I want to write an ACL module by writing a macro, this macro is to check the result of each function call in the macro, if one return false, then the ACL will fail without run the following function call. If one return true and there are still function calls to check, then check the following until the last one.
(defmacro checks
[head & tail]
`(let [status# ~head]
(if (and (true? status#)
(seq '~tail))
(checks ~#tail)
I will call this macro like this:
(checks (module1 args) (module2 args))`
but this will fail for (check ~#tail) in the macro definition. The problem is that I want to Unquote Splicing the list but without calling each function in the list.
I have found the way to solve this issue:
(defmacro checks
[head & tail]
(let [sym (gensym)]
`(let [~sym ~head]
(if ~sym
~(if tail
`(checks ~#tail)
use syntax unquote again on outer the (checks ~#tail) form.
The problem is that you are generating the code for the recursive call to the macro even though there is no argument.
(macroexpand-1 '(checks 1))
[status__1973__auto__ 1]
(clojure.core/and (clojure.core/true? status__1973__auto__) (clojure.core/seq (quote nil)))
The inner macro call fails because it needs at least one argument. No matter how many arguments you supply to the macro, its expansion eventually generates the failing call.
You need to establish whether there is anything in tail before generating the recursive call to checks:
(defmacro checks
[head & tail]
(if-not tail
`(let [status# ~head]
(if (true? status#)
(checks ~#tail)
(macroexpand-1 '(checks 1))
=> 1
(checks 1)
=> 1
(macroexpand-1 '(checks 1 2 3))
[status__2010__auto__ 1]
(if (clojure.core/true? status__2010__auto__) (user/checks 2 3) status__2010__auto__))
(checks 1 2 3)
=> 1
(checks true true 3)
=> 3
As #PiotrekBzdyl's comment suggests, this is just an and macro that treats anything other than true as false.
Here's my failed attempt:
(defmacro until
[condition body setup increment]
`(let [c ~#condition]
(loop [i setup]
(when (not c)
(recur ~#increment))))))
(def i 1)
(until (> i 5)
(println "Number " i)
(inc i))
I get: CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't let qualified name: clojure-noob.core/c
I am expecting this output:
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Number 5
What's wrong?
There are a few issues with the macro:
You need to generate symbols for bindings inside macros. A convenient way to do this is suffix the names with #. Otherwise the bindings in your macros could overshadow bindings elsewhere in your code.
Some of the macro inputs were unnecessarily spliced when unquoted i.e. ~# instead of ~
Here's a version of the macro that will compile/expand:
(defmacro until [condition body setup increment]
`(let [c# ~condition]
(loop [i# ~setup]
(when-not c#
(recur ~increment)))))
But this will loop forever in your example because condition is only evaluated once and i's value would never change anyway. We could fix that:
(defmacro until [condition body increment]
`(loop []
(when-not ~condition
And we need to make i mutable if we want to change its value:
(def i (atom 1))
(until (> #i 5)
(println "Number " #i)
(swap! i inc))
;; Number 1
;; Number 2
;; Number 3
;; Number 4
;; Number 5
But now until is starting to look a lot like the complement of while, and its extra complexity doesn't seem beneficial.
(defmacro until [test & body]
`(loop []
(when-not ~test
This version of until is identical to while except the test is inverted, and the sample code above with the atom still behaves correctly. We can further simplify until by using while directly, and it'll ultimately expand to the same code:
(defmacro until [test & body]
`(while (not ~test) ~#body))
Change the let line too:
`(let [c# ~#condition]
Then rename all references of c to c#. The postfix # generates a unique, non-namespaced-qualified identifier to ensure that the symbol created by the macro doesn't clash with any existing symbols in the context that the macro expands into. Whenever you bind a symbol in a quoted form, you should be using # to prevent collisions, unless you have a good reason to not use it.
Why is this necessary in this case? I can't remember exactly the reason, but if I recall correctly, any symbols bound in a syntax quoted form (`()) are namespace qualified, and you can't use a let to create namespace qualified symbols.
You can recreate the error by typing:
(let [a/a 1]
If I have the following string containing a valid Clojure/ClojureScript form:
"(+ 1 (+ 2 (/ 6 3)))"
How would I evaluate the first "step" of this form? In other words, how would I turn the above form into this:
"(+ 1 (+ 2 2))"
and then turn that corresponding form into this:
"(+ 1 4)"
You use recursion.
You need to have a function that evaluates the numbers to themselves but if it's not a number you need to apply the operation on the evaluation of the arguments.. Thus
(evaluate '(+ 1 (+ 2 (/ 6 3))))
This should be treated as:
(+ (evaluate '1) (evaluate '(+ 2 (/ 6 3))))
When it starts doing your first step several steps are waiting for the results to be done as well.
Note I'm using list structure and not strings. With strings you would need to use some function to get it parsed.
The other answers are great if you want to execute code in steps, but I want to mention that this evaluation can also be visualized using a debugger. See below Cider's debugger in action:
By using cider-debug-defun-at-point we add a breakpoint on evaluate. Then when the evaluate definition is evaluated the breakpoint is hit, and we step through the code by pressing next repeatedly.
A debugger is very handy when you want to evaluate "steps" of forms.
Below is a very basic implementation that does what you're looking for. It would be more common to eval the entire form, but since you're wanting to just simplify the innermost expressions, this does it:
(defn leaf?
(and (list? x)
(symbol? (first x))
(not-any? list? (rest x))))
(defn eval-one
(leaf? expr) (apply (-> (first expr) resolve var-get)
(rest expr))
(list? expr) (apply list (map eval-one expr))
:default expr
(read-string "(+ 1 (+ 2 (/ 6 3)))")
=> (+ 1 (+ 2 (/ 6 3)))
(eval-one *1)
=> (+ 1 (+ 2 2))
(eval-one *1)
=> (+ 1 4)
(eval-one *1)
=> 5
This is naive and for illustrative purposes only, so please don't be under the impression that a real eval would work this way.
We define a leaf as a list whose first element is a symbol and which does not contain any other lists which could be evaluated. We then process the form, evaluating leaf expressions, recursively evaluating non-leaf expressions which are lists, and for anything else, we just insert it into the resulting expression. The result is that all innermost expressions which can be evaluated, according to our definition, are evaluated.
To add to the other great answers, here is a simple function that should return the first form to evaluate in a given string:
(defn first-eval [form-str]
(let [form (read-string form-str)
tree-s (tree-seq sequential? identity form)]
(first (filter #(= % (flatten %)) tree-s))))
(first-eval "(+ 1 (+ 2 (/ 6 3)))") ;; returns (/ 6 3)
tree-seq is fairly limited in it's ability to evalute ALL form, but it's a start.
I'm having a little trouble with a threading macro I'm trying to write. I've posted a stripped down version to show what problem I'm having.
(defmacro <->
[v & fs]
(-> ~v ~#fs)
The macro is equivalent to the thread first -> macro, but instead of returning the result of the threading operation, it returns the original value it was passed.
The trouble, I'm having is that when I do something like:
(<-> 1
(<-> println)
(<-> println))
I would expect the output to be
=> 1
but because the macro evaluates outside in, the macroexpand looks like:
(println 1)
(println 1)
1)) 1)
and the result is
=> 1
I can see why this is happening since the macro is evaluated from outside in, but I'm not sure how to fix it so the macro actually works as expected (i.e. evaluating the value v before threading it to the next form).
Your macro expands to a form in which its v argument is evaluated twice. You need to evaluate v only once, and let-bind the result so you can refer to that value later.
(defmacro <-> [v & fs]
(let [$v (gensym "$v_")]
`(let [~$v ~v]
(-> ~$v ~#fs)
Note the use of gensym to generate a fresh symbol.
As an answer to a question on SO I was building a recurring function, and built my most complicated destructuring yet, which miraculously worked:
(defn fib?
[a b & [c & r]]
(if (= c (+ a b))
(if r
(recur b c r)
(fib? 0 1 1)
=> true
(fib? 2 3 5 8 13)
=> true
But I have no idea why it should work. The r used in therecur is a collection, something which would make the original function fail.
(fib? 2 3 [5 8 13])
=> false
I wanted to use something like apply recur there, but since recur is a special form, that's not possible. So I tried without it and it worked. Does recur have magical auto-apply properties or is there something else I'm not seeing.
The are two parts to the answer:
The "rest" parameter of a variadic function becomes the final parameter in any recur forms that recur to the top of the function. At this point it is no longer special in any way. You'll normally want to ensure that any values passed in that position actually are sequential, but even this is not enforced.1
Destructuring is just syntactic sugar provided by the fn and let macros. The desugared version of an fn form that uses destructuring in its parameter vector takes a certain number of regular arguments, then destructures them in a let form wrapping the entire body. Thus if you recur to the top of a function that uses destructuring in its parameter vector, the new values will be destructured for the next iteration.
1 For example, ((fn [& xs] (if (seq? xs) (recur (first xs)) xs)) 1 2 3) returns 1.
Given a list of names for variables, I want to set those variables to an expression.
I tried this:
(doall (for [x ["a" "b" "c"]] (def (symbol x) 666)))
...but this yields the error
java.lang.Exception: First argument to def must be a Symbol
Can anyone show me the right way to accomplish this, please?
Clojure's "intern" function is for this purpose:
(doseq [x ["a" "b" "c"]]
(intern *ns* (symbol x) 666))
(doall (for [x ["a" "b" "c"]] (eval `(def ~(symbol x) 666))))
In response to your comment:
There are no macros involved here. eval is a function that takes a list and returns the result of executing that list as code. ` and ~ are shortcuts to create a partially-quoted list.
` means the contents of the following lists shall be quoted unless preceded by a ~
~ the following list is a function call that shall be executed, not quoted.
So ``(def ~(symbol x) 666)is the list containing the symboldef, followed by the result of executingsymbol xfollowed by the number of the beast. I could as well have written(eval (list 'def (symbol x) 666))` to achieve the same effect.
Updated to take Stuart Sierra's comment (mentioning clojure.core/intern) into account.
Using eval here is fine, but it may be interesting to know that it is not necessary, regardless of whether the Vars are known to exist already. In fact, if they are known to exist, then I think the alter-var-root solution below is cleaner; if they might not exist, then I wouldn't insist on my alternative proposition being much cleaner, but it seems to make for the shortest code (if we disregard the overhead of three lines for a function definition), so I'll just post it for your consideration.
If the Var is known to exist:
(alter-var-root (resolve (symbol "foo")) (constantly new-value))
So you could do
(map #(-> %1 symbol resolve (alter-var-root %2))
["x" "y" "z"]
[value-for-x value-for-y value-for z]))
(If the same value was to be used for all Vars, you could use (repeat value) for the final argument to map or just put it in the anonymous function.)
If the Vars might need to be created, then you can actually write a function to do this (once again, I wouldn't necessarily claim this to be cleaner than eval, but anyway -- just for the interest of it):
(defn create-var
;; I used clojure.lang.Var/intern in the original answer,
;; but as Stuart Sierra has pointed out in a comment,
;; a Clojure built-in is available to accomplish the same
;; thing
([sym] (intern *ns* sym))
([sym val] (intern *ns* sym val)))
Note that if a Var turns out to have already been interned with the given name in the given namespace, then this changes nothing in the single argument case or just resets the Var to the given new value in the two argument case. With this, you can solve the original problem like so:
(dorun (map #(create-var (symbol %) 666) ["x" "y" "z"]))
Some additional examples:
user> (create-var 'bar (fn [_] :bar))
user> (bar :foo)
user> (create-var 'baz)
user> baz
; Evaluation aborted. ; java.lang.IllegalStateException:
; Var user/baz is unbound.
; It does exist, though!
;; if you really wanted to do things like this, you'd
;; actually use the clojure.contrib.with-ns/with-ns macro
user> (binding [*ns* (the-ns 'quux)]
(create-var 'foobar 5))
user> quux/foobar
Evaluation rules for normal function calls are to evaluate all the items of the list, and call the first item in the list as a function with the rest of the items in the list as parameters.
But you can't make any assumptions about the evaluation rules for special forms or macros. A special form or the code produced by a macro call could evaluate all the arguments, or never evaluate them, or evaluate them multiple times, or evaluate some arguments and not others. def is a special form, and it doesn't evaluate its first argument. If it did, it couldn't work. Evaluating the foo in (def foo 123) would result in a "no such var 'foo'" error most of the time (if foo was already defined, you probably wouldn't be defining it yourself).
I'm not sure what you're using this for, but it doesn't seem very idiomatic. Using def anywhere but at the toplevel of your program usually means you're doing something wrong.
(Note: doall + for = doseq.)