Backing up Minio to S3 - amazon-web-services

I'm setting up distributed Minio servers locally to use in a solution but would like to back them up to S3 regularly in case the local file system fails/just for more durability or just to migrate to AWS. The use case being we need an S3 compatible storage locally for regular access but would like the option of having it backed up in the cloud.
Wanted to check if anyone has tried something similar before or knows of something similar? Like a simple way/tool to keep Minio buckets in sync with your S3 buckets?

you can simply use mc mirror between minio/ to s3/

Have you checked out Rclone - Rclone is a command line program to sync files and directories to and from: ... minio ... s3 (and lots more).
Combine this with either a batch or cron job or something based on minio notifications triggered on update/delete.


Trino on pure AWS S3

Is it possible to run Trino on top of pure AWS S3 without any other additional engine? In the Trino connectors there is no S3, but in the docs it is mentioned it could be run over S3 or e.g. Hive. So do I need some layer over S3 such as Hadoop/Hive or something like that, or it is possible to use Trino just with S3 as is?
Trino can use S3 as a storage mechanism through the Hive connector. But S3 itself is only for object (basically files) storage - there is not a server type component. You must have a server process running somewhere as either a Linux process or a Docker image.

How to automatically sync s3 bucket to a local folder using windows server

Im trying to have a replica of my s3 bucket in a local folder. it should be updated when a change occurs on the bucket.
You can use the aws cli s3 sync command to copy ('synchronize') files from an Amazon S3 bucket to a local drive.
To have it update frequently, you could schedule it as a Windows Scheduled Tasks. Please note that it will be making frequent calls to AWS, which will incur API charges ($0.005 per 1000 requests).
Alternatively, you could use utilities that 'mount' an Amazon S3 bucket as a drive (Tntdrive, Cloudberry, Mountain Duck, etc). I'm not sure how they detect changes -- they possibly create a 'virtual drive' where the data is not actually downloaded until it is accessed.
You can use rclone and Winfsp to mount S3 as a drive.
Though this might not be a 'mount' in traditional terms.
You will need to setup a task scheduler for a continuous sync.
Example :

AWS CLI listing all the files within a S3 Bucket

I am practicing AWS commands. My client has given me the AWS IAM access key and the secret but not the account that I can log in to the admin panel. Those keys are being used with the project itself. What I am trying to do is that I am trying to list down all the files recursive within a S3 bucket.
This is what I have done so far.
I have configured the AWS profile for CLI using the following command
aws configure
Then I could list all the available buckets by running the following command
aws s3 ls
Then I am trying to list all the files within a bucket. I tried running the following command.
aws s3 ls s3://my-bucket-name
But it seems like it is not giving me the correct content. Also, I need a way to navigate around the bucket too. How can I do that?
You want to list all of the objects recursively but aren't using --recursive flag. This will only show prefixes and any objects at the root level
Relevant docs
A few options.
Roll your own
if you run an aws s3 ls and a line item has the word "PRE" instead of a modify date and size, that means it's a "directory" that you can traverse. You can write a quick bash script to run recursive aws s3 ls commands on everything that returns "PRE" indicating it's hiding more files.
Using the S3FS-Fuse project on github, you can mount an S3 bucket on your file system and explore it that way. I haven't tested this and thus can't personally recommend it, but it seems viable, and might be a simple way to use tools you already have and understand (like tree).
One concern that I might have, is when I've used software similar to this it has made a lot of API calls and if left mounted for the long-term, it can run up costs just by the number of API calls.
Sync everything to a localhost (not recommended)
Adding this for completion, but you can run
aws s3 sync s3://mybucket/ ./
This will try to copy everything to your computer and you'll be able to use your own filesystem. However, s3 buckets can hold petabytes of data, so you may not be able to sync it all to your system. Also, s3 provides a lot of strong security precautions to protect the data, which your personal computer probably doesn't.

Running java operation directly on AWS S3 target bucket

We have the following workflow at my work:
Download the data from AWS s3 bucket to the workspace:
aws s3 cp --only-show-errors s3://bucket1
Unzip the data
unzip -q "/workspace/folder1/" -d "/workspace/folder2"
Run a java command
java -Xmx1024m -jar param1 etc...
Sync the archive back to the s3 target bucket
aws s3 sync --include #{archive.location} s3://bucket
As you can see that the downloading data from s3 bucket, unzipping, running some java operation on the data and copying back to s3 costs a lot of time and resources.
Hence, we are planning to unzip directly in the s3 target bucket and run java operation there. Would it be possible to run the java operation directly in s3 bucket? If yes, could you please provide some insights?
Its not possible to run the java 'in S3', but what you can do is move your Java code to an AWS Lambda function, and all the work can be done 'in the cloud', i.e., no need to download to a local machine, process and re-upload.
Without knowing the details of you requirements, I would consider setting up an S3 notification request that gets invoked each time a new file gets PUT into a particular location, and AWS Lambda function that gets invoked with the details of that new file, and then have Lambda output the results to a different bucket/location with the results.
I have done similar things (though not with java) and have found it rock solid way of processing files.
You cannot run code on S3.
S3 is an object store, which don't provide any executing environment. To do any modifications to the files, you need to download it, modify and upload back to S3.
If you need to do operations on files, you can look into using AWS Elastic File System which you can mount to your EC2 instance and do the operations as required.

How to Transfer Data from my PC to S3 on AWS

Can anyone suggest any document for transferring data from my Personal Computer to S3 on AWS. I have about 50GB of data to be transferred and later use spark to analyze the data.
There are many free ways to upload files to S3, including:
use the AWS console, go into S3, navigate to the S3 bucket, then use
Actions | Upload
use s3cmd
use the awscli
use Cloudberry Explorer
To upload from your local machine to S3, you can use tools like CyberDuck. Some times large uploads may get interrupted ... Tools like Cyberduck can resume an aborted update.
If you already have data onto an Amazon EC2 machine instance, then s3cmd works pretty well.