SML/NJ searching in list of tuples of list - sml

I am very new to SML/NJ and I am kind of lost. I have been trying to implement a function that is going to search through the list of tuples that have some lists in it, for example:
val x = [(5, 2, [9 , 8, 7]), (3, 4, [6, 5, 0]), (11, 12, [8, 3, 1])]
I would like my function to add the first element of the tuple to the new list once there is a match between my target number and a number in element 3 of the tuple. I have tried several implementations, but none of them work properly so far.
type id = int* int* int list;
val b:id list = [(5,2,[9,8,7]), (3,4,[6,5,0]), (11, 12, [8,3,1])]
val number: int = 8;
val a: int list = nil;
fun findNum(nil) = a | findNum (x: id list) =
let val tem = hd(x)
val theList = #3tem
val i = #1tem
fun findMatch(nil) = a | findMatch(tem) =
if (number = hd(theList)) then i::a
else findMatch (tl(theList))
in findNum(tl(x))
I know it is badly written, and that is why it keeps returning an empty list. I feel like I need to do "if else" instead of let/in/end so it will recursively call the rest of the tuples in the list. My problem is that I am not sure how to do it because if I use if/else then I cannot declare some value inside the function. I appreciate any suggestions or hints.
Thank you.

You might start with a function member (x, xs) that is true if x is an element in the list xs:
fun member (x, xs) = List.exists (fn y => x = y) xs
A base case is when the list of three-tuples is empty. Then x does not occur in the third element of any of the (non-existing) three-tuples, and the list of results is empty. A recursive case is achieved by pattern matching against the first element of the list being a three-tuple, (i,j,xs), and the tail of the list, ts, and ask if x is a member of that third element xs; if it is, return the first part of the tuple, i:
fun find (x, []) = []
| find (x, (i,j,xs)::ts) =
if member (x, xs)
then i :: find (x, ts)
else find (x, ts)
A shorter version using the higher-order list combinators map and filter:
fun find (x, ts) = map #1 (filter (fn (i,j,xs) => member (x, xs)) ts)

Here is my implementation with some slight changes:
type id = int* int* int list;
val b:id list = [(5,2,[9,8,7]), (3,4,[6,5,0]), (11, 12, [8,3,1])]
val number: int = 8;
fun findNum [] = []
| findNum (x::xs) =
val theList :int list = #3 (x :id)
val i : int = #1 x
fun findMatch [] = false
| findMatch (y::ys) = if (number = y) then true
else findMatch ys
if (findMatch theList = true) then i ::(findNum xs)
else (findNum xs)
- findNum b;
val it = [5,11] : int list


How to compare and search for an element in a list with a tuple inside a list SML

I want to search in with searchingElements list inside each second element in tuple list and count if there are months in the list inside tuple lists as it shown in the test, I don't know if it should done by recursion, which I have no clue how to use here.
fun number_in_months(months : (int * int * int) list, months2 : (int * int * int) list,
months3 : (int * int * int) list, searchingElements : int list) =
if #2 (hd (tl months)) = (hd searchingElements)
val test3 = number_in_months ([(2012, 2, 28), (2013, 12, 1), (2011, 3, 31), (2011, 4, 28)], [2, 3, 4]) = 3
I get these 2 errors that I understood later I can't compare between list and tuple list
(fn {1=1,...} => 1) (hd number)
main.sml:30.2-30.30 Error: operator and operand do not agree [overload - bad instantiation]
stdIn:2.1-2.5 Error: unbound variable or constructor: fun3
It's really misleading if we read the function code and the test as they both are not type consistent in the very first place.
If I follow the test function which is
val test3 = number_in_months ([(2012,2,28),(2013,12,1),(2011,3,31),(2011,4,28)],[2,3,4]) = 3
then the type of number_in_months should be
val number_in_months = fn: ('a * ''b * 'c) list * ''b list -> int
which is a pair(2-tuple) and the function which is supposed to implement the logic
fun fun3 (months :(int*int*int) list, months2: (int*int*int) list, months3:
(int*int*int) list, searchingElements: int list)
is actually a function with a parameter which is a 4-tuple and a mismatch is evident. Also the parameters months2 and months3 are not used anywhere. Plus, each of the so called months parameters are of type list in themselves. Furthermore, except for the test3 line, there isn't anything which is quite meaningful to come-up with an answer or even a reply.
However, following the test3 line, I have attempted to write a function that at least gets the thing done and is as follows:
fun number_in_months (date_triples, months) =
fun is_second_of_any_triple ele = List.exists (fn (_, x, _) => x = ele)
List.foldl (fn (curr, acc) => if is_second_of_any_triple curr date_triples then acc + 1 else acc) 0 months
A version with explicit recursion:
Suppose we had a function that counted the occurrences of a single number in a list of tuples;
month_occurrences: ((int * int * int) list * int) -> int
Then we could recurse over the list of numbers, just adding as we go along:
fun number_in_months(dates, []) = 0
| number_in_months(dates, m::ms) = month_occurrences(dates, m) + number_in_months(dates, ms)
And month_occurrences with a straight recursion might look like
fun month_occurrences([], _) = 0
| month_occurrences((_, m, _)::ds, m') = (if m = m' then 1 else 0) + month_occurrences(ds, m')

SML: Comparing every element of two lists without storing state info?

I have an SML assignment, and the general idea is that I shouldn't store state info, should not used built in library functions, etc and just solve in a functional way. Not sure how to do it:
The question requires comparing every element of two lists together:
list1: [(3,3,5),(5,4,7),(2,3,4)];
list2: [3, 6];
newList: [(3,3,5), (2,3,5)]
Essentially, when the second element in list1's tuple arg matches an item in list 2, then I should add the list1 item to the new output list.
The way I went about implementing it:
fun thing(x, y) =
if null x then []
else if #2 (hd x) = (hd y) then hd x # thing(tl x, y)
else thing(tl x, y);
Obviously the issue with this is that I lose state information: how would you match every element in list1 against every element in list2?
when the second element in list1's tuple arg matches an item in list 2,
then I should add the list1 item to the new output list.
fun thing(x, y) =
if null x then []
else if #2 (hd x) = (hd y) then hd x # thing(tl x, y)
else thing(tl x, y);
Instead of if null x then ..., hd x and tl x, use pattern matching:
fun thing ([], _) = ...
| thing ((x,y,z)::haystack, needles) = ...
To find out if y is a member of needles, build a membership function:
fun elem (p, []) = false
| elem (p, q::qs) = p = q orelse elem (p, qs)
Check if elem (y, needles) to determine whether to include (x,y,z) as part of your result.
Apply thing recursively to haystack and needles.
Compose the recursive result using the :: (cons) operator rather than # (append).
Here's how one could solve this exercise with library functions:
fun curry f x y = f (x, y)
fun thing (haystack, needles) =
List.filter (fn (x,y,z) =>
List.exists (curry op= y) needles) haystack

How to use fold on an elaborate function in ocaml

As the title suggests, I want to use fold. If I understand correctly, it it used to apply a function to every item in a list. That's what I want to do with my function, but I don't know how to format it.
Here is the function I want to use with fold :
let pairing list =
let rec aux counter length paired list = match list with
| [] -> paired
| [head] -> paired
| head :: head' :: tail -> if counter = length then aux (counter-1) length ((head, head) :: paired) (head :: head' :: tail) else aux counter length ((head, head') :: paired) (head' :: tail)
in List.rev(aux (List.length(listheads list)) (List.length(listheads list)) [] (listheads list));;
What it does is it returns a list of all the items in the list paired together.
For example, if my list is [3;4;2], it should return
[(3,3); (3,4); (3,2); (4,3); (4,4); (4,2); (2,3); (2,4); (2,2)]
What it returns at the moment is only [(3,3); (3,4); (3,2)], because the function only applies to the first item of the list.
Here are all the helper functions :
let rec member list x = match list with
| [] -> false
| head :: tail -> head = x || member tail x
let head_list list =
let rec aux l1 list = match list with
| [] -> l1
| (x,y) :: tail -> aux (x :: l1) tail
in List.rev (aux [] list);;
let head'_list list =
let rec aux l2 list = match list with
| [] -> l2
| (x,y) :: tail -> aux (y :: l2) tail
in List.rev (aux [] list);;
let listheads list =
let rec aux returnlist l1 l2 = match l1 with
| [] -> returnlist
| head :: tail -> if member l2 head = true && member returnlist head = false then aux (head :: returnlist) tail l2 else aux returnlist tail l2
in List.rev(aux [] (head_list list) (head'_list list));;
What listheads does is it will take my original list (say [(3,4); (4,2); (2,3); (4,7); (9,4)]), use head_list and head'_list in order to determine which integers are both in head and head' position in the tuple, and put them in the list (in the case I gave, [3;4;2]).
I know that fold takes a function, an empty list and a list as arguments, but I don't know how to use pairing with fold.
Your code need to make a double pass on the list
let pairing l =
let second_pass x acc y = ...... in
let first_pass acc el = ....... in
List.fold_left first_pass [] l |> List.rev
The first pass function should call the second pass function, and the second pass function will create the pair element. Free to you for completing the code of the two functions.
Here the result I have :
utop # pairing [3 ; 4 ; 2];;
- : (int * int) list =
[(3, 3); (3, 4); (3, 2); (4, 3); (4, 4); (4, 2); (2, 3); (2, 4); (2, 2)]
It's very difficult to answer your question because there's no clean place to add a fold to get the result you want.
It might be more fruitful just to debug your code. It seems to me you're using your counter backwards. Its initial value is the length of the list and it is decremented for each recursive call. But your test for termination tests against the length of the list. It seems to me you should be testing against 0 (or possibly 1).
If you have a function f that does something interesting to a value, and you have a list of the values, you can use to get a list of the values of f applied to each element of the list. You don't need a fold for that.
The purpose of a fold is to compute thing other than just a list of the function values. For examle, if each call to f makes a list of values, you could use a fold to keep concatenating these lists into a longer list.
Let's say f makes a value x into a list [x; x]. Then you can create a (reversed) doubled list something like this:
let f x = [x; x]
let double l =
let aux sofar x = f x # sofar in
List.fold_left aux [] l
# double [1;2;3];;
- : int list = [3; 3; 2; 2; 1; 1]
You could possibly follow this pattern if you can come up with a function like f that transforms a value into a list. If you define f inside your outer function it will have access to the initial list.

SML - Find occurences in lists to form ordered pairs

I'm trying to write a function in SML that takes in a list of ints and will output a list of ordered pairs of ints. The ordered pairs first int is the int that occurred in the input list and the second int in the ordered pair is the number of times it occurred in the input list. Also the list returned should be in ascending order according to the first int in the ordered pairs.
For example input list [1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 5] would output as [(1,3), (2, 1), (3, 2), (5, 1)].
So far I have a function that uses foldl
UPDATED the code since original post.
fun turnIntoPairs l = foldl (fn (e, a) => if List.exists (fn (x, _) => x = e) a then x + 1 else a # [(e, 1)]) [] l;
I'm having trouble updating the list where I find the ordered pair that is already in the list - I want to add one to the second int in the ordered pair that was found while it's still in the list.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
C:\Program Files (x86)\SMLNJ\\bin\.run\run.x86-win32.exe: Fatal error -- Uncaught exception Error with 0
raised at ../compiler/TopLevel/interact/evalloop.sml:66.19-66.27
[autoloading done]
C:\Users\Localadmin\Desktop\CS 671\Program 3\commonFactors.sml:1.87 Error: unbound variable or constructor: x
C:\Users\Localadmin\Desktop\CS 671\Program 3\commonFactors.sml:1.44-1.110 Error: types of if branches do not agree [literal]
then branch: int
else branch: (''Z * int) list
in expression:
if (List.exists (fn <pat> => <exp>)) a
then <errorvar> + 1
else a # (e,1) :: nil
[Finished in 0.5s with exit code 1]
Not really sure how to fix your current program, but you can solve this problem by splitting it in two: grouping equal elements and then ordering the list.
(* Groups successive equal elements into a tuples (value, count) *)
fun group (l as (x :: _)) =
let val (firstGroup, rest) = List.partition (fn y => x = y) l
(x, List.length firstGroup) :: (group rest)
| group [] = []
(* Now that we have our elements grouped, what's left is to order
them as required. *)
fun turnIntoPairs xs =
ListMergeSort.sort (fn ((x, _), (y, _)) => x >= y) (group xs)
Let's just look at the function you're passing to foldl:
(fn (e, a) => if List.exists (fn (x, _) => x = e) a then x + 1 else a # [(e, 1)])
The first problem (which the type-checker is complaining about) is that your if expression returns either x + 1, or a # [(e, 1)], which seems problematic on account of the former being a value of type int and the latter being of type (int * int) list.
Let's rewrite your code using some helper functions that I won't define and see if it gets clearer:
(fn (e, a) => if List.exists (fn (x, _) => x = e) a then increment a e else a # [(e, 1)])
Where increment has the type (int * int) list -> int -> (int * int) list.
Can you implement increment?
Like Gian, I would prefer to divide this into two functions: One that folds and one helper function that inserts. Incidentally, the insert function would take an element and an existing (int * int) list just as the accumulator function that fold accepts these two arguments.
Normally I would write an insert function curried (i.e. insert x xs) but if I write it uncurried (i.e. insert (x, xs)), I can pass it directly to foldl:
fun insert (x, []) = [(x,1)]
| insert (x, ((y,c)::xs)) =
if x = y then (y,c+1)::xs else (y,c)::insert (x, xs)
fun turnIntoPairs xs = foldl insert [] xs

SML list summing

I'm very new to SML and I am trying a list exercise. The goal is sum up the previous numbers of a list and create a new list. For example, an input list [1, 4, 6, 9] would return [1, 5, 11, 20].
This is my solution so far, but I think the issue is with how I'm defining the function.
fun rec sum:int list -> int list =
if tl(list) = nil then
hd :: sum((hd(tail) + hd(tl(list)))::tl(tl(list)));
Besides that you are using rec as a function name, then you have some minor issues to work on.
The explicit type annotation you have made is treated as an annotation of the function result.
Thus, according to what you have written, then it should return a function and not the expected
list. This is clearly seen from the below example:
- fun rec_ sum : int list -> int list = raise Domain;
val rec_ = fn : 'a -> int list -> int list
Your should be careful of using the head and tail functions, when you don't do any checks on the
number of elements in the list. This could be done with either the length function, or (even
easier and often better) by pattern matching the number of elements.
Your code contains sum as a function call and tail as an variable. The variable tail has never
been defined, and using sum as a function call, makes me believe that you are actually using rec
as a keyword, but don't know what it means.
The keyword rec is used, when defining functions using the val keyword. In this case, rec is
needed to be able to define recursive functions (not a big surprise). In reality, the keyword fun
is syntactic sugar (a derived form) of val rec.
The following 3 are examples of how it could have been made:
The first is a simple, straight forward solution.
fun sumList1 (x::y::xs) = x :: sumList1 (x+y::xs)
| sumList1 xs = xs
This second example, uses a helper function, with an added argument (an accumulator). The list is constructed in the reverse order, to avoid using the slow append (#) operator. Thus we reverse the list before returning it:
fun sumList2 xs =
fun sumList' [] acc = rev acc
| sumList' [x] acc = rev (x::acc)
| sumList' (x :: y :: xs) acc = sumList' (y+x :: xs) (x :: acc)
sumList' xs []
The last example, show how small and easy it can be, if you use the standard list functions. Here the fold left is used, to go through all elements. Again note that the list is constructed in the reverse order, thus it is reversed as the last step:
fun sumList3 [] = []
| sumList3 (x::xs) = rev (foldl (fn (a, b) => hd b + a :: b) [x] xs)
try this -
fun recList ([], index, sum) = []
| recList (li, index, sum) =
if index=0 then
hd li :: recList (tl li, index+1, hd li)
sum + hd li :: recList (tl li, index+1, sum + hd li)
fun recSum li = recList (li, 0, 0)
In your case -
recSum([1,4,6,9]) ;
will give
val it = [1,5,11,20] : int list
also don't use rec as fun name -it keyword .