Iterate over pixels along a rasterized circular arc - c++

I want to iterate over pixels along a rasterized circular arc, given its radius, start and end angles in radians, eg:
template<typename Functor>
void arc(float startRadians, float endRadians, int radius, Functor f);
To be used like:
arc(0.f, M_PI, 10, [](int x, int y) {
std::cout << "got: " << x << " " << y << "\n";
There's a few catches:
pixels have integer coordinates
radius is also given as an integer
the rasterised arc is effectively every pixel in a sector between the arc of radius radius and the arc of radius radius-1
In the picture below:
blue pixels have been visited, red pixel is the next to be visited
the arc is confined by the two radial lines defined by start/end angles, and the sector between the two arcs radius, radius-1.
finally, if every arc with radius 0 to 100 were to be drawn, angles 0 to 2*PI, then we'd get a filled disc/circle of radius 100 and no pixel would be visited twice.
I think Bresenham's circle algorithm doesn't directly apply to this problem, because of the angle constraints and visitation order.
In stackoverflow, I believe this is the most closely related question:
Iterate over 2d array in an expanding circular spiral
Finally, OpenCV has something similar/related in spirit, but only for lines:

Take a look at cvLinearPolar().
It maps the image from the x,y coordinate system, to polar. The resulting image is rows -> angle and columns-> radius. Your rastering at that point would be looping row column order no special functional rastering.
This means every rows is dtheta = 2*Pi/(rowNum) therefore your arc would
be startAngle = angle1/dtheta and likewise endAngle = angle2/dtheta.
Similarly your radius calculation drad = maxRad/(columnNum).
so to get your arc from the polar image:
for(int i = maxRad; i > 0; i--) // start at longest radius spiral in
for(int j = startAngle; j < endAngle;j++) angle
// do action on polarImage[i,j];


How can I iterate a coordinate sphere using an expanding spherical sector (cone)?

Given an integer 3D coordinate system, a center point P, a vector in some direction V, and a max sphere radius R:
I want to iterate over only integer points in a fashion that starts at P and goes along direction V until reaching the max radius R.
Then, for some small angle T iterate all points within the cone (or spherical sector) around V.
Incrementally expand T until T is pi/2 radians and every point within the sphere has been iterated.
I need to do this with O(1) space complexity. So the order of the points can't be precomputed/sorted but must result naturally from some math.
// Vector3 represents coordinates x, y, z
// where (typically) x is left/right, y is up/down, z is depth
Vector3 center = Vector3(0, 0, 0); // could be anything
Vector3 direction = Vector3(0, 100, 0); // could be anything
int radius = 4;
double piHalf = acos(0.0); // half of pi
std::queue<Vector3> list;
for (double angle = 0; angle < piHalf; angle+= .1)
int x = // confusion begins here
int y = // ..
int z = // ..
list.push(Vector3(x, y, z));
See picture for this example
The first coordinates that should be caught are:
A(0,0,0), C(0,1,0), D(0,2,0), E(0,3,0), B(0,4,0)
Then, expanding the angle somewhat (orange cone):
K(-1,0,3), X(1,0,3), (0,1,3), (0,-1,3)
Expanding the angle a bit more (green cone):
F(1,1,3), (-1,-1,3), (1,-1,3) (-1,1,3)
My guess for what would be next is:
L(1,0,2), (-1,0,2), (0,1,2), (0,-1,2)
M(2,0,3) would be hit somewhat after
Extra notes and observations:
A cone will hit a max of four points at its base, if the vector is perpendicular to an axis and originates at an integer point. It may also hit points along the cone wall depending on the angle
I am trying to do this in c++
I am aware of how to check whether a point X is within any given cone or spherical vector by comparing the angle between V and PX with T and am currently using this knowledge for a lesser solution.
This is not a homework question, I am working on a 3D video game~
iterate all integer positions Q in your sphere
simple 3x nested for loops through x,y,z in range <P-R,P+R> will do. Just check inside sphere so
dot(u,u) <= R*R
test if point Q is exactly on V
simply by checking angle between PQ and V by dot product:
u = Q-P
u = u/|u|
v = V/|V|
if (dot(u,v)==1) point Q is on V
test if points is exactly on surface of "cone"
simply by checking angle between PQ and V by dot product:
u = Q-P
u = u/|u|
v = V/|V|
if (dot(u,v)==cos(T/2)) point Q is on "cone"
where I assume T is full "cone" angle not the half one.
Beware you need to use floats/double for this and make the comparison with some margin for error like:
if (fabs(dot(u,v)-1.0 )<1e-6) point Q is on V
if (fabs(dot(u,v)-cos(T/2))<1e-6) point Q is on "cone"

How to find the closest square of the given point

I have a 2-D array of squares (square shape), Each square has 50 units length and x, y co-ordinates. The distance between the squares is 5 units. The x, y co-ordinates are the bottom left corner of the square. Now, given any point(x,y co-ordinates) how can i find the closest square to this point.
square **sq = new square*[10];
for(int i=0;i<10;++i){
sq[i]=new square[10];
int m=0, n=0;
for(int i=0;i<10;++i){
for(int j=0;j<10;++j){
// Given a point (x, y) how can i find the index (i, j) of closest square to this point.
Let's rigorously define the definition of distance from a square to a point: "The minimum of all lengths from the point (x,y) to some point within the rectangle".
This gives some clear rules for defining the distance to a rectangle. For any rectangle, if the point(x,y) is directly above, below, to the left of, or to the right of the sides of the rectangle, the minimum distance to the rectangle is the straight line drawn either vertically or horizontally through the point. For instance, if your point is (40, 90) and your rectangle's bottom-left is (0,0) (and it is a 50x50 square), you can draw a vertical line through your point and the distance is min(90-(0+50), 90-0)
If the point is not directly above, below, left of, or right of the sides of the square, then the closest distance is to the closest of the four corners. You can simply take the min of all the distances to the four corners, which can be found by using the distance formula.
Simply apply this logic to each of your squares in your array and you should be good to go! Time O(NM) where n is the number of rows of squares and M is the number of columns of squares. In other words, O(number of squares you have). Space O(1).
Lets start with the simpler problem: All rectangles are 55 units wide, ie there is no empty space between them...
The best container is the one that you do not need. There is a simple relation between i and j index of a square in the array and its m and n coordinates:
const int distance = 55;
int m(int i) { return i*distance; }
int n(int j) { return m(j); }
As the relation is linear, you can invert it:
int i(int m) { return m / distance; }
int j(int n) { return i(n); }
Using integer arithmetics is fine here, because we get the same result as if we had used floating points and then rounded down.
This is already the full solution for the simpler problem. Given coordinats m and n the closest square is at index i(m),j(n).
Now lets introduce the gap:
cosnt int width = 50;
const int gap = 5;
Now we have to distinguish two possibilities: The given coordinats are inside a square or outside. When it is outside there are two candidates for the cloest square.
int i_with_gap(int m) {
int i = m / distance;
// point is inside the square?
if (m % distance <= width) return i;
// point is closer to square at index i?
if (m % distance <= width+ gap/2.0) return i;
// otherwise i+1 is closer
return i+1;

Using Standard Cartesian Circle formula to draw circle in graphics mode (C++)

I wanted to draw a circle using graphics.h in C++, but not directly using the circle() function. The circle I want to draw uses smaller circles as it's points i.e. The smaller circles would constitute the circumference of the larger circle. So I thought, if I did something like this, it would work:
int radius = 4;
// Points at which smaller circles would be drawn
int x, y;
int maxx = getmaxx();
int maxy = getmaxy();
// Co-ordinates of center of the larger circle (centre of the screen)
int h = maxx/2;
int k = maxy/2;
//Cartesian cirle formula >> (X-h)^2 + (Y-k)^2 = radius^2
//Effectively, this nested loop goes through every single coordinate on the screen
int gmode = DETECT;
int gdriver;
initgraph(&gmode, &gdriver, "");
for(x = 0; x<maxx; x++)
for(y = 0; y<maxy; y++)
if((((x-h)*(x-h)) + ((y-k)*(y-k))) == (radius*radius))
circle(x, y, 5) //Draw smaller circle with radius 5
} //at points which satisfy circle equation only!
This is when I'm using graphics.h on Turbo C++ as this is the compiler we're learning with at school.
I know it's ancient.
So, theoretically, since the nested for loops check all the points on the screen, and draw a small circle at every point that satisfies the circle equation only, I thought I would get a large circle of radius as entered, whose circumference constitutes of the smaller circles I make in the for loop.
However, when I try the program, I get four hyperbolas (all pointing towards the center of the screen) and when I increase the radius, the pointiness (for lack of a better word) of the hyperbolas increase, until finally, when the radius is 256 or more, the two hyperbolas on the top and bottom intersect to make a large cross on my screen like : "That's it, user, I give up!"
I came to the value 256 as I noticed that of the radius was a multiple of 4 the figures looked ... better?
I looked around for a solution for quite some time, but couldn't get any answers, so here I am.
Any suggestions???
EDIT >> Here's a rough diagram of the output I got...
There are two issues in your code:
First: You should really call initgraph before you call getmaxx and getmaxy, otherwise they will not necessarily return the correct dimensions of the graphics mode. This may or may not be a contributing factor depending on your setup.
Second, and most importantly: In Turbo C++, int is 16-bit. For example, here is circle with radius 100 (after the previous initgraph order issue was fixed):
Note the stray circles in the four corners. If we do a little debugging and add some print-outs (a useful strategy that you should file away for future reference):
if((((x-h)*(x-h)) + ((y-k)*(y-k))) == (radius*radius))
printf(": (%d-%d)^2 + (%d-%d)^2 = %d^2\n", x, h, y, k, radius);
circle(x, y, 5); //Draw smaller circle with radius
} //at points which satisfy circle equation only!
You can see what's happening (first line is maxx and maxy, not shown in above snippet):
In particular that circle at (63, 139) is one of the corners. If you do the math, you see that:
(63 - 319)2 + (139 - 239)2 = 75536
And since your ints are 16-bit, 75536 modulo 65536 = 10000 = the value that ends up being calculated = 1002 = a circle where it shouldn't be.
An easy solution to this is to just change the relevant variables to long:
maxx, maxy
x, y
h, k
long x, y;
long maxx = getmaxx();
long maxy = getmaxy();
long h = maxx / 2;
long k = maxy / 2;
And then you'll end up with correct output:
Note of course that like other answers point out, since you are using ints, you'll miss a lot of points. This may or may not be OK, but some values will produce noticeably poorer results (e.g. radius 256 only seems to have 4 integer solutions). You could introduce a tolerance if you want. You could also use a more direct approach but that might defeat the purpose of your exercise with the Cartesian circle formula. If you're into this sort of thing, here is a 24-page document containing a bunch of discussion, proofs, and properties about integers that are the sum of two squares.
I don't know enough about Turbo C++ to know if you can make it use 32-bit ints, I'll leave that as an exercise to you.
First of all, maxx and maxy are integers, which you initialize using some functions representing the borders of the screen and then later you use them as functions. Just remove the paranthesis:
// Co-ordinates of center of the larger circle (centre of the screen)
int h = maxx/2;
int k = maxy/2;
Then, you are checking for exact equality to check whether a point is on a circle. Since the screen is a grid of pixels, many of your points will be missed. You need to add a tolerance, a maximum distance between the point you check and the actual circle. So change this line:
if(((x-h)*(x-h)) + ((y-k)*(y-k)) == radius*radius)
to this:
if(abs(((x-h)*(x-h)) + ((y-k)*(y-k)) - radius*radius) < 2)
Introduction of some level of tolerance will solve the problem.
But it is not wise to check all the points in graphical window. Would you change an approach? You can draw needed small circles without checks at all:
To fill all big circle circumference (with RBig radius), you need NCircles small circles with RSmall radius
NCircles = round to integer (Pi / ArcSin(RSmall / RBig));
Center of i-th small circle is at position
cx = mx + Round(RBig * Cos(i * 2 * Pi / N));
cy = my + Round(RBig * Sin(i * 2 * Pi / N));
where mx, my - center of the big circle

Triangles that are sometimes equilateral and sometimes not?

I am trying to produce random equilateral triangles on the console screen.
The method I am using is creating a center point for the triangle (randomly positioned), moving the center point to the origin (0,0) and then creating 3 points from the center (adding the radius(random number) of the triangle to the Y axis of each point). Then I rotate 2 of the points, one at 120 degrees and the other at 240 making an equilateral triangle then draw lines between the points. Then bring the points back to the original plot relating to the centroid.
This for the most past of the time works and I get an equilateral triangle, however other times I don't quite get an equilateral triangle and I am at a complete loss as to why.
I am using Brensenham's line algorithm to draw the line between points.
Image of working triangle:
Image of broken triangle:
Here is the code that plots the coords for the triangle:
void Triangle::createVertex(Vertex cent)
// angle of 120 in radians
double s120 = sin(2.0943951024);
double c120 = cos(2.0943951024);
// angle of 240 in radians
double s240 = sin(4.1887902048);
double c240 = cos(4.1887902048);
// bringing centroid to the origin and saving old pos to move later on
int x = cent.getX();
int y = cent.getY();
// creating the points all equal distance from the centroid
Vertex v1(cent.getX(), cent.getY() + radius);
Vertex v2(cent.getX(), cent.getY() + radius);
Vertex v3(cent.getX(), cent.getY() + radius);
// rotate points
double newx = v1.getX() * c120 - v1.getY() * s120;
double newy = v1.getY() * c120 + v1.getX() * s120;
double xnew = v2.getX() * c240 - v2.getY() * s240;
double ynew = v2.getY() * c240 + v2.getX() * s240;
// giving the points the actual location in relation the the old pos of the centroid
v1.setX(newx + x);
v1.setY(newy + y);
v2.setX(xnew + x);
v2.setY(ynew + y);
v3.setY(y + radius);
// adding the to a list (list is used in a function to draw the lines)
Looking at the images of your two triangles (and looking at the line drawing algorithm) you are drawing lines as a series of discrete pixels. That means a vertex must fall in a pixel (it can't be on a boundary) like in this image.
So what happens if your vertex falls on* a border between pixels? Your line drawing algorithm has to make a decision on which pixel to put the vertex in.
Looking at the algorithm description on wikipedia and the c++ implementation on a page a
I see that both list implementations using integer arithmetic** which in this case is not unreasonable given you have discreet rows of pixels. This means that if your floating point calculations put one vertex above the threshold of the integer label for the next row of pixels when the floor (conversion from float to int) is done, but the other vertex is below that threshold then the two vertices will be placed on different rows.
think v1.y = 5.00000000000000000001 and v2.y = 4.99999999999999999999 which leads to v1 being placed on row 5 and v2 being placed on row 4.
This explains why you only see the issue occurring occasionally, you only occasionally have your vertices land on a boundary like this.
In order to fix a couple of things come to mind:
Fix it when you assign values to your vertices, the y values are the same anyways.
v1.getX() = v2.getX() = 0 (defined by your code)
v1.getY() = v2.getY() = radius (defined by your code)
cos(120 degrees) = cos(240 degrees) ('tis true)
This reduces your two y values to
double newy = v1.getY() * c120
double ynew = v1.getY() * c120
v1.setY(newy + y);
v2.setY(newy + y);
If you wrote your own Brensenham's algorithm implementation you could add a check in that code to make sure your vertices are at the same height, but that seems like a really bad place to put that kind of check since the height of the endpoints is specific to your problem and not drawing lines in general.
*Or not exactly on, but close enough you can't tell the difference after accounting for floating point error
**The algorithm is not restricted to integer arithmetic, but I suspect given the irregularity of your problem and the way the algorithm has been presented, along with the fact that you are using discreet characters for the lines in your images the integer arithmetic is the issue.

Number of Sides Required to draw a circle in OpenGL

Does anyone know some algorithm to calculate the number of sides required to approximate a circle using polygon, if radius, r of the circle and maximum departure of the polygon from circularity, D is given? I really need to find the number of sides as I need to draw the approximated circle in OpenGL.
Also, we have the resolution of the screen in NDC coordinates per pixel given by P and solving D = P/2, we could guarantee that our circle is within half-pixel of accuracy.
What you're describing here is effectively a quality factor, which often goes hand-in-hand with error estimates.
A common way we handle this is to calculate the error for a a small portion of the circumference of the circle. The most trivial is to determine the difference in arc length of a slice of the circle, compared to a line segment joining the same two points on the circumference. You could use more effective measures, like difference in area, radius, etc, but this method should be adequate.
Think of an octagon, circumscribed with a perfect circle. In this case, the error is the difference in length of the line between two adjacent points on the octagon, and the arc length of the circle joining those two points.
The arc length is easy enough to calculate: PI * r * theta, where r is your radius, and theta is the angle, in radians, between the two points, assuming you draw lines from each of these points to the center of the circle/polygon. For a closed polygon with n sides, the angle is just (2*PI/n) radians. Let the arc length corresponding to this value of n be equal to A, ie A=2*PI*r/n.
The line length between the two points is easily calculated. Just divide your circle into n isosceles triangles, and each of those into two right-triangles. You know the angle in each right triangle is theta/2 = (2*PI/n)/2 = (PI/n), and the hypotenuse is r. So, you get your equation of sin(PI/n)=x/r, where x is half the length of the line segment joining two adjacent points on your circumscribed polygon. Let this value be B (ie: B=2x, so B=2*r*sin(PI/n)).
Now, just calculate the relative error, E = |A-B| / A (ie: |TrueValue-ApproxValue|/|TrueValue|), and you get a nice little percentage, represented in decimal, of your error vector. You can use the above equations to set a constraint on E (ie: it cannot be greater than some value, say, 1.05), in order for it to "look good".
So, you could write a function that calculates A, B, and E from the above equations, and loop through values of n, and have it stop looping when the calculated value of E is less than your threshold.
I would say that you need to set the number of sides depending on two variables the radius and the zoom (if you allow zoom)
A circle or radius 20 pixels can look ok with 32 to 56 sides, but if you use the same number of sided for a radios of 200 pixels that number of sides will not be enough
numberOfSides = radius * 3
If you allow zoom in and out you will need to do something like this
numberOfSides = radiusOfPaintedCircle * 3
When you zoom in radiusOfPaintedCircle will be bigger that the "property" of the circle being drawn
I've got an algorithm to draw a circle using fixed function opengl, maybe it'll help?
It's hard to know what you mean when you say you want to "approximate a circle using polygon"
You'll notice in my algorithm below that I don't calculate the number of lines needed to draw the circle, I just iterate between 0 .. 2Pi, stepping the angle by 0.1 each time, drawing a line with glVertex2f to that point on the circle, from the previous point.
void Circle::Render()
glColor3f(_vColour._x, _vColour._y, _vColour._z);
glVertex3f(_State._position._x, _State._position._y, 0);
(_State._position._x + (sinf(_State._angle)*_rRadius)),
(_State._position._y + (cosf(_State._angle)*_rRadius)),
glTranslatef(_State._position._x, _State._position._y, 0);
glColor3f(_vColour._x, _vColour._y, _vColour._z);
for(float angle = 0.0f; angle < g_k2Pi; angle += 0.1f)
glVertex2f(sinf(angle)*_rRadius, cosf(angle)*_rRadius);