Haskell :: Slower Function as List Getting Bigger - list

I'm working with finding a maximum value of a list (by using maximum) and I know that this function need to process the entire list to reach its goal and this obviously gets slower as the list gets bigger. Unfortunately, my list is huge (hundreds of million).
Is this the only way? Or there are faster ways to do this? I found that Haskell is fast but at this point (getting slower), I'm wondering is there any other option to find the maximum.

I know that this function need to process the entire list to reach its goal and this obviously gets slower as the list gets bigger.
Finding a maximum is O(n) in Haskell (and presumably every other language as well). Unless you have some concrete benchmarks and code this seems totally expected.

Since you need to "look" at each value and pick the highest O(n) is the best solution (without any other information that could be used). If you have to perform the function multiple times, then you might want to sort your list (ascending or descending) and use the function head or last, that have a time complexity of O(1), while haskells sort is a mergesort with O(n log n) worst-case and average-case performance.


Benefit of printing values from an array in ascending order by selecting?

I read the tutorial regarding arrange a number of array in ascending order and understood the idea https://www.includehelp.com/cpp-programs/sort-an-array-in-ascending-order.aspx . However, now I'm thinking of other way to perform the operation. Wonder will the idea below works?
The method will be using while loop and check (while remaining number in array not equal to 0), find the smallest number in the array, print out the number and remove it from array. Repeat the same process until remaining number in array = 0. So my numbers will be print out in ascending order also and the number in the array will decrease in each loop until it reached zero.
I started learning programming just few weeks ago and have trouble writing out the code now. However I'm interested to know if this method will work? If cannot, please explain why.
What you've described is a variant of what's normally called a "selection sort". It's pretty well known. It does work, but there are many sorting algorithms that work--and while there are a few sorting algorithms that are generally less efficient, it's still one of the least efficient around.
Selection sort is typically faster than Bubble sort and a few of its variants like Shaker sort. Depending on the precise situation, it can also be faster than insertion sort, though that's pretty unusual. Those three (bubble sort, insertion sort, and selection sort) are the best known of the simple sorting algorithms. Of the three, bubble sort is most often the slowest, and insertion sort most often the fastest. But all three take time proportional to the square of the number of items being sorted, which means they get much slower in a hurry as you try to sort more items. If you have very many items, more advanced algorithms (e.g., Shell-Metzner, Quicksort, heap sort and merge sort) will almost always be substantially faster.
Ignoring execution speed for a moment, selection sort does have one extremely good property: it's easy to understand, easy to code up correctly and easy to prove that it works. If you only need to sort a few items, and need to type in the sorting code yourself (especially if you're in a hurry) it's my experience that it's probably the easiest sorting algorithm to be certain you've implemented correctly.

How to improve Boost Fibonacci Heap performance

I am implementing the Fast Marching algorithm, which is some kind of continuous Dijkstra. As I read in many papers, the Fibonacci heap is the most adequate heap for this purpose.
However, when profiling with callgrind my code I see that the following function is taking 58% of the execution time:
int popMinIdx () {
const int idx = heap_.top()->getIndex();
return idx;
Concretely, the pop() is taking 57.67% of the whole execution time.
heap_is defined as follows:
boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<const FMCell *, boost::heap::compare<compare_cells>> heap_;
Is it normal that it takes "that much" time or is there something I can do to improve performance?
Sorry if not enough information is given. I tried to be as brief as possible. I will add more info if needed.
Thank you!
The other answers aren't mentioning the big part: of course pop() takes the majority of your time: it's the only function that performs any real work!
As you may have read, the bounds on the operations of a Fibonacci Heap are amortized bounds. This means that if you perform enough operations in a good sequence, the bounds will average out to that. However, the actual costs are completely hidden.
Every time you insert an element, nothing happens. It is just thrown into the root list. Boom, O(1) time. Every time you merge two trees, its root is just linked into the root list. Boom, O(1) time. But hold on, your structure is not a valid Fibonacci Heap! That's where pop() (or extract-root) comes in: every time this operation is called, the entire Heap is restructured back into a correct shape. The Root is removed, its children are cut to the root list, and then we start merging trees in the root list so that no two trees with the same degree (number of children) exist in the root list.
So all of the work of Insert(e) and Merge(t) is actually delayed until Pop() is called, which then does all the work. What about the other operations?
Delete(e) is beautiful. We perform Decrease-Key(e, -inf) to make the element e become the root. And now we perform Pop()! Again, the work is done by Pop().
Decrease-Key(e, v) does its work by itself: it cuts e to the root list and starts a cutting cascade to put its children into the root list as well (which can cut their childlists too). So Decrease-Key puts a whole lot of elements into the root list. Can you guess which function has to fix that?
TL;DR: Pop() is the work horse of the Fibonacci Heap. All other operations are done efficiently because they create work for the Pop() operation. Pop() gathers the work and performs it in one go (which can take up to O(n)). This is actually really efficient because the "grouped" work can be done faster than each operation separately.
So yes, it is natural that Pop() takes up the majority of your time!
The Fibanacci Heap's pop() has an amortized runtime of O(log n) and worst case of O(n). If your heap is large, it could easily be consuming a majority of the CPU time in your algorithm, especially since most of the other operations you're likely using have O(1) runtimes (insert, top, etc.)
One thing I'd recommend is to try callgrind with your preferred optimization level (such as -O3) with debug info (-g), because the templatized datastructures/containers such as the fibonacci_heap are heavy on the inlined function usage. It could be that most of the CPU cycles you're measuring don't even exist in your optimized executable.

lowest possible complexity for multiplying 2 linked lists representing very large numbers?

I have 2 linked lists representing very large numbers (that cannot be saved in anything else other than a linked list).
i have an Add method with the complexity of O(n).
i wanted to know if it is possible in any way to multiply the 2 numbers WITHOUT converting the whole list to a String/int/long (calculate ON the list if possible), and keep it on a complexity of O(n^2).
for now, no matter what i try i get to an O(n^3) complexity, and it isnt good enough.
thanks for all the help.
The "long multiplication" algorithm most westerners learn in school already gives you O(n²) complexity, so maybe you could explain what algorithm you are using.
There are algorithms with lower complexity: Karatsuba, Tom-Cook, and Schönhage–Strassen algorithm. The last one has the lowest known complexity know to date, O(n log n log log n), but there may be even better algorithms yet to be discovered.

An efficient sorting algorithm for almost sorted list containing time data?

The name says it all really. I suspect that insertion sort is best, since it's the best sort for mostly-sorted data in general. However, since I know more about the data there is a chance there are other sorts woth looking at. So the other relevant pieces of information are:
1) this is time data, which means I presumable could create an effective hash for ordering of data.
2) The data won't all exist at one time. instead I'll be reading in records which may contain a single vector, or dozen or hundreds of vectors. I want to output all time within a 5 second window. So it's possible that a sort that does the sorting as I insert the data would be a better option.
3) memory is not a big issue, but CPU speed is as this may be a bottleneck of the system.
Given these conditions can anyone suggest an algorithm that may be worth considering in addition to insertion sort? Also, How does one defined 'mostly sorted' to decide what is a good sort option? What I mean by that is how do I look at my data and decided 'this isn't as sorted as I thought it as, maybe insertion sort is no longer the best option'? Any link to an article which considered process complexity which better defines the complexity relative to the degree data is sorted would be appreciated.
thank you everyone for your information. I will be going with an easy insertion or merge sort (whichever I have already pre-written) for now. However, I'll be trying some of the other methods once were closer to the optimization phase (since they take more effort to implement). I appreciate the help
You could adopt option (2) you suggested - sort the data while you insert elements.
Use a skip list, sorted according to time, ascending to maintain your data.
Once a new entree arrives - check if it is larger then the last
element (easy and quick) if it is - simply append it (easy to do in a skip list). The
skip list will need to add 2 nodes on average for these cases, and will be O(1) on
average for these cases.
If the element is not larger then the last element - add it to the
skip list as a standard insert op, which will be O(logn).
This approach will yield you O(n+klogn) algorithm, where k is the number of elements inserted out of order.
I would throw in merge sort if you implement the natural version you get a best case of O(N) with a typical and worst case of O(N log N) if you have any problems. Insertion you get a worst case of O(N^2) and a best case of O(N).
You can sort a list of size n with k elements out of place in O(n + k lg k) time.
See: http://www.quora.com/How-can-I-quickly-sort-an-array-of-elements-that-is-already-sorted-except-for-a-small-number-of-elements-say-up-to-1-4-of-the-total-whose-positions-are-known/answer/Mark-Gordon-6?share=1
The basic idea is this:
Iterate over the elements of the array, building an increasing subsequence (if the current element is greater than or equal to the last element of the subsequence, append it to the end of the subsequence. Otherwise, discard both the current element and the last element of the subsequence). This takes O(n) time.
You will have discarded no more than 2k elements since k elements are out of place.
Sort the 2k elements that were discarded using an O(k lg k) sorting algorithm like merge sort or heapsort.
You now have two sorted lists. Merge the lists in O(n) time like you would in the merge step of merge sort.
Overall time complexity = O(n + k lg k)
Overall space complexity = O(n)
(this can be modified to run in O(1) space if you can merge in O(1) space, but it's by no means trivial)
Without fully understanding the problem, Timsort may fit the bill as you're alleging that your data is mostly sorted already.
There are many adaptive sorting algorithms out there that are specifically designed to sort mostly-sorted data. Ignoring the fact that you're storing dates, you might want to look at smoothsort or Cartesian tree sort as algorithms that can sort data that is reasonable sorted in worst-case O(n log n) time and best-case O(n) time. Smoothsort also has the advantage of requiring only O(1) space, like insertion sort.
Using the fact that everything is a date and therefore can be converted into an integer, you might want to look at binary quicksort (MSD radix sort) using a median-of-three pivot selection. This algorithm has best-case O(n log n) performance, but has a very low constant factor that makes it pretty competitive. Its worst case is O(n log U), where U is the number of bits in each date (probably 64), which isn't too bad.
Hope this helps!
If your OS or C library provides a mergesort function, it is very likely that it already handles the case where the data given is partially ordered (in any direction) running in O(N) time.
Otherwise, you can just copy the mergesort available from your favorite BSD operating system.

How to repeatedly insert elements into a sorted list fast

I do not have formal CS training, so bear with me.
I need to do a simulation, which can abstracted away to the following (omitting the details):
We have a list of real numbers representing the times of events. In
each step, we
remove the first event, and
as a result of "processing" it, a few other events may get inserted into the list at a strictly later time
and repeat this many times.
What data structure / algorithm can I use to implement this as efficiently as possible? I need to increase the number of events/numbers in the list significantly. The priority is to make this as fast as possible for a long list.
Since I'm doing this in C++, what data structures are already available in the STL or boost that will make it simple to implement this?
More details:
The number of events in the list is variable, but it's guaranteed to be between n and 2*n where n is some simulation parameter. While the event times are increasing, the time-difference of the latest and earliest events is also guaranteed to be less than a constant T. Finally, I suspect that the density of events in time, while not constant, also has an upper and lower bound (i.e. all the events will never be strongly clustered around a single point in time)
Efforts so far:
As the title of the question says, I was thinking of using a sorted list of numbers. If I use a linked list for constant time insertion, then I have trouble finding the position where to insert new events in a fast (sublinear) way.
Right now I am using an approximation where I divide time into buckets, and keep track of how many event are there in each bucket. Then process the buckets one-by-one as time "passes", always adding a new bucket at the end when removing one from the front, thus keeping the number of buckets constant. This is fast, but only an approximation.
A min-heap might suit your needs. There's an explanation here and I think STL provides the priority_queue for you.
Insertion time is O(log N), removal is O(log N)
It sounds like you need/want a priority queue. If memory serves, the priority queue adapter in the standard library is written to retrieve the largest items instead of the smallest, so you'll have to specify that it use std::greater for comparison.
Other than that, it provides just about exactly what you've asked for: the ability to quickly access/remove the smallest/largest item, and the ability to insert new items quickly. While it doesn't maintain all the items in order, it does maintain enough order that it can still find/remove the one smallest (or largest) item quickly.
I would start with a basic priority queue, and see if that's fast enough.
If not, then you can look at writing something custom.
A binary tree is always sorted and has faster access times than a linear list. Search, insert and delete times are O(log(n)).
But it depends whether the items have to be sorted all the time, or only after the process is finished. In the latter case a hash table is probably faster. At the end of the process you then would copy the items to an array or a list and sort it.