pass field value to a function .extra() - django

After trying for hours, I am coming here. I have the following model:
class Items(models.Model):
Class Givers(models.Model):
Basically, an item could be given by donators from Givers model or it could be bought by user. If given, giver field stores id from Givers model. Else, it is 0. Now I want a query that will list out my items. If giver>0, I need to show the name of the giver. I can't create relationships here. This query has brought me so close and works like a charm on literal values but I want to provide the 'giver' field instead:
It works like a charm even if given any number (exists or not exists). But I want to do something like this but it fails cos field is not found or undefined:
giver_name is a function that accepts id of a giver and a boolean value and returns a name.


Return object when aggregating grouped fields in Django

Assuming the following example model:
class event(models.Model):
location = models.CharField(max_length=10)
type = models.CharField(max_length=10)
date = models.DateTimeField()
attendance = models.IntegerField()
I want to get the attendance number for the latest date of each event location and type combination, using Django ORM. According to the Django Aggregation documentation, we can achieve something close to this, using values preceding the annotation.
... the original results are grouped according to the unique combinations of the fields specified in the values() clause. An annotation is then provided for each unique group; the annotation is computed over all members of the group.
So using the example model, we can write:
event.objects.values('location', 'type').annotate(latest_date=Max('date'))
which does indeed group events by location and type, but does not return the attendance field, which is the desired behavior.
Another approach I tried was to use distinct i.e.:
event.objects.distinct('location', 'type').annotate(latest_date=Max('date'))
but I get an error
NotImplementedError: annotate() + distinct(fields) is not implemented.
I found some answers which rely on database specific features of Django, but I would like to find a solution which is agnostic to the underlying relational database.
Alright, I think this one might actually work for you. It is based upon an assumption, which I think is correct.
When you create your model object, they should all be unique. It seems highly unlikely that that you would have two events on the same date, in the same location of the same type. So with that assumption, let's begin: (as a formatting note, class Names tend to start with capital letters to differentiate between classes and variables or instances.)
# First you get your desired events with your criteria.
results = Event.objects.values('location', 'type').annotate(latest_date=Max('date'))
# Make an empty 'list' to store the values you want.
results_list = []
# Then iterate through your 'results' looking up objects
# you want and populating the list.
for r in results:
result = Event.objects.get(location=r['location'], type=r['type'], date=r['latest_date'])
# Now you have a list of objects that you can do whatever you want with.
You might have to look up the exact output of the Max(Date), but this should get you on the right path.

Change one django form field value relative to another

Let say I have two fields in a django form country and state.I want the values of state to relatively change with the values of country.i.e. I want the state field to list out the states of the country that user has selected. Also the state field should be empty during form initiation.I know that this can be done using java script and other scripts.But,I would like to know if there are any conventional methods exists in django to do the same.???
Sounds like you need to create a model for Country and State.
State model should have a foreign key linking to Country. This means many states can be related to one country. Then, populate the tables with all countries and states you want.
In your form, you can override the 'init' method with custom behavior. So, if you have declared a field 'state' then you can do something like self.fields['state'].choices = State.object.filter(country_id=some_country_id). This assumes you have some_country_id already and you can pass this through as a kwarg during instantiation.

Django annotate according to foreign field's attribute

I normally use something like this "Tag.object.annotate(num_post=Count('post')).filter(num_post__gt=2)" to get tags with more than 2 posts. I want to get number of posts with a field value (e.g post.published=True) and annote over them so that I get tags with number of published posts bigger than some value. How would I do that?
What I want is not filter over annotated objects. What I want is something like this: Tag.objects.annotate(num_post=Count("posts that have published field set to true!")). What I am trying to learn is, how to put post that have published field set to true in Count function.
You can just replace the 2 in ..._gt=2 with some other variable - for example, a variable that gets passed into the view, or a request.GET value, or similar.
Is that what you're trying to do?

Limit django queryset by another related table

Lets say I have 2 django models like this:
class Spam(models.Model):
somefield = models.CharField()
class Eggs(models.Model):
parent_spam = models.ForeignKey(Spam)
child_spam = models.ForeignKey(Spam)
Given the input of a "Spam" object, how would the django query looks like that:
Limits this query based on the parent_spam field in the "Eggs" table
Gives me the corresponding child_spam field
And returns a set of "Spam" objects
SELECT * FROM Spam WHERE id IN (SELECT child_spam FROM Eggs WHERE parent_spam = 'input_id')
I know this is only an example, but this model setup doesn't actually validate as it is - you can't have two separate ForeignKeys pointing at the same model without specifying a related_name. So, assuming the related names are egg_parent and egg_child respectively, and your existing Spam object is called my_spam, this would do it:
Even better, define a ManyToManyField('self') on the Spam model, which handles all this for you, then you would do:
According to your sql code you need something like this
Spam.objects.filter(id__in= \

Django Autoselect Foreign Key Value

I have a model that contains a foreign key value, then in the form generated from this model, I want to auto select the record's key according to the record I'm adding the form's contents to...I've tried the below code, but it tells me QuerySet doesn't contain vehicle
stock = Issues.objects.filter(vehicle=id)
form = IssuesForm(initial={'id_vehicle': stock.vehicle})
I'm a bit new to django btw so any ideas are highly appreciated
filter always gives a QuerySet, which is a set of values. If you just want a single object, you should use get.
However I don't really understand why you need to do the lookup at all. You have the id value already, since you are using it to look up stock. So why don't you just pass id as the value for id_vehicle?