Read 'Binary' files with ReadFile WinAPI - c++

When I try to open '.exe' files with ReadFile() Windows API, It's just return the 2 first character of file like : MZ
Here is my Code:
#define BUFFERSIZE 5000
VOID CALLBACK FileIOCompletionRoutine(
__in DWORD dwErrorCode,
__in DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransfered,
__in LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
VOID CALLBACK FileIOCompletionRoutine(
__in DWORD dwErrorCode,
__in DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransfered,
__in LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped)
_tprintf(TEXT("Error code:\t%x\n"), dwErrorCode);
_tprintf(TEXT("Number of bytes:\t%x\n"), dwNumberOfBytesTransfered);
g_BytesTransferred = dwNumberOfBytesTransfered;
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
char ReadBuffer[BUFFERSIZE] = { 0 };
OVERLAPPED ol = { 0 };
hFile = CreateFile(fullFilePath.c_str(), // file to open
GENERIC_READ, // open for reading
FILE_SHARE_READ, // share for reading
NULL, // default security
OPEN_EXISTING, // existing file only
NULL); // no attr. template
ReadFileEx(hFile, ReadBuffer, BUFFERSIZE - 1, &ol, FileIOCompletionRoutine);
When I print ReadBuffer It's just MZ(exe file).
But Using:
std::ifstream file(argv[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
It's work perfectly.
How Can I Read Binary files With ReadFile?

The problem is not with reading, the problem is with printing.
You're not showing your code, but you're likely trying to print with printf or something similar. IOW, you're printing it as C string.
Well, binary data includes 0s, and in this case the first 3 bytes are 'M', 'Z', '\0' - and that prints as a null-terminated string "MZ".
You'd have to write a converter to per-byte hex numbers if you want to see meaningful printing of binary data: 4D 5A 00 and so on

How Can I Read Binary files With ReadFile?
ReadFile (and ReadFileEx ) works 'in binary mode'. You get exact file contents byte by byte without any translation.
You have problem with writing/printing. This mostly depends where you want to write, but for outputing (binary) data potentially containing nulls in C++ choose write method
some_output_stream.write( buffer_ptr, num_bytes_in_buffer );
some_output_stream should be set to binary mode (std::ios::binary). Without this flag all bytes with value 10 could be translated to pairs 13,10.
If C FILE functions are used
fwrite( buffer_ptr, 1, num_bytes_in_buffer, some_output_file );
Again some_output_file has to be in binary mode.
In some scenarios WriteFile can be used complementary to your usage of ReadFile.


How to copy a file but touch the timestamp on the new copy?

I am using ::CopyFile() to make a copy of a file. It appears the original file's timestamp is being preserved and I would like the copy to set the current timestamp on the copy, i.e. 'touching' it.
Is there a WinAPI way to do this easily?
If you read the MSDN documentation for CopyFile(), there are comments at the bottom that say the following:
File times semantics
This article should document semantics with respect to file creation/modification/access times.
Creation time: if the target file already exists, its' creation time is preserved, otherwise it is set to the current system time.
Last Modification time: always copied from modification time of the source file.
Last Access time: always set to the current system time.
Mod-time not always preserved
The modification time is not guaranteed to be set. CopyFileEx does try to set the modification time, but it does NO error checking on it. This means if setting modification time fails internally in CopyFileEx (e.g. with access denied), latter will still returns successful!
So if modification time is important for your scenario (it is for my synchronization program), you have to explicitly call SetFileTime() and check it's return value to be sure.
You should use SetFileTime() to update the copied file's timestamp(s) yourself to make sure they are set to what you want them to be set to. There is an example on MSDN:
Changing a File Time to the Current Time
#include <windows.h>
// SetFileToCurrentTime - sets last write time to current system time
// Return value - TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
// hFile - must be a valid file handle
BOOL SetFileToCurrentTime(HANDLE hFile)
GetSystemTime(&st); // Gets the current system time
SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft); // Converts the current system time to file time format
f = SetFileTime(hFile, // Sets last-write time of the file
(LPFILETIME) NULL, // to the converted current system time
return f;
::CopyFile is actually part of windows:
It is a convenience function that does copy metadata. There is another way, though less convenient, to copy files using windows. Check out these functions:
_In_ LPCTSTR lpFileName,
_In_ DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
_In_ DWORD dwShareMode,
_In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
_In_ DWORD dwCreationDisposition,
_In_ DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes,
_In_opt_ HANDLE hTemplateFile
_In_ HANDLE hFile,
_Out_ LPVOID lpBuffer,
_In_ DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead,
_Out_opt_ LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead,
_Inout_opt_ LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
_In_ HANDLE hFile,
_In_ LPCVOID lpBuffer,
_In_ DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
_Out_opt_ LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
_Inout_opt_ LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
So you would open the file with something like this:
Check for a invalid return handle,
Create the new file with something like this:
Check for a invalid return handle,
read the file into a buffer:
ReadFile(handle for file 1, buffer, Buffer size, Destination file,OUT for Bytes Read, NULL)
Then write out the Buffer:
WriteFile(outfile handle,buffer,number of bytes,NULL)
Close your handles.
Make sure to read CreateFiles details, it can be used to open files too.

C++ WriteFile only writing 4 bytes

Here's what I'm trying to achieve; I'm hooking onto the HttpSendRequest function (on Xbox it's XHttp) and trying dump the certificate that's in pcszHeaders which has the size of 0x1F0E.
Now the problem; it only seems to write 4 bytes, I've even tried allocating extra memory and setting each bit to 0 to see if it's the size of Headers and it continues to only write 4 bytes. I've been able to dump pcszHeaders remotely because I got the address whilst debugging but I need to dump it at run-time.
Something I notice whilst debugging - The address of pcszHeaders only shows in locals until it reaches;
printf("XHttpSendRequest: %s\n", "Creating Certificate.bin...");
Once it reaches the printf() above the address changes to 0x00000000 (bad ptr) but it still writes the first byte of correct data of pcszHeaders correctly but nothing more.
Here is the entire hook;
const CHAR *pcszHeaders,
DWORD dwHeadersLength,
const VOID *lpOptional,
DWORD dwOptionalLength,
DWORD dwTotalLength,
DWORD_PTR dwContext)
printf("XHttpSendRequest: %s\n", "Creating Certificate.bin...");
// Setup expansion
doMountPath("Hdd:", "\\Device\\Harddisk0\\Partition1");
//create our file
//does file exist?
printf("XHttpSendRequest: %s\n", "Writing to file...");
DWORD wfbr;
//write to our file
if(WriteFile(fileHandle, pcszHeaders, 0x2000, &wfbr, NULL))
printf("XHttpSendRequest: %s\n", "File written!");
printf("%s\n", "Request has ended.");
return XHttpSendRequest(hRequest, pcszHeaders, dwHeadersLength, lpOptional, dwOptionalLength, dwTotalLength, dwContext);
EDIT: I've changed the code slightly and I've copied pcszHeaders data into another section of memory that I've created and my pointers seems to have all the correct data and I've tried Writing it to file and it still only writes 4 bytes. I've even used sizeof() instead of hard-coded 0x2000.
pcszHeaders is a char* pointer. sizeof(pcszHeaders) is 4 in a 32bit app (8 in a 64bit app). You need to use the dwHeadersLength parameter instead, which tells you how many characters are in pcszHeaders.
Also, your GetLastError() check after CreateFile() is wrong. If CreateFile() fails for any reason other than ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, you are entering the code block and thus writing data to an invalid file handle. When using CREATE_NEW, CreateFile() returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if the file already exists. You don't need to check GetLastError() for that, checking for INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE by itself is enough. If you want to overwrite the existing file, use CREATE_ALWAYS instead.
You are also leaking the file handle if WriteFile() fails.
And you are calling the original HttpSendRequest() only if you successfully write headers to your file. If there are no headers, or the create/write fails, you are not allowing the request to proceed. Is that what you really want?
Try this instead:
const CHAR *pcszHeaders,
DWORD dwHeadersLength,
const VOID *lpOptional,
DWORD dwOptionalLength,
DWORD dwTotalLength,
DWORD_PTR dwContext)
printf("XHttpSendRequest: Creating Certificate.bin...\n");
// Setup expansion
doMountPath("Hdd:", "\\Device\\Harddisk0\\Partition1");
//create our file
//is file open?
if (fileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
printf("XHttpSendRequest: Writing to file...\n");
DWORD wfbr;
//write to our file
if (WriteFile(fileHandle, pcszHeaders, dwHeadersLength, &wfbr, NULL))
printf("XHttpSendRequest: File written!\n");
printf("XHttpSendRequest: Error writing to file: %u\n", GetLastError());
printf("XHttpSendRequest: Error creating file: %u\n", GetLastError());
printf("Request has ended.\n");
return XHttpSendRequest(hRequest, pcszHeaders, dwHeadersLength, lpOptional, dwOptionalLength, dwTotalLength, dwContext);
Finally the problem has been solved!
First I created an empty array for the data to be stored.
CHAR xtoken[0x2000];
memset(xtoken, 0, 0x2000);
The first part of the hook is to store the header data.
DWORD bufferLength = dwHeadersLength;
memcpy(xtoken, pcszHeaders, bufferLength);
I then write the data to file
WriteFile(fileHandle, (void*)&xtoken, bufferLength, &wfbr, NULL))
Success! I guess the problem was that parameter 2 of WriteFile() was incorrect.

Add/Remove bytes from end of file on Windows

So, I've looked around, but couldn't find a way to remove bytes from the end of a file without rewriting the entire file. I found that a truncate function works for linux, but didn't find anything for windows. Now, obviously, to expand a file, I can just pad the end with null bytes, but for reducing a file's size, is it literally necessary to rewrite the whole file on windows? or is there a function, maybe in windows.h, that allows me, like truncate on linux, to reassign a file's size?
EDIT: I did just find the function _chdir(int,long), and I'm reading on how to use it.
EDIT: And, why exactly did fstream leave out this vital function?
EDIT: Ok, so it appears that _chdir() will not work (I forgot to mention this, btw), because the function must support files larger than 4 GB - i.e., I'm using 64bit file pointers. I thought that would be inherent, but after reading the arguments to chsize, the length is not size_t.
You truncate a file by calling SetFilePointer or SetFilePointerEx to the desired location followed by SetEndOfFile. The following shows how a truncate function can be implemented:
bool truncate( HANDLE hFile, LARGE_INTEGER NewSize ) {
LARGE_INTEGER Size = { 0 };
if ( GetFileSizeEx( hFile, &Size ) ) {
LARGE_INTEGER Distance = { 0 };
// Negative values move the pointer backward in the file
Distance.QuadPart = NewSize.QuadPart - Size.QuadPart;
return ( SetFilePointerEx( hFile, Distance, NULL, FILE_END ) &&
SetEndOfFile( hFile ) );
return false;
// Helper function taking a file name instead of a HANDLE
bool truncate( const std::wstring& PathName, LARGE_INTEGER NewSize ) {
HANDLE hFile = CreateFileW( PathName.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ,
if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
return false;
bool Success = truncate( hFile, NewSize );
CloseHandle( hFile );
return Success;
EDIT: Shorter Version
The truncate function can be shortened to the following:
bool truncate( HANDLE hFile, LARGE_INTEGER NewSize ) {
return ( SetFilePointerEx( hFile, NewSize, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ) &&
SetEndOfFile( hFile ) );
If you would rather want to pass the amount of bytes by which to shrink the file, the following implementation can be used:
bool truncate( HANDLE hFile, LARGE_INTEGER ShrinkBy ) {
ShrinkBy.QuadPart = -ShrinkBy.QuadPart;
return ( SetFilePointerEx( hFile, ShrinkBy, NULL, FILE_END ) &&
SetEndOfFile( hFile ) );
To grow a file, open the file using CreateFile with a dwDesiredAccess that contains FILE_APPEND_DATA. Using SetFilePointer again to set the file pointer to the end of file you can then write new data calling WriteFile. For an example, see Appending One File to Another File.
EDIT: Growing a file without writing to it
If you don't care about the file contents beyond the original file size you can apply the same sequence as shown for truncating a file to extend it:
bool SetFileSize( HANDLE hFile, LARGE_INTEGER NewSize ) {
return ( SetFilePointerEx( hFile, NewSize, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ) &&
SetEndOfFile( hFile ) );
This is documented behavior for SetEndOfFile:
The SetEndOfFile function can be used to truncate or extend a file. If the file is extended, the contents of the file between the old end of the file and the new end of the file are not defined.
You probably want the SetEndOfFile function.
EDIT: This should work with files larger than 4GB. Use the SetFilePointerEx function for that.
To remove bytes from end of file on Windows:
FSUTIL file seteof <filename> <new size>
To add (null)bytes to end of (existing)file:
FSUTIL file seteof <filename> <new size>
No need to copy/"rewrite the whole file on windows"

Write to a txt file using windows API

I am trying to write some lines to a a txt file through an ATL application. Below is the fragment of code I use:
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(ofn.lpstrFile,
DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;
std::list<CString> helpList;
std::list<CString>::iterator it;
helpList.push_back(L"First Line\r\n");
helpList.push_back(L"Second Line");
for(it=helpList.begin(); it!=helpList.end(); ++it)
WriteFile( hFile, (*it).GetString(), (*it).GetLength(), &dwBytesWritten, NULL );
Notwithstanding everything is working right, nothing is finally written to the file. What should I change in the code?
Couple of issues:
Close the handle to the file using CloseHandle()
The length argument for WriteFile() is in bytes but you're specifying characters. Since you're using wide chars you need to multiple the length value by the size of the char.

WriteFile function C++

Im trying to use the WriteFile function. Ive been working off this example
Here the buffer that is passed to WriteFile is filled from ReadFile. But I dont want to do it that way. I just want to write a string like "Example text testing WriteFile" or something. But im not sure what values the parameters should have. Ive tried looking around on google but couldnt find anything. Anyone know how i do this?
From MSDN:
__in HANDLE hFile,
__in LPCVOID lpBuffer,
__in DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
__out_opt LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
__inout_opt LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
The first argument is the handle to the file.
The second argument is a pointer to the data you want to write. In your case it's the string.
The third argument is the length of the data you want to write. In your case it will be something like strlen(str).
The fourth argument is a pointer to a DWORD variable that will receive the number of bytes actually written.
The fifth and last parameter can be NULL for now.
You use it like this:
char str[] = "Example text testing WriteFile";
DWORD bytesWritten;
WriteFile(fileHandle, str, strlen(str), &bytesWritten, NULL);
If WriteFile returns FALSE then there was an error. Use the GetLastError function to find out the error code.
A simple example of writing a string:
(hOutFile here is an open file handle from a call to CreateFile):
DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;
char Str[] = "Example text testing WriteFile";
WriteFile( hOutFile, Str, strlen(Str), &dwBytesWritten, NULL );
EDIT: Check the MSDN function definition for what each parameter does.