How to create dask dataframe from CSV file stored in HDFS(many part files) - hdfs

I am trying to create dask dataframe from HDFS file(csv). The csv file stored in HDFS has many part files.
On read_csv api call:
dd.read_csv("hdfs:<some path>/data.csv")
Following error occurs:
OSError: Could not open file: <some path>/data.csv, mode: rb Path is not a file: <some path>/data.csv
In fact /data.csv is directory containing many part files. I'm not sure if there is some different API to read such hdfs csv.

Dask does not know which files you intend to read from when you pass only a directory name. You should pass a glob string uses to search for files or an explicit list of files, e.g.,
df = dd.read_csv("hdfs:///some/path/data.csv/*.csv")
Note the leading '/' after the colon: all hdfs paths begin this way.


Call the added file in Hive to use for UDF

I have a file which contains holidays and it is required by UDF to use this file to run and calculate the given business days for two dates. Issue I have is when I add the file, it goes to a working directory but this directory differs every session.
Unlike in the example below from Hive Resources - This is not what is happening.
hive> add FILE /tmp/;
hive> list FILES;
hive> select from networks a
MAP a.networkid
USING 'python' as nn where a.ds = '2009-01-04' limit 10;
This is what I am getting and the alpha numeric keeps changing.
I need to make this file located in a more permanent folder and this hive sql can be executed into any of the 18 nodes.

Skip top N lines in snowflake load

My actual data in csv extracts starts from line 10. How can I skip top few lines in snowflake load using copy or any other utility. Do we have anything similar to SKIP_HEADER ?
I have files on S3 and its my stage. I would be creating a snowpipe later on this datasource.
yes there is a skip_header option for CSV, allowing you to skip a specified number of rows, when defining a file format. Please have a look here:
So you create a file format associated with the csv files you have in mind and then use this when calling the copy commands.

Spark Dataframe loading 500k files on EMR

I am running pyspark job on EMR ( 5.5.1 ) with Spark 2.1.0, Hadoop 2.7.3, Hive 2.1.1, Sqoop 1.4.6 and Ganglia 3.7.2 which is loading data from s3. There are multiple buckets that contain input files so I have a function which uses boto to traverse through them and filter them out according to some pattern.
Cluster Size: Master => r4.xlarge , Workers => 3 x r4.4xlarge
The function getFilePaths returns a list of s3 paths which is directly fed to spark dataframe load method.
Using Dataframe
file_list = getFilePaths() # ['s3://some_bucket/log.json.gz','s3://some_bucket/log2.json.gz']
schema = getSchema() # for mapping to the json files
df ='json').load(file_list, schema=schema)
Using RDD
master_rdd = sparkSession.sparkContext.union(
map(lambda file: sparkSession.sparkContext.textFile(file), file_list)
df = sparkSession.createDataFrame(master_rdd, schema=schema)
The file_list can be a huge list ( max 500k files ) due to large amount of data & files. Calculation of these paths only takes 5-20mins but when trying to load them as dataframe with spark, spark UI remains inactive for hours i.e. not processing anything at all. The inactivity period for processing 500k files is above 9hrs while for 100k files it is around 1.5hrs.
Viewing Gangilla metrics shows that only driver is running/processing while workers are idle. There are no logs generated until the spark job has finished and I haven't got any success with 500k files.
I have tried s3, s3n connectors but no success.
Figure out the root cause of this delay?
How can I debug it properly ?
In general, Spark/Hadoop prefer to have large files they can split instead of huge numbers of small files. One approach you might try though would be to parallelize your file list and then load the data in a map call.
I don't have the resources right now to test this out, but it should be something similar to this:
file_list = getFilePaths()
schema = getSchema() # for mapping to the json files
paths_rdd = sc.parallelize(file_list)
def get_data(path):
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
obj = s3.Object(bucket, path)
data = obj.get()['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')
return [json.loads(r) for r in data.split('\n')]
rows_rdd = rdd.flatMap(get_data)
df = spark.createDataFrame(rows_rdd, schema=schema)
You could also make this a little more efficient by using mapPartition instead so you don't need to recreate the s3 object each time.
EDIT 6/14/18:
With regards to handling the gzip data, you can decompress a stream of gzip data using python as detailed in this answer: . Basically just pass in obj.get()['Body'].read() into the function defined in that answer.
There's two performance issues surfacing
reading the files: gzip files can't be split to have their workload shared across workers, though with 50 MB files, there's little benefit in splitting things up
The way the S3 connectors spark uses mimic a directory structure is a real performance killer for complex directory trees.
Issue #2 is what slows up partitioning: the initial code to decide what to do, which is done before any of the computation.
How would I go about trying to deal with this? Well, there's no magic switch here. But
have fewer, bigger files; as noted, Avro is good, so are Parquet and ORC later.
use a very shallow directory tree. Are these files all in one single directory? Or in a deep directory tree? The latter is worse.
Coalesce the files first.
I'd also avoid any kind of schema inference; it sounds like you aren't doing that (good!), but for anyone else reading this answer: know that for CSV and presumably JSON, schema inference means "read through all the data once just to work out the schema"

Google Datalab) How to read multiple csv files existing in Google Cloud Storage by pandas read_csv() to?

I found the solution for reading a "single" csv file in a Datalab : How can i load my csv from google dataLab to a pandas data frame?
But I wonder how I could read "multiple" csv files in Datalab.
What I tried is like this :
variable_list = ['IBM', 'SPY']
for variable in variable_list:
file_path = "gs://chois-trader-bucket/data/" + variable + ".csv"
%%storage read --object file_path --variable variable
But this one failed because python variable is not compatible with magic command.
How can I deal with multiple csv files effectively?
You can use variables enclosed in braces.
e.g) %storage read --object {file_path} --variable variable
Alternatively, you can do a union of all the csv files in a folder using a one liner in bash as such (assuming no headers in the csv files) :
cat *.csv > unioned_file_name.csv
Then import that one file into pandas.

how to merge multiple parquet files to single parquet file using linux or hdfs command?

I have multiple small parquet files generated as output of hive ql job, i would like to merge the output files to single parquet file?
what is the best way to do it using some hdfs or linux commands?
we used to merge the text files using cat command, but will this work for parquet as well?
Can we do it using HiveQL itself when writing output files like how we do it using repartition or coalesc method in spark?
According to this
Now you can download the source code and compile parquet-tools which is built in merge command.
java -jar ./target/parquet-tools-1.8.2-SNAPSHOT.jar merge /input_directory/
Or using a tool like
You can also do it using HiveQL itself, if your execution engine is mapreduce.
You can set a flag for your query, which causes hive to merge small files at the end of your job:
SET hive.merge.mapredfiles=true;
SET hive.merge.mapfiles=true;
if your job is a map-only job.
This will cause the hive job to automatically merge many small parquet files into fewer big files. You can control the number of output files with by adjusting hive.merge.size.per.task setting. If you want to have just one file, make sure you set it to a value which is always larger than the size of your output. Also, make sure to adjust hive.merge.smallfiles.avgsize accordingly. Set it to a very low value if you want to make sure that hive always merges files. You can read more about this settings in hive documentation.
Using duckdb :
import duckdb
COPY (SELECT * FROM '*.parquet') TO 'merge.parquet' (FORMAT 'parquet');