Simple document switcher functionality? - c++

I'm writing an application that will allow a user to drag/drop specific files onto the application window, parse those files, put the contents into a table (via a QStandardItemModel), and add each file's name (or alias) to a separate tree view (which acts as the document switcher).
I'll use NotePad++ as a simple example.
When I click any of the new files in the leftmost "Doc Switcher," it shows the contents in the right pane. Imagine that right pane is a table. And for instance, imagine that the list on the left is a list of .csv files that were imported into the application.
What I want to do is, upon clicking each item in the list, I want the corresponding parsed .csv file to show up in the table pane on the right.
My table is just a QTableView that displays the contents of the .csv files in a QStandardItemModel. Everything works when it comes to implementing the table and parsing the files.
I also set up a QTreeWidget as the "document switcher." Now, I need to link the document switcher selection to the table so that each file's respective contents will be shown in the table view.
I can have the application populate the tableView with the model contents when the QTreeView's top level item selection changes. That's no problem. The problem is with what I should be checking for when that selection changes and how.
I'm unsure of how to implement this. How do I store a bunch of QStandardItemModel objects and then link them to their names in the document switcher? Should I even be doing that? Do I have to create a new QStandardItemModel for each file that is imported? Should I create one QStandardItemModel, then somehow save it to be pulled back up later and re-use that same table model object for each file that is added? I'm just unsure how how this is supposed to work and feel like I am missing a fundamental part of all of this.

I would suggest two approaches to solve your problem:
You can watch document switcher signal (selection changed) and create new model for the currently selected data. Your table view in the right should show the data, when you set the model. When new file item selected, delete existing model and create new one with new data,
The same as first approach, but instead of recreating model for each data change you can use a single model, but reset its data each time you switch the file.


Oracle APEX - Reusable Pages?

We have some tables in our database that all have the same attributes but the table is named differently for each. I'm not sure of the Architect's original intent in creating them in this way, but this is what I have to work with.
My question for all the expert Oracle APEX developers: is there away to create a reusable page that I can pass the table name to and that table name would be used in the reporting region and DML processing of that page?
I've read up on templates and plugins and don't see a path forward with those options. Of course, I'm new to webdevelopment, so forgive my ignorance.
We are using version 18.2.
For reporting purposes, you could use a source which is a function that returns a query (i.e. a SELECT statement). Doing so, you'd dynamically decide which table to select from.
However, DML isn't that simple. Instead of default row processing, you should write your own process(es) so that you'd insert/update/delete rows in the right table. I've never done that, but I'd say that it is possible. Basically, you'd keep all logic in the database (for example, a package) and call those procedures from your Apex application.
You could have multiple regions on one page; one region per table. Then use dynamic actions to show/hide the regions and run the select query based on a table name selected by the user.
Select table name from a dropdown or list
Show the region that matches the table name (dynamic action)
Hide the any other regions that are visible (dynamic action)
Refresh the selected region so the data loads (dynamic action)
If that idea works let me know and I can provide a bit more guidance.
I never tried it with reports, but would it work to put all three reports in a single page, and set them via an Item to have Server-Side Conditions that decide what gets shown in the page? You'd likely need separate items with a determined value for the page to recognize and display.
I know I did that to set buttons such as Delete, Save and Create dynamically, rather than creating two or more separate pages for handling editing of certain information. In this case it regarded which buttons to shown based on a reports' primary key being sent to said "Edit" page. If the value was empty, it meant you wanted to create a new record (also because the create button/link sent no PK). If said PK was sent (via a edit button/link), then you'd have the page recognize it and hide the create button and rather show the edit button.

Mapping user spreadsheet columns to database fields

I’m not sure where to start on this project. I know how to read the contents of the excel spreadsheet, I know how to identify the header row, I know how to loop over the contents. I believe I have the UX portion worked out but I am not sure how to process the data.
I’ve googled and only found .Net solutions but I’m looking for a ColdFusion/Lucee solution.
I have a working form allowing me to map a user's spreasheet column to my database values (this is being kept simple for this post; user does not have direct access to the database).
Now that I have my data, I'm not sure how to loop over the data results. I believe there will be several loops (an outer and an inner). Then of course I also need to loop over the file contents but I think if I can get the headings mapped out,I can figure out the remaining.
Any good links, tutorials, or guides would be greatly appreciated.
Some pseudo code might be enough to get me started.
User uploads form
System reads headers and content.
User is presented form with a list of columns from their uploaded spreadsheet to match with available database fields (eg “column1” matches “customer name”.
User submits form.
Now what?
Here is what the data looks like AFTER the mapping has been done in my form. The column deliiter is the ::: and within the column the ||| indicates the ID associated with the selected column value. I've included the id and the column value since I plan on displaying the mapping again as a confirmation. Having the ID saves a trip to the database.
If I understand correctly, your question is: how do you provide the user a form allowing them to map their spreadsheet columns to that of the database
Since you have their spreadsheet column names, and you have the database column names, then this problem is essentially a UI/UX problem. You need to show both lists, and allow the user to map them. I can imagine several approaches to this. My first thought would be some sort of drag/drop operation, as follows:
Create a list of boxes, one for each field in your database table, and include the field name in (or above) the box. I'll call this the db field list. Then, create another list for each column from the spreadsheet, which I'll call the spreadsheet column list. The user would drag/drop items from the spreadsheet column list to the db field list.
When a mapping has been completed by the user, you would store the column/field names in as data for the DOM element of the db field list box. Then upon submission, you would acquire the mapping data by visiting each box and adding it to an array. Then you would serialize that array into JSON and send that to your form submission handler.
This could be difficult or easy, depending on your knowledge of UI implementations using JavaScript. jQuery makes this easy (if you know jQuery). There's even a jquery UI plugin that does this:
A quick search for javascript drag drop would help, and here's a few articles I found:
You would also need to submit the array of mappings using javascript. You could search for that as well, and here's an article I found:

How to combine tabular form and text area in one page?

I have a page, containing tabular data(region type SQL Query (updateable report)). It only updates existing rows using Submit. The wizard created ApplyMRU process. It works fine. But now I would like to place a text area in the same page, which will be bound to different table and will get updated once the same Submit button is pressed. How can I accomplish it?
I've created item for text area, but not sure what type of source I should set. Database column doesn't let me specify table. Also I guess I need a second after submit process, but not sure which one.
Keep your existing ApplyMRU infrastructure for the tabular form, and just define a second PL/SQL process that executes during page submit that will do whatever it is you want with your text area, eg:
insert into notes (id, text) values (:P1_ID, :P1_TEXT_AREA);
Take note of the order of the processes, as you may want to execute one before the other.

Linking a tree view to a table view? [Qt]

How do I link a tree view to a table view using Qt? For example, I have a treeView with a list of items in it. I also have a tableView with a model/view implementation so that data from different files populate the table. So let's say the filename of each file (in this case, all files are CSVs) is listed as an item in the treeView. What I'd like to do is link each .csv item in the treeView to show the parsed contents of the .csv file that is selected in the treeView. I'd like that data to show in the tableView. I have implemented both the tree and table separately - and they work - I just don't know how to link them together. How do I make my parsed data show in the table only after I select the corresponding item in the treeview?
The Qt itemviews system won't give you this functionality automatically, but it's easy to get the behavior using a signal/slot connection.
When the user selects a different row in the QTreeView, the QTableView should repopulate itself with the contents of the .CSV file that row in the QTreeView represents. This can be accomplished by connecting the selectionChanged() method of your QTreeView's SelectionModel object to a slot that will perform the table-repopulation operation. i.e. something like:
connect(myTreeWidget->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &)), someObjectInYourProgram, SLOT(RepopulateTableView()));
... and then have your RepopulateTableView() slot-method look at which row(s) are currently selected in the QTreeView object, and repopulate its contents based on them.
(side note: you can have RepopulateTableView() use the arguments directly from the selectionChanged() signal, but I often find it more useful to have it examine the QTreeView's selectionModel object using a pointer that is supplied separately, since that way RepopulateTableView() can be easily called from other contexts besides this signal)

copy data from one column to another

I'm running SharePoint Online 2013. I've set up a document library. The default "Add Document" form contained many fields irrelevant to some users, so I've got a requirement to add another "Add document" form with shorter list of fields to fill in. I've added a new content type with fewer columns. The columns share names with parent content type, Document. Now I would like to do the following:
1. Move data from the original Document content type columns to the new content type columns with identical names
2. Delete old columns
3. Redefine all views to point to new columns.
Question 1: is it possible to do? Can documents in library have some columns from one content type and other columns from another? Can views display data from two content types?
Question 2: If q1 answer is 'yes', how can I move data from the old columns to the new columns? I tried to follow suggestion here: How to copy values from one column to another and set up workflow in SharePoint Designer, using "Set Field in Current Item" action in Reusable Workflow, but the Field drop-down box only lists one filed, Title, to pick from. What am I doing wrong?
If q1 answer is 'no', what can be done to resolve this?
Thank you.
Answer 1 : No, a document is bind to a content type. Yes, a view can display columns from different content types.
In your scenario, I would create the new content type then :
Copy the initial document
Bind this new document to the new content type.
Get the columns data of the old document and set this data to the columns of the new document.
Delete the old document
After you make sure your old content type isn't use anymore. You should be able to delete him.
(Make sure you clean all the recycle bin before delete the content type. Otherwise, you'll get an error.)