What is the purpose of "int mask = ~0;"? - c++

I saw the following line of code here in C.
int mask = ~0;
I have printed the value of mask in C and C++. It always prints -1.
So I do have some questions:
Why assigning value ~0 to the mask variable?
What is the purpose of ~0?
Can we use -1 instead of ~0?

It's a portable way to set all the binary bits in an integer to 1 bits without having to know how many bits are in the integer on the current architecture.

C and C++ allow 3 different signed integer formats: sign-magnitude, one's complement and two's complement
~0 will produce all-one bits regardless of the sign format the system uses. So it's more portable than -1
You can add the U suffix (i.e. -1U) to generate an all-one bit pattern portably1. However ~0 indicates the intention clearer: invert all the bits in the value 0 whereas -1 will show that a value of minus one is needed, not its binary representation
1 because unsigned operations are always reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest value that can be represented by the resulting type

That on a 2's complement platform (that is assumed) gives you -1, but writing -1 directly is forbidden by the rules (only integers 0..255, unary !, ~ and binary &, ^, |, +, << and >> are allowed).

You are studying a coding challenge with a number of restrictions on operators and language constructions to perform given tasks.
The first problem is return the value -1 without the use of the - operator.
On machines that represent negative numbers with two's complement, the value -1 is represented with all bits set to 1, so ~0 evaluates to -1:
* minusOne - return a value of -1
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 2
* Rating: 1
int minusOne(void) {
// ~0 = 111...111 = -1
return ~0;
Other problems in the file are not always implemented correctly. The second problem, returning a boolean value representing the fact the an int value would fit in a 16 bit signed short has a flaw:
* fitsShort - return 1 if x can be represented as a
* 16-bit, two's complement integer.
* Examples: fitsShort(33000) = 0, fitsShort(-32768) = 1
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 8
* Rating: 1
int fitsShort(int x) {
* after left shift 16 and right shift 16, the left 16 of x is 00000..00 or 111...1111
* so after shift, if x remains the same, then it means that x can be represent as 16-bit
return !(((x << 16) >> 16) ^ x);
Left shifting a negative value or a number whose shifted value is beyond the range of int has undefined behavior, right shifting a negative value is implementation defined, so the above solution is incorrect (although it is probably the expected solution).

Loooong ago this was how you saved memory on extremely limited equipment such as the 1K ZX 80 or ZX 81 computer. In BASIC, you would
Let X = NOT PI
rather than
LET X = 0
Since numbers were stored as 4 byte floating points, the latter takes 2 bytes more than the first NOT PI alternative, where each of NOT and PI takes up a single byte.

There are multiple ways of encoding numbers across all computer architectures. When using 2's complement this will always be true:~0 == -1. On the other hand, some computers use 1's complement for encoding negative numbers for which the above example is untrue, because ~0 == -0. Yup, 1s complement has negative zero, and that is why it is not very intuitive.
So to your questions
the ~0 is assigned to mask so all the bits in mask are equal 1 -> making mask & sth == sth
the ~0 is used to make all bits equal to 1 regardless of the platform used
you can use -1 instead of ~0 if you are sure that your computer platform uses 2's complement number encoding
My personal thought - make your code as much platform-independent as you can. The cost is relatively small and the code becomes fail proof


Why does ~n give -(n+1)?

I wanted to test what happens when I write this code. I can not explain the following case:
Input: 5
Output: -6
#include <iostream>
int lastBit(int n){ return ~(n); }
int main() { std::cout << lastBit(5); }
Computers express negative numbers in quite a specific way. Values are always stored as series of bits and there is no way of introducing negative sign, so this has to be solved differently: one of bits plays role of a negative sign.
But this is not all - the system must be designed to handle maths properly (and ideally, the same way as for positive numbers).
So for instance 0 == 0b00000000. If you subtract 1 from 0, you get -1, but from the binary perspective, due to "binary underflow", 0b00000000 - 0b00000001 == 0b11111111, hence 0b11111111 == -1.
If you then subtract 1 from -1, you get 0b11111111 - 0b00000001 == 0b11111110 == -2. But 2 == 0b00000010, which shows, why -2 != ~2 (and the same rule applies to next values).
The very short, but maybe more intuitive answer might be: "-5 != ~5, because there is only one zero binarily (eg. 0 == -0), so there is always one more negative value than positive ones"
Not on all systems but on systems that use complement of two for signed values. By definition there, the binary representation of negative X = -n, where n is a positive integer, is ~n + 1, which allows signed and unsigned addition operations to be same.
Until C++20 result of ~(n) for signed negative n here would be undefined, because it depends on platform and compiler. In C++20 it's required to behave as if complement of two is used.
I found out the following
5 = 0101
Therefore, ~(5) = 1010
The 1 at the most significant bit denotes negativee (-)
010 = 6
Therefore, output is -6
Since this is a 2's complement machine

Is ~i really equivalent to i != -1?

How does ~i work in C++?
I just noticed it is equivalent to i != -1, but I'm not certain about that.
int arr[3] {1, 2, 3};
int n = 3;
for (int i = n - 1; ~i; i--) {
cout << arr[i] << ' ';
It printed the array in reverse.
~ is the bitwise NOT operator. ~i is 0 if and only if i has 1 in all its bits. Whether -1 has all bits 1 depends on how signed numbers are represented on the system. In two's complement representation, -1 is represented with all bits 1, so on such systems ~(-1) == 0. Neither in one's complement, nor in sign-and-magnitude does that hold true.
Therefore, the answer is no; not on all systems. That said, two's complement is fairly ubiquitous in modern machines (everything made since the 90's), and on such systems, the answer is yes. Regardless of the sign representation however, i != -1 is much more readable.
~i is bitwise NOT operator. I.e. it inverts every bit in i.
-1 is represented binary as every bit of number being set to 1, inverting every bit to 0 gets you 0. And when checking integer in place where bool is expected 0 is treated as false and any other number as true.
So, in this particular case yes, ~i is equivalent with i != -1.
Because your i variable from for loop is of type int, which is defined as signed integer, and as such in twos complement, its binary representation of value -1 is all bits set, what means all bits are 1. On other side, bitwise negation of all ones is all zeros, and that is what you need, loop to execute until i>=0 or i!=-1, since you decrementing i. In that context of bitwise operations on sign values on system has twos complement binary representation of int, yes, it is the same.

Invalid solution for code challenge with operator restrictions

To answer this question, I read this source code on github and found a problem with the second function.
The challenge is to write C code with various restrictions in terms of operators and language constructions to perform given tasks.
* fitsShort - return 1 if x can be represented as a
* 16-bit, two's complement integer.
* Examples: fitsShort(33000) = 0, fitsShort(-32768) = 1
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 8
* Rating: 1
int fitsShort(int x) {
* after left shift 16 and right shift 16, the left 16 of x is 00000..00 or 111...1111
* so after shift, if x remains the same, then it means that x can be represent as 16-bit
return !(((x << 16) >> 16) ^ x);
Left shifting a negative value or a number whose shifted value is beyond the range of int has undefined behavior, right shifting a negative value is implementation defined, so the above solution is incorrect (although it is probably the expected solution).
Is there a solution to this problem that only assumes 32-bit two's complement representation?
The following only assumes 2's complement with at least 16 bits:
int mask = ~0x7FFF;
return !(x&mask)|!(~x&mask);
That uses a 15-bit constant; if that is too big, you can construct it from three smaller constants, but that will push it over the 8-operator limit.
An equivalent way of writing that is:
int m = 0x7FFF;
return !(x&~m)|!~(x|m);
But it's still 7 operations, so int m = (0x7F<<8)|0xFF; would still push it to 9. (I only added it because I don't think I've ever before found a use for !~.)

How to use negative number with openssl's BIGNUM?

I want a C++ version of the following Java code.
BigInteger x = new BigInteger("00afd72b5835ad22ea5d68279ffac0b6527c1ab0fb31f1e646f728d75cbd3ae65d", 16);
BigInteger y = x.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(-1));
//prints y = ff5028d4a7ca52dd15a297d860053f49ad83e54f04ce0e19b908d728a342c519a3
System.out.println("y = " + new String(Hex.encode(y.toByteArray())));
And here is my attempt at a solution.
BIGNUM* x = BN_new();
BN_CTX* ctx = BN_CTX_new();
std::vector<unsigned char> xBytes = hexStringToBytes(“00afd72b5835ad22ea5d68279ffac0b6527c1ab0fb31f1e646f728d75cbd3ae65d");
BN_bin2bn(&xBytes[0], xBytes.size(), x);
BIGNUM* negative1 = BN_new();
std::vector<unsigned char> negative1Bytes = hexStringToBytes("ff");
BN_bin2bn(&negative1Bytes[0], negative1Bytes.size(), negative1);
BIGNUM* y = BN_new();
BN_mul(y, x, negative1, ctx);
char* yHex = BN_bn2hex(y);
std::string yStr(yHex);
//prints y = AF27542CDD7775C7730ABF785AC5F59C299E964A36BFF460B031AE85607DAB76A3
std::cout <<"y = " << yStr << std::endl;
(Ignored the case.) What am I doing wrong? How do I get my C++ code to output the correct value "ff5028d4a7ca52dd15a297d860053f49ad83e54f04ce0e19b908d728a342c519a3". I also tried setting negative1 by doing BN_set_word(negative1, -1), but that gives me the wrong answer too.
The BN_set_negative function sets a negative number.
The negative of afd72b5835ad22ea5d68279ffac0b6527c1ab0fb31f1e646f728d75cbd3ae65d is actually -afd72b5835ad22ea5d68279ffac0b6527c1ab0fb31f1e646f728d75cbd3ae65d , in the same way as -2 is the negative of 2.
ff5028d4a7ca52dd15a297d860053f49ad83e54f04ce0e19b908d728a342c519a3 is a large positive number.
The reason you are seeing this number in Java is due to the toByteArray call . According to its documentation, it selects the minimum field width which is a whole number of bytes, and also capable of holding a two's complement representation of the negative number.
In other words, by using the toByteArray function on a number that current has 1 sign bit and 256 value bits, you end up with a field width of 264 bits. However if your negative number's first nibble were 7 for example, rather than a, then (according to this documentation - I haven't actually tried it) you would get a 256-bit field width out (i.e. 8028d4..., not ff8028d4.
The leading 00 you have used in your code is insignificant in OpenSSL BN. I'm not sure if it is significant in BigInteger although the documentation for that constructor says "The String representation consists of an optional minus or plus sign followed by a sequence of one or more digits in the specified radix. "; so the fact that it accepts a minus sign suggests that if the minus sign is not present then the input is treated as a large positive number, even if its MSB is set. (Hopefully a Java programmer can clear this paragraph up for me).
Make sure you keep clear in your mind the distinction between a large negative value, and a large positive number obtained by modular arithmetic on that negative value, such as is the output of toByteArray.
So your question is really: does Openssl BN have a function that emulates the behaviour of BigInteger.toByteArray() ?
I don't know if such a function exists (the BN library has fairly bad documentation IMHO, and I've never heard of it being used outside of OpenSSL, especially not in a C++ program). I would expect it doesn't, since toByteArray's behaviour is kind of weird; and in any case, all of the BN output functions appear to output using a sign-magnitude format, rather than a two's complement format.
But to replicate that output, you could add either 2^256 or 2^264 to the large negative number , and then do BN_bn2hex . In this particular case, add 2^264, In general you would have to measure the current bit-length of the number being stored and round the exponent up to the nearest multiple of 8.
Or you could even output in sign-magnitude format (using BN_bn2hex or BN_bn2mpi) and then iterate through inverting each nibble and fixing up the start!
NB. Is there any particular reason you want to use OpenSSL BN? There are many alternatives.
Although this is a question from 2014 (more than five years ago), I would like to solve your problem / clarify the situation, which might help others.
a) One's complement and two's complement
In finite number theory, there is "one's complement" and "two's complement" representation of numbers. One's complement stores absolute (positive) values only and does not know a sign. If you want to have a sign for a number stored as one's complement, then you have to store it separately, e.g. in one bit (0=positive, 1=negative). This is exactly the situation of floating point numbers (IEEE 754). The mantissa is stored as the one's complement together with the exponent and one additional sign bit. Numbers in one's complement have two zeros: -0 and +0 because you treat the sign independently of the absolute value itself.
In two's complement, the most significant bit is used as the sign bit. There is no '-0' because negating a value in two's complement means performing the logical NOT (in C: tilde) operation followed by adding one.
As an example, one byte (in two's complement) can be one of the three values 0xFF, 0x00, 0x01 meaning -1, 0 and 1. There is no room for the -0. If you have, e.g. 0xFF (-1) and want to negate it, then the logical NOT operation computes 0xFF => 0x00. Adding one yields 0x01, which is 1.
b) OpenSSL BIGNUM and Java BigInteger
OpenSSL's BIGNUM implementation represents numbers as one's complement. The Java BigInteger treats numbers as two's complement. That was your desaster. Your big integer (in hex) is 00afd72b5835ad22ea5d68279ffac0b6527c1ab0fb31f1e646f728d75cbd3ae65d. This is a positive 256bit integer. It consists of 33 bytes because there is a leading zero byte 0x00, which is absolutely correct for an integer stored as two's complement because the most significant bit (omitting the initial 0x00) is set (in 0xAF), which would make this number a negative number.
c) Solution you were looking for
OpenSSL's function bin2bn works with absolute values only. For OpenSSL, you can leave the initial zero byte or cut it off - does not make any difference because OpenSSL canonicalizes the input data anyway, which means cutting off all leading zero bytes. The next problem of your code is the way you want to make this integer negative: You want to multiply it with -1. Using 0xFF as the only input byte to bin2bn makes this 255, not -1. In fact, you multiply your big integer with 255 yielding the overall result AF27542CDD7775C7730ABF785AC5F59C299E964A36BFF460B031AE85607DAB76A3, which is still positive.
Multiplication with -1 works like this (snippet, no error checking):
BIGNUM* x = BN_bin2bn(&xBytes[0], (int)xBytes.size(), NULL);
BIGNUM* negative1 = BN_new();
BN_one(negative1); /* negative1 is +1 */
BN_set_negative(negative1, 1); /* negative1 is now -1 */
BN_CTX* ctx = BN_CTX_new();
BIGNUM* y = BN_new();
BN_mul(y, x, negative1, ctx);
Easier is:
BIGNUM* x = BN_bin2bn(&xBytes[0], (int)xBytes.size(), NULL);
This does not solve your problem because as M.M said, this just makes -afd72b5835ad22ea5d68279ffac0b6527c1ab0fb31f1e646f728d75cbd3ae65d from afd72b5835ad22ea5d68279ffac0b6527c1ab0fb31f1e646f728d75cbd3ae65d.
You are looking for the two's compülement of your big integer, which is
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(value); i++)
value[i] = ~value[i];
for (i = ((int)sizeof(posvalue)) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (0x00 != value[i])
This is an unoptimized version of the two's complement if 'value' is your 33 byte input array containing your big integer prefixed by the byte 0x00. The result of this operation are the 33 bytes ff5028d4a7ca52dd15a297d860053f49ad83e54f04ce0e19b908d728a342c519a3.
d) Working with two's complement and OpenSSL BIGNUM
The whole sequence is like this:
Prologue: If input is negative (check most significant bit), then compute two's complement of input.
Convert to BIGNUM using BN_bin2bn
If input was negative, then call BN_set_negative(x,1)
Main function: Carry out all arithmetic operations using OpenSSL BIGNUM package
Call BN_is_negative to check for negative result
Convert to raw binary byte using BN_bn2bin
If result was negative, then compute two's complement of result.
Epilogue: If result was positive and result raw (output of step 7) byte's most significant bit is set, then prepend a byte 0x00. If result was negative and result raw byte's most significant bit is clear, then prepend a byte 0xFF.

Using tilde to get MAX value for int

I tryed to get MAX value for int, using tilde.But output is not what I have expected.
When I run this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
int main(){
int a=0;
printf("\nMax value: %d",-a);
printf("\nMax value: %d",INT_MAX);
return 0;
I get output:
Max value: 1
Max value: 2147483647
I thought,(for exemple) if i have 0000 in RAM (i know that first bit shows is number pozitiv or negativ).After ~ 0000 => 1111 and after -(1111) => 0111 ,that I would get MAX value.
You have a 32-bit two's complement system. So - a = 0 is straightforward. ~a is 0xffffffff. In a 32-bit two's complement representation, 0xffffffff is -1. Basic algebra explains that -(-1) is 1, so that's where your first printout comes from. INT_MAX is 0x7fffffff.
Your logical error is in this statement: "-(1111) => 0111", which is not true. The arithmetic negation operation for a two's complement number is equivalent to ~x+1 - for your example:
~x + 1 = ~(0xffffffff) + 1
= 0x00000000 + 1
= 0x00000001
Is there a reason you can't use std::numeric_limits<int>::max()? Much easier and impossible to make simple mistakes.
In your case, assuming 32 bit int:
int a = 0; // a = 0
a = ~a; // a = 0xffffffff = -1 in any twos-comp system
a = -a; // a = 1
So that math is an incorrect way of computer the max. I can't see a formulaic way to compute the max: Just use numeric_limits (or INT_MAX if you're in a C-only codebase).
Your trick of using '~' to get maximum value works with unsigned integers. As others have pointed out, it doesn't work for signed integers.
Your posting shows an int which is equivalent to signed int. Try changing the type to unsigned int and see what happens.
There is no formula to compute the max value of a signed integer type in C. You simply must use the INT_MAX, etc. macros from limits.h and stdint.h.
binary 1...1111 would always represent -1. Simple math says -1 * -1 = 1!
Always remember there's just one zero: 0...0000. If you'd now swap the MSB and you'd be right, then you'd have 10...0000 which would then be -0 which can't be true (as 0 = -0 in math, but your binary numbers would be different).
Getting the negative value of a number isn't just about swapping the MSB.
It's not quite as straightforward as the top-bit indicating the sign. If it were, you could have both +0 and -0. You should read up on two's complement.
The correct answer is
max = (~0) >> 1;
I'm not a C/C++ expert, so you might need >>> instead. You need the shift operator that does NOT do sign extension.
In 2's complement notation 111111... is -1; now, the unary minus operator does not simply change the sign bit (otherwise it would provide strange results in every normal context), but computes correctly the opposite of the number, i.e. +1.
If you want to change the MSB you could use bitwise operators to simply set it to zero. Notice that however this way of finding the maximum value for the int type is not portable, since you're making assumptions about how the number is represented that are not required by the standard.