Which STL container best meets these needs? - c++

I would like some advice on which STL container best meets the following needs:
The collection is relatively short-lived.
The collection contains pointers.
Elements are added only at the end. The order of elements must be maintained.
The number of elements is unknown and may vary from hundreds to millions. The number is known only after the final element is added.
I may iterate over the elements several times.
After all elements are added, I need to sort the collection, based on the objects the pointers refer to.
After sorting, I may iterate over the elements several more times.
After that, the collection will be destroyed.
Thread safety is not required.
Here are my thoughts:
list: Requires a separate allocation for each element. More expensive traversal.
vector: Need to be reallocated as the collection grows. Best sort and traversal performance.
deque: Fewer allocations than list and fewer reallocations than vector. I don't know about behavior with respect to sort.
I am currently using list. The flowchart at In which scenario do I use a particular STL container? leads me to deque.
My knowledge of STL is old; I don't know about container types that have been added since 2003, so maybe there's something well-suited that I've never heard of.

std::vector<T*> will be the winner based on the points discussed.
Don't be afraid of the resizing that will need to occur--just reserve() a reasonable amount (say 500 if many of your collections will be around there).
Sorting performance with vector<T*> will also be very good.
Allocation and deallocation of each T will be important. Pay attention to this. For example you may want to allocate thousands of Ts at a time, to reduce the memory allocation overhead (and make it faster to deallocate everything at the end). This is known as an "arena" or "pool". You can probably store 32-bit relative pointers into the arena, saving half the pointer storage space.
And of course, if T is small you might consider storing it by value instead of by pointer.


Fast data structure that supports finding the minimum element and accessing, inserting, removing and updating data at any index

I'm looking for ideas to implement a templatized sequence container data structure which can beat the performance of std::vector in as many features as possible and potentially perform much faster. It should support the following:
Finding the minimum element (and returning it's index)
Insertion at any index
Removal at any index
Accessing and updating any element by index (via operator[])
What would be some good ways to implement such a structure in C++?
You generally be pretty sure that the STL implementations of all containers tend to be very good at the range of tasks they were designed for. That is to say, you're unlikely to be able to build a container that is as robust as std::vector and quicker for all applications. However, generally speaking, it is almost always possible to beat a generic tool when optimizing for a specific application.
First, let's think about what a vector actually is. You can think of it as a pointer to a c-style array, except that its elements are stored on the heap. Unlike a c array, it also provides a bunch of methods that make it a little bit more convenient to manipulate. But like a c-array, all of it's data is stored contiguously in memory, so lookups are extremely cheap, but changing its size may require the entire array to be shifted elsewhere in memory to make room for the new elements.
Here are some ideas for how you could do each of the things you're asking for better than a vanilla std::vector:
Finding the minimum element: Search is typically O(N) for many containers, and certainly for a vector (because you need to iterate through all elements to find the lowest). You can make it O(1), or very close to free, by simply keeping the smallest element at all times, and only updating it when the container is changed.
Insertion at any index: If your elements are small and there are not many, I wouldn't bother tinkering here, just do what the vector does and keep elements contiguously next to each other to keep lookups quick. If you have large elements, store pointers to the elements instead of the elements themselves (boost's stable vector will do this for you). Keep in mind that this make lookup more expensive, because you now need to dereference the pointer, so whether you want to do this will depend on your application. If you know the number of elements you are going to insert, std::vector provides the reserve method which preallocates some memory for you, but what it doesn't do is allow you to decide how the size of the allocated memory grows. So if your application warrants lots of push_back operations without enough information to intelligently call reserve, you might be able to beat the standard std::vector implementation by tailoring the growth function of your container to your particular needs. Another option is using a linked list (e.g. std::list), which will beat an std::vector in insertions for larger containers. However, the cost here is that lookup (see 4.) will now become vastly slower (O(N) instead of O(1) for vectors), so you're unlikely to want to go down this path unless you plan to do more insertions/erasures than lookups.
Removal at any index: Similar considerations as for 2.
Accessing and updating any element by index (via operator[]): The only way you can beat std::vector in this regard is by making sure your data is in the cache when you try to access it. This is because lookup for a vector is essentially an array lookup, which is really just some pointer arithmetic and a pointer dereference. If you don't access your vector often you might be able to squeeze out a few clock cycles by using a custom allocator (see boost pools) and placing your pool close to the stack pointer.
I stopped writing mainly because there are dozens of ways in which you could approach this problem.
At the end of the day, this is probably more of an exercise in teaching you that the implementation of std::vector is likely to be extremely efficient for most compilers. All of these suggestions are essentially micro-optimizations (which are the root of all evil), so please don't blindly apply these in important code, as they're highly likely to end up costing you a lot of time and headache.
However, that's not to say you shouldn't tinker and learn for yourself, so by all means go ahead and try to beat it for your application and let us know how you go! Good luck :)

Unordered, fixed-size memory-pool based container with frequent insertion and deletion

I'm looking for a container to store a dynamically growing and shrinking family of objects the size of which I know to come near to but never exceed a given bound. The container need not be ordered, so that I'm happy with any kind of insertion, no matter where it takes place. Moreover, I want all the objects to be stored in a some fixed contiguous memory-pool, but I do not require the memory that is actually occupied at some point in time to be a connected interval in the memory-pool.
Is there any container/allocator in the STL or boost that provides the above?
It seems that a reasonable approach would be to use a linked list with memory taken from a fixed-size memory-pool, but I'd rather use some already existing and well-established implementation for this than trying to do it myself.
Thank you!
As you need elements to be contiguous, I think you should go for std::vector, calling reserve at the beginning.
As I said in comment, as soon as you need contiguous memory you'll have to move something when you delete in the middle and that behavior is already handled by std::vectorusing remove/erase idiom.
Apart from this, if you use only the vector insertion or the lookup will be costly according to your design:
Either you always add new element at the end and the lookup of an element will cost you but the insertion will be painless
Or you sort the vector after every insertion (that will cost) and your lookup will be a lot faster using std::equal_range
Otherwise if you can afford an additional std::unordered_set<std::vector<your_element>::iterator> with a custom hash/equal you have a fair insertion/lookup ratio by looking up with the std::unordered_set<> to find where your element is stored.
Recapping, your requirements are:
dynamically growing and shrinking
no need to be ordered
fixed contiguous memory-pool
With the third requirement you rule out most of the node based containers (such as lists or queues). What you are left with are array-like containers. Specifically std::array and std::vector (or even std::valarray/boost::valarray).
But with the first requirement you rule out std::array (unless you want to implement some weird looking std::array<std::optional<T>> that mimics the functionality of an std::vector).
What you are left with is std::vector, which happens to fit requirement number two as well. Of course you can manage the capacity with std::vector::reserve and std::vector::shrink_to_fit.

Vector vs Deque insertion in middle

I know that deque is more efficient than vector when insertions are at front or end and vector is better if we have to do pointer arithmetic. But which one to use when we have to perform insertions in middle.? and Why.?
You might think that a deque would have the advantage, because it stores the data broken up into blocks. However to implement operator[] in constant time requires all those blocks to be the same size. Inserting or deleting an element in the middle still requires shifting all the values on one side or the other, same as a vector. Since the vector is simpler and has better locality for caching, it should come out ahead.
Selection criteria with Standard library containers is, You select a container depending upon:
Type of data you want to store &
The type of operations you want to perform on the data.
If you want to perform large number of insertions in the middle you are much better off using a std::list.
If the choice is just between a std::deque and std::vector then there are a number of factors to consider:
Typically, there is one more indirection in case of deque to access the elements, so element
access and iterator movement of deques are usually a bit slower.
In systems that have size limitations for blocks of memory, a deque might contain more elements because it uses more than one block of memory. Thus, max_size() might be larger for deques.
Deques provide no support to control the capacity and the moment of reallocation. In
particular, any insertion or deletion of elements other than at the beginning or end
invalidates all pointers, references, and iterators that refer to elements of the deque.
However, reallocation may perform better than for vectors, because according to their
typical internal structure, deques don't have to copy all elements on reallocation.
Blocks of memory might get freed when they are no longer used, so the memory size of a
deque might shrink (this is not a condition imposed by standard but most implementations do)
std::deque could perform better for large containers because it is typically implemented as a linked sequence of contiguous data blocks, as opposed to the single block used in an std::vector. So an insertion in the middle would result in less data being copied from one place to another, and potentially less reallocations.
Of course, whether that matters or not depends on the size of the containers and the cost of copying the elements stored. With C++11 move semantics, the cost of the latter is less important. But in the end, the only way of knowing is profiling with a realistic application.
Deque would still be more efficient, as it doesn't have to move half of the array every time you insert an element.
Of course, this will only really matter if you consider large numbers of elements, and even than it is advisable to run a benchmark and see which one works better in your particular case. Remember that premature optimization is the root of all evil.

selection of data structure

I use C++, say i want to store 40 usernames, I will simply use an array. However, if I want to store 40000 usernames is this still a good idea in terms of search speed? Which data structure should I use to improve this speed?
You need to specify what the insertion and removal requirements are. Do things need to be removed and inserted at random points in the sequence?
Also, why the requirement to search sequentially? Are you doing searches that aren't suitable for a hash table lookup?
At the moment I'd suggest a deque or a list. Often it's best to choose a container with the interface that makes for the simplest implementation for your algorithm and then only change the choice if the performance is inadequate and an alternative provides the necessary speedup.
A vector has two principle advantages, there is no per-object memory overhead, although vectors will over-allocate to prevent frequent copying and objects are stored contiguously so sequential access tends to be fast. These are also its disadvantages. Growing vectors require reallocation and copying, and insertion and removal from anywhere other than the end of the vector also require copying. Contiguous storage can produce problems for vectors with large numbers of objects or large objects as the contiguous storage requirements can be hard to satisfy even with only mild memory fragmentation.
A list doesn't require contigous storage but list nodes usually have a per-object overhead of two pointers (in most implementation). This can be significant in list of very small objects (e.g. in a list of pointers, each node is 3x the size of the data item). Insertion and removal from the middle of a list is very cheap though and list nodes never need to me moved in memory once created.
A deque uses chunked storage, so it has a low per-object overhead similar to a vector, but doesn't require contiguous storage over the whole container so doesn't have the same problem with fragmented memory spaces. It is often a very good choice for collections and is often overlooked.
As a rule of thumb, prefer vector to list or, diety forbid, C-style array.
After the vector is filled, make sure it is properly ordered using the sort algorithm. You can then search for a particular record using either find, binary_search or lower_bound. (You don't need to sort to use find.)
Seriously unless you are in a resource constrained environment (embedded platform, phone, or other). Use a std::map, save the effort of doing sorting or searching and let the container take care of everything. This will possibly be a sorted tree structure, probably balance (e.g. Red-Black), which means you will get good searching performance. Unless the size of you data is close to the size of one or two pointers, the memory overhead of whatever data structure you pick is negligable. You Graphics Card probably has more memory that you are going to use up for the data you are think about.
As others said there is very little good reason to use vanilla array, if you don't want to use a map use std::vector or std::list depending on whether you need insert/delete data (=>list) or not (=>vector)
Also consider if you really need all that data in memory, how about putting it on disk via sqlite. Or even use sqlite for in memory access. It all depends on what you need to do with your data.
std::vector and std::list seem good for this task. You can use an array if you know the maximum number of records beforehands.
If you need only sequentially search and storage, then list is the proper container.
Also, vector wouldn't be a bad choice.

Benefit of slist over vector?

What I need is just a dynamically growing array. I don't need random access, and I always insert to the end and read it from the beginning to the end.
slist seems to be the first choice, because it provides just enough of what I need. However, I can't tell what benefit I get by using slist instead of vector. Besides, several materials I read about STL say, "vectors are generally the most efficient in time for accessing elements and to add or remove elements from the end of the sequence". Therefore, my question is: for my needs, is slist really a better choice than vector? Thanks in advance.
For starters, slist is non-standard.
For your choice, a linked list will be slower than a vector, count on it. There are two reasons contributing to this:
First and foremost, cache locality; vectors store their elements linearly in the RAM which facilitates caching and pre-fetching.
Secondly, appending to a linked list involves dynamic allocations which add a large overhead. By contrast, vectors most of the time do not need to allocate memory.
However, a std::deque will probably be even faster. In-depth performance analysis has shown that, despite bias to the contrary, std::deque is almost always superior to std::vector in performance (if no random access is needed), due to its improved (chunked) memory allocation strategy.
Yes, if you are always reading beginning to end, slist (a linked list) sounds like the way to go. The possible exception is if you will be inserting a large quantity of elements at the end at the same time. Then, the vector could be better if you use reserve appropriately.
Of course, profile to be sure it's better for your application.
Matt Austern (author of "Generic Programming and the STL" and general C++ guru) is a strong advocate of singly-linked lists for inclusion in the forthcoming C++ standard; see his presentation at http://www.accu-usa.org/Slides/SinglyLinkedLists.ppt and his long article at http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2008/n2543.htm for more details, including a discussion of the trade-offs involved that may guide you in possibly choosing this data structure. (Note that the currently proposed name is forward_list, though slist is how it was traditionally named in SGI's STL & other popular libraries).
I'll second (or maybe third...) the opinion that std::vector or std::deque will do the job. The only thing that I will add is a few additional factors that should guide the decision between std::vector<T> and std::list<T>. These have a lot to do with the characteristics of T and what algorithms you plan on using.
The first is memory overhead. Std::list is a node-based container so if T is a primitive type or relatively small user-defined type, then the memory overhead of the node-based linkage might be non-negligible - consider that std::list<int> is likely to use at least 3 * sizeof(int) storage for each element whereas std::vector will only use sizeof(int) storage with a small header overhead. Std::deque is similar to std::vector but has a small overhead that is linear to N.
The next issue is the cost of copy construction. If T(T const&) is at all expensive, then steer clear of std::vector<T> since it cause a bunch of copies to occur as the size of the vector grows. This is where std::deque<T> is a clear winner and std::list<T> is also a contender.
The final issue that usually guides the decision on container type is whether your algorithms can work with the iterator invalidation constraints of std::vector and std::deque. If you will be manipulating the container elements a lot (e.g., sorting, inserting in the middle, or shuffling), then you might want to lean towards std::list since manipulating the order requires little more than resetting a few linkage pointers.
I'm guessing you mean std::list by "slist". Vectors are good when you need fast, random-access to a sequence of elements, with guaranteed contiguous memory, and fast sequential reading (IOW, from the beginning to the end). Lists are good when you need fast (constant-time) insertion or deletion of items at the beginning or end of the sequence, but don't care about the performance of random-access or sequential reading.
The reason for the difference is the way the 2 are implemented. Vectors are implemented internally as an array of items, which needs to be reallocated when its size/capacity is reached on adding an item. Lists are implemented as a doubly-linked list, which can cause cache-misses for sequential reading. Random-access for lists also requires scanning from the first (or last) item in the list, until it locates the item you're requesting.
Sounds like a good job for std::deque to me. It has the memory benefits of a vector like contiguous memory allocation for each "slab" (good for CPU caches), no overhead for each element like with std::list and it does not need to reallocate the whole set as std::vector does. Read more about std::deque here