IOError while parsing a XML file - python-2.7

I wanted to use Python and XML to easily create objects in my Autodesk Maya Scene.
As soon as I try to parse my XML file, I get this Error :
Error: IOError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2016\bin\\xml\dom\ line 922: 2 #
The code that I wrote is this one :
import maya.cmds as cmds
import xml.dom.minidom as xd
class readXML():
def __init__(self):
path = "mRigger/XML/arm.rig"
print path
xFile = xd.parse(path)
init = readXML()
I only get the problem if I run it in Maya (Python 2.7) but not if I run it in PyCharm

Try switching to an absolute path. Your Maya may be running from a different working directory than PyCharm. an IOError 2 usually means 'file not found'


Error ALDialog Python Nao

I have a problem when using the ALDialog module on Python IDE and to load on Nao. I tried in different ways to load a dialogue but I always fall back on the same error.Runtimeerror LoadTopic::ALDialogIncorrect file myDialog.topIn the first case I write directly the text that I save in a. top file but at the time of LoadTopic () I have an error.In the second case I want to load the. top file by giving it the path. I come back to the same mistake again.Do you have a solution to my problem?Thank you very much.
import qi
import argparse
import os
import sys
from naoqi import ALProxy
def main(robot_ip, robot_port):
dialog = """
topic: ~myTopic() \n
language: enu \n
u:(test) hello \n """
file = open("","w")
# load topic
proxy = ALProxy("ALDialog",robot_ip,robot_port)
self.topic = proxy.loadTopic("")
# start dialog
# activate dialog
if name == "main":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--ip", type=str,
default="",help="Robot's IP address : ''")
parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=9559,help="port number, the default value is OK in most cases")
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.ip, args.port)
ALDialog.loadTopic expects an absolute filepath on the robot - it doesn't know anything about the context from which you're calling it (it could be from another computer, in which case of course it can't open that file). You need to be sure that your .top is indeed on the robot, and pass it's absolute path to ALDialog.
Once installed on the robot this path will be something like /home/nao/.local/share/PackageManager/apps/your-package-id/your-dialog-name/

Runing Robot Framework Script From Python Library which Load cdll throwing error

from ctypes import cdll
from time import sleep
class SDKLibrary(object):
def __init__(self):
self.lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("")
self.sdk = self.lib.SDK_new()
def Function(self):
self.lib.Function1(self.sdk, 1, 2)
x = SDKLibrary()
x.Function() //This call from Python working fine
But when I'm trying to call from robot the Function its throwing an error with no arguments failed: OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Not sure what your file structure looks like but I had this same issue when I put my robot test scripts in a different folder than my python libraries. I solved it by pre-pending an absolute file path to the C library.
def __init__(self):
self.lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(absolute/file/path/ + "")
self.sdk = self.lib.SDK_new()

How to read & export certain files from a Python GUI-prompted directory?

OK guys,
I'm currently working on a file reading and processing with Python & OpenCV cs' GUI feature. The feature will prompt the user to select a directory path for a folder containing 340 JPEG images, which I labelled them as "frame1" to "frame340". Then, I want to select several frames, process them, and save the processed ones in a different directory.
My big issue is, I'm trying to get only frame87, frame164, and frame248 from this folder with 340 images, and Python just keep returning error that claimed "directory name is invalid", like this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\maxwell_hamzah\Documents\Python27\", line 25, in <module>
imgRead = os.listdir(str(dirname) + "/frame"+ str(i) + ".jpg")
WindowsError: [Error 267] The directory name is invalid: 'C:/Users/maxwell_hamzah/Documents/Python27/toby arm framed/frame87.jpg/*.*'
To help familiarize with the situation, here's what my work looks like:
import os
import numpy as np
import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from skimage import color, data, restoration
import Tkinter, tkFileDialog
# first, we setup the Tkinter features for file-reading
root = Tkinter.Tk()
# prompt user to ask about the file directory
dirname = tkFileDialog.askdirectory\
(parent=root,initialdir="/",title='Pick FRAMES directory')
X = [] # initiate an array to store read images
frameIndex = [87, 163, 248] #this index is which frames we are interested in
imgRead = ""
temp = []
# we begin to read only frame87, frame163, and frame248
for i in frameIndex:
imgRead = os.listdir(str(dirname) + "/frame"+ str(i) + ".jpg")
temp = cv2.imread(imgRead, -1)
I'm totally stuck on how to fix this bug on especially the for loop part, where the error comes from. Python keeps freeking out on the imgRead variable claiming that the directory is invalid. Plus, I'm also wondering on how to "export" processed files to other directories (e.g. saving processed images from "My Pictures" to "My Music")
Really appreciate your help, guys.
In the last block, you call a method to list files, which is expecting a directory, but you pass it a file path. That's a bug, and actually you don't need that here in the first place:
for i in frameIndex:
imgRead = "{0}/frame{1}.jpg".format(dirname, i)
temp = cv2.imread(imgRead, -1)
As to moving files in Python, that's a pretty classic need, there's plenty of doc out there. One example.

Creating a single executable .exe from Python script that uses PuLP

I have been struggling with this for a while. I have used py2exe and cx_freeze to package everything. I am using a 32 bit machine and Everything works fine and the interface opens up and everything just that I know the entire puLP package is not being copied correctly into the package. I know this because the solver does not work. Inside both library zips in the packages created by py2exe and cx_freeze, there are only .pyc files included where PuLP has cbc.exe and other file types that make the solver work.
Is there any work around this? I have tried copying the actual PuLP package into the as well as into the dist folder and that didn't work.
Here is the setup I used for py2exe:
import sys
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
# Dependencies are automatically detected, but it might need fine tuning.
build_exe_options = {"packages": ["pulp"],
"icon": "icon.ico",
"include_files": ["icon.ico","cbc.exe","cbc-32","cbc-64","cbc-osx-64","CoinMP.dll"]}
# GUI applications require a different base on Windows (the default is for a
# console application).
base = None
if sys.platform == "win32":
base = "Win32GUI"
setup( name = "my_app",
version = "0.1",
options = {"build_exe": build_exe_options},
executables = [Executable("", base=base)])
I received the following error:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1470, in __call__
File "", line 796, in <lambda>
File "", line 467, in branchAndBound
File "pulp\pulp.pyc", line 1619, in solve
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'actualSolve'
I tried to change the paths to cbc.exe and CoinMP.dll but that didn't really work either. I am probably missing something.
I changed the following inside in the PuLP package:
coinMP_path = config.get("locations", "CoinMPPath").split(', ')
except configparser.Error:
coinMP_path = ['/Users/al/Desktop/my_app/build/exe.win32-2.7']
cbc_path = config.get("locations", "CbcPath")
except configparser.Error:
cbc_path = '/Users/al/Desktop/my_app/build/exe.win32-2.7'
pulp_cbc_path = config.get("locations", "PulpCbcPath")
except configparser.Error:
pulp_cbc_path = '/Users/al/Desktop/my_app/build/exe.win32-2.7'
What am I missing or doing wrong?

__import__ vs imp.load_module

I got an error while trying to install autopep8 with ironpython:
ImportError: No module named logilab
The code snippet it failed is:
def load_module(self, fullname):
mod = imp.load_module(fullname, self.file, self.filename, self.etc)
if self.file:
# Note: we don't set __loader__ because we want the module to look
# normal; i.e. this is just a wrapper for standard import machinery
return mod
using the interpreter ipy64 importing logilab did not fail.
I added a print statement for the filename and it showed:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\Lib\site-packages\logilab_common-0.59.1-py2.7.egg\logilab
The path exists and it contains a with the following content:
"""generated file, don't modify or your data will be lost"""
except ImportError:
I fixed the error quick and dirty by adding
except ImportError:
mod = __import__(fullname)
but I do not have a good feeling about this fix as I don't know the possible impacts.
Now, why does using imp.load_module fail and what is the difference using import ?