pattern file, I'd like to hold a bunch of sub-url's but I don't want to make it ugly.
I have a file which handles all of my Ajax requests (it outputs different JSON files depending on the request it gets.
example (in my url.py):
in the form: (url, maps to)
(ajax/do_a, ajax.do_a)
ajax/do_b, ajax.do_b)
ajax/do_c, ajax.do_c)
ajax/do_d, ajax.do_d)
these are all sub-urls, eg.
Basically do_a,do_b,do_c,and do_d are all different request handlers sitting in the same same in the "ajax.py" file. I really don't want to be filling up my urls.py file with all of these urls for ajax requests. I was thinking of move this so that I only have
in my url.py file and then somehow parse the ajax/ request url in my request handler (in the ajax.py file) so I can see what string came after the "ajax/". I'm not sure how to do this or if this would be a good idea to do this....Could anyone offer some advice? thanks :)
You could set up a dispatcher view for handling these. For example, in your urls.py:
(r'^ajax/do_(?P<do_token>(\d+))/$', 'do_dispatcher', {}, "di_dispatcher"),
Then, give yourself a view to handle it:
def do_a(request):
def do_b(request):
def do_c(request):
'a' = do_a,
'b' = do_b,
'c' = do_c,
def do_dispatch(request, do_token):
do_func = DO_LOOKUP.get(do_token, None)
if do_func is None:
return HttpResponseNotFound("No do could be found for token '%s'!" % do_token)
return do_func(request)